"Spaceum Ballistic Missile! Launch!"

Several warheads equipped with special energy roared towards Gu Dun who was still lying on the ground in an instant.

The opponent's whip, which was about to move, also tried to defend in a panic.

Unfortunately, it was too late to take it back.


The flames caused by the explosion instantly filled Gu Dun's body, but the flames that could not break through his skin were quickly extinguished.

From the looks of it, even the Spitium missiles couldn't do effective damage to Gu Dun.

After the fire faded, Gu Dun got up with some difficulty, and soon returned to his ferocious nature.

The whip on the wrist, which constantly intends to lock on the loading number in the sky, continuously flits in the air like a whistling.

Unfortunately, Gu Dun's attacks also all failed.


In the loading number, Marina Kazama showed a quality far beyond most people.

Although she is an "ordinary citizen" in Toriyamakou, her calmness is enough to make many people feel ashamed.

Hasty and undisturbed voices kept ringing out.

Reminds the future responsible for driving to dodge.

"This time to the right!"

In the future, he did as he said, and quickly maneuvered the fighter plane to the left to avoid it.

After failing again, Gu Dun became more irritable, and his attacks became chaotic and disorganized.

"As expected of Shinna..."

The future was a little happy, and after avoiding Gu Dun's attack again, he said backwards.

But suddenly froze.

In the line of sight, Marinai's eyes were closed tightly, her face was a little pale, and she only breathed weakly.

Is it because of such high-intensity concentration that some physical strength is exhausted?

Some worries about the future.

Under such circumstances, it is definitely not possible to continue fighting.


He looked at the remaining time of the meteor technology that was counting down on the screen.

time is limited.

It seems that relying on the power of fighter planes is still somewhat difficult.

In this case...

Make a decision in the future, manipulate the fighter plane to make an emergency descent, and finally make an emergency landing on a large piece of bare land.

Because the soil was directly exposed on the surface, the moment the heavy fuselage of the loading number landed, it stirred up a lot of dust clouds floating in the air.

"Future, what's wrong?"

Finding that the loading number had left the battle, Long asked worriedly.

"Mina has reached its limit, and can no longer continue to fight."

The future is about to leave the fighter plane and transform into Mebius.

Hearing Long's concern, Shen Sheng responded.

"Okay, I will try to attract Gu Dun over here, and we must ensure safety!"

Saying so, Long manipulated the Flying Wing to continue moving up and down within Gudun's sight.

The ultra-high-speed movements made Gu Dun a little overwhelmed, and even the waving of the whip became dull and uncertain.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't attack the human fighter plane, so Gu Dun roared impatiently.

"Gu Dun's shortcomings are obvious, lacking effective long-range attack methods."

Hui Xia looked like Gu Dun being played like a monkey.

Shaking his head, his face suddenly changed.

"Come on..."

"Here, I need you..."


Annoying or not, there is no end!

Huixia didn't care to continue watching the battle, and continued to increase the dark energy, and began to lock on this sound.

Although he has tried before, Huixia still doesn't give up.


"George, how is your condition, can you continue?"

Long continued to maneuver the Flying Wing to evade.

On the one hand, I can be distracted and ask.

"Tch! Who do you think I am?"

"This level is nothing to worry about!"

Facing the care of the dragon.

George replied confidently.

Although at this time his words still seemed full of arrogance.

But the dragon didn't mind at all.

Instead, he shouted with equal enthusiasm: "Then, let's do it again!"

"Let the monster see our wings!"

Long pushed the joystick, intending to let the Flying Wing do a quick evasion again.

However, the 1-minute meteor technology time has quietly become zero.

"When the time is over, it will automatically switch to normal cruise mode."

The mechanical male voice reminded, and immediately, the brilliant light beams around the Flying Wing gradually dissipated, and the high-speed wings and tail wings that were deployed were all retracted, returning to their original appearance.


Long felt that he was just a little bit short, and he could find Gudun's attack gap and eliminate it.

The Flying Wing could no longer use the phantom flight, and its speed suddenly slowed down.

But Gu Dun, who was already a little dizzy, seized the opportunity in an instant, and lashed towards the Flying Wing with a whip on his wrist!


"How could you shoot down our wings!"

Long couldn't help but tense up.

The hand holding the joystick tightly was already a little wet.

Due to the sudden end of the meteor technology time, the height of the Flying Wing at this time is far from safe.

The whip that Gu Dun drew vigorously, also seemed to have opened his mind, one up and one down, forming a pincer attack.

George looked at the giant beast close at hand, and panic appeared on his face.

"Hey, hey, don't come here!"


The future just climbed out of the loader and ran to a remote area.

I saw the Flying Wing in crisis.

Wearing the guys uniform, behind him is the looming fuselage of the loading number.

The fiery red imprint echoes the logo on the future team uniform.


The red giant who suddenly appeared in front of the Flying Wing blocked Gu Dun's whip with his back!


"Wuyu, why don't you go head-on and grab Gu Dun's whip to directly injure him?"

Hui Xia rubbed her eyes, her eyes were full of disdain.

When I watched Mebius episodes on the computer, I fast-forwarded them, and the time was too long, so I basically forgot the details.

Because of this, Xiaomeng's unimaginable behavior made Huixia a little surprised.

If this is left in the past, it will not be "key!"

Then turn on the crazy spray mode!

Then it can still be like now, and the non-trivial complaints are over.

"By the way, the voice of Mebius..."

"Uh, not very tough."

If you want to complain, but don't want to slander the future of one of your childhood idols, you can only use more "friendly" words to describe it.

Being slapped twice by Gu Dun... the wrist whip was whipped on the back, the feeling was not something ordinary Ao could bear.

Therefore, it is understandable to groan in pain.

"Ultra warrior..."

Long and George, who were protected by Mebius, had complex expressions in their eyes.

And everyone in the headquarters also showed expressions of joy and surprise.

Especially Toriyama's assistant official.

The bright smile is like a blooming old chrysanthemum, nodding frequently, matching its figure which is far below the captain of the water, it is slightly funny but also extremely harmonious.

Secretary Maru even opened his mouth as if waiting to be fed.

Sure enough, the two were absolutely perfect.

Gu Tun, who whipped a few more whips again, was even more agitated when he heard the giant's cry of pain, as if his hidden talent had been activated, he planned to continue whipping!

Huixia helplessly supported her forehead, and threw her other hand upwards.

"Damn, you stupid! I can't take it anymore, my childhood!"



The red card thrown into the sky by Huixia casually turned into a fiery red flame when it was about to fall, and rushed towards the roaring Gudun in an instant!

Chapter 123: The Familiar Darkness



The burning fireball illuminated most of the sky under the setting sun.

Under this bright color, the fireball crashed into the back of Gudun who was still whipping towards Mebius!


The ferocious animal shadow that was suddenly hit fell forward uncontrollably.


Gu Dun, who fell heavily to the ground, tried to struggle to get up, but his efforts were in vain.

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