They just stared obsessively at the exquisite "doll" with their hands raised high.

A disaster that could turn into a world-destroying disaster at any moment.

The lifelike King Obmons was born.

Two figures who are much shorter than Tian Hao, with their heads slightly lowered, seem to be loyal fans following Tian Hao, and believers who offer their loyalty and flesh and blood to the great darkness. Their humbleness and obedience seem to be highlighted Tian Hao and the monster in his hand.

When Tian Hao gently placed King Obmons on the table, his eyes were as intoxicated as if he was looking at his true love.

Squinting his eyes and using the repeater, he respectfully presented his work to Tian Hao.

"Cut... these two monsters..."

"Although it's not very good, it's still helpful to my King Obmons."

"So, I am willing to adopt the advantages of the monsters you created, so that King Obmons will become more perfect!!"

Tian Hao glanced disdainfully at the bone-winged monster Bagilis and the giant-jawed sea beast Shyura.

Compared with King Mengsi, these two are indeed almost.

Although the wings of Baglis look very bluffing, but the figure is a bit "petite".

Scylla, that's too ugly.

Immediately, Tian Hao, who showed a wicked smile, stared straight at Baggiris' bone-winged wings and Schula's giant jaw.

He has a venomous eye, which is exactly what King Muss needs.

While the two were nodding mechanically, Tian Hao reached for the wings and the giant jaw with both hands.

His plan is simple.

For the already powerful King Obmons, add wings and giant jaws again, so that King Mengs can add flying functions and more means of destruction.

Of course, it can also make it more "powerful".


Tian Hao carefully supported King Obermos, who had added wings and his abdomen turned into a giant jaw that opened like a blood plate. With that prudence and caution, those who didn't know thought it was an extremely precious thing.

Of course, for Tian Hao, this monster is indeed the support of his life.

The light of the red ball flickered more and more frequently, and the invisible dark power continued to overflow, floating in the air, and filling the surroundings of the three of them.

From a distance, it looked like a large group of gray fog that could not be dispelled, and only the figures of the three were looming.

Under the influence of this force, the negative emotions of several people continued to expand, especially Tian Hao, who was the most obsessed. He supported King Obmons and motioned for the two to pick up the red ball.

The three left the manual classroom and walked towards the school roof.

"Let the strongest monster destroy everything. Ultra warriors and Gorzan are nothing more than bugs that can be easily crushed to my King Obmons!"

Move slowly, with a focused and pious expression.

As usual, Squint Eyes and Repeater followed Tian Hao closely, one left and one right, two positions behind.

The stairs leading to the roof were originally in silence, waiting for the return of the children the next day.

However, the heavy footsteps of the uninvited guest woke up the sleepy stairs.

Therefore, it also dutifully conveyed the arrival of the three of them, so the sound of thumping footsteps came one after another until the three of them left the stairs.

"This world is too dark."

"Human beings in this world are so ugly."

"The human beings in this world, their emotions are so dirty, they shouldn't exist in this world."

Tian Hao's eyes became dull again, expressionless, he paused every word, as if declaring, spit out the cold words.

The eyes are gradually covered with red luster, echoing the afterimage of the setting sun.

Staring at the fading red light in the sky, it seems that it will be replaced by the awakening night - is this a hint?

The law of the jungle will survive, the fittest will survive, and the inferior will be ruthlessly eliminated.

A truth that has not changed through the ages.

The eukaryotes of the Proterozoic period, the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era, and the familiar saber-toothed tiger all failed to stand the test of time and natural disasters.

They will be destroyed by higher species and eras.

Just like humans.

Perhaps one day, it will also be eliminated by a more powerful species.

And such a terrifying day, which human beings do not expect, seems to have arrived.

The curtain of a new era will unfold from the hands of the human youth holding up King Obmons.

Moreover, it is ironic that, under the manipulation of desires, human beings are about to create their own demise, so that everything that exists in human beings will become history, or even turn into dust, and disappear in the long river of time.


School gate.

Kaguya looked at Gamu who was staring at her warily.

