Immediately, he patted the guys logo on the left side of the jacket quite proudly.

He smiled and said: "Now, this world needs to be protected by us humans."

The future notices that it is a wing and four English characters.

The expression suddenly became a little complicated.

The man who turned around again let out an exclamation of unknown meaning.

"Ultra warrior..."

Perhaps in his heart, he was also curious about the Ultra warriors from the old man's mouth.

Future slightly lowered his head, with a heavy expression on his face.

People nowadays, have they forgotten the existence of Ultraman?

So what is the purpose of my coming here?

No, I need to wake them up and let them know that Ultra Warriors are always there!

Just when the future thinks so.

The light bulb next to it suddenly exploded, and the black light pole tilted towards the two of them!

"Dangerous, be careful!"

The future who is Mebius has the quickest response.

Protecting the man, the two narrowly missed the collapsed light pole.


The man hadn't figured out the situation yet, but in the future he raised his head with a serious face and stood up to observe the surrounding vigilantly.

The man also showed a nervous look, looking at the light pole that collapsed for some reason, and muttered in his mouth.

"what's up?"

I didn't find anything in the future, so I could only be puzzled. After finding out that the man was fine, I was relieved.

But suddenly there was a hurried sound from the man's pocket, and under his gradually changing expression, he took out the guys communicator.

Captain Serizawa's serious face appeared on the screen.

"Yes, I'm Aihara..."

"Long, I'm sorry to disturb your vacation, the v77 attack satellite has entered the attack state, come back quickly."

Aihara, who was full of worries, hung up the phone and said worriedly: "I have a bad feeling..."

Then I remembered that I needed to return to the team quickly, so I hurriedly showed a far-fetched but sincere smile, and said to the future next to me: "Then, see you again when we have a chance!"

Immediately, he ran away quickly.

Only Mirai, who seemed to have noticed something, raised his head and looked straight at the sky.

The unique power of the Ultra fighter allows him to see through countless clouds and see the distant space.


Outer space, v77 satellite.

The huge body of the cosmic monster Di Nozoro gradually came towards the earth.

It can feel attracted like never before, as if calling it.

The long neck twisted slightly, driving the adjustment of the head.

Four scarlet eyes that kept flashing colors fixedly stared at the water-blue planet that was constantly shortening the distance.

The V77 satellite, which was ordered by the guys to attack, locked its muzzle instantly after Di Nuo Zoru entered the range, and then shot out two red beams.

It hit Di Nuo Zoru's face, but did not cause any damage.

Tinozolu who was under attack uttered a sharp cry, which could still be transmitted in space.

Then the hard-to-find iron-cutting light suddenly cut out from its mouth full of sharp teeth!

Chapter 112: The First Battle of Mebius


The v77 satellite, which was chopped down by the iron beam that claims to be able to cut everything, exploded suddenly, forming a fireball like fireworks.

After clearing the obstacle, Tinozoru continued to approach the earth.

on the ground.

Assistant Officer Toriyama in the fast-speeding Guys car was shocked: "The v77 satellite was destroyed, wasn't it? This..."


On the screen of the communicator in his hand, Misaki Yuki, the acting director of Guys Komoto, said in a deep voice.

"The follow-up countermeasures will be handled by the crew-guys Japanese branch."

The expression on Assistant Toriyama's face was already twitching.

His eyes were wide open, and he asked in an unbelievably funny tone: "

"Wait, wait a minute..."

As if adjusting his gaffe expression, Assistant Toriyama said with a forced smile.

"If the elite giys from all over the world are not dispatched, why do we have to deal with it?"

Assistant Toriyama who spoke the last sentence even brought a hint of tears.

Sitting in the co-pilot's Maru, Toriyama's secretary is serious, and he already knows the character of his own officer.

The driver in charge of the start did not look sideways, but the corners of his mouth twitched obviously.

"According to the current flight trajectory, the probability of Dino Zoru coming to Japan is 70.00%."

