I came back from working overtime in the middle of the night. I am working hard to write, and I will update it soon.

Then there are some situations where you said that you might kill me, which caused the water group to take a long time, so I won't talk about it.

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Chapter 13 The actions of the brave are just

"Okay, let's meet again." Barbara held her forehead helplessly, looking at Ying in front of her.

How long has it been since you left the church?Why did you come in again.

Ying could only show a polite smile.

Lin Mo was lying on the bed in the lounge, with a Paimon in the flower basket beside him.

"You said... Among the hundreds of mushrooms, what is the probability of touching a poisonous mushroom?" Lin Mo looked at the ceiling and said to himself.

Among the mufeng mushrooms in a place, Lin Mo and Paimeng carefully selected a few slightly poisonous mushrooms that looked very similar.

This kind of accuracy, I am afraid that even the card pool with a shipment rate of only 0.6% can control it.

"Generally speaking, who would eat Mufeng mushrooms if they have nothing to do?" Barbara just came in at this time and heard Lin Mo's words, and directly complained helplessly.

"You come as often as Bennett."

Lin Mo scratched his head in doubt: "Bennett?"

This name seems a little familiar, where I heard it... Oh!I remembered, that unlucky guy who was as unlucky as Kamijou leader.

Although that person's luck is not very good, he still seems to be quite good.

While Lin Mo was meditating, the door opened and another visitor came in, it was Kaiya.

"Hey, Brother Lin Mo, you seem to be safe and sound." Kaiya and Lin Mo greeted each other loudly, walked in and sat aside.

"It's the first time I've seen a person who is still so energetic after eating poisonous mushrooms."

Lin Mo curled his lips in disdain. As a person from the Celestial Dynasty, what has he never eaten?After eating the periodic table of elements, are you afraid that a mushroom will fail?

Kaiya just glanced at Paimon lying in the basket, and said with a smile, "This fruit plate is not bad."

Paimon, who was lying in the basket, trembled.

Lin Mo yawned, and asked curiously: "What is Kaya up to lately? It feels like I haven't seen you and Amber for a long time."

"Amber's words were investigated because of the expansion of the Qiuqiu tribe, and I...mainly received the envoys [fools] from the Kingdom of Ice with the acting head."

"The other party seems to want to harm the Fengmolong, and the deputy leader is negotiating with the fools. After all, even if the Fengmolong goes berserk, it is Mond's guardian of the four winds. How can outsiders interfere with Mond's own affairs?"

Kaiya's tone was rarely cold, as if he didn't like other countries' meddling.

"So? What do you want from me? Do you want us to do something?" Lin Mo looked at Kaya with some doubts.

Kaiya resumed her usual frivolous smile, patted Lin Mo's shoulder and said with a smile: "How could I ask you to help with something? Hahaha."

Kaia snorted.

"It's just that some treasure robbers have recently appeared on the outskirts of Mond, and they are crazily looting the surrounding resources. Many treasure chests in the Qiuqiu people's camp have been removed by these people, affecting the income of many adventurers."

"Then what does it have to do with the things here?" Lin Mo expressed his puzzlement.

Kaiya explained: "The scouting knights found that they seem to have a close relationship with the Fools, and the Fools are also using these people to find something. Although it is our duty to suppress bandits, there are some things about the Knights of the West Wind. Temporarily unable to show up..."

Lin Mo nodded to express his understanding. To put it bluntly, it involves diplomatic issues between the two countries, and a third-party force is needed to investigate.

Originally, Lin Mo had no interest in this, but Ying pushed open the door and walked in.

"Lin Mo, let's go and teach those people a lesson!" Ying's face was upright.

Hearing Ying's words, Lin Mo also nodded. This kind of role in the disaster town really needs to be tidied up.

"He went to open the treasure chest first! Let's teach them a lesson!"

"Ah... ah?"


According to the map provided by Kaiya, I came to the place where the treasure robbers were active. Although it looks desolate, it is still inhabited, and there are some villages on the side of the road.

Lin Mo found the head of the village, intending to find out about the situation.

"Oh, those goddamned bastards!" The village chief blew his beard and stared angrily: "Those guys really robbed everything they saw. They entered the house and smashed our jars, took the contents, and even opened the boxes in the house without authorization. , and even snatched away the best sword in our village!"

"This robbery! Disgusting!"

Lin Mo thought for a long time, isn't it all done by the brave?Why do thieves do this kind of thing?

Lin Mo hurriedly comforted him: "Don't panic, old man, we are here to help you clean up these guys."

Lin Mo stretched out his hand and condensed a wind group, showing that he is a user of elemental power and is qualified to deal with the treasure robber group.

When the village chief heard that he was here to help, and he was also a user of elemental power, he immediately beamed with joy.

He took out the treasured food from the jar, took out the collected props from the box, and even got the best weapon from the blacksmith's house in the village and handed it to Lin Mo and his wife.

After being sent off by the village chief, the two set off in the direction where the treasure robber group is now.

Ying was holding a bunch of things, and looked at Lin Mo in confusion:

"We are taking these things now, it seems to be similar to the things that the treasure robbers robbed?"

Lin Mo shrugged: "That's different, we are also the acquisition of the brave, they are despicable robbers."

Seeing Ying's cute expression on Quincy's face looking at him, Lin Mo knew she didn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you know that it is legal for the brave to take things from others.

The two came to a hillside, below which was the camp of the Treasure Bandit.

At this time, the treasure robbers in the camp were carrying something, and their work was in full swing.

"Treasure Thieves..." Lin Mo rubbed his chin, looking at the busy people below from a height.

What Kaiya said, those miscellaneous fish who have deals with fools should refer to these treasure robbers, right?According to the residents of the nearby villages, these treasure robbers have been haunting the vicinity and do not know what they are searching for.

