"It's very possible, according to mat records, that the Sadras live on the surface of Mt. Kiribuki. They can create magnetic smog that disables electronic equipment, and there are often fights inside. They are very warlike monsters..."

"Obviously, Sadra is not a monster! It's a group living in groups!"

Zhe Ping turned pale, so how many Sadras are there!

Chapter 199: Meteor Shot


"So, in the smoke, is it all Sadra?"

Shui Shui watched as more satellites were mobilized, so the picture was clear, but the endless smoke covered all the pictures, and the billowing fog made it difficult to see the things inside. It was hard to imagine how many Sadras there would be.

"George, Sadra's ears are weak points, and the other party judges the signs of biological activity in turn. As long as it is destroyed, Sadra will be blind!"

"Find an opportunity and kill it with one blow!"

Zheping hastily searched and analyzed, and keenly discovered Sadra's shortcomings, and hurriedly shouted to the contact channel!

"Got it, don't worry!"


George quickly raised the fighter plane, dodged the attack from the rear, rolled the fighter plane sideways, and once again narrowly avoided the whip suddenly shot in the smoke.

His eyes were full of fear, and before he could finish one end, the other party came to help him again?

Now it's a little tricky.


Two figures with no difference from Sadra slowly emerged from the smoke, one from the left and the other from the right. With the sound of heavy footsteps, their postures were clearly seen by everyone.


"Brother, the people on this planet are so weak, do we need to continue to observe?"

In the smog-shrouded mountain forest, four unusually obvious emerald green lights flickered in inconspicuous corners.

It was the advance troops of the Dark Emperor, Jielin and his sister Jiemumu.

"What's the rush? Our first step is to collect information on Mebius, not to mention the father of Ultra and those mysterious monsters that appeared before, have you forgotten?"

"What's more, there is Ultraman Naios of the Warrior Command, we can't act rashly."

As soon as Jielin heard it, he knew what his sister was thinking about, so he glared angrily, and his emerald green eyes became brighter in an instant.

"Tch, Father Ao has already left. As for those monsters? They are obviously hostile to the Kingdom of Light. What are we afraid of? I just learned a new word, the enemy who is called the enemy is the friend. Is that what it means?"

Jiemumu didn't care about his brother's "threat" at all, instead he made a funny face and said.

"That's true, but don't forget that our purpose is to collect information and try to avoid unnecessary conflicts. Naios alone is worth our vigilance, not to mention those unknown monsters are not as simple as you think."

"Well, you are still young, so it's normal to not understand. You haven't figured out the purpose of the other party, so you can't just conclude that they are friends. There is no friendship between Dark Star people."

Jielin felt a little emotional, and educated this worrying younger sister earnestly.

"...I'm over 3000 years old. Even according to the age of the earth, I'm already eighteen. You nagging brother, how annoying!"

Jiemumu angrily knocked off the hand that was pressing on his head, and looked at the three-headed Sadra who was constantly trying to attack the human fighter planes in the sky without blinking. Can't beat a vulnerable fighter...

If it were me, I could breathe out with a single slap!

"Hey, it's all my fault for letting you come to Earth to watch so many TV shows."

"It actually affects such a big, terrifying earthling."

Naturally, Jaylin didn't know what was going on in his younger sister's mind. He was slowly rubbing the metal-colored fighting instrument in his hand, in which lived his strongest monster Jayton, as well as the Impreza bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor, and Super Bemon stan.

Although he said he didn't want to fight, but for the sake of his own people, fighting was unavoidable.

He just wanted his sister not to see his "murderous" scene.

The concern in his heart is enough to turn him into a demon who devours everything.

And these two monsters are the key to completing the mission and withdrawing safely.

This is a sharp weapon that can defeat most Ultra fighters.

Originally, the emperor's idea was to deal with the Ott brothers.

As for Mebius, it can be solved by Jayden alone.The main problem is to deal with the aftermath. These two monsters can make Jielin escape completely, unless Father Ao or several Ott brothers come.

The emperor will not be stingy with his subordinates who can complete the task, and these two monsters can be regarded as "advance" rewards.

Otherwise, even Leonix might not be able to bear the anger of the Otto brothers.

Jiemumu, who was immersed in eating melons, naturally didn't hear his brother's complaints, otherwise there would be another abnormal scene of "love each other and kill each other" and "brothers kill each other".



With difficulty, Future led the dragon to climb out of the loading number that was gradually emitting gray smoke.

Well, it's not easy to drag and drop!

After taking a few breaths, he looked at the sky that flipped flexibly and kept playing with monsters, like flying wings dancing on the tip of a knife.

"I always feel like I've forgotten something..."

