Qin Huairu said awkwardly, "Didn't I hear that you are going to be promoted to deputy factory director?"

"I've been offended before."

"Don't you want someone to compensate you once?"

Chapter 441 Qin Jingru's Ambition!


in some corner.

He Daqing stared at Qin Huairu.

There was a suspicion in my heart.

Good guy!How did she know that labor and management are going to be promoted and raise their salary?

Who leaked the news?

Should not be ah.

He Daqing also told Yu Li and Yu Haitang.

[From the novel group 9 *8 0 '2 0 "5 8; 5 6([-])]

Didn't even tell Ding Qiunan.

The little tiger girl Qin Jingru didn't know either.

You Fengxia might have guessed it, but she couldn't come and tell Qin Huairu.

So, what's the deal?

He Daqing asked, "No, Comrade Xiao Qin, who did you listen to?"

"Who spread rumors for uncle?"

"It's no small matter."

Qin Huairu secretly smiled and said, "You, don't hide it."


"Let's go to Datianshuijing Hutong."

"I'll let you know when we get there."

He Daqing snorted, "Yo, I've learned how to play tricks."

"Comrade Xiao Qin, you have learned badly."

Qin Huairu gave him a slight push and said, "No matter how bad it is, it's not as bad as you!"

"You are the badass deputy factory director!"

He Daqing was speechless.

There's still time anyway.

Then go for a trip.

The pretty widow has been neglected for a long time.

It is indeed somewhat inappropriate.

In order to avoid being discovered.

Qin Huairu first went out on a second-hand bicycle.

The child was taken care of by Qin Jingru.

She coaxed Little Huniu to say that because of work, she needed to talk to the workshop director and she would be back soon.

Qin Jingru has no doubts.

In fact, Qin Jingru quite likes children. She herself is not very old now, so she comes to play with Banggen, Xiaodang and Xiaohuaihua every now and then.

After a few minutes.

He Daqing went out on a side three-wheeled motorcycle.

About a quarter of an hour or so.

The two met in Datianshuijing Hutong.

At this time, there was no one near or far in the alley.

No one saw them either.

The two entered the house and closed the door.

Didn't come out until 11:30.

He Daqing was speechless.

He finally figured it out.

How did Qin Huairu know.

It turned out that it was the leak.

It was He Daqing himself.

Even He Daqing didn't know.

I occasionally talk in my sleep.

Then let Qin Jingru listen to it.

Qin Jingru was overjoyed.

Because He Daqing became the deputy director of the factory, she followed suit.

Entering the factory and turning into a full-time employee are endless.

If it doesn't work out, we can get someone in charge of the workshop to take over.

Joy is meant to be shared.

Qin Jingru panicked, and quietly told her cousin the news.

Qin Huairu heard it.

Good guy!Is this okay? !

Originally, Qin Huairu didn't believe it at all.

This bad old man can still go up.

However, because of Feng Jingbo's incident, He Daqing was rewarded for his meritorious service, and became a hero directly

In addition, the whole factory knows that Chef He is Li Huaide's right-hand man.

Li Huaide was promoted to director and secretary of the factory.

Then, He Daqing's position will be moved.

Also within reason.

Therefore, Qin Huairu thought about it.

Even if you can't be the leader's wife.

Can't be Mrs. He.

He also had to find ways to establish a good relationship with He Daqing.

There will be many benefits in the future.

What do you want? It's not a word from He Daqing.

Even any child in the family can enter the factory as a worker after finishing junior high school in a few years.

Serve the iron rice bowl.

Nowadays, the working class status is high.

Want to understand this.

Qin Huairu felt so regretful that her intestines turned green.

Knowing this earlier, when He Daqing proposed to marry her, she should have moved the bedding into He's house that night, not giving any chance to the latecomers.

Isn't it good to be the factory manager's wife?

When the time comes to return to her mother's house in the Red Star Commune, who would dare to underestimate her.

Only then did Qin Huairu urgently find He Daqing.

Attempt to improve the relationship between the two sides.

Because she knew it in her heart.

After Ding Qiunan appeared.

He Daqing began to alienate her intentionally.

so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Coupled with the fact that the stick is a monster every day, Uncle He doesn't like it very much.

Qin Huairu must be worried.

Therefore, when talking with He Daqing just now, he seemed very humble.

Take a thousand steps back.

Even if He Daqing failed to be promoted to deputy factory director.

Just because of his relationship with Li Huaide, he can walk sideways in the factory, so he has to hug his thigh

When we parted, He Daqing said, "Comrade Xiao Qin, you have worked hard today."

"Uncle is busy with work."

"In the future, we should try to meet as little as possible."

If it was normal, Qin Huairu would definitely be upset, so I have to forgive him a few words.

However, now that the status of the two is not treated, Qin Huairu has to look up to others.

How dare you blow the stabs.

Qin Huairu said, "I can understand."

"You still put your work first."

"As long as you say hello."

"I'll be there soon."

"and also."

"Please don't call me Comrade Xiao Qin in the future."

"It looks raw."

"It's called Huai Ru, or Xiao Ruru."

"It's all possible."

He Daqing's goosebumps fell all over the floor.

This is so gross.

Uncle can't stand it.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I see."

"Go back first."

"Let's talk about it later."

Qin Huai hummed, and looked at He Daqing affectionately, as if seeing his first love

Next, when He Daqing got home, he had just rested for a while.

has reached zero.

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