Mirai was thinking like this, but she didn't notice that Marina woke up in her arms.

"Great, Marina, do you feel any discomfort in your body!"

Under the confused gaze of the other party, Future explained: "You passed out just now."

"No...I don't feel anything."

Shinna shook her head, hesitant.

"That's good, if you feel uncomfortable, you must speak up..."

Rest assured in the future, and then asked again.

While Marinna was nodding in confusion, Future stood up again holding the detection instrument, and before he could do anything, a sudden vibration almost knocked him down.


"what happened?"

Shaking his body, trying to maintain a stable future, he quickly glanced around in surprise.

Could it be that Barton appeared?

As if to prove his guess, a sharp bird song suddenly sounded, which was extremely ear-piercing on the ground where inexplicable turbulence was constantly happening.

Future's eyes were fixed, and he ignored the detection equipment that had fallen on the ground, and even Marina stood up stiffly behind him, and didn't notice the unknown red light in his eyes.The faintly glowing eyes stared at the vicinity of the volcano, and a black shadow kept swooping down, and finally landed straight on the ground.

Volcano Bird Barton!

A ferocious carnivorous monster.

It looks like a big rooster that has been magnified countless times, but it is in a human standing state, and its wings are like densely arranged blue bone spurs.

"In the future, be careful, the volcanic monster bird Barton, the super monster that once killed Ultraman Taro and Ultraman Zofi! It is very ferocious, you must pay attention to the opponent's beak, and it can spray high-temperature flames! "

Zhennai, whose eyes were flickering, returned to normal the moment Zheping's voice sounded, and she didn't even realize that there was anything wrong with her, so she leaned behind Mirai and asked curiously: "Have you killed Ultraman? Will Ultra fighters die too?"

In the stories that Marinai heard from the old people since she was a child, Ultra warriors have always been invincible, but they have never heard of them dying.

"Of course, the volcano monster..."

Just as Zheping wanted to explain, he heard Assistant Toriyama coughing and saying, "The most urgent thing is to destroy the monsters first, and let the guys prepare to attack!"

Secretary Wan, who was still sleepy, nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes, yes, finish the monsters earlier, and the assistant officer has to go to rest..."

"Hey, hey, don't speak out what's on your mind!"

Toriyama who yawned suddenly tensed his face.

"Simi Marseille!"

Future looked at Zhe Ping on the small screen of the connector, and said, "I will, now let's drive first..."


Zhe Ping has been paying attention to Barton's movements. After noticing the other party's movement, his eyes widened instantly, and while the fire was flickering in his eyes, he reminded loudly!

Ji Shui also changed his face suddenly, and stood up abruptly.


On the other side of the screen, the hot flames that illuminate the night spit out from Barton's mouth, and the flames that appeared in the world turned into low-rise residential buildings that rushed to the ground and the vast forest of Big Bear Mountain.

Unfortunately, Mirai and Marina happened to be in the forest that was about to be attacked by flames.

Chapter 160: Today you are a second grader, tomorrow you will lie dead


Fortunately, Zhe Ping reminded him in time, and the future is not an ordinary person, so he immediately sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly pulled Zhen Nai beside him and threw himself to the side.

The monstrous flames descended almost at the same time, and the burning red light was like countless beating characters, forming a picture scroll that could swallow everything.


The dense flames instantly engulfed the mountain forest, and the figures of Mirai and Marina also disappeared in the flames.


Sad and angry at the same time, Zhe Ping punched his other hand with an extremely annoyed expression.

"No way..."

Assistant Toriyama's face turned pale instantly.

"Why do monsters always appear here!!"

"The guys who just reorganized..."

Secretary Maru sighed, with sadness on his face.

Then he silently put the documents in his arms on the table, and made the sign of the cross with both hands.

"shut up!"

Toriyama's mournful face froze instantly, and his eyes filled with anger made Secretary Maru instantly become deaf and dumb.


"It's an Ultra Warrior!"

Zhe Ping exclaimed instantly.

When Barton sprayed flames wantonly, a dazzling light flickered in the world, and the familiar figure appeared in the gradually receding light.

Mebius did not immediately fight Barton, but retreated straight back. After making sure that he had opened a safe distance, he gently put down the unconscious Mari Nai in the palm of his hand.

Noticing the Ultra warrior exuding the same aura as "food" in front of him, Barton became extremely excited in an instant, kept uttering piercing and weird screams, and jumped towards Mebius like a jump!


In order to increase the distance, Mebius is going to lead Barton to another place, so as not to encounter danger in Zhennai in the mountains.

Xiaomeng, who had leaped into the air, didn't stay much longer, Barton, who was so hungry for food that he was sick, rushed up too impatiently, and the strong airflow caused by the flapping wings also made the flames he had just spewed in the forest more rampant and spread.


