Huixia didn't think too much, the most important thing is to take care of the present moment first.

After placing the Silver Dragon, Kaguya finally took a deep look at the power station.

His gaze turned in another direction.

A thoughtful look appeared on his face.

"And there... Renlong is whining... let's go check it out."

After all, it is a local monster that gave itself the starlight.

Although the other party is now in a semi-entity state and is worthless at all, what can scare Renlong really makes Huixia curious.

Besides, I always feel that there will be some gains in my heart.


Simulation training center.

"The challenge is about to begin..."

Under the clear blue sky, the flat apron covers a vast area.

Nine Condor fighter jets are arranged in a V shape, ready to go.

In an inconspicuous position on the side of the plane, an alpha chariot was quietly parked there.

As for the other vehicles, they disappeared after their selection.

It seems to vaguely imply that everyone only gets one chance.

Chapter 83: Attack on Shamu: Dino Zor


After the mechanical sound calmed down, the participants did not notice any changes within ten seconds.

Until the piercing sound was faintly heard again in the sky.

Only then did they steer the fighter plane into the sky and looked further up.

"What's the movement?"

"I don't sounds creepy."

"Look around and be careful! Maybe it's a monster!"

Those who advanced have learned their lesson and become extremely cautious.

However, under their control, the nine Condor fighter planes looked crooked, like toddlers who couldn't walk.

In the air, going up and down, it looks extraordinarily funny.

More importantly, they haven't realized it yet.

And Shamu, who was driving the Alpha chariot, stepped on the accelerator skillfully.

Let the car quickly enter the state, and the engine makes an abrupt roar.

At the same time, the injector at the rear of the Alfa burst out with blue flames, causing the dashboard to increase to eighty miles in a second. Even so, the speed still climbed to an unimaginable level.

"Giant life form found, coordinates... target height... please note that the target is about to approach Airport No. 1."

Although this was the first time for Xia Mu to drive an Alpha tank, after having experience driving a Defense Force standard vehicle, she found that the Alpha was actually easier to operate.

And the functions should be more powerful, such as smart radar, which can easily perceive monsters, especially huge monsters.

Just now, the radar has warned that a giant life form is about to land in the center of Airport No. [-].

They should have found out too, right?

Xia Mu looked at the formation of planes almost flying towards the unknown life form.

Aircraft formation: ?What did you find?

In other words, she only now knows that this large piece of flat land is actually a simulated airport...

Well, there are indeed ten Condor fighters, the ones that can take off and land vertically.

However, the nine pilots just now did not use vertical take-off and landing. After all, such a take-off method requires relatively high driving skills for the pilots.

Xia Mu shook his head, don't force yourself.

Safety comes first, the car is pretty good to drive, and the Alfa is not too slow.

Driving Alpha came to the edge of the airport in an instant. At this time, it was about 2km away from the position just now, and a black spot appeared faintly in the sky.

And the black dot is decreasing rapidly, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, from a black dot that seems to be the size of a bean soon into a behemoth that occupies the entire eye.

"Dino Zor..."

"Or Tinozoro."

Xia Mu whispered, staring at the target.

Until it landed heavily in the center of Airport No. [-], its huge legs compared to humans brought a powerful impact, causing the originally flat apron to sag in an instant.

Then the cement concrete fragments splashed all over the place, and the soil that was suddenly "bounced" into the air because of its light weight.

It seems that this is the "challenge" they will face.

Or rather, "disaster".

Xia Muqingxue's face was dignified, she couldn't transform into Dijia here.

You can only use your own strength to fight against the enemy.

It was also the first time that Xia Mu realized how small human power is, but how great it is.

Even if it is destined to usher in death, it is never afraid.

Regardless of nationality, soldiers, as it should be.

Then he turned his gaze to the operation button, with a firm gaze, and firmly pressed a certain weapon button with a muzzle pattern printed on it.

"Rapid fire gun at the ready!"

From the "metal box" on the roof of the Alpha tank, the muzzles of the two muzzles that were only vaguely exposed extended instantly, and aimed at Dino Zor with the sound of mechanical twisting.

"Target locked!"

But Xia Mu didn't fire rashly, because the nine Condor fighter jets were flying towards Dino Zor in a crooked manner.

The speed of fire of the rapid-fire gun is very fast, but the power is not enough, and the range is also limited. It is very likely that there will be a deviation when the range limit is reached. Well, it is okay if it is only Dino Zor.

