
Mebius tried to stand up with difficulty, but after struggling to support for a few seconds, his body fell heavily to the ground again. When he briefly raised his upper body, the timer on his chest was also exposed.

"Hey, it's the same as the last time against Gudun and Di Nuo Zoru. It's in a red light state. What does that mean?"

Zhe Ping felt that he had found a breakthrough point, and hurried back and forth, as if this could bring inspiration to his brain.

Chapter 162: Barton the Bald




After a brief wrestling, Barton at both ends found that they couldn't suppress each other, so they opened the distance tacitly, and then at almost the same moment, long tongues of flame spewed out from the mouths of both sides again!

This kind of duel is very eye-catching under the night. The flames all over the sky look like one, but they flow in different directions. The other is a flash in the pan.

"Barton, find the right opportunity and inject the poison into the opponent's body. Other confrontations are just a waste of energy."

Huixia focused her attention on the battlefield, and didn't pay much attention to the deadlocked battle inside.

Although Spark Button failed to defeat Wild Button, this does not mean that Spark Button is weak.

The Barton in the world of Mebius is also ranked first in the entire history of the universe.

Especially compared with those younger generations who have been reduced to experience babies, they can be called role models.

Well, in the prequel of Uub, there was a Barton who was scared away by Dai who passed by with a snap of his fingers.

Barton received Huixia's voice transmission, and his attack was delayed for a while, before continuing to confront Barton on the opposite side as if nothing had happened.

It's just that the beak's attacks are getting fewer and fewer, but this doesn't mean giving up, but looking for a chance to kill with one blow after focusing on it.It seems to give the opponent the opportunity to attack, but it is not.

Thanks to his concentration, Spark Barton's attacks on Wild Barton became more and more effective. The beak that could inject poison at any time almost rubbed against the opponent's body several times.


After panting heavily, Mebius finally ran out of energy and disappeared in the separated light factor.

After Huixia fixed her eyes on the place where the other party disappeared, her figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Saving one is also saving, so it is better to save a couple.

Well, good things come in pairs.

What's more, Mebius can't afford to lose, Kaguya is still waiting for him to transform into a phoenix form in the end, so that he can get the light composed of powerful bonds, so as to complete the awakening of the original form of darkness.

In this way, it can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings of its own lack of strength.

Although it is possible to possess a monster, Kaguya seldom does so, one is not used to acting in the body of a beast, and the other is that it is completely unnecessary.

Monsters themselves have fighting instincts, and it may be counterproductive to force them to command.

Huixia herself is also a layman.


Wild Barton's chirping sound became moody, and he seemed to have no fighting spirit. His eyes flickered a little, as if he wanted to leave the battle.

Perhaps it was the long fight that made Wild Barton lose interest, or the escape of the "prey" made him lose his desire to continue fighting. After all, it seems that he can't win if he keeps fighting...

Sensing its intention to retreat, Spark Barton was suddenly a little excited, and his attack became hasty. It seemed that he planned to go all out and bite his opponent.

However, when the strength gap between the two sides is not large, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to keep the opponent.


With just a feint, Wild Barton broke away from the melee fight with Barton, and then he flapped his wings with all his strength, forming an accelerated airflow, and at the same time plunged the surrounding into a near "vacuum" state, and the dust rolled and rolled under the force of the wind. Temporarily hindered Spark Button's relentless pursuit.


Spark Barton was naturally not reconciled to allowing the "coming soon" enemy to escape without noticing for a while.

It can almost be regarded as the huge force that squeezed the potential, causing the body to rise rapidly in the air, and quickly approached the wild Barton who was about to fly away.



Wild Barton probably didn't expect this fellow to pursue him so hard, as if we have some deep hatred!

They are all birds, why bother to embarrass each other?

You snatched my "prey" and I didn't fight you so hard! !

You have to know that taking food is like taking life!This is a sworn enmity, I can bear it...

I can't take it anymore!

The more Wild Button thought about it, the more angry he became, his figure tilted slightly in the rapid flapping, causing his upper body to twist downwards.

Then he went all out to compress all the flames in his body to the extreme.

When the bird's beak opened, the gushing flame turned into a dazzling dragon, as if it was about to burn all combustible objects, and the moment the stretched flame locked on the target, it shot out like an arrow!The surging and shocking red light is like a spike piercing the sky and piercing the earth!


Spark Button, who was still chasing after him, suddenly seemed to be caught in a sore foot, and his bird face froze instantly in fright. After realizing it, he hurriedly fled downwards!


Although the flames that bloomed with the power of Wild Barton's whole body failed to completely hit Spark Barton's body, they still passed by the top of the opponent's head!


The long feathers on the top of the head, similar to the "cockscomb", were instantly swallowed by the flames, and then the long fire dragon fell to the ground with scalding heat, and the sparks of flames burning on the top of the head suddenly let out a scream.

