"what is that?"

"It always feels like something from the Vatican..."

In the future, I feel that this expanding unknown object contains extremely strong "energy."

Subconsciously answer.


Everyone said in surprise.

Future's face was a little flustered: "Look, the spaceship of the Venton Stars is nearby!"

"It seems that the Vatican..."

Mirai, who tried to change the topic, was saved by Zheping who didn't know the situation.

"Wait a minute, I have found the Vatican."

"Trying to make contact."

Zhe Ping's voice came from the communication channel.

After temporarily cutting off contact, Zhe Ping tried his best to show a friendly side, and even brushed his hair a little.

In stark contrast to the woody beauty of the Turaiga gun held cautiously.

This time it can be said that all the guys were dispatched, except for the captain of the forced water.

Chapter 219: Teleportation VS Teleportation


After realizing the friendliness of the other party, the Vatican star moved forward a few steps hesitantly.

The eyes that still contained fear trembled like the tentacles of a snail.

"Don't worry, we'll defeat Jadon..."

"Uh, to speak Cosmic Language..."

Zhe Ping tried his best to search for the words in his memory, and began to communicate with Vatican as if struggling with dancing.



Jayden came to 929 and bent down without any hesitation—it was no longer a bend, but a slight tilt, because 929 had swelled to a height of more than 40 meters, comparable to the body of a monster.

However, although they couldn't figure out its purpose, adhering to the idea that "whatever the enemy wants to do will definitely bring us a bad situation", the Flying Wing and the Loading shot relentlessly, trying to stop Jayden's actions.

Unfortunately, although Jayden had no defense this time, the impact on his beetle-like back only splashed a few sparks and did not cause any damage to him at all.

Jayden's eyes shot out a circle of light, and when he was about to cover 929, a sharp and strange cry sounded suddenly!

Then Jayden's body shifted suddenly, and it was hit by the slime that appeared on the side!

The slime hit with one blow and teleported away without hesitation.

Jayden, who was attacked, was forced to interrupt the recycling behavior, and instinctively swung the knife at the slime!

But it was a step too late, and the other party had teleported and disappeared.

Jayden looked around vigilantly, the light-emitting organs flickered frequently, and the continuous sound of insects sounded extremely noisy.

Suspiciously interrupting the attack because of the slime's appearance, the Flying Wing and Loader slowly lifted off, intending to observe first.

Long looked at the "giant beetle"-like cosmic dinosaur on the ground, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The newly-appeared monsters seem to be in a hostile relationship with Jayden, which is undoubtedly good news for guys.

"This monster is fast..."

"No, it should be teleportation!"

George was amazed that he hadn't been able to see the movement of the newly appeared monster.

This is impossible for him with dynamic vision.

Unless the monster doesn't rely on speed at all...

George said in shock at the thought of some possibility.


"This magical ability that only exists in sci-fi movies, does this monster actually possess it?"

Marina's eyes were full of surprise.

"how is this possible..."

"A mere monster!"

Before Long could finish his rebuttal, he saw a flash of black light behind Jayden.

It's slime!

And Jayden, who always seemed to be "standing blankly", also flickered and disappeared, as if he had discovered the danger behind him.

Bogaru, who emerged from the black light, retreated vigilantly without hesitation. At the same time, Jayden's figure suddenly appeared, and the knife slashing from top to bottom almost fell on Bogaru's face.

"...Actually, it's really teleportation!"

The dragon's voice was full of unbelievable meaning.

No matter how much you don't believe it, what's happening before your eyes doesn't seem like an illusion.

"Don't attack the monsters for the time being. A rash attack will not have any effect. Protect the Fanton Stars from the combat range and wait for Mecha Gomora to arrive."

Shui Shui saw that the situation on the field had changed. The strength of Jayden and the new monsters made him feel the crisis.

This is no longer a monster that the guys fighters who have lost their meteor technology can solve.

So, forcing water to make a new arrangement after a little thought.


The Flying Wing and Loading received the order and began to fly to the other side, preparing to pick up the Vatican Stars back to the headquarters.

Although a certain person was very upset in his heart, he didn't show it.


"I probably understand..."

Zheping and Mu Zhimei covered Fanton and retreated a little bit, and during the time of the monster battle, they had a difficult communication with the Fanton star, and finally obtained the desired information.

