
The dragon's running pace instantly became faster.

Death always slows me down a step!

However, this is an illusion after all.

Long felt that it was getting hotter and hotter, and the sweat on his back continued to flow down, one was hot, and the other was frightened.


He didn't dare to look back, for fear of wasting time, he just kept running desperately.

And in another perspective, that is, in the sight of Kerubim.

You can see a small figure that is about to be swallowed by the fireball.

And when the dragon was about to be completely swallowed by the flames.

A ring of light fell from top to bottom, and then the light dissipated, and the figure of Miklas appeared.



He took the fireball attack abruptly, and the high temperature made Miklas tremble subconsciously, but he still resisted tenaciously.


"Duck rush!"

Not far away, the beauty of wood gasping for breath.

With a wave of his hand, the determination in his eyes and the words of no hesitation burst out in an instant.


Mu Zhimei's loud encouragement made Miklas, who was a little timid after seeing Kerubim's ferocious body, feel strength.

He rushed towards each other without hesitation.

The striding pace is exactly the same as when facing Di Nozor.


"That's pointless."

Another place, the edge of the city.

"Bogaru" teleported again to avoid Mephisto's side kick, then raised his head and sank to avoid Faust's punch.

Then before Liangao could react, he teleported back again.

The expressionless woman spoke with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"is it?"

Hui Xia smiled slightly.

"Faust, Mephisto."

The two figures who were about to rush out to pursue "Bogaru" froze suddenly.

It immediately turned into two streams of black and red light that merged together.

Huixia stepped forward slowly, and then rushed out with a punch!

The moment the fist edge passed through the dark light, it was also instantly swallowed by the light. After being distorted for a moment, a brand new appearance of a dark giant appeared in front of "Bogaru".

The new giant, which combines the characteristics of the two Austrians, slowly moves its lower neck. Compared with before, the sound of heavier steps keeps ringing as it moves its legs. As the distance gets closer, the sound in Bogaru's ears becomes more and more hair full of urgency.


"Bogaru"'s face turned cold, and then his body twisted for a while, and the human disguise faded away, revealing his real appearance.

"Aren't you going to run again?"

Turning into a dark giant again, Huixia felt an unprecedented power.

It's not like the power of Faust and Mephisto, but it's like another kind of energy.

It is similar to the power of the dark dragon that once devoured it. The specific manifestation is that there is no sense of disobedience after the transformation.

Huixia felt that it was probably the reason why the progress of self-awakening was accelerating.

However, after receiving Noah's light, Huixia could no longer perceive the changes inside her body, and it seemed that she was in a critical period of transformation.

Because of this, Huixia hoped to absorb the powerful light as soon as possible.

Of course, he will take everything in the dark.

Therefore, he didn't intend to let this guy who called himself the "first generation host" live any longer.

Chapter 183: The Beauty of Wood: Fight, Migras




Long looked relieved, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

While breathing heavily, he looked at the figure that had rushed towards Kerubim.

"Come on!"

Migras, who seemed to have obtained an inexplicable buff, precisely hit the opponent's body under Kerubim's flustered evasion posture!

Like a passer-by being hit by a derailed train, Cherubim felt the pressure hitting all parts of his body, and the momentum continued unabated, overwhelming Cherubim instantly.

And Migras, who took advantage of the trend, straddled Kerubim, just like what was shown in TV, after clenching his fists, he kept moving towards this fierce-looking but "fancy but useless" monster Smash it hard!

After being punched several times in succession, Kerubim's eyes flashed bewildered at first, and then he became annoyed.

The ferocious monster that reacted suddenly moved its tail, which had been in a wooden state, and slammed it towards Migras' back!

Ride me to fight?Go to hell, little man!


Migras, who was lashed by the wolf-toothed tail, froze immediately, and his movement of beating the monster under him was also much slower.


Mu Zhimei shouted worriedly.

Migras who feels the call:

Strength plus 99!

Defense plus 99!

Afterwards, the round Migras jumped to avoid the moment the tail was drawn again, and hugged the moment the tail stopped.