After confirming that George is safe for the time being, and even able to handle it with ease, Future finds that Long is still in a coma, and then glances at the loading fuselage that is gradually no longer smoking.

"Dr. Huixia!!"

After a few seconds of sluggishness, Future suddenly slapped his head and looked up at the cabin cockpit in surprise.

"I'm here, the future."

Kaguya looked at the yelling Mirai, and patted the other person's shoulder expressionlessly.

"Hey, are you okay, great!"

Mirai was startled, and when he turned around and found that it was Hui Xia, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the other party was not injured.

Worried too much about the future, he forgot what Aofu told him, Yuan Huixia was a warning from a dangerous person.

"Sure enough, it's a real CP, passers-by like me really can't compare..."

Huixia muttered, fully understanding that Future only cared about saving the dragon.

"what did you say?"

Huixia's voice was too weak, and Mirai couldn't hear it clearly.

"It's nothing, Mebius, let's fight!"

After Huixia shook her head, she pointed seriously at the three-headed Sadra who was unusually conspicuous in the forest.

"Oh well…"

"Eh? Why do you..."

Future nodded subconsciously, and then foolishly showed his wrist, Mebius' aura suddenly emerged.

Responding suddenly, he stuttered and asked.

"Isn't it natural to know your identity? Otherwise, what did I do to save you before!"

Hui Xia shrugged: "Hurry up and fight, don't hesitate. George will run out of energy sooner or later."

I want to see you being beaten quickly, why are you so ignorant?

Hui Xia said with contempt in her heart.

"Well, anyway, thank you very much for helping me detoxify..."

"I will thank you again in the future!"

"I'll go first!"

A little overwhelmed in the future, and then quickly made up his mind.

He took a few quick steps, turned around, and saw Huixia smiling suddenly.

He nodded heavily, and shouted with firm eyes: "Mebius!!!"


"Damn, I can't keep up..."

George was a little tired, and the sweat on his face made him itchy more and more. Although his eyes could still detect Sadra's movements, his body's reaction obviously couldn't keep up!

"Jinnai, I'm going to fight!"

George's eyes turned cold, he couldn't go on like this!

One Sadra must be dealt with in order to resolve the crisis caused by the gradual exhaustion of physical strength!

"Go for it! Turtledove!"

Marina responded subconsciously, with an enthusiastic expression on her face.

"Hey, I told you not to call me Turtledove!"

George angrily drove the Flying Wing, quickly slipped through the blockade of Sadra's pincers, and shot straight into the sky, and the Flying Wing swooped down again!

The beam of light is like a football bursting out, bombarding Sadra's trembling ears!

Chapter 200: Meteor Shot



Sadra seemed to be frozen, the entire rock-like body completely stopped any movement, and it only staggered to the ground after a few seconds.

Struggling on the ground, it seems that the ears are indeed its weak point, but it will not lead to death because of this.

Just like the human cerebellum, it lost its balance and lost the ability to perceive creatures in the smoke.

In other words, this Sadra is already blind.

Well, I haven't found anything special about its other senses yet.

"Good job!"

Truth could not help but praise.

"That's natural."

George showed a sassy smile, and then he didn't forget the other two Sadra.

The fighter plane turned abruptly and avoided the sudden pincers again. It seemed that George had regained his spirits at this time.

Like lol, it does bring joy to the team after taking first blood.


The jet that turned its head quickly passed by the long arm, and George locked onto the other Sadra again.

At this moment, his heart was quite excited, as if something hidden was revived in his body.

Maybe it's the sense of glory he hasn't had for a long time --- all the lost emotions will come back after a hearty victory, and the George at that time is the real George.

From a lonely goshawk to a wolf king leading a pack of wolves.

Although the metaphor is not very appropriate, it can also tell the changes in George.

It's just that this change may not even be noticed by himself.

Just when George, with great confidence, intended to inflict heavy damage on the other two monsters, a sudden light shot out from the ground and directly hit half of the wing of the Flying Wing.

The moment of contact made the Flying Wing instantly lose its balance. After a very short pause, the Flying Wing was emitting black smoke and swaying like a bird that lost half of its wings. go!


One of Sadra immediately let out a cheerful roar, opened its mouth like a bark, and adjusted its direction to wait for the prey that would automatically come to the door.

After No. [-] Sadra realized that his reaction was slow, he immediately shook the pliers angrily, but he still failed to get a response from his companions after successive roars. Go for your partner's "hip area"!


Like a long sword pierced into the mound, Sadra No. [-]'s pliers also pierced into the small half of Sadra's body, and Sadra, who was stabbed in the back by his companion, struggled away screaming in pain.

The severe pain made him lose his mind. Although such a struggle broke free from the rear pincers, it also caused a lot of turbid blood and body fluids that seemed to be contaminated by something to gush out.

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