No one agreed.

Instead, there was a slight snoring sound.

It seems that the person has fallen asleep.

Qin Jingru still didn't believe it.

Want to look in from the window.

However, the curtains were drawn tightly.

Can't see anything.

She was a little anxious.

Even quietly pushed the door 230.

The door is locked.

I can't push it.

Qin Jingru frowned.

In this situation, it seems that my aunt Han Xiuqin has already fallen asleep.

However, it is very likely to be pretending to sleep.

She remembered the previous situation clearly.

After midnight, Han Xiuqin will turn into a night owl.

That's when it's action time.

So, she put her mind to one side.

Simply go all out.

He knocked on the door vigorously and shouted, "Auntie, open the door!"

"I'm Jingru."

"I've left something here."

It took a dozen shots.

At last the lights in the house came on.

Han Xiuqin was very impatient, and complained, "What's the noise?"

"It's immoral to disturb people's rest, you know?"

Open the door a crack.

Han Xiuqin looked out vigilantly.

Qin Jingru took the opportunity to peek inside.

This room is not big, and it belongs to the kind that can be seen at a glance.

The bedding on the kang was a little messy.

However, there are no men.

Did I misunderstand myself?

Not so much, right?

Han Xiuqin asked angrily, "Jingru, what do you want?"

"Don't let people sleep?"

Qin Jingru bit the bullet and said, "I lost a headband in this room, let me look for it

Han Xiuqin became more and more angry.

Just now, with Uncle He, I was devoting myself to learning knowledge.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by this little tiger girl.

It caused Uncle He to slip away through the back window.

At any rate, there were no flaws.

In the middle of the night, I came to this house to look for headbands.

Qin Jingru, Qin Jingru, you are really dishonest.

Looking at the long (adac) juicy, harmless to humans and animals.

In fact, she is also a scheming aunt.

Deliberately to destroy it.

Han Xiuqin opened the door and said, "Come, come, look for it quickly."

"If I can find it, I will lose."

"You don't usually come to this house."

"I've cleaned this house at least several times in the past two days."

"Nothing from you at all."

"Jingru, tell me what you want to do."

"Your excuse is too bad."

Being exposed face to face, Qin Jingru was extremely embarrassed.

After all, she was still a little girl with a thin skin.

She said awkwardly, "No, no."

"Why are you angry?"

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"I'm going back."

Han Xiuqin snorted coldly, "Jingru, you'd better behave yourself."

"I can't guarantee it, I will go to Yushui's house to find a headband later."

"You can do it yourself."

Qin Jingru was dumbfounded.

Is this the aunt I know?

Sure enough, he learned what art from someone.

This is all learning to retaliate.

Isn't that what Old Dog He is good at?

Well, visually, before Han Xiuqin moved out, he could only be honest.

However, Qin Jingru did not regret it.

Anyway, she and my aunt had fallen out long ago, and they had a grudge against each other.

Both of them wanted to rely on He Daqing to take over the position.

I don't want to share such a good resource with others.

Rolling mill three in command.

Just one word can change their fate.

Not exaggerating at all.

Qin Jingru laughed twice, turned around and left.

After a while, there was a knock at the door, and He Daqing came back smoking a cigarette.

The tired look on his face really seemed to be squatting in a latrine for a long time.

Qin Jingru said, "Godfather, why did you go?"

He Daqing spread his hands.

Xin said, did I tell you that labor and management went through the window?

That definitely won't work.

Then he explained, "I told you."

"It's in the latrine."

"Today at the factory for entertainment, I don't know what I ate wrong."

"Keep running thin."

Qin Jingru stared at him.

Suddenly said, "There is a long hair on your clothes."

"Could it be that you got into the women's toilet with bad eyesight at night."

He Daqing looked down.

Hey, there are.

I don't know when it was attached to it.

He Daqing insisted, and said, "Jingru, this is your hair."

"Come and see for yourself."

Qin Jingru was speechless.

Come over and pinch that long hair and have a look.

Can't see any flaws.

Nowadays, girls generally wear ponytails.

Again black hair.

Only when you can see it is called a ghost.

Qin Jingru didn't care.

She was on the verge of grabbing something.

It turned out to be empty.

Harmful, so angry.

Qin Jingru muttered, "Okay, you pass the test."

"I went to sleep in the next room."

"My aunt threatened to check my room."

After finishing speaking, Qin Jingru turned around and left.

He Daqing pretended to be confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What happened to Xiuqin?"

"At this moment, isn't she asleep?"

"Are you going to chat with someone again?"

Qin Jingru remained silent.

Speed ​​up.

Back in Yushui's house, Qin Jingru was lying on the empty kang.

Think back to what just happened.

Many clues flashed before his eyes.

Suddenly, she stared inwardly.

Finally found the flaw.

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