Marina smiled sarcastically, and realized that she had no talent in this area.

"Just call him Ultraman."

Long also offered his opinion.

Future's face turned pale with fright.


After a lot of discussion, the result is still no satisfactory name.

No matter which plan it is, there will be people who oppose it.

Especially in the future, he hardly has one of them.

Well, there was a name, why change it?

However, since other people's opinions have not yet been expressed, I am too embarrassed to intervene in the future.

He could only bear with his anxious heart, watching his future name refresh the lower limit over and over again with considerable torment.

If you know in the future, in the parallel world, an Ultra warrior who can be said to be the light of all children has also experienced a hard struggle for his own name.

"Well, let's call him Mebius."


Shimizu Shingo took a sip of coffee slowly: First, he blew gently, watching the coffee ripples with his own blowing, and then found the most satisfactory angle.

Then he looked at everyone and found that they all showed expressions of thought.

Well, there is another one who is almost moved to tears.

If it wasn't for the fact that his identity couldn't be revealed, in the future he really wanted to hold Shingo Uzumizu's hand, and thank you in tears!

"Mebius, ultraman mebius, originated from the Mobius strip, which symbolizes infinity."

"Ultra warrior, isn't that the case?"

"In order to protect peace, we will continue to fight, and we will continue to make new breakthroughs."

"It's like Mebius, who destroyed many cities when he first appeared..."

Shimizu Shingo smiled imperceptibly towards the future with a somewhat sad and ashamed face.

Then he continued: "However, the second time, Mebius learned to find the right place to fight."

"Although he made another mistake in battle when facing Barton, I feel that the name Mebius is very suitable for his attitude of never giving up and his performance of constantly breaking through himself."

Shimizu Shingo stood up, and the expression on his face gradually softened.

Ask gently: "What do you think?"

Compared with other people's various answers, Captain Sui Shui's is undoubtedly the best choice.

Besides... the name of the future itself is Mebius.

He himself must be very willing!


"plus one."


Without a doubt, all the guys voted unanimously.

In particular, a certain human body smiled brilliantly.

"The future? It's just a name. Why are you so happy?"

Long took a picture of the smirking future.

Little did he know that what he was photographing was the human body of an Ultra warrior...

Uh, can I say it's justifying myself?

Suddenly, Mebius recalled Senior Seven's instructions before he left.

"Mebius, human beings are beautiful and complex creatures. You can have a certain amount of trust in them and do your best to protect them."

"However, you must not let them know your identity."

"Why, Senior Seven?"

At this time, Mebius has just received a mission to go to Earth and is making final preparations.

As for the region, I am very curious about the "second hometown" and "extremely important place" that Tai Luo's instructor said.

It also has a strong interest in the human beings on the earth.

Also under the influence of the Ott brothers, they have a great affection.

Therefore, "friends need to trust each other, and even entrust each other!"

That's what the elders said!


Standing under the towering blue building, Seven, who was wearing a cloak, had concern in his eyes.

"You have to know that the fear of creatures is actually an instinctive reaction to the unknown."

"If, there is a person with power far beyond theirs by their side..."

Sai Wen said earnestly.

Hearing this, Mebius already understood.

"Yes, Senior Seven, thank you for your reminder!"

Mebius said gratefully.

"Nothing, this is not only concealing their goodwill, but also making it easier for me to fight."

"Go, in order to become a truly qualified Ultra warrior!"

"You will find out why you are fighting!"

Seven clenched his fist to show encouragement.



"Hey, what happened?"

The dragon shook the future dissatisfied.

After the latter suddenly woke up, he said dissatisfied.

"Uh, I'm actually happy for the Ultra Warriors. After all, I finally have a name of my own. Just like Taro... Ultraman and the others, Mebius will definitely get everyone's approval for himself. And be happy!"

In the future, the language is brewing, and the Tao is cautious.

"Oh, of course, if he can get my approval, it proves that he is a qualified fighter!"

Long nodded seriously.

However, the more I hear this, the more twisted it becomes...

