The bright beams of light continued to enter the ruins, and the red giant's life detector, and the light diffused by it, also enveloped the giant as a whole.

Nanase Xingsha's last consciousness separated a faint light, which slowly fell, and entered Mian's body under the circumstances that no one could notice except the darkness.

This is Xingsha's last blessing.

Afterwards, Xingsha's consciousness completely dissipated, and the incomplete "soul" that merged into the light, as well as Yu Mian's memories, were slowly melted by the dazzling golden light.

After all the rays of light entered Gaia's body, the area of ​​the sky illuminated by the light was once again shrouded in black smoke and night because of the disappearance of the source.


King Obmons's scarlet eyes flashed with impatience. Although he sensed the threat of the light, he was cautious for more than ten seconds, but he couldn't find any harm to him from the light.

Moreover, the light seems to have resurrected the insects he killed!

This made King Mengsi, who was tyrannical by nature and born for destruction, very angry.




King Mengsi, who was striding forward, kept swinging the bone tail behind him, smashing the incomplete building into more fragmented pieces, and heavy objects such as cement blocks fell down again, and the sounds produced merged together, matching the heavy steps, A sound wave that gradually forms oppression is formed.


The figure of the giant disappeared into the ruins, but the approaching King Mengsi seemed unaware.

The red figure that was almost forming an afterimage flickered one after another, and came to King Mengsi in an instant, and then the light suddenly became stronger.

And King Mengsi's advance was also abruptly interrupted. Not only that, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier and was bounced back to the original place. Before King Mengsi could react, he felt a burst of pain in his chest, which was caught off guard Next, this monster of destruction that shrouded the world involuntarily arched its body, exposing a part of its back area and its golden bony wings right in front of it.


The giant that once again glowed with new brilliance, the successor of the power from the earth, Ultraman Gaia, slowly assumed a fighting posture in the gradually restrained light.

The clenched fists cooperated with the palms forming a defensive posture, and the lower half of the body maintained a small arc, but rushed towards King Mengsi who had not recovered from the severe pain at an extremely fast speed.

"Gaia, the highest type."

"Did the form transformation be completed subconsciously when the light entered the body?"

Standing steadily in the sky, Kaisha looked like she was walking on the ground, and looked at the supreme Gaia, which was more robust than v2 and v1.

The difference from v2 is that there are blue marks from the waist and abdomen to the lower body area, that is, the side of the thighs, which is the influence of Aguru's power.

However, Nanase Xingsha's self-sacrifice definitely played an important role in completing the transformation of form here.

In the original work, Gaia's supreme form was converted in the theater version due to the influence of Mian.

Of course, this is not important.

The supreme Gaia is enough to rival King Obmons.

However, if the opponent separates Baglis and Sshura, Gaia will still be at a disadvantage in the battle.

When Huixia was about to continue watching the play, she felt a throbbing inexplicably.

He subconsciously looked towards the sky.

Other than being shrouded in darkness and black smoke, as well as an explosive red-like energy aura, there seemed to be no difference.

What Huixia looked at was not the sky of this world either.

It seems that the world of Mebius has undergone unknown changes.

"As soon as possible."


After Gaia became the highest type, on the one hand, she was limited by the extreme physical exertion, and on the other hand, she also gained all-round strength improvement.

"Quick fight!"

My dream is well aware of the flaws of the supreme type, which is also the inevitable result of great power.

He clenched his fists tightly, and the Supreme Gaia's whole body was also tensed. The strength was fully mobilized in all parts of the body, and gradually condensed in the fists.

With one stride, Gaia landed in front of King Mengsi!


The huge movement caused by the landing made King Mengsi, who relieved the pain, raise his head subconsciously. However, before he could raise his head, he was forcibly pressed down by a pair of hands, until it was pressed close to the ground.

King Mengsi, who had reacted, resisted vigorously, and suddenly pulled up to a posture of slightly lowering his head, but Gaia was almost bounced up.

Fortunately, he reacted in a timely manner, and quickly stabilized his body with a posture similar to a horse's stance, which also facilitated his upper limbs to use more strength.

Under the rising momentum, Gaia's tightly standing legs sank a little to the ground due to the strength. Even so, the strength of King Mengsi was beyond Gaia's expectations, and he still formed a relationship with Supreme Gaia. stalemate.

Gaia was controlling King Mengsi's head with both hands. He was eagerly looking for a breakthrough point. After a brief stalemate, Gaia's milky white eyes fixed on King Mengsi's big feet.

With a soft shout, the legs that were stably planted in a half-squat to exert force suddenly unloaded and moved back slightly.

And the hands retracted due to the change of posture, after leaning to the side, one arm supported the ground. When King Mengsi shook his neck and returned to his normal posture, under the blessing of the power of the earth, Gaia's feet drove his body to slide quickly. Come!

Chapter 143: Bajilis and Hugh*



King Mengsi's kicked leg lost its support when it bent, and he shook a few times, but he still couldn't stabilize his body.

Losing control, his body fell straight to the ground.

The shadow group that gradually spread out following the fallen figure of Mengsi King turned a large area of ​​the ground into a pitch-black appearance. There is no residue left.

Gaia backflipped and escaped, and during the second backflip, she felt the ground tremble slightly, and her milky white eyes became brighter, knowing that King Mengsi had fallen, and her chance had come.

Gaia took a step back, the strength of the legs continued to gather, and the powerful light factor was also active like never before, coming towards the legs.

