The effect has been achieved.

No matter how frequently appearing as a ghost, it is easy to show flaws.

Leave the rest to He Daqing.

Li Yan'er disappeared into the night and rode her bicycle back to the courtyard.

As for He Daqing.

Still staying on the roof, in the blind spot of Xu Huizhen's line of sight, performing master-level ventriloquism, trying to create a terrifying atmosphere.

Anyway, Xu Hui was really scared.

After it's over.

He Da counted a cigarette and slipped away quickly.

He estimates.

Xu Hui was really afraid that she would have to move out.

There is no place where she can rent such an empty courtyard, and if there is one, the rent will be absolutely high, and she probably won't want it.

Then you have to sell some old items that are difficult to take away.

For example, Huanghuali furniture, red sandalwood furniture and so on.

Moreover, he knew that the He family was haunted.

The neighbors must not dare to come to drink.

The business of this tavern is considered to be on hiatus.

At that time, even if Xu Huizhen forced the door to open for business, there would not be any customers.

Then, you have to sell some valuable stamps, old objects and so on.

Didn't he fall into He Daqing's trap?

The corner of He Daqing's mouth curled into a smirk.

no way.

Labor and management are quite talented in being a bad guy.

Today is a new society.

It is impossible for Xu Huizhen to invite some Taoist priests to catch ghosts, everyone is atheist, there is no such thing as

He Daqing took two puffs of cigarette beautifully.

Start communication system draw.

The system prompts, "Drip! Congratulations to the host for winning the lottery! You have won a thousand pots of olive oil!"

He Daqing was a little surprised.

Even if he was killed, it would be such a reward.

On the Chinese side, there is almost no market for olive oil, and ordinary people cannot afford such high-end products

However, this thing is still relatively healthy.

It’s also okay to stay and cook Western food by yourself.

No problem.

When he got home, he fell asleep.

this night.

Xu Huizhen's mother and daughter were completely awake.

Totally intimidated.

Who would have thought that such a supernatural event would happen suddenly.

Is it because there is no man in the family.

There are only four women, is it too sinister?

Or was it because old man He's lingering spirit attracted his "friends"?

Xu Hui really hoped that there was a man in the family who would give her courage, even if a bad old man like He Daqing came.

Better than nothing.

The neighbors around were also woken up by her screams. Several people came over to check, but found nothing unusual. Seeing that Xu Hui was really frightened like this, they thought this little woman had a sudden psychosis.

Xu Hui really didn't dare to enter the bedroom.

He lay down on the table in the tavern and took a rest.

If she encounters other matters, a career-oriented strong woman like her can still call the shots.

However, this is not the case.

She was in a mess.

I don't know what to do next.

If you come back and forth every now and then.

There is no way to pass the day.

Harm, it's too difficult.

She even thought about whether it was these old objects that had been collected, because they had gone through too many years and were stained with something bad, so they attracted that terrible thing.

Like those huanghuali furniture and rosewood furniture, their original owners have been dead for hundreds of years.

It looks like that.

Thinking of this, Xu Huizhen shivered again.

An idea.

It came out of her heart.

Otherwise, just follow what He Daqing wanted.

Sell ​​this batch of old furniture.

Anyway, these furniture are not old man He's relics, but she and Cai Quanwu went to the countryside to collect them.

Add a price and earn a fortune for this cook.

It is not impossible.

However, she felt a little pity and was very reluctant.

But seeing the three daughters, all of them had bloodshot eyes because of last night's incident, they didn't have a good rest.

Xu Huizhen gritted her teeth and stomped her feet.

Then, let's deal with this batch of furniture.

If there is a problem with them.

Then make the courtyard house haunted.

Let He Daqing live in peace.

Well, it's long overdue.

Thinking of this, Xu Huizhen looked at the time.

It was already five o'clock in the morning.

It is estimated that He Daqing has already woken up.

The older you get, the shorter your sleep time.

This kind of bad old man usually gets up early.

Now in the past, before he went to work, he persuaded this bastard to take over.

That's not impossible.

Then, Xu Hui really made a decision.

She carried her little daughter Xu Jingtian on her back, and led Xu Jingli and Xu Jingping by the hand, and hurried out the door

Wait until the courtyard.

As expected, He Daqing was sitting at the table and eating.

Sitting next to her was the watery Qin Jingru.

Xu Huizhen's stomach growled when she smelled this fragrance.

After a whole night of fear, she was also hungry.

Seeing her like this, He Daqing was secretly happy.

However, he had to pretend to be surprised on the surface.

Said, "Junior Sister, what's wrong with you?"

"Take care of your family."

"What happened to the tavern?"

The corner of Xu Huizhen's mouth twitched, forced a smile, and said,

"Look what you said.

"Nothing like that."

"What can happen to my family?"

"I'm just greedy for your noodles, and I want to come over for a meal."

When Qin Jingru heard this, she didn't believe it either.

Xu Huizhen 247 is obviously not right, so let's just say this is bullshit.

The four eyes of the mother and daughter are red, and their faces are tired, as if they have worked hard all night.

There is no such thing.

However, see through but not say through.

Qin Jingru followed He Daqing's instructions and went to the kitchen to make four more bowls of braised noodles, each with a poached egg.

Let the four of the Xu family have breakfast first.

He Daqing just lit a cigarette and asked calmly, "Junior Sister, there are no outsiders here."

"If you have something to say, you might as well just say it."

Xu Huizhen looked at Qin Jingru.

It's just a little girl's movie, and it's okay for her to hear it at the age of junior high school.

Therefore, Xu Hui really pondered for a while, and said, "Brother, that's what happened."

"After I went back last night."

"I have seriously considered your proposal."

"I think what you said makes sense."

"So, you can take all the huanghuali furniture and rosewood furniture you collected from the countryside

"The price is guaranteed to be fair."

He Daqing was a little surprised when he heard this.

He didn't know what kind of mental journey this little woman had gone through.

Why did you suddenly change your mind.

in fact.

He Daqing was more concerned.

It is the three complete sets of Qinglong tickets.

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