Lin Mo also sighed helplessly, his family property has shrunk again.

According to the previous agreement, the 10 rough stones obtained from Keli will be distributed to Ying half, which is 5 pieces.

I still have 10 pieces in my hand that I haven't drawn before, that is, two chances to draw a lottery.

"Then I'll draw first." Lin Mo skillfully drew a magic circle on the ground, and placed the rough stone on it.

According to the previous attempts of the two and the explanations in the system, it can be roughly known that the function of the original stone is to resonate with special existences outside the world and summon them.

In human terms, it is...drawing cards from the big card pool outside Yuanshen World.

After Lin Mo figured this out, he was very excited. If he got some awesome artifacts, wouldn't he be prosperous?

When the time comes, beat up Wendy, tie him up, and put him in his room.

I bought apple cider every day and drank it, and I was so hungry for that little Fengshen.

Lin Mo watched the original stone gradually merge into one and became the fate of meeting, clapped his hands together and recited the spell:

"One bow to God to draw the Pharaoh! Two bows to the city of the God of Gamblers! Three bows to Ouhuang Maple! Ask for a gold!"

Worshiping the three gods at once, Lin Mo was more devout than ever.

This time, the power from the other side of the world also responded to his expectation, and the meteor fell down like it did a few times before.

But this time there was something different, that is, a golden meteorite fell from the sky.

"Oh oh oh! It's shipped!" Lin Mo's eyes widened, extremely excited.

In the color ranking of white, blue, purple and gold, gold is the highest grade.

The meteorite fell, and Lin Mo couldn't wait to control the wind element to blow away the smoke before the smoke began to fill.

A ball of props wrapped in golden light floated above the magic circle, Lin Mo directly took out his mobile phone and put the props into his backpack.

Lin Mo rubbed his hands excitedly and opened the item information column. This was his first time withdrawing money.To be able to get the evaluation of gold in such a large card pool is an artifact, right?

【Belia Capsule—Transformation props.The capsule containing the power of Ultraman Beria can be scanned with a sublimator to borrow Beria's power (Note: The system on Beria's side helps you communicate, you can use it at ease)]

Lin Mo almost fainted from excitement at that time, who is Beria?The emperor-level figure who is all-powerful in the three special Olympic areas!Breaking through the guards of the Kingdom of Light with weapons... Oh, it seems that anyone can enter the Kingdom of Light and steal something, it's fine.

In short, he is a big boss at the cosmic level. If he can borrow his strength, Wendy can pinch as much as he wants, pinch as much as he wants?

But then Lin Mo was taken aback and remembered something.

"Wait a minute? Give me the capsule, transformation props...where's the transformation device?" Lin Mo's face was full of shit.

I quickly lay down on the ground and looked again and again, but found nothing else.

You fucking give me the transformation props but not the transformation device?You are the same as selling a computer to me without a host computer!

"Send another transformation tool!" Lin Mo threw the only five rough stones left in his hand with grief and indignation.

Seeing the five rough stones turned into a bond of meeting, Lin Mo suddenly felt a sense of being cheated.Why is this still being sold apart?

As a result, a blue meteor fell, making Lin Mo's face darker.

[Crimson Queen—one-handed sword.The special weapon made and transformed by the Demon Sword Order, although it is a one-handed sword, but its thickened blade and internal combustion engine design make its destructive power completely surpass that of the big sword. (Note: The charge is 3 gears, if you don’t have the devil’s hand, don’t try 3 gears)]

Lin Mo looked at the name of the weapon stuck in front of him, and his expression improved a bit.

Scarlet Queen, Nero's saber in "Devil May Cry 4", even a demon wearing heavy armor may not be able to block the attack of this weapon.This happened to be what Lin Mo wanted most now, a handy weapon.

Lin Mo directly pulled out the Scarlet Queen and waved it in the air a few times.The heavy blade doesn't look like a one-handed sword, but he can barely wield it with his level 2 enhanced physique.

"Perfect weapon." Lin Mo inserted the sword into the ground and praised.