Facing Assistant Toriyama's behavior, Misaki Yuki said without changing his expression.



Looking around in the future, as if looking for something.

Suddenly, he raised his head as if feeling something, and saw five human fighter planes roaring past, setting off a gust of wind, and heading straight into the blue sky.

human power...


The future looks complicated.

I watched the guys fighter plane go away until I could no longer see it.

It was only in the future that he vaguely noticed something was wrong.

He turned his head abruptly, and saw a strange woman in a doctor-like white coat and a black dress underneath.

He was staring at himself with malicious eyes.

Noticing the vigilance of the future, the woman in white slowly opened her mouth, brushing her nose with her long tongue, expressionless.

Noticing the future of this scene, he tensed up in surprise.

Before he could react, the woman in white suddenly disappeared, even leaving an afterimage on the spot because of her high speed.

The future hurriedly followed the track.



Kaguya, attracted by the breath of light, took this scene into his eyes.

Then he glanced at the sky, but there was no response.

Tino Zoru is now dispensable to him.

After all, this guy's strength can only be regarded as mediocre, and he only caused some troubles to Mebius, and it is of no great use at all.

Of course, Tinozoro, who has followed Huixia, has become much stronger.

And these "wild" individuals are still different.

"Where did that guy hide, she clearly had her breath before..."

Huixia has no interest in this Bogaru, or does not want to move for the time being.

After all, Xiaomeng pointed at her to attract monsters to "level up".

It is not valuable until Bogaru evolves.

Now he just wants to find another Bogaru with seven gourds... Jin Guqiao, and Mechanical Gomora.

The eight monsters plus Bogaru will definitely have a great impact on the original plot of this world.

And with the current strength of Mebius, at most he can deal with one Jin Guqiao, and it may not be a sure win.

Jin Guqiao is an "old man" who is active in the Ultra universe, and once let Seven, Zeta and other Altecs suffer.

In other words, after confirming that Bogaru escaped here, the direction of Mebius' world in the future will be affected.

Including that "emperor", will he capture the earth in advance, the second hometown in the eyes of this Ultra fighter.

Huixia was not sure either.

In order to ensure that the emperor would attack the Earth "as scheduled", Huixia naturally had to deal with accidental factors.

What's more, he has a deep "resentment" with Bogaru who escaped in Mebius.

The kind that does not become a card and does not give up.

Glancing at Xiaomeng, Bogaru left in the direction.

Huixia couldn't help sighing.

Now Xiaomeng is like a teenager who just left school, ignorant and ignorant.

He even forgot about the iron-slashing monster that was about to arrive.

This is the purpose of Bogaru.

Delay the Ultra fighters, or test the strength of Mebius.

Bogaru's character is like a poisonous snake hidden in the night forest. She will be very cautious when dealing with her enemies (food).

Such an enemy is indeed more difficult to deal with.

For Xinao like Xiaomeng.

Huixia looked up at the sky, exactly the same as Mirai's action just now.

In his line of sight, a small black dot grew bigger and bigger as time went by.

And the speed of amplification is constantly accelerating.

Soon, a huge figure appeared in the cloud.

At the same time, a small flame appeared on the side of the figure.

Like an explosion.

Kaguya with keen strength can see Aihara Ryu holding the parachute tightly behind Tino Zoru.

His face was full of grief, and his eyes were full of hatred.

"Tsk, the sword is here too."

Hui Xia understood.

It seems that Captain Serizawa has already sacrificed, so Hikari, or the sword, who came after him from Arbor Star, has also completed his possession of Serizawa.

If the butterfly effect doesn't change that.

After confirming that Tino Zoru would not directly land on the shop he had just bought, Huixia relaxed a lot.

Then he fiddled with the camera he had just "borrowed", planning to find a good location to record Mebius' first battle.

After all, it is considered "black history". In the future, you can show it to Mebius in a friendly way...

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