Damn capitalist Mrs. Gibbon!


After working for a while, I finally got a chance to rest.

Hui Xia held a cup of thick and mellow freshly ground milk, watching the news on the TV screen above.

"The main branch of the Defense Forces, referred to as UPC, will hold a press conference at three o'clock in the afternoon..."

"During the period, Mr. Kojima, who is the head of the main branch and the supreme commander, and..."

"Attend this press conference, explain and clarify the questions raised by reporters, as well as recent public opinion and rumors..."

"The following is the specific content..."

The dignified and serious anchor lady, conscientiously narrates the news content.

Then the screen changed, and came to the UPC press conference to replay the screen.

The one sitting in the center is on the left side of Commander Kojima, next to it is an empty seat, and then to the left is the head of the defense force, a white-haired old man in a strict military uniform, but still full of energy.

The first person on the right is the person in charge of the rescue department, the person in charge of the relevant departments of engineering rescue and so on.

About a dozen people were seated.

However, the reporters' long guns and short cannons were aimed at Commander Kojima.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kojima, why did the eight-pointed star military satellite, which cost a lot of money to develop, fail to stop the invasion of invaders? Wasn't the military a propaganda (indestructible) fortress in the early stages of construction?"

After a period of panic and scrambling to ask questions, the scene was finally under control.

The reporters began to ask questions in an orderly manner.

The reporter who asked the first question was a local reporter from Kyoto, and the question he asked was not too tricky.


"This is because the outer skin of the alien invader code-named Nozor has a strong immune defense capability, and the military satellites of the Octagonal Star Base were originally arranged to prevent meteors and meteorites from hitting the earth. There will be huge life forms invading from outer space..."

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Commander Kojima's forehead.

Even in the chilly reception hall, the air could not be stopped.

But the first question is a fool.

The reporter nodded, bowed slightly and sat down.

As for what this guy will write next...

Then it's impossible to say.

But maybe it will beautify it? …

"I want to ask the captain of Upic, but it seems that he is not here today, and the question I want to ask is very similar to the first question."

The second reporter was not so easy to talk to.

His eyes were full of sharpness, and his tone of voice was indescribably unfriendly.

"Why did the domestically produced Condor fighter plane, which was given great expectations by the public and the military, be wiped out in just 31 seconds? If there is no problem with the pilot's ability, is there a technical defect in the plane itself?"


Commander Kojima is in trouble.

The person in charge of the ground defense force on the side couldn't stand it any longer: "This reporter, please make it clear that the original design intention of the Condor fighter jet is to better perform air patrols and the next step of outer space exploration, and any known material No aircraft can stop shells of any caliber, not to mention the powerful beam of light in Di Nozor's mouth..."

"I see."

The second reporter also sat down expressionlessly.

But look at him like this...

I'm afraid the upc scandal will be all over the place tomorrow...

For example, the military has a bad attitude and refuses to admit the quality problems of the aircraft?

A third reporter also stood up.

This one is a reporter from Global Daily, and it is also international.

"Dear Mr. Kojima, the military capability of the Japanese military is obvious to all. You have successfully wiped out a huge life form code-named Dino Zor, which shows that you still have a certain military strike capability..."

The reporter first flattered the Japanese military.

Then I asked: "According to your investigation, what are the casualties of this ground strike? The three-headed monsters that appeared after that, and the monster that swallowed two Dino Zor as if hunting, and the brand-new monster that fought against the predator monster , Are they local monsters? How are they related? What is their stance on humans? Will they reappear?"

The reporter issued a series of spiritual questions, and then quietly waited for the explanation from Kojima and others.

Upc people: "..."


"Uh, I was sprayed so badly."

Huixia looked sympathetically at the fine beads of sweat on the faces of the top UPC executives who could still be seen clearly even through the screen, and shook her head slightly.

Journalists control part of public opinion, so to some extent it is a double-edged sword.

They dutifully document socially-conscious commentary, stunning photography, painstaking investigation and gripping stories.When the social system is immature or there are loopholes, or the basic rights of civilians are violated, etc., journalists often come forward.