"929 was developed by the Vatican Stars to solve the food crisis on the home planet..."

Continuing to move backwards, Zheping conveyed all the information he learned to others through the contactor.

"So that's it. So, did Jayton come here for 929?"

The rare dragon with an online IQ stood in front of the Flying Wing and Loading, which were extremely large compared to human bodies, thinking thoughtfully.

"According to what the Vatican star said, 929 is just food. Why are the two monsters fighting for it, even to the point of wanting you to die?"

Zhennai thought more carefully, and directly pointed out the crux of the problem.


Zheping showed doubts, then subconsciously looked at Vatican.

After the difficult conversation, Zheping came to a realization and explained: "929 is essentially composed of protein, which means it has powerful energy and can supplement biological energy.

And Bogaru is a very dangerous monster.Vicious and brutal, insidious, cunning and gluttonous, he has destroyed many civilizations in the universe.Most of these civilizations were eaten alive by it.Something as nutritious as 929 will naturally attract it. "

"Bogaru? Is it the monster that didn't look easy to mess with Jayden?"

asked George.

"Yes, this guy is the most unpopular race in the universe, known as a high-dimensional predator."

Zheping replied.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things, hey, Zheping, is there any way to get rid of them!"

The dragon, who looked quite angry, raised the gun handsomely with one hand, but he couldn't make a move at all.

Powerlessly lowering his arms, Long's eyes were full of anxiety and worry.

Whether it is Jayden or Bogaru, their speed is too fast.

Human reactions simply can't keep up.

Thinking of this, Long suddenly turned his head to look at George who was silent and dignified.

This guy, don't know if he can see their actions?


There's no way Zheping can do it. Jayden is a monster that once killed Ultraman, and he has no flaws at all. He is one of the few "perfect" monsters among monsters.

Unless it can reduce the dimensionality to attack the opponent, attack with its irresistible light and bombs, but this will also completely destroy the city...

Guys will never go this far unless they have to.

So, in fact, there is still no way!

"Look! It's Mecha Gomora!"

Mu Zhimei, who has always been like a frightened rabbit, pointed to a certain place in the sky in surprise.

Everyone subconsciously looked over, it was the Mechanic Gomora who killed Teton not long ago, the product of the Mechanic Plan.

At this time, the battle between the two beasts also changed.


Jayton's reaction became faster and faster, especially the constant hand knives, which became more precise and faster.

On the contrary, Bogaru seems to have consumed a lot of strength, and the number and intensity of teleportation are getting lower and lower, and he was almost attacked by Jiedon many times.

If neither side has the ability to teleport, then there is a high probability that Bogaru will not be able to beat Jayden.

Losing this ability, Bogaru can't do anything to Jayden at all.

The latter is the pinnacle of Showa that combines defense and attack.

In Max's world, that Jayton defeated Max and Jeno cleanly with only his fighting skills and strength.

It is conceivable how far its combat power has reached.

It is very difficult for the light technique to hurt Jayden, and the close combat will not be the opponent...

If this continues, Bogaru will definitely lose miserably.

Fortunately, our Ultra... Mechanic Gomora is here!

Chapter 220: In the Name of Ultra Warrior



There was a thick roar like thunder on the ground, mixed with blunt metal tones.

Accompanied by this roar, as if wanting to vent his existence, countless missiles ejected from Gomora's body, shooting towards Jayden like a rain of arrows.

As for Bogaru, he retreated a little distance after receiving Huixia's signal, so the target of the missile was Jayden who was still standing there.

Of course, the purpose of these missiles is not to destroy Jadon. It would be too naive to destroy the cosmic dinosaurs with just a few missiles.

It just provides a slowing effect.



As Huixia expected, under the witness of the Guys team members, the explosion cloud formed by the intensive missile offensive enveloped Jiedun and the entire industrial area. If they weren't far enough away, there might be another mass destruction.

Even so, the flames formed by the explosion made everyone a little frightened, and the diffuse smoke quickly covered them at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Guys, who had to retreat again, forcibly pulled the Vatican who intended to "coexist and die" with 929. Fortunately, in the future, the dragon was strong enough, otherwise it would really not be able to pull it.

Zhe Ping on the side continued to comfort him: "Don't worry, we will help you get 929 back. That mechanical monster is our sharp weapon."


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