Immediately Gaia resumed her standing position, her legs exerted her strength suddenly, her whole body flashed a dazzling light belt, and she came to an altitude of hundreds of meters. Gaia, who was still rising rapidly, kept adjusting her posture and angle, and she had already converged to the extreme , and even a little of the energy factor that leaked out already seemed to be burning, forming a fierce light that spread across the entire leg on the right leg.


King Mengsi is still full of vitality, and it seems that he has not suffered unbearable damage.

It stood up again, swaying its body, once again standing on the ferocious beast on the ground, its eyes searched around, but Gaia was not found.

King Mengsi was obviously a little slow to react, he kept scanning the scarlet eyes around him, but he didn't intend to look up.


It wasn't until King Mengsi heard a familiar voice coming from above that he realized something belatedly. He hurriedly raised his head, and a shining figure descending from the sky was reflected in his eyes!


It's a bit like the sound of an inflated balloon being squeezed, but the difference is that it's not gas that's being squeezed, but the blood and organs inside King Mengsi's body.


King Mengsi's painful roar stopped abruptly before it could be fully uttered. Gaia's swift kick directly injured King Mengsi severely, and blood gushed out from his body that was almost split open instantly.

The miserable King Mengsi no longer saw the original ferocity, and the silent big mouth, although there was only a small gap, blood flowed out of the mouth, a bit like a gurgling stream, but it was full of blood. Bloody, cruel breath.

His eyes became dull, and his breath was weak, as if he was about to be completely knocked down.

Supreme Gaia was relieved, her right leg trembled due to too much force, but it seemed that the effect of this blow was outstanding, and it seemed that she only needed to add another light skill to solve the battle.

"If it ends like this, then it's meaningless."

Huixia squinted her eyes slightly. The red ball on the school roof was thrown out by the opponent directly because the user Tian Hao fell into a coma due to the severe pain. Looking at the edge of the roof, he jumped over the guardrail like a bounce, and rolled down directly. It was a coincidence that he fell through an arc in the air and came directly to You's feet.

Immediately afterwards, Yuya instinctively wanted to pick up the red ball wrapped in "spikes", but his hand stopped the moment he was about to touch the red ball.

If you look at it from You's perspective, the red ball is exuding a somewhat intoxicating bright luster, and the bright red glow with a strong dark atmosphere occupies You's eyes.


"Star Sand..."


"I dream..."

Mian, who was a little lost and powerless, collapsed on the ground, ignored the dust on the ground, pressed his palms on the ground, and unconsciously used some strength, the small sand-like gravel under his palms hurt his hands.

Like Mian who hadn't noticed, his tear-filled eyes were like crystal clear crystals, and he seemed a little at a loss in the darkness that was about to be soaked in, not knowing what to do.

The star sand turned into light, right in front of his eyes.

To help the defeated Gaia.

If you become stronger, if you work harder.

If only I were an Ultraman...

and many more!

Mian trembled all over, like a shock.

I'm Ultraman too...

red ball!That red ball that grants wishes!

Still in school?

Tian Hao and the others use the red ball to summon the monster, so as long as I get the red ball, the monster can disappear, and maybe Xingsha can return to everyone!

But, can I snatch the red ball from them by myself?

Mian's expression became hesitant again.

Just when he couldn't make up his mind, the ground suddenly trembled, and then kept shaking, even causing Mian to fly a few centimeters upwards!


A dragon chant that became full of spirit again can show that King Mengsi's momentum has returned to its peak again.


Just as the vibration and sound merged together.

The body that barely rose into the air also fell to the ground.

Since he was sitting paralyzed on the ground, his legs were already in contact with the ground.

As a result, Mian's legs were scuffed by the ground full of powdery gravel.

Rusha's pain brought him back to his senses, and then he felt that the world suddenly became darker and darker. There was a feeling like cloudy clouds, and Mian, who couldn't figure out his mind, subconsciously looked up.

"how come?"

"Why did there suddenly become more monsters?"

Mian was so shocked that he couldn't speak. At this time, there were three monsters in his line of sight!

It is obviously the huge dark golden bone wing of King Mengsi, but it appears on the back of another strange monster, it seems to be a magnified figure of a praying mantis, the huge sickle-shaped arm moves back and forth restlessly, and the malicious eyes of the beast appear. In it, the figure of the red giant is reflected.

Not only Baggiris floating in the air, but King Mengsi who has fully recovered from his injuries and looks like a rainbow, as well as fish-like reptiles lying on the ground like dormant, raising their upper body high from time to time, with a head resting on their heads. The green grass that resembles seaweed, coupled with this guy's body that looks like deep sea mud, looks like a green turtle with grass.

Although compared to the former two, the deep sea monster Shyura is a bit shorter in stature, even his appearance is unspeakably awkward, but it is still a ferocious monster.


tens of seconds ago.

Gaia was originally in high spirits, and fought to the death with King Mengsi.

However, King Mengsi, who was strengthened by the sudden appearance of energy, had a belly full of sharp fangs protruding forward in a burst of dazzling lightning that made Ao unable to approach, as if the entire abdomen was protruding, and then Si Shura's ugly face "crawled" out from King Mengsi's abdomen after a few seconds, and landed heavily, causing another shock of the earth.

Gaia's starting posture has become more cautious. He plans to fight in a conservative manner. After all, it is one against two, and I don't have much experience. I am better at bullying the few...

Before Gaia could finish her plan, she tensed up instantly.

Following his gaze, it turned out that King Mengsi separated the monster again.

From the huge golden bone wings behind it, it detached upwards and went straight into the sky, and the resulting monster Bagilis also stared at Gaia with ill intentions.

Gaia: "..."

He already expected that the next battle would be very difficult.


Was surrounded and beaten.

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