Some nerve-wracking.

As for those brats, they were obviously ignored by him.

"It seems, I dream, that we can't seem to be friends anymore."

Huixia thought about it, and said in an uncertain but regretful tone.

"So, is what the child said true?"

My dream expression is a bit complicated, and the sapphire cone that I hold tightly doesn't seem to be able to bring him warmth.


Huixia didn't want to explain too much.

Because there is absolutely no need for explanation.

No matter how you explain yourself, what's the point?

Darkness is darkness, even if it is only to master the power of darkness.

Trying to be with the light...

It will eventually be purified by light.


Hui Xia's eyes flickered, his pupils were full of complexity, and his heart also had mixed feelings.Honestly, he still wants to be a good guy.

A good man who has his back against the blessings of the whole world and fights for it.

However, what light can do, darkness can also do.

Huixia smiled helplessly.

After all, he failed to jump out of the role of human beings, and the complex emotions of intelligent species were vividly displayed on him.

Therefore, there are always some "human" thinking.

Whether dark or light.

It's just the different roles created by the position when controlling the power.

What if a passerby who passed by the world saved the world?The direction of the future remains unmanageable.

Destroying the world is not a new beginning...

Of course, although Huixia does not belong to the light in the strict sense, some actions are also related to the light.

He is the most complicated one.

It's a pity that light is pure, and only pure light can become a real Ultra warrior.

And dark?Maybe it's the majority.

However, Huixia is at best a [-]-year-old boy in the dark, ready to backstab others at any time.

Kazai Huixia's pursuit, collection and time travel, until he becomes the only one who stands proud of the vast universe.

In his credo in life, everything is just as you want.

Perhaps just a moment ago he was destroying the city, doing truly dark deeds.

For example, Gorzan before.

But it is also possible that in the next second, he will become the guardian of the earth, so that people will not encounter the pain of death and separation of wives and children, and become a hero of the world.

For example, he fought with all his strength to fight against Lucifer, although it was also because of selfishness.

People are complicated, and darkness is no exception.

Kaguya looked at Gamu whose expression gradually changed.

I was planning to say some "profound meaning" words, so as to shake the light time.

There was a sudden fluctuation in the campus behind him, as if some terrible existence had appeared.

The plot has changed a lot!

Hui Xia's face suddenly revealed.

There are definite numbers and variables in the development of anything.

My own arrival will ultimately bring a different direction to the world...

However, it's time to come out.

The theater version of the big boss...

Well, it can only be regarded as a small boss now.

But just to ease the awkward atmosphere on the field.

"Excuse me, see you later."

Hui Xia smiled slightly.

The smile is still warm.

Realizing something was wrong, I Meng quickly shouted: "Wait!"

However, the words of persuasion were held back by the figure that suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.

The outstretched hand froze in the air.

Some of my dreams seem to be lost.

Is that the case again?

For some unknown reason, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's like expecting the other party to "escape".

Strange, why do I have such an idea?My dream is invincible!Even if he doesn't run away, he won't hurt me!

Mian looked at my dream's more resolute and handsome face than on TV, and the admiration in my heart was already overflowing.

The stunned expression of my dream didn't last long.

There was an untimely loud noise!

The deafening sound, like the short-term deafness caused by the explosion of thousands of guns, made the children and I dream, covering our ears tightly, staggering, as if the whole earth began to shake, and what followed was A turmoil like an earthquake!

Chapter 137: The madness of the bear child


3 minutes ago.

"Let this boring world fall into destruction, and let all those who don't believe in monsters die!"

"Come out, the strongest monster, let the world witness your strength!"

Affected by the red ball, Tian Hao now looks like a lunatic. The hideous expression that shouldn't appear at this age is not like a human being at all.

The boy manipulated by negative forces roared crazily, and King Obmons, who was lifted high by him, seemed to be activated.

Affected by negative emotions, it turned into a spiky red ball, under the constantly flickering light, King Obmons, who should have been just a dead thing, suddenly disappeared in Tian Hao's hands.

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