"There is a definite plan in the dark. Before turning Sophie into Captain Yantou, it's good now..."

Huixia waved helplessly, and Barton, who was burned into a bald strange bird because of the fire above his head in the air, immediately disintegrated into dark factors and disappeared.

And Wild Barton, who succeeded in sneak attack, also left a sharp name in the air, and his figure gradually disappeared into the night.

In the next second, a cloud of dark energy emerged in Huixia's hand, and a card appeared, on which was Barton who was listless and dejected.

The wings shrugged and pulled down in an incredible way, with their backs facing Kaguya, that is, facing the inside of the card.

The whole figure looked very lonely.

Without the pinch of red feathers on the top of the head, it does look a little weird.

Cockscomb is a male symbol of a big rooster, and Barton has something to do with birds...

For Barton, these few ordinary feathers may also be very important...


That was really miserable.

The corner of Huixia's mouth twitched, expressing her understanding, and silently put Barton's card back inside the spark.

I hope it can figure it out as soon as possible and accept the reality of becoming bald.

"Thank you, who are you?"

Behind him, a slightly weak voice sounded.

"Are you awake?"

Huixia was greatly surprised, turned around, and looked at Mirai leaning on the tree.

Such a comfortable posture was naturally arranged by Huixia.

"Well... a little uncomfortable."

The state of the future is obviously very bad. After he thanked the blurred figure in front of him, his consciousness became blurred. Under the influence of Barton's toxin, his body trembled involuntarily, beads of sweat continued to appear on his forehead, and his lips were even more bloodless. .

"Hold on..."

Huixia carefully searched all the current monsters, and found that there was indeed no "healing" type, so she could only comfort Mirai with words that only had a comforting effect, although the opponent had already fallen into a semi-comatose and semi-conscious state.

After having a headache for a while, Huixia really had no other choice, if the others were okay, it would be fine to input dark energy and hang their lives, but this is a ray of light...

and many more?

Huixia thought of something, and tried to mobilize the power that had been silent in her body.

"It's really done?"

Hui Xia looked at the palm of his hand, there was a small ball of white light floating on his hand like a firefly, which looked very cute.

It's just that this doesn't seem to be Noah's light?


Hui Xiabai had no idea, in fact, he wanted to transform into Noah or Nexus to release the healing beam.

Because he does have their power in his body.

This may also be the "reward" after fighting side by side with Noah last time.

It is also because of this light that Huixia found the possibility to develop her own strength.

Hmm... I thought I could transform with Noah's light, but now I think about it.

I really want to fart.

Dark Spark: It's a pity that I am a tool of Taimude's feelings and cannot satisfy your wishes.

Hui Xia:?Do you want to dance too?

Chapter 163: Comparable to God


"Well, why don't you try?"

Huixia stared at the light group, and the latter also seemed to be deaf and dumb without any response.

"Boss, can you give me some warmth?"

The light cluster seems to be thinking, and the luster in the center seems to be spinning.

The light cluster dissipated abruptly, and re-gathered in the form of light factors beside the pained Xiaomeng.

Then it slowly penetrated into the opponent's body.

With the gentle caress of the Light Factor, Xiaomeng's face gradually returned to calm, as if it became less painful.

It appears that the toxin is already disappearing.

Just when Hui Xia breathed a sigh of relief, a ball of light that was much smaller than the white awn just now returned to his side, and under Hui Xia's somewhat puzzled gaze, it slowly penetrated into his body.

"These days, God Noah knows how to save money?"

Huixia didn't realize that as the light re-entered the body, the light and darkness in her body abruptly entered into a state of balance, and the two groups of completely different colors started from the blurred card in the center, rotating back and forth, maintaining Restraining each other is like a couple who are about to form a family, and try to bring their friendship and kindness to this common family as much as possible.

On the front of the card, a looming, seemingly invisible figure gradually emerged. With the passage of time and the rotation of black and white power, it became clearer and clearer. Although this speed is extremely slow, I believe that one day, this The figure will become clear, and can truly transform into Kaguya's own power.

Now, there is a lack of time.


Huixia's attention was too concentrated, since she didn't notice any outsiders approaching.

Hui Xia frowned slightly, and after realizing the other party's identity, she was relieved, and then the figure disappeared instantly.

In this case, don't make contact with the other party.

It violated my principle of "low profile is king".

Affected by the burning mountains and forests, the wind has also become violent, and the warm wind is blowing, rolling up the withered grass leaves near the future.

With the sound of hurried footsteps, the figure of the dragon came from the forest.

"Strange, there was someone here just now?"

After scanning around subconsciously, he found that apart from the thick night, there was only the fire that gradually approached from a distance.

Long realized that there was no time to think too much now.

You should quickly evacuate with the future.

"You idiot, good luck, otherwise, if you really can't find you, it will be troublesome."

After discovering that Mari Nai is safe and sound, Long and George split up to find Mirai, whose whereabouts are unknown.

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