So what exactly do the fools want the treasure thieves to look for around here?

"Lin Mo...I have a question." Ying's voice suddenly came from beside her ear.

"What's wrong? Ying, did you find something?" Lin Mo didn't care at first, thinking that Ying saw something wrong with the actions of the treasure robbers.

But Ying said: "The treasure thief group, there should be a lot of treasures, right?"

"Theoretically, there will be." Lin Mo replied, suddenly he was taken aback, and turned to look at Ying.

There was a smile on the corner of Ying's mouth, and she drew her long sword from the void.

Well, Lin Mo immediately realized what Ying wanted to do.

"Be gentle." Lin Mo reminded helplessly.

Ying nodded, and jumped off the cliff impatiently.

When Ying fell to the ground, the members of the treasure robbers who were carrying the goods of course also found her.

"Who?" The middle-aged man who seemed to be the leader shouted.

Ying completely ignored him, the emerald green elemental force representing the wind condensed, and the elements seemed to be gushing out.

"Let's go with the wind!" Ying used the element explosion technique, and a small tornado swept the entire camp of the treasure thief.

Standing on the high ground, Lin Mo couldn't help shaking his head looking at the tragic situation below.

Ordinary miscellaneous fish like the Treasure Pirates would shatter at the touch of a finger.

Don't look at Ying who is usually cute and cute, but the battle is actually very decisive, ruthless and heroic.

"Is this... stupid and cold?" Lin Mo couldn't help complaining in his heart.

PS1: Newcomers and new books, please collect and complain

PS2: Because I worked overtime until midnight, I had no choice but to stay up late to update the codewords. Don’t worry, this is yesterday’s update, it’s still there today.

PS3: I got Keli, luck is not bad, although it is guaranteed

Chapter 14 The Flying Chuchu Man

Ying's entry neatly defeated several members of the treasure robbery group who were patrolling, and then the tornado summoned by the elemental explosion wiped out all the other members who hadn't reacted.

These treasure robbers present should be ordinary people, facing the users of elemental power, they have almost no power to fight back, and they were already lying down before Lin Mo arrived.

"These people may not be too weak, right?" Lin Mo couldn't help but shook his head as he looked at the group of treasure thieves who fell into one piece.

People who can use elemental power are almost one-sided when facing ordinary people. Even so many members of the treasure robbers can't survive a tornado from Ying.

"Found the treasure chest." Ying walked to the carriage, and saw the wooden box that the treasure robbers had just brought up, and her eyes lit up.

The things stored here should be the things that the treasure robbers robbed.

"Ying, open it quickly! Let's see what's in here!" Paimon also poked his head out from the side and shouted loudly.

"Yeah." Ying nodded heavily, and put her hand on the treasure chest.

With a swipe, the treasure chest opened, and there seemed to be a ray of light shining out of the chest.

"Oh!" Paimon exclaimed excitedly looking at the light.

As the light dissipated, the contents of the box also appeared in front of my eyes...

Inside is an....an ordinary silver sword that reflects sunlight. The entire sword body is unremarkable, and it looks like a weapon made by a blacksmith.

Ying's eyes lost their brilliance in an instant.

"Well, the draw card sinks to the bottom...it's normal." Lin Mo patted Ying on the shoulder and comforted him.

"It will definitely come out next time." Ying retorted a little angrily.

Lin Mo shook his head, next time... Maybe it will be even worse next time.

Playing krypton gold mobile games all the year round, Lin Mo can be said to have rich experience, so he can only shake his head helplessly.

Xuan does not save Fei, Krypton does not change fate.

But even though he said so, the amount of property on the scene obviously did not match what the village chief said.

Obviously this is not the base camp of the Treasure Bandit.

According to the regiment rules, Lin Mo and Ying searched the entire camp, taking away everything except the clothes.

It's a pity that this is obviously just a small camp, there is nothing good at all, and the two of them only harvested some Mora and grain.

However, Lin Mo still asked where the other party's base camp was from the mouth of the treasure robbers.

The other party camped in the nearby Whispering Forest, and secretly collected and traded.

Naturally, Lin Mo would not let go of this opportunity. After handing over the members of the treasure robbers to the nearby village for disposal, he went straight to the Whispering Forest.

"Ahead should be the base camp of the Treasure Bandit."

Paimeng, Ying, and Lin Mo quietly lurked near the camp, and stood in a row to look in the direction of the camp.

By the campfire, a man in a gray windbreaker and a black blindfold was indeed seen.

This dress is exactly the same as the crowd of fools in the embassy in the city.

"The fools really hired the treasure robbers to find something near Mond." Lin Mo muttered.

On the opposite side of the messenger of fools, a member of the Treasure Bandit wearing a mask came over, holding a box in his hand.

Both Lin Mo and Ying poked out a little longer, intending to see what was inside.

The box opens to reveal the contents.It was a dark red teardrop crystal, something both of them were familiar with.

"Crystal tears?" Lin Mo opened his mouth in surprise.

"So it turns out that the fools entrusted the treasure robbers to find Tewarin's tears."

Lin Mo saw the foolish people take out the red crystal, and immediately recognized what it was.Those were the tears of the Wind Demon Dragon Tewarin, albeit a tainted version.

"Sure enough, are fools also interested in the so-called power of the abyss?" Lin Mo raised his chin in thought.

He had extracted the blood crystals of the abyss from the contaminated tears before, so he barely understood some of this energy.Lin Mo didn't care whether it was the energy's rejection of elements or its nature of polluting other creatures and objects.What Lin Mo likes is that this thing can be used to synthesize other props.

So the goal this time is simple.

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