But with these fighters...Xia Mu was afraid of accidentally hurting them.

"Damn, where is the weapon button?"

In the plane's communication channel, a muscular and elegant man wearing glasses was sweating profusely and asked anxiously.

Unfortunately, no one responded to him, and everyone was still familiar with the buttons on the Condor fighter.

After all, flying a plane is not as simple as driving a car.

Although it can barely drive, no one knows how the Condor fighter plane should launch an attack.


Dinozor's weird-looking head was stretched forward as far as possible, under the ugly scarlet eyes, the ever-opening mouth was releasing disgusting and frightening shrill noises with all its strength.

Sure enough, everything that should be restored has been restored...

In the distance, Xia Mu looked at the "lifelike" Di Nuo Zoru through the car video, and couldn't help complaining.

There is no decent equipment on the "airport", and it looks super ugly.

But the details on the monster are handled very well, whether it is the sound or the blinking movement, it looks like a real Dino Zor.

The deep malice of the designer is evident.


Maybe it found that there was nothing to destroy, so the iron-slashing monster turned its gaze to the flying insects in the air.

The scarlet eyes looked particularly ferocious on the towering head.

His eyes were firmly locked on several targets in the air.


There was another sharp stabbing sound from the mouth, and then the back faintly glowed, and countless high-heat light bullets poured into the air as if they were summoned, and to be precise, they shot at the nine Condor fighters that were still swaying and unable to control themselves.

"Quickly evade!"

The nearest "pilot" stared wide-eyed, watching the light bullets continue to enlarge in his sight...


"Look at me!"



After a few loud bangs, the four fighter planes exploded in the air, turning into debris and falling downward.

The "Look at Me" pilot is no exception.

Only the black smoke remaining in the air and a few burning flames can prove that they have appeared before.

Perhaps the remaining fighters were lucky, or maybe it was Di Nuo Zoru's bad taste, so they successfully avoided the attack of the high-temperature light bombs.

"so close!"

The man who spoke to Xia Mu saw the light bullets that could almost feel the heat passing by the fuselage sideways, and he could even clearly feel the sense of death crisis when passing through the glass.

This real feeling made him feel as if he was really in a battlefield where he could die at any time.

In the "crisis of life and death", the man seemed to have been stimulated to his potential. He actually manipulated the condor to turn over flexibly, dodged the light bullet again, and then touched a certain button on the console by mistake.

Two beams of light burst out from the launch port below the fighter plane, and a brilliant but short-lived band of light streaked across the sky before hitting the target!


The powerful beam of light almost hit Dino Zor's eyes, and almost wiped his eyes. If Dino Zor didn't instinctively dodge, he might have been seriously injured.


Dino Zor's cry became urgent, as if he was irritated.

The almost transparent super long tongue suddenly popped out of the mouth, a bit like a snake letter.

Like a poisonous snake that ejected and attacked, its long tongue quickly swept across the sky, and three more fighters were directly blown up. Seeing that three more "flying insects" were missing, Dino Zor let out another piercing cry in excitement.

Shaking his skeletal body, his head was constantly raised, and the tail behind him was also swaying sensitively, looking very proud.

"Keep a distance and use the alpha beam together, enough to destroy it."

In just tens of seconds, all seven fighter planes were destroyed, and Xia Mu couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

She yelled into the team channel.

Since the Alpha Chariot remained in place, it was not selected by Dino Zor as a target.

But if this continues, the challenge is likely to fail.

The second hurdle undoubtedly requires everyone to join forces to defeat Dino Zor.

Therefore, the designer provided a very luxurious configuration, ten fighters and ten Alphas. As long as everyone distributes them reasonably, it is relatively simple to eliminate Dino Zor.

A real example is that when Dino Zor first appeared, the Alpha Beam Cannon of the Defense Force successfully killed a Dino Zor.

It's a pity that almost everyone chose the cool Condor fighter instead of the Alpha tank, which is relatively easier to operate.

As a result, the plane crashed.

Fortunately, however, not all crashed.

Everything has a chance.

Hearing Xia Mu's voice, the two "only remaining" pilots also reacted.

It was the man who reacted the fastest, and found a particularly striking "α" sign next to the launch button he had just pressed.

"Here, at the bottom of the center!"

The man pressed the α sign while reminding the team channel.

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