Although it is a mechanical creation of human beings, it is not comparable to artifacts such as Yan Mo Dao, but it is much easier than the Traveling Sword, isn't it?

Lin Mo's lottery draw can neither be said to be a loss nor a gain, so he is quite satisfied.

The main reason is that capsules are too distracting.

Lin Mo put away his weapon and put his arms on his hips, pondered for a moment, but still felt irritable.

Glancing at Ying at the side, Lin Mo put on a smile again.

"Come on, Ying, it's your turn." Lin Mo gave up his seat.

Ying nodded and came to the front of the magic circle.

Just like a few times before, put the rough stone on, make a wish, and then... watch the white meteor fall.

[King Arthur's rice bowl - a holy relic? .Eating props, King Arthur's special rice bowl stored in the cupboard of Emiya's house, maybe you can get King Arthur's blessing if you eat with this bowl...well, probably. 】

Lin Mo almost laughed out loud.

It's comfortable, it's comfortable, and sure enough, it's better to watch Ying draw a card to decompress.

"It's a common thing for soldiers to draw cards to sink ships, and they will definitely ship them next time." Lin Mo said seriously, trying to control himself from laughing with a sullen face.


A slight sound sounded.

Ying lowered her head, her face hidden in the shadows.

When Lin Mo was in a cold sweat and hesitating whether to comfort her, Ying suddenly jumped up and threw Lin Mo down.

"Lin Mo, I will definitely withdraw money next time! Lend me those rough stones, and I'll give you what I got later!" Ying rode directly on Lin Mo's body with empty eyes.

Judging by the situation, it is obviously on the top.

"Calm down! Calm down! Gambling is an abyss full of trouble! Don't indulge! Ah!"

The birds in the forest were startled and quickly shifted positions.

Keli cast a strange glance, looked at Paimon and asked, "What happened over there?"

Paimon's face was full of embarrassment: "Maybe... the wild boars are busy in the woods, right? It's a forest after all."

What the hell are Lin Mo and Ying doing? !

1. Newcomers and new books, please collect and complain

2. The matter of adults, refers to the distribution of spoils (funny)

3. Today is my mother's birthday, I have been busy all day, so the update is a little late, sorry for that.

Chapter 56 Nirvana Completed and New Master Keli (4K)

After playing around all day, Lin Mo and the others set off to return to Mond City seeing that it was getting late.

Lin Mo and Ying, one on the left and one on the right, each held Keli's hand and walked slowly while Paimon flew aside and shouted that his legs were sore.

"Today's harvest is really good. Do you want to eat steamed fish tonight? I know how to do it." Lin Mo asked.

"I don't want to cook, I refuse." Ying responded in a low voice with no motivation at all.

The two were in the grove, and Lin Mo had to spend a lot of effort to wake Ying up.

In fact, the main reason is that he really lost the first drop.

All the rough stones on her body were pumped out, and there was nothing left, which made Ying give up her thoughts.

However, the price after the farce was that Lin Mo felt a little backache after being ridden for a long time, and Ying was a little depressed because of the sinking ship.

But Keli in the middle didn't know about it.

There were gradually some fighting sounds in the distance, which made Lin Mo and Ying's expressions serious.

This is near Mond City, and if something happens, it will definitely not be a trivial matter.

The two looked at each other, and Youying hugged Keli and hurried to the scene.

After rushing to the scene, the two saw the knight and the Qiuqiu people fighting together, led by Qin and Kaia.

Among the Qiuqiu people, some abyss mages can still be seen. It seems that this incident is an attack led by abyss mages.

"I'll help them." Lin Mo directly drew out his weapon and jumped into the battlefield.

Ying drew out her long sword to be on guard.

One is to guard against the sudden attack of the abyss mage among the Qiuqiu people, and the other is to guard against Keli's excitement and throw a bomb over to directly destroy both sides.

Lin Mo rushed into the battlefield, and at the first sight he took a fancy to a Qiuqiu thug who was besieged by several knights without losing the wind.

