"It's not uncle!" The man roared angrily: "I remember you boy, next time I see you, I'm sure you'll be happy, what's your name?"

Lin Mo went crazy on the spot.The two of them are making funny faces, why are you looking for me?

Lin Mo snorted softly: "Ha, I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me."

Seeing the figures of the Fools walking away, Lin Mo also curled his lips:

"Don't dare to turn against Mond? There are quite a lot of actions behind the scenes."

The reason why the fools gave up was obviously because they didn't want to get too stiff with Mond, but that arrogant attitude showed the mentality of the other party.

"Captain Qin, thank you for making the rescue." Lin Mo thanked, if not for Captain Qin, there would have been a real fight today.

Then after the fight, it is estimated that it will enter the strange cycle of playing the young and then the old, and I am afraid that it will become the Long Aotian Theater by then.But I seem to have robbed fools before... I guess... I haven't been discovered, right?


"My lord diplomat, is that the way to go?" the fools said angrily.

These fools have never been afraid of anyone, so if they don't accept it, they will fight.

It is said that recently the debt handler in the hotel had a big fight over the wine money, and was reprimanded by the lady.

But that's what fools are.

"It's your lady's order." The diplomat cast a glance at the man and said calmly.

The man shut up immediately.

Needless to say, the status of the [ladies] of the eleven executive officers of the Winter Kingdom in the Winter Kingdom.

Is it actually an order from your lady?

"Before, our people collected four crystals of the Wind Demon Dragon in Mond. We planned to transport them back to the Winter Kingdom, but they were discovered and taken away." The diplomat said.

"Who? Is it the Zephyr Knights? Or some other force from Mond?"

"It should not be the Knights of the West Wind." The diplomat said with certainty: "Our people are all staring at the main combat power of the Knights, and there was no sign of going out at that time."

"The cavalry captain Kaiya, who was told by the intelligence personnel to focus on him, did not move, and was even drunk in the tavern at the time."

The diplomat snorted softly: "The so-called focus on laning is nothing more than that. It's the intelligence personnel who worry too much."

"So people from other forces?" the man asked again.

"No other forces have been found to move."


"Then what if it's those two people just now?" The diplomat suddenly gambled back the man's words.

"Those two people just now?" The man was taken aback.

"You go find a way to keep an eye on them. Those two people are completely unplanned. We need a dike."

The man made a long mouthful, but he still didn't say it in the end.

He really wanted to say, two ordinary people without God's Eye...how could there be any threat?


After the crisis was resolved, Qin and Lin Mo started chatting.

"Lisa already has some clues about the crystals obtained secretly by the fools before."

"Besides, you haven't been rewarded for helping the West Wind Knights before. I hope you can return to the Knights with me." Captain Qin invited.

Lin and Mo had no reason to refuse, so they followed to the headquarters of the West Wind Knights.

"You guys are here?

"In the office, there is still the astonishing black silk witch lady Lin Mo saw in the library last time.

"Lisa, tell me about the investigation of those crystals."

Lisa nodded and patted the pile of books beside her.

"According to the experimental deduction of the power of the wind attribute contained in it, this crystal should be produced by the wind dragon, and should be a product similar to teardrops. The outer layer of material is a kind of energy that does not belong to the seven elements , and the holder of the Eye of God will feel uncomfortable and weakened when touching it, the specific situation is still unclear."

Qin showed a pensive expression, while Lin Mo and Ying beside her had subtle expressions.

They knew this information a long time ago, and they had already obtained new crystals through the Temple of Thousand Winds.

Lisa also noticed that Lin Mo and Ying's expressions were not quite right at this time, and asked, "What's wrong, cuties?"

Cuties?Lin Mo was a little speechless about this title.

But Lin Mo still said: "About this..."

Lin Mo talked about the crystallization of Fengmolong's tears, played down Wendy's existence, and talked about his own extraction of impurities from the crystallization surface.

Then he took out a blood crystal of the abyss and showed it to the two of them. This was the one that was taken from the box before.

Since Wendy said that the crystallization of tears is the key item to save Fengmolong, Lin Mo naturally didn't intend to hide it, and directly told the news to share with the Knights.