Cherubim felt bad, screaming and trying to break free.

However, Migras, who was constantly using his own advantages and making his strength more and more tightly bound, did not move at all, and instead exerted greater strength again.

After a slight pause, he lifted Kerubim up completely, and then swung it into the air!

Kerubim, who seemed to be on a roller coaster, suddenly became dizzy and didn't know where he was. He could only feel waves of dizziness, blurring his senses.

And Migras threw Kerubim again after turning Kerubim several times!

Driven by the unstoppable force, Kerubim sensed the danger but couldn't resist at all. He could only let himself feel that he was flying into the air, and after a brief dizziness, he fell heavily on the ground with his face on the ground!


Migras cheered and jumped a few times, as if celebrating his victory, and then rushed towards the opponent with great strides!


"I didn't expect that!"

Toriyama looked relieved.

When Migras threw Kerubim just now, he didn't hit any building, but intentionally remained in the open space on one side.

In addition to having the upper hand in the battle with Kerubim, the overall performance is extremely good.

It can be said that the man-made monster technology that Toriyama "worked hard" to get can be regarded as his greatest contribution to guys.

"Now, we only need to defeat Kerubim, and it will be a perfect ending!"

Involuntarily clapping his palm, Toriyama smiled excitedly.


With expectant eyes, Migras' figure suddenly disappeared as he turned around.

All that remained was Kerubim who staggered up from the spot.

"what happened?"

Toriyama's smile froze.

"Uh, it's time."

Secretary Maru spoke cautiously.

Shui Shui shook his head helplessly, but expressed his understanding.

After all, the technology is immature, and the energy supply is limited, so the battle that can last for 1 minute is already the maximum limit.

But it's a pity that at the most critical moment...

"Ah, really..."

Toriyama slapped his forehead, looking very annoyed.

Doesn't this bring variables to things again?

If the guys fighter's attack doesn't work, forget about the others.

Zhe Ping, who had been silent all this time, seemed to have discovered something, and said excitedly: "The sharp horn on Kerubim's head is definitely an important breakthrough point!"


Toriyama exclaimed, feeling that things were a little tricky.

"Sharp horns?"

Marina repeated it, and then seemed to think of something: "Zheping is right. Just now when the Wing and Loader attacked, Kerubim consciously avoided being attacked on the head. I thought it was protecting his eyes from being injured. It turned out that it was protecting its sharp horns!"

As if he had found a friend, Zhe Ping hit the palm of his hand with his left fist and said, "Yes, as long as it breaks its head, then maybe the monster can be severely injured!"

"What are you waiting for!"

Toriyama quickly approached Zheping.

"Quickly think of a way to break the sharp corner of the opponent!"

The excitement on Zhe Ping's face faded in an instant, replaced by scratching his head in embarrassment: "If you want to interrupt Kerubim's sharp horn, you have to restrict the opponent's movement, or use other means to attract its attention... "

After a dry explanation, Zhe Ping said hesitantly: "Why don't you try using [Torch of Capture] first, at the moment when the effect of [Torch of Capture] disappears, use this moment, and then use [Extraordinary Blade] to break the opponent's Horns!"

"This is the solution I can think of..."

If Mebius could appear, it would undoubtedly be much simpler.

Even if Migras hasn't disappeared...

For some reason, Zheping always feels that such a method is unreliable.

First of all, whether you can successfully control Kerubim with [Torch of Capture] is a problem.

The second is the most important thing. No matter if the attack on the sharp corner is successful or not, Kerubim will definitely lose his mind in anger. At that time, the guys who attack on the ground in order to ensure accuracy will definitely bear the consequences .

"It's a bit dangerous to do this. If you use fighter planes to contain it, can you last for an hour?"

Forced water also thought of the key.

He would rather accept some economic losses than casualties.

After all, buildings can be rebuilt if they are gone, but if people are gone, they are really gone.

After all, the reality is not TV. No matter how you talk about "sacrifice", it is based on unavoidable circumstances. If there is a choice, who will sit back and watch their team members die?Or take on the task of narrowly dying?

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