
Tokyo area.

The setting sun is approaching.

Somewhere on a construction site.

There was a sudden loud noise, as if some creature was rolling in the ground, and the wind and sand flew into the sky with the violent shaking of the ground, forming a sky full of yellow sand, like the end of the world.

In the headquarters of guys Kaimoto, Shingo Ukimizu with a worried face, Assistant Officer Toriyama and Secretary Maru who also looked dignified, stared nervously at the screen coming from the scene.

Tell them straight up that something bad happened.

"No... no way..."

Assistant Toriyama's expression was bleak, as if he had suffered a heavy blow.

"Why are we so unlucky, could it be..."

The people who hurried back interrupted Toriyama's complaints.

"Hey, who are you guys? Guys don't allow outsiders to enter!"

Toriyama, who was attracted by the strange face, couldn't help questioning vigilantly.

And Maru, who has always stood firm on Toriyama's side, also pointed and pointed like a "fox pretending to be a tiger", as if making a background board for Toriyama.

"They are not irrelevant personnel..."

Future retorted without thinking.

This eased the embarrassment of several people.

Toriyama and the two were taken aback.

Before they could say anything, under the more intense shaking, a piercing and frightening sound suddenly sounded.

Several people hurriedly looked back at the screen.

Under the dignified expressions of everyone, a monster emerged from the ground, with long whip-like weapons in its hands, dancing back and forth, whipping the air, making a whistling sound like breaking the wind.

The pointed horns on the head resemble bull's horns, and the overall color resembles rocky skin.

The face seemed to be sewn together, full of marks like scars.

The body is covered with scattered stone-like sharp horns.


The monster gradually revealed its figure in the red smoke reflected by the setting sun, and roared like a beast but not a beast from time to time.

"This is the vicious monster that appeared in Tokyo 34 years ago, Gu Dun!"

Zhe Ping, who knows a lot about monsters and can be called an encyclopedia of monsters, couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, with an expression of excitement and surprise on his face.

He didn't expect that the only son of the ugly hospital director seemed to know a lot about monsters.

Several people cast their elegant eyes on the past one after another.

"Uh, don't you know?"

Zhe Ping said somewhat like Versailles.

"By the way, this guy also ate the twin-tailed monster there. It is really a very cruel carnivorous monster!"

Shui Shui smiled with some satisfaction.

It seems that the new team members found in the future know a lot about monsters.

From the appearance of the first monster Bermula to Eddie Altman leaving the earth, hundreds of monsters have appeared on the earth. To be able to call the name of the monster without thinking must have been studied.

So far, except for Mu Zhimei, the special abilities of the others have all been revealed.

George's dynamic vision.

The object's next landing point or passing position can be judged by the object's trajectory.

It sounds easy, and you can do it with eyes. If you are interested, you can try it, let others hit yourself with a shot put, and hide by judging the trajectory...

Manna, unique sense of hearing.

Can hear voices that others cannot hear.

Zheping, Doctor Monster.

The beauty of wood.

Cute No.1.

Of course, the opponent can still reach a cooperation with Miklas, which others cannot do.

That's why it's so easy for them to join guys.

Without special skills and irreplaceability, forced water will not agree casually.

Several people looked at each other, and even Toriyama showed a thoughtful expression.

Fortunately, the dragon who reacted quickly realized that it was time to attack.

"We're leaving?"

Long asked the forced water.

After receiving his silent nod of approval, he said to the future: "Future, let's attack!"


Long received the response and walked towards the hangar first.

But attracted by the words of the future, he turned back again.

"Let's go together, both of you."

Future's attitude is very sincere and serious.

Marie and George, who were invited by him, subconsciously refused.

"Hey, I'm just here to help paint, such a dangerous job..."

Marina smiled awkwardly but politely.

Although I like more exciting, can prove myself in sports.

But it doesn't mean I'm willing to die! Hey!

George on the side also ruthlessly refused: "I don't want to fight against such an opponent. This is undoubtedly an act of death."

"However, Gu Dun's tail is the biggest threat. In order to remove its whip, the strength of both of you is very much needed!"

Future words are sincere.

He was referring to George's dynamic vision, and Marie's keen hearing.

If they joined, the confidence in dealing with Gu Dun would undoubtedly be much greater.


"From the two people who are willing to help Mu Zhimei save the rabbit, I can feel the kindness from the heart of the two of you. Although this request is too much, but... in order to save the lives of countless innocent people, and to eliminate the monsters that wanton damage, we will lose drop to lowest…"

"Really, really please!"

"Use the wings we paint together!"

The words of the future made the four of them fall into silence.

A few people who were deeply touched were a little moved.

And the forced water on the side also opened a box that had been prepared long ago at the right time.

There are four communicators inside.

The status symbol of the guys team.

"Even ours is ready?"

The careful Mu Zhimei was a little surprised.


It seems that Jiang Zi has been prepared for a long time?

"Captain Shuishui...do you know what you're doing?"

Toriyama on the side hates iron for being weak.

How can it be so easy for outsiders to drive the latest Phoenix fighter!

This is the latest technology, what if the information is leaked?

Besides, are these people really reliable!

"They all have guys' credentials."

Captain Sukisui's unquestionable voice interrupted Toriyama's thoughts of stopping him.

Then he said with a smile.

"I believe everyone has passed the minimum mock test required for flying?"

An inquiring yet affirmative tone.

got their default.

And a tacit nod.

The four of them are not as annoying to the guys as they say.

On the contrary, they all had the idea of ​​joining guys.

It's just that, due to various reasons, it was changed by the cruel reality and realistic dreams.

"I understand."

"OK then."

Both Shinnai and George agreed.

"I don't know about this matter, and I don't participate in it."

Toriyama looked disgusted, and first removed himself from responsibility.

However, the forced water didn't care at all.

The warm smile is very natural.

Immediately his face straightened.

"Guys sally go!"


Chapter 121: Meteor Technology



After arriving at the battlefield, the Phoenix stopped briefly in the sky.

Under Long Jianyi's voice, they began to separate.


The separated Phoenix forms two fighter planes with different functions.


Good at high-speed air combat, superior attack performance.

With Meteor technology, you can use "Phantom Flight." And, "Spaceum Ballistic Missile."

Goose Loading No.

Multipurpose heavy fighter.It can be turned into "Mobile Mode", and it can also use the "Bollinger Fan" to roll up monsters.

The setting sun gradually faded, replaced by a gradually darkening sky.

Like the black ink being continuously sprayed, it soaked the sky, only the giant beasts on the earth were still dyed by the afterglow of the setting sun.

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