"I see." Lisa nodded after hearing Lin Mo's explanation. Her previous inferences were all correct: "But I didn't expect you, cutie, to be able to strip these impurities out?"

Lin Mo was vigilant: "Why? I don't have the crystallization of wealth for you."

This is a treasure, if you can point skills, you can synthesize props.In this world without krypton gold windows, this is the only item that can be used for enhancement.

"Don't worry, cutie." Lisa looked at Lin Mo's nervous expression, and smiled indifferently: "I'm not interested in research now, so you don't have to worry that I will find an opportunity to lock you into the experiment room."

"It's not there now, does it mean that it was there before?" Lin Mo complained frantically in his heart.

But Lisa's expression didn't look like a fake, because she just looked at the crystal curiously, and then she didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Lin Mo, can you show the purification process?" After thinking for a moment, Qin said.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that we want to take a look at the stripping process to determine what these substances are. Maybe this will be helpful to study the current predicament of Fengmolong."

"Well, good." Lin Mo nodded in agreement.

Even if Qin didn't say so, Lin Mo still planned to borrow it. The one he had on hand was not enough for him to strengthen himself.

"I'll get ready, Ying can help me." Lin Mo said, turned and walked out of the office.

After a while, the door of the office was opened again, but both Lisa and Qin were stunned.

"Um, Lin Mo...what's the matter with your outfit?" Qin was speechless when she saw Lin Mo who came back after putting on the equipment.

Lin Mo was wearing a full-body armor that he got from somewhere, and a rope was tied to his body.If it wasn't for the armor that Ying helped push in, Qin almost thought that the ancient heroic spirit of the knight order had revived on the armor.

"There are some unspeakable secrets." Lin Mo's voice came from the armor, which seemed a little dull.

"OK." Ying turned her head and gave a thumbs up.

Lin Mo nodded, ready to start.

Qin didn't plan to get to the bottom of it, but waited for Lin Mo's show.

Lin Mo walked to the table and stood still, Ying ran to the front and tied the rope on Lin Mo's armor to Qin's desk.

Lin Mo tremblingly picked up the phone with his heavy armored hand, aiming at the polluted teardrop in the box.

He collected one before and was sent flying far away. Although he was not hurt, Lin Mo still had lingering fears.This time the weight will not be bounced off, right?The total weight of the whole body armor plus your own weight should be no problem.

Lin Mo felt as if he would be bounced away every time he got a special prop, and he didn't know why.You can't be ashamed in front of Captain Qin this time, I don't believe that you can fly me away like this!It can also bounce me to eat this table!

The camera scanned the teardrops in the box, and under the scan, the black matter outside the crystal seemed to be drawn towards the mobile phone in Lin Mo's hand.

The black lightning appeared again, and Lin Mo felt a huge force, like a repulsive force that made his body fall back uncontrollably.

Lightning erupted, and a figure flew into the hall through the open door of the office.

"Lin Mo!" The few people present were startled, stood up and looked outside.

The parts of the armor were scattered all over the floor. In front of the opposite door, Lin Mo was lying on his back, with a helmet on his head and a mobile phone in his hand.

"So that's it... is it forced to fly?" Lin Mo lay on the ground, looking at the ceiling speechlessly.

Lin Mo took out 4 blood crystals of the abyss from his backpack, and only then did Lin Mo show some smiles.

I bought 3 pieces in one go, and it is not a loss to eat a table.

1. Newcomers and new books, please collect and complain.If you have comments or suggestions to put forward in the comments or postings, your complaints are the motivation of the author.

2. The plot of Mond is half-launched at all levels, and Lisa is basically disconnected except for investigations, which is very confusing.

3. I haven't had time to play the new version of Hearthstone yet, so uncomfortable, busy

Chapter 34 Melee marksmen are traditional

After finishing the idle business about the research, Captain Qin also talked about the business.

"Because of the two men's achievements in saving Mond, the Knights of the West Wind decided to award the two honorary knights with medals." Speaking of Qin, she took out two medals and handed them to Lin Mo and Ying.

"Honorary knight... Is this similar to a three-good citizen?" Lin Mo took the medal and said playfully.

"Although I don't know what Sanhao Citizen means, I think it's about the same as what you imagined."

