She still has this mental cleanliness.

In particular, Yu Li thought that she had paid so much.

I don't want to fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain.

However, on the surface, she dared not turn against He Daqing.

She also plans to be promoted to section member, deputy section chief, and section chief.

It's too late to flatter.

How could it be possible to quarrel with He Daqing.

If it really doesn't work, I have no choice but to find Qin Huairu to fight and find an excuse to quarrel with the little widow.

Let go of your grievances.

Thinking of this, Yu Li quickened her pace and went straight to the workshop where Qin Huairu was.

Watching the little girl leave, He Daqing sighed.

What is Yu Li thinking?

Why bother with this.

I really can't figure it out.

Anyway, she didn't plan to marry her uncle, nor did she want to be the factory director's wife.

Jealousy over such a trivial matter.

Are you bored?

He Daqing was not idle, and continued to read the documents.

They have all become deputy factory directors, and Xianyu is no longer suitable.

You can't embarrass the big leader.

Now, the boss has begun to pay attention to him and support him.

At that time, people will ask, Lao He, what achievements have you made in the rolling mill?

It's impossible to answer, just drink tea, read newspapers and pick up girls.

In terms of business, He Daqing intends to be more competent.


Go back to the courtyard at noon.

Han Xiuqin stayed at home, and was not familiar with the city, so she didn't dare to run around.

Definitely take care of her.

Last night, He Daqing heard it.

This Han Xiuqin meant to hug her thigh.

He so-and-so pulls his hips in other ways.

But there is a little good.

That is to care about the younger generation and be willing to help others.

at the same time.

Yu Li ran to the fifth workshop.

I found Qin Huairu.

Hearing that Yu Li was looking for her, Qin Huairu was at a loss.

I don't know what this little girl wants to do.


Obviously, the two of them are just nodding acquaintances, and they don't have much contact at ordinary times.

Yu Li has not shown up in the courtyard for a long time.

This suddenly came over, and something was really wrong.

Qin Huairu walked out of the workshop and asked curiously, "'々Lily, why are you looking for my sister?

"Is something wrong?"

Yu Li said, "This is not a place to talk."

"Let's find a place to chat."

As she spoke, she raised her chin and turned towards the flower garden.

Qin Huairu was a little puzzled, but followed honestly.

The flower garden is about fifty meters away from the workshop.

In addition, the noise in the workshop is loud.

Don't worry about being overheard by the workers.

When they arrived at the place, Yu Li said straight to the point, "Sister Qin, tell me the truth."

"You were in Uncle He's house last night, right?"

"What is the relationship between you two?"

"I don't look right."

Qin Huairu choked in her heart.

My heart said, no, it really aroused suspicion.

Look what a mess this is.

Why did Yu Li, an outsider, also get involved.

Why is she asking this?

Could it be that the vinegar jar was overturned?

Yu Li's expression can be hidden from others, but it can't be hidden from Qin Huairu, a veteran in love.

Back then, when she was still in her natal family, Qin Huairu didn't know how many suitors she had rejected, and she was very accurate about the relationship between men and women.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu's eyes widened.

I go!He Laogou really knows how to play!

When did Yu Li fall into it too? !

Chapter 477 Recognize a godsister more,

Rolling mills, flower beds.

Qin Huairu looked at Yu Li in disbelief.

Yu Li was also a little upset, staring at the little widow.

Qin Huairu said, "Lily, don't insult people's innocence."

"Uncle He and I are just neighbors."

"If it really matters."

"That's still a little bit."

"I can't lie to you."

It won't lose a piece of meat!

Yu Li's face turned dark, and she asked, "What's the relationship? The relationship between men and women?"

Qin Huairu said, "You think wrongly."

"Only last month, Uncle He recognized Huaihua as his daughter."

"A few days ago, Xiaohuaihua celebrated her birthday."

"Uncle He also sent a lot of gifts."

"Bread, sugar biscuits, fresh milk, etc."

"He really likes children."

Yu Li was stunned.

She didn't expect that what she was waiting for was actually this answer.

Little Sophora japonica can't walk well, and she also recognizes her godfather?

What is the picture, there is no need to ask.

There are many benefits to following He Daqing.

All kinds of benefits, who would like to let go.

However, Yu Li was deep in her heart.

I don't believe this answer.

Maybe Xiaohuaihua is really one of He Daqing's goddaughters.

However, whether Qin Huairu and Chef He have an affair is another matter.

After all, Qin Huairu is so beautiful, and she is still the flower of the former factory.

In terms of appearance, she even beat Yu Li.

Besides, although Qin Huairu gave birth to Ren Wa, she is only 28 years old now.

It is the most flavorful age.

She really didn't believe it, He Laogou was not moved.

Yu Li said, "Sister Qin, you know."

"That's not what I want to ask."

Qin Huairu pretended to be stupid, and said, "Then which one do you want to ask?"

"Or else forget it."

"You go directly to Yan Jiecheng."

"When he kicked the door in."

"But I saw it with my own eyes, I did needlework at Uncle He's house for 200.

Yu Li was speechless.

You can do it.

Which pot does not open which pot.

I broke up with Yan Xiecheng that bastard for a long time.

Old and dead have nothing to do with each other.

Let this girl put down her body and go find him.

That can't.

However, I heard Qin Huairu say that.

It means that Yan Jiecheng is an eyewitness.

At least at the time when the incident happened, Qin Huairu was in He's house and did not do anything shameful, but here comes the problem.

Yu Li had listened to the factory broadcast before, and the broadcast draft of the whole factory's criticism did not mention this matter, nor did it even say that Qin Huairu was present.

It's worth having fun here.

Intuitively, Yu Li felt that the little widow must be hiding something from her.

However, they are not familiar with each other.

It is impossible for people to confess the truth.

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