It's really unnerving.

However, Dr. Huixia is a "clerk" after all, and he also has a mission, so it is impossible to be in charge of Miklas' command full-time.

What's more, so many elite guys can't command Miklas, it seems a little too incompetent.

"Don't worry, there are no monsters yet."

"Xiao Hao and Miklas can continue to cooperate..."

Confront other people's concerns.

The future is still very optimistic.

Everyone has great hopes for the appearance of capsule monsters, thinking that they can better deal with the monsters that appear more and more frequently, but the result is somewhat...

It is not satisfactory.

After all, it's not the worst yet.


Just when the future thought this way, the ear-piercing siren sounded suddenly!

There are monsters again!

The dull atmosphere was instantly broken.

With the rapid sound, the big screen lit up, and Misaki Yuki's serious face reappeared.

"Cosmic monsters have invaded the airspace of Kuni..."

"What is the guys space base doing?"

Are they pigs! ?

The military satellites that cost a lot are useless at all?

Long asked angrily.

"The v7t7 satellite that was attacking the monster has been destroyed..."

"Registration code, Kerubim!"

"The follow-up control of the situation will be left to the full responsibility of the Kuni branch."

Misaki Yuki didn't care about the dragon's anger.

Just said in a deep voice.

No matter what the result is, just eliminate the monsters and prevent the scope of the disaster from expanding.


All the members looked dignified and got up almost at the same time.

"Please, come on!"

While several other people hurried towards the hangar.

Marina looked helpless, and gently patted Mu Zhimei's shoulder with her uninjured right hand.

Due to an arm injury during the Capsule Monster experiment, she is unable to participate in combat.

As for Xiaohao, as a team member who replaced her, Long and others drove the fighter planes out.

Xiao Hao bit the bullet and responded.

Since she is now the most suitable person to command the capsule monster, even though she is afraid of fighting in her heart, she has no choice but to agree. She doesn't want to disappoint the other team members.

Moreover, if you are too scared, how can you set an example for Migras?

How can I protect those children...


"Little good teacher..."

A group of children flocked to Mu Zhimei.

"Look, Feifei is getting fat again!"

A little girl who was not short, blinked her bright eyes, and carefully lifted up a little guy as white as snow, so that Mu Zhimei could see it.

"Hey, it seems to be true~"

Mu Zhimei hooked the opponent's nose with her fingers, in exchange for Tutu shaking her ears in dissatisfaction.

"Don't feed them all the time, just like we have to eat breakfast...dinner a day, bunnies also need to eat on time and in moderation~"

Mu Zhimei knelt down, looked at the eager children, and said with a smile.


"Hey, Xiaohao, hurry up and follow!"

When Long was about to board the Flying Wing, he felt as if something was about to happen. When he turned around, he found that Mu Zhimei was still standing on the ground in a daze. He was dumbfounded and hurriedly shouted.

"Oh~ Smith Marseille!"

Xiao Hao was startled, and after realizing that she was distracted, she hurriedly bowed and apologized, and ran quickly.

"Well, we're leaving!"

Long smiled slightly, his eyes full of determination.

Kerubim, prepare to face our wings!



Passing through the atmosphere, a huge fireball streaked across the sky like a fireball, and finally fell heavily in the urban area.

The dust that was raised in an instant rushed into the sky, gradually covering the figure of the giant beast.

As the soil returned to the embrace of the earth, the shaking calmed down, and Kerubim's figure appeared.

Long fingers like bone claws, fangs protruding from the mouth, a horn protruding forward on the head, and organs like "elephant ears" on both sides of the horn.The long mace-like tail stands upright on the side of the body, changing posture around with the movement of the body.

On the earthy gray body, a pair of eyes that are as dazzling as light bulbs are extremely conspicuous.


Just as Kerubim was constantly destroying the surrounding urban buildings, the guys fighter planes that quickly became clear from a small black spot arrived in time!

When the Phoenix looked directly at Kerubim who felt something, it shot two beams of light and bombarded the opponent!


Cherubim, who let out a dull roar, seemed to become irritable, and the "big ears" on the left and right sides of the sharp horns of his head instantly straightened, like propellers.

Immediately, a fireball blasted out!

Kerubim: Don't beat me!

The Phoenix dexterously dodged sideways. After the fireball lost its target, it hit a trembling building, and the tall building was instantly reduced to ruins.

Inside the guys headquarters.

Everyone who witnessed this scene showed astonishment.

Others were okay to say, but Toriyama had a shocked face, trembling lips tremblingly: "What's going on? What's going on?"

"This monster..."

"This is Kerubim."

The talkative Secretary Wan interrupted again inappropriately.

"Shut up!" reprimanded the talkative secretary.

"Don't let this monster spew fireballs at me again!"

Toriyama was inexplicably sad and angry, his eyes seemed to protrude, and he said fiercely.

Chapter 181: The Beauty of Wood: Fight, Miklas


"Ah, leave it to us!"

"Damn Kerubim!"

Dragon's anger is no less than Toriyama's.

The voice revealed courage, and shouted loudly: "Phoenix, separate!"

She didn't even notice Mu Zhimei's expression of fear behind her, fine beads of sweat kept coming out of her forehead.

For a timid person by nature, "intimate contact" with monsters at such a close distance is indeed a great test.

I want to work hard...

Mu Zhimei bit her lips tightly to keep them from trembling.

But the fear in his heart seemed to be dissolved in the blood, spreading this emotion to every part of the body.


"excuse me."

boom! !

Huixia withdrew and became aggressive, with dark sparks like a pistol, and a palpitating dark breath was still radiating from the "gun muzzle".


Gently blowing, the dark factor immediately dispersed.

Huixia squinted her eyes slightly, looked at the other side with a gloomy face, and couldn't help "gasping" violently, but it was actually the "Bogaru" who was irritated.

"It seems that you must be with me..."


Huixia didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and fired again.

The woman in white teleported to dodge, resentment flashed in her eyes.


Huixia didn't care about the hatred in the other party's voice.

Instead, he said frivolously: "My friend, how about we play a game?"

"Just bet I can kill you."

"If I win, you will become a card."

"As for losing?"

"You can try it."

Hui Xia spoke slowly, and then noticed the woman's complexion changed.

"Are you afraid?"

"You impostor."

"Mephisto, Faust."

Kaguya aimed the spark at the woman in white in front of her again.

"Bogaru" hurriedly teleported back.

The surrounding space is locked by the man in front of him. Although teleportation can still be used, many restrictions have been imposed.

Huixia didn't care about the enemy's evasion, but just fired a shot!

It's just that this time it's not a powerful attack beam, but two entangled energy breaths!

Two lights and shadows flickered from the spark handle that Huixia was holding tightly, and immediately turned into a card, arriving in front of it before the breath hit the distance.


The card was broken apart by the impact of the breath, and then turned into a ball of light and fell to the ground, forming two figures crouching on the ground.

"I think you'd better stay here."

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