Lin Mo is quite satisfied with this, after all, he didn't share anything before.Rather than saying he saved Mond, he just saved the hero who saved Mond by accident...a bit of a tongue twister.

But to Lin Mo's surprise, when he was looking at the medal, the system actually sent a reminder.

[Obtain the title of honorary knight, the prestige system in the Mond area to unlock]

"Reputation system?" Lin Mo was taken aback.

This is actually not difficult to understand, there are similar systems in many games.Lin Mo curiously took out his phone and glanced at the newly unlocked [Reputation] APP. The content inside was indeed as he expected, the mode of accumulating reputation and earning rewards.

But when he took a closer look at the reward, Lin Mo's eyes widened.

Level 1 prestige reward, with a reward of 10W Mora, this is the biggest sum of money Lin Mo has ever seen after traveling.

The more you look back, the more excited you are. At level 2 reputation, you can get a blueprint of the God Pupil Resonance Stone, which can be used to detect the position of the God Pupil.There are various rewards in the middle. On the final level 8 reward, there is a very mysterious question mark called the system mysterious reward.

Lin Mo hurriedly expressed his opinion at that time: "I will cherish the opportunity given to me by the leader and strive to make progress together with the Zephyr Knights. Work together to create brilliance..."

"Okay, I see." Qin interrupted hastily.

Although I don't know why Lin Mo's sudden convulsions, but this does not hinder her routine:

"Honorary knights are not just a title, but also mean that you have the same treatment as knights in Mond." Qin continued: "I have applied for the standard equipment of the West Wind Knights for you, the exclusive weapons of the West Wind Knights."

"Generally speaking, this kind of weapon needs the consent of both the knight order and the church before it can be released, but the church thinks that if it is a hero of Mond, then it is eligible to hold it, so it agreed."

"Weapons of the West Wind Knights." Lin Mo suddenly became interested.

According to the former owner of the blacksmith shop in Mond, the weapons of the Mond Zephyr Knights are all finely crafted and powerful weapons, each of which comes from the hands of a master.Not only has super elemental conductivity, but also has auxiliary techniques of alchemy and magic attached to it.

"Then let the Cavaliers take the two of you to get it." Qin said, and spread her hands to invite the people waiting at the door to come in.

Kaiya's figure appeared from the door, and greeted Lin Mo: "Hey, the two heroes of Mond look good. The relationship seems to be a lot closer?"

"Ahem." Captain Qin coughed twice as a reminder.

Kaiya glanced at Captain Qin's expression of "If you talk nonsense, I'll send you to mine" and smiled awkwardly, and didn't continue talking.

Although Captain Qin's expression was unlikely to mean this, Kaiya knew that talking nonsense would definitely not be good for her, so she stopped talking and brought the two of them to the warehouse of the Knights.

There are all kinds of weapons here, and each weapon has the breath of elements, which are obviously not extraordinary.

Lin Mo looked at these weapons, and his evaluation of the force value of the West Wind Knights increased a lot.

Although Mond now has a lack of security in the city because the head of the regiment took most of the army to fight against the dragon disaster, but the quality of the weapons can also tell that the knights are well equipped.

Kaiya handed the West Wind Sword to Ying.

Ying took the West Wind Sword and waved it a few times, and found that the blade was extraordinarily light, but the sound of breaking through the air when swinging it showed that the power of the sword was not affected at all.

Kaiya then turned to look at Lin Mo: "What weapon do you want? There is still room for the West Wind Sword."

"No, I want a bow and arrow." Lin Mo shook his head and said.

"Bows and arrows?" Kaiya was suddenly curious. He didn't remember seeing Lin Mo use a bow and arrow.

Lin Mo's conventional weapon has always been the ordinary long sword given by Ying. In fact, the material of the long sword is not good, and the blade has broken many times.

The reason why Lin Mo is still using... is actually because Ying has too much in stock.

After Lin Mo's knife broke, Ying would always hand over a new one, which made Lin Mo very confused. He also asked Ying how many knives he had, and then Ying thought about it, and performed a show for him on the spot. Unlimited sword system.

"Because most of the treasure chests are filled with such things, I have many of them." Ying told the sad truth.

Lin Mo didn't have a better weapon at hand, and the sawtooth dagger was too weird to use as a dagger, so he hasn't changed his equipment until now.

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