"Let's save Jinai and the future first!"

On the other side of the forest, the dragon who was not threatened by the flames shouted to George beside him.

After all, although Marina and Mirai were rescued by the Ultra fighters, surrounded by the flames that were about to spread, it was obvious that the two had fallen into great difficulty.

Long didn't know that the future had already competed with Barton in the air.

"it is good!"

George didn't hesitate at all, and when he nodded, he planned to rush out.

"Dragon, George, you go to cooperate with the Ultra fighters to deal with Barton first, I have already sent someone to rescue Jinai."

The sudden and steady voice from the communicator made the hurried two stagnate instantly.

"Really? Well, then George and I will fly the Wing!"

Although Aihara Ryu wondered who could save Marina and Mirai at this time, but obeying orders is the most important thing. At such a critical moment, he should not raise too many doubts, delaying the time and causing greater losses to the mountains and forests. All right.

Out of trust in Jishui, Aihara Long hesitated for a while before agreeing.

Immediately, the two changed direction and ran towards the Flying Wing.

George hesitated the moment he turned around, until Long urged him to let go of his hesitation and followed.

Jishui in the headquarters, with a calm face, remembered the sudden voice that just rang from his ears, and couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart.


"Tsk tsk."

"Telepathy is actually not that complicated, but it involves the power of the "heart". It sounds a bit tall. It's still a dead end. In fact, it can be easily done with the help of Galatron's ability."

Well, I tried to send a message to Shingo Sukimizu through telepathy, but I didn't expect to succeed the first time.

Of course, it would be nice if this could be done without the power of monsters.

It is also a coincidence that Huixia has been near them in the future, so at this time, Marina is not far away from him.

Efforts are only second, the key is because the guy's player's state is not quite right.

"The breath on her body is a bit like a dark dragon."

"However, it obviously looks more aggressive."

Hui Xia walked forward slowly, looking at her eyes closed, she looked unconscious, lying sideways on the ground, her short hair looked a little messy.

This girl is very similar to Li Chennai.

Especially character.

Unfortunately, however, her luck was not very good.

"Do you still need to pretend to be unconscious?"

"It's a vicious guy who invades other people's bodies casually."

Huixia withdrew her gaze, and stared indifferently at the flames that were about to spread not far away. Now, she could already feel a rush of heat coming towards her face, as well as the gradually increasing temperature around her.

Just when the flames in his eyes became more intense, Huixia felt a gust of wind coming.

Withdrew slightly, and saw not far from his nose, almost brushing the split leg.

The wind blowing in an instant made Huixia squint her eyes subconsciously, and then looked at the attacker with great interest.


The leg that landed heavily, the heel hit the ground that was already hardening, creating a shallow pit.

"This way, it won't hurt me. If you only have this level, then you can die with peace of mind."

Hui Xia's eyes were shining with an evil black, and under the reflection of the fire, they showed an even weirder black and red color.

He raised his hand directly, and the dark light ball suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand, and without hesitation, he rushed to the "Jinnai" who was standing guard.


The retreating figure didn't dodge or evade, but his eyes shrank, and the several dark light balls rushing towards him suddenly stagnated, and then continued to rush towards the sides of his body!


"Hehe, I didn't expect it. My successor's strength is not very good, but his tone is not small."

Marina's face was a bit weird, as if the original face overlapped with another face, making her look a bit awkward.

The voice became even deeper, and the tone was a bit rough, resembling a man's voice.


Hui Xia tilted his head, just now this guy, the way he dealt with the energy ball was very ingenious, he seemed to use "mind force"?

It is also a relatively rare ability, of course, only compared to ordinary cosmic people.

According to what Huixia knew in her previous life, there are many famous people who have the power of mind.

The human body of Otto Saiwen, the power of the star clusters, or the mind, is relatively strong.

There is another one, the final boss who will appear in this world, the Ampera star.

This guy's mental power can be said to have reached its peak, he can interfere with the laws of nature, and he can quickly extinguish the sun while on the earth.

Of course, the guy in front of him who is possessed by Marina is probably far from reaching the level of the Ambella star.

"Hehe, don't you really know?"

"Lord of darkness, Yuan Huixia."

Marina showed a cunning and sinister smile.

The words gradually turned cold.

Huixia's eyes narrowed slightly, she put away the contempt she still held, her body muscles tensed subconsciously.

This was the first time someone called out such a title directly.

A title unique to spark monsters.

Of course, this guy doesn't mean to be respectful.

"From what you mean, it seems that you are the darkness who once ruled the universe? Also the first host of the spark?"

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