Yu Haitang said playfully, "Then, I saw that you came too."

"My sister and I, holding hands, walked into a small courtyard very intimately."

He Daqing laughed.

It seems that there is such a thing.

It's just that Yu Haitang may be sneaking a peek from a distance.

He was also a little negligent.

So I didn't find it.

He Daqing said, "Oh? You have seen it together."

"Yes, your sister Yu Li came to talk to me about work yesterday."

"I have to say, report to me about the latest thoughts."

Yu Haitang snorted.

His face was a little contemptuous.

Said, "You treat me like a three-year-old?"

"Talking about work, will we talk for more than two hours?"

"Do you still want to avoid people's eyes and ears, and run all the way to Mao'er Alley?"

"And it's late at night."

"Ham, I just didn't think of it."

"You actually became my brother-in-law."

He Daqing laughed.

Picking up the teacup unhurriedly, he took another two sips slowly.

He said, "Haitang, what are you thinking?"

"Who did you learn this from?"

"Still playing the trick of tracking and spying."

"I thought it was the reconnaissance story of crossing the river."

"Your sister and I are innocent."

"Don't get me wrong."

"Besides, if you spread the word everywhere."

"It's no good for either of you sisters."

Yu Haitang said, "Come on."

"I'm not a child."

"Anyway, I won't talk about it." 230

"Just look at it, for the sake of doing it for my sister."

"Help me get the positive indicators."

"That's what you said last time."

"Recently, an indicator of a sudden positive turn."

"The one that will disappear in the next two or three years."

He Daqing smirked twice.

This little girl is too self righteous.

No bullshit social experience.

Just learn from others to come out and negotiate.

Isn't this sending sheep into the tiger's mouth?

He Daqing said, "Haitang, you're bloated."

"You're getting bolder now."

"Dare to talk to the factory leader like that."

"do not forget."

"What's your situation now."

"It's out of the question."

"You go."

"Next time, you dare to say such a thing again."

"Use some superficial things to blackmail the factory leaders."

"Then you must be on the list."

"The first batch of this list will come out within a week."

what? !

Yu Haitang was shocked.

This bad old man is too cruel.

So callous? !

If He Daqing doesn't help her.

She felt that this time, she was very likely to be streamlined and dismissed.

Because Li Huaide had an extremely bad impression of her.

The kind that can't be made up for.

Taking the opportunity to retaliate, Li Huaide is also very playful. He often does this kind of thing, and everyone in the factory has heard about it, and they dare not offend this one.

Now, He Daqing is actually using what he has learned.

Mastered Li Huaide's set?

The more Yu Haitang thought about it, the more flustered she became.

I can't wait to slap myself a few times.

Why are you so stupid.

He also thought that if He Daqing got hold of him, he could be regarded as one of his own, and if there was something to discuss, he would be able to obtain the regularization indicator.

Never thought.

This stupid Uncle He turned his face like a book, and changed his face on the spot.

This made Yu Haitang very embarrassed.

(adac) It's like being roasted on the fire.

Yu Haitang said, "Don't, please."

"Don't mess with me."

"It turned out that you still hurt me a lot."

"There's no need to do that."

"And last night, I asked my sister."

"My sister hesitated and couldn't answer."

"It's not obvious that there is something tricky."

"Okay, I was wrong."

"The relationship between you two is innocent."

"Lighting the kerosene lamp at night, let's talk about work by lighting the lamp."

"That's all right."

He Daqing looked at her coldly, and pointed in the direction of the door.

This little girl really gave her face.

If you get the chance, you must take good care of her.

if not.

She will definitely push her nose to her face.

I, He Daqing, am strong and strong, and I have been threatened by others.

Seeing He Daqing's expression, Yu Haitang was so anxious that he broke out in sweat.

What is self-defeating.

She understood today.

It was a good hand of cards, but she actually got splits.

Where does this make sense.

Nowadays, there are many state-owned factories.

But the salary is comparable to that of the rolling mill, which is not much.

After all, today's construction of the four modernizations requires a lot of steel.

The rolling mills are the ones that get the most attention.

The scale of tens of thousands of people can already explain the problem.

In such a good unit, it is untenable.

How to mess around in the future.

Yu Haitang hurriedly begged, "Don't be angry."

"What do you want, so you don't get angry with me."

"Is it my fault?"

"It's me who has turned my tail, I don't know what to do."

"Don't you usually love me very much?"

"Praise me for being beautiful and having a nice voice."

"A few days ago, I was given ten industrial coupons."

"My outfit is also given by you."

"Can you calm down?"

She didn't dare to sit still anymore, so she ran behind He Daqing and beat the old man's back.

He Daqing didn't say anything.

At this time, she should be left alone.

Make her feel uneasy.

Make bigger concessions.

While Yu Haitang was busy working, she was secretly worried.

She said, "You should say something."

"If you don't speak, I feel very panicked."

He Daqing said with a clear heart.

I said a hammer.

I was worried that I couldn't get the factory flower.

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