Is it a great thing to get your approval?


Zhennai and others were the first to react, and Qi Qi despised it.

On the contrary, it is the future, showing a kind smile.

For him, only by being recognized by everyone can he prove that his battle is meaningful.

In the future, I will look at this group of friends who have only known each other for a short time.

Suddenly, there was a warm current in my heart, like a heartbeat.

You must, do your best, even if you lose your life, you must maintain their smiles!

Chapter 165: Let's play a game


After the name turmoil, Zhe Ping began to conduct a detailed analysis of the two Pattons.

Including the style of fighting, as well as the strength of both sides and so on.

Of course, the emergence of beta is also questioned.

After all, it was a bit weird when this Patton appeared, and it appeared completely out of thin air.

No abnormal energy fluctuations were detected either—by the time the equipment detected it, it was time for the monster to appear.

This is very different from most of the monsters in the previous records.

Generally, the appearance of monsters will produce some "clues".

However, although there are many doubts about this, there is still no way to explain it. Perhaps it is the special characteristics of the monster.Even if they are of the same race, there may be differences between different individuals, or the existence of "variants".

Zheping can only hope that Guys' technology can be further improved, or that if Beta reappears in the future, he can get more information about the other party through more understanding.

"Through Barton's characteristics and information, I boldly formulated a plan."

"Of course, only Shuke is included in the plan. The Beta that didn't attack the Ultra fighters or destroy them is not within the strike range for the time being. Of course, this is mainly because the other side hasn't shown any harm to us for the time being. In addition, with our current energy, it is not enough to wipe out the two vicious volcanic strange birds."

"Currently, although Patton is still in the Pacific Ocean, based on its trajectory, I infer that it is very likely that Patton will return to Japan after a large circle."

Zhe Ping turned on the big screen, and the red dot on it was Patton, and his flight route was also marked by Zhe Ping in detail.

"Through the zat information, I found that Barton is an obvious carnivorous animal, so in order to prevent him from being re-attracted, I suggest restricting public travel, temporarily closing the zoo, and imposing some restrictions on wildlife sanctuaries..."

"Wait, restricting the appearance of people is absolutely impossible!"

"We don't have such great authority, and the public will definitely complain!"

Assistant Toriyama appeared out of nowhere, with fierce words and a very bad tone.

"That's right, what if public grievances arise? Chief Toriyama will definitely be scolded at that time..."

Secretary Wan didn't know if she had a wrong mind, and she spoke someone's heart.

"You idiot, shut up!"

Toriyama was so angry that his forehead hurt, he slapped Secretary Maru on the back of the head, and the world was instantly clean.

"Uh... Now that you say that, let's remove this one."

Zhe Ping touched the non-existent cold sweat on his face, then said with a smile.

"Well, that's right, don't make a fuss, it's just a monster, not to mention why Barton flew back to Japan, we are poor and small here..."

Assistant Toriyama muttered angrily, like an angry child.

Good guy, in order to prevent the monster from coming back, I dare to say anything self-deprecating.

You are half official!

Zheping's smile became even more embarrassing.

I looked at each other in blank dismay with other team members, but I didn't know what to say.

"Oh, keep talking, how to deal with Barton!"

"Although the other party may not come back, there must be a plan!"

Toriyama stroked his bald and shiny forehead, and said with a smile.

"Yes, then I will boldly explain my plan..."

Only then did Zheping feel relieved, but before he could start his detailed report, the alarm from the headquarters sounded again!

"Isn't it?"

Toriyama cried instantly, he felt as if he had turned into a crow's mouth!

"Let me convey the order from the headquarters. After the battle with Guys' coastal defense in the Pacific Ocean, Patton changed his flight direction again and is flying towards Japan!"

As the urgent alarm sounded, Mei Qixue, the acting director of Guys, appeared on the screen with a serious, dignified and beautiful face, ruthlessly conveying the extremely bad news for Guys.

"Then, the subsequent control of the situation will be handed over to the guys' branch."

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