However, if the government does something wrong or makes a major mistake, journalists are often relentless and pursue it to the end until the government can take practical actions to correct the mistake in the follow-up time.

Now because of the heavy casualties and the unfavorable military operations in Japan, (the entire army was wiped out in outer space and air combat), the people have fallen into an unprecedented crisis of trust in the government.

To put it simply, it is estimated that the leadership team formed by the current Prime Minister is not far from stepping down.

The UPC is just an introduction. Soon, the dissatisfaction of the people will be magnified infinitely through this disaster. Many problems will be exposed, or old things will be brought up again. In short...

This is a crisis of confidence caused by monsters.

That's why in the Nexus episode, the Night Raiders work so hard to hide the alien beast from the world.

Panic is not only the root of the strength of the alien beasts, but also a silent accusation against the government.

For the sake of social stability and political stability, capital must make effective decisions on this.

Or use other methods to divert people's attention.

Chapter 9: Marine Life

This may be the most serious crisis in Japanese history.

The press conference ended in a hurry, but the problems exposed by society and the government need to be resolved as soon as possible.

This is the consensus of upc executives.

Especially the dog blood sprinklers that almost all of them were sprayed with.

But this has nothing to do with Kaguya.

At this time, he was busy again.

Such days have been going on for several days.

He has now summed up the rules.

Before nine o'clock, around twelve noon, and after six o'clock in the evening.

It is the busiest time for coffee shops.

Especially at night.

The gang of singles sipped coffee and snacks in the store after work, watching the busy figure of Yoshimoto Sakura.

Especially Sakura-chan gently wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve.

And the slight bow at the checkout, revealing her fair neck.

There is also the gentle curve of the short skirt raised by the body tilt.

Well, a man's world is that simple.

Although Hui Xia, who was deeply tormented by the 21st century in her previous life, said that she has no temptation at all.


Compared with Sakura's happy work, Kaguya is much miserable.

There are only two employees in the store.

He is the only male...

So he had to do some dirty work and tiring work.

In the middle of the night, sometimes he would touch the spark bracelet and deeply question his identity.

He now feels that he is definitely the guy with the least "capability" among the Ultra World traversers.

The only fun these days is that many UPC personnel come here for afternoon tea.

Occasionally they tell anecdotes about training and patrolling.

After the UPC and the Japanese government have experienced a crisis of confidence, they are trying to divert the public's attention through various policies, competitions, and public welfare activities.

For example, the recent increasingly popular opposition to marine pollution.

And Huixia would take the opportunity to stop them from bringing coffee, and stay for a while.

It's not a military secret anyway.

These UPC members may come here to drink coffee every day to take care of the business of their immediate superiors.

Through the last press conference, Kaguya knew that Mr. Yoshimoto is actually the high-level commander of the Defense Force...

He was in command of the tank group that attacked Tinozolu last time.

The powerful beam cannon left a deep impression on him.

"Ah, I'm finally done again."

Huixia stretched her waist.

Before he could chat with the girl Ying beside him for a while.

I saw the door of the cafe was pushed open again.

A somewhat familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Wow?Is it a hot woman?

Li Chennai, who was looking forward to it, also saw the man she thought had "dead".

I am not afraid of a man and a woman being alone, but I am afraid of the two staring at each other and not knowing what to say.

The awkward atmosphere is always broken by someone.

"Ha, do Huixia-san and Mana-chan know each other?"

"do not know."

The two shook their heads tacitly.

Yoshimoto Sakura tilted her head: "..."

Really don't know?So why watch affectionately?Isn't that how it's done in TV shows?

The fire of gossip is burning brightly.

This is just a small episode.

Soon, the two assumed their normal identities.

"Your coffee."

Kaguya bit the bullet, and gently placed the coffee in front of Li Zhenna who had been staring straight at her.

"It's good to see you safe and sound."

Li Chennai seemed to have something to say.

So Huixia could only stand there cautiously.

In the end, the woman just choked out such a sentence.

Huixia didn't know what to say.

Could it be, oh, each other, didn't you die too? …

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