The opponent's vine and wooden shield was dancing vigorously at this time, and it was difficult for the surrounding knights to approach the opponent.

"It's you." Lin Mo directly raised the Scarlet Queen and slashed at her.

The Qiuqiu thugs found someone was attacking and subconsciously raised their shields to block.

But the power from the shield made it unable to stand still, and was pushed by Lin Mo and hit a tree not far behind him.

The surrounding knights were shocked.

They had witnessed the strength of the Qiuqiu mob just now, and they were able to deal with several of their knights when they stood in a favorable position.But the young man who jumped out now actually pressed his sword directly against the opponent's shield and pushed him into a corner, so terrifying, so terrifying.

Lin Mo was also polite, and while the Qiuqiu thugs were steadying their footsteps with their backs against the big tree, they directly turned the accelerator on the handle.

This is the characteristic of the Scarlet Queen sword. You can start the internal combustion engine in the sword body and release flames by twisting the throttle on the hilt. In the 3rd gear full state, even a demon can hardly escape the fate of being cut in half. .

Turn the accelerator slightly to enter the first gear, and after the internal combustion engine starts, a little flame emerges from the blade.

The vine wooden shield began to burn, and the temperature of the flames was no longer what this wooden shield could resist.

Under such an offensive, the shield would be shattered after a few blows.

But Lin Mo is not satisfied, this is not sword training, and there is no need to talk about martial arts.Call out the fire element to wrap the sword body again, using the wind element as the thrust.

Lin Mo raised the knife pressed against the shield, and leaned back while holding the handle of the knife with both hands.

As soon as the Qiuqiu thugs felt the pressure on the shield loosen, Lin Mo turned around and swung his sword directly on the shield the next moment.Using the waist force taught by Ying himself, this blow is his full blow.

The thrust of the Scarlet Queen internal combustion engine, the bonus of the fire element attached to the sword, and finally the diffusion and secondary propulsion of the wind element.This blow directly passed through the burned and carbonized shield, passed through the Qiuqiu thugs, and finally passed through the trunk of the big tree behind him.

With just one blow, everything in front of him was cut off.

Lin Mo's sword hit the ground, and he almost turned over.

The power was too great, and the waist that was already hurting a little before being teased by Ying was getting more and more painful now.

"It hurts, it hurts, my waist." Lin Mo hurriedly stood up straight and tapped his waist, almost breaking it.

However, the nirvana he envisioned was completed.A blow centered on the thrust of the Scarlet Queen and the elements of wind and fire.

The power has exceeded his expectations.

"What should I call it? Kagura, the God of Fire?'s called Raging Flame Sword? It's too vulgar..." Lin Mo fell into deep thought, and his difficulty in naming it happened again.


The movement made by Lin Mo attracted the attention of the whole audience.

When they saw the identity of the visitor, the several abyss mages who led the team trembled in fright.

Lin Mo, the nemesis of the abyss mages, can be said to be notorious in the abyssal order. The multi-element fighting method makes the abyss mages who mainly use elemental shields very afraid.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!" the leader of the abyss mage decisively issued an order.

Originally, after attacking the team, Qin and Kaiya were found to be present, and the abyss mage present had already started to retreat.Now that Lin Mo's entry made them give up their plan completely, wouldn't it be good to live?

The abyss mages all used flashes to move in space and retreated hastily, leaving the Qiuqiu people to block and prevent them from being chased.

However, some dishonest people still noticed Ying who was holding Keli by the side.

"I didn't expect to find two human girls. Let's take them as hostages." After a flash, an abyss mage appeared beside Ying and Keli, approaching them with a strange smile.

Ying just looked at Akuya with an expression, and then took out a pistol.


The abyss mage who was still chanting a spell was hit by a long-range sneak attack, and it didn't expect Ying, who was holding a sword, to suddenly pull out a long-range weapon.

A burst of laughter struck, and the abyss mage fell to the ground and burst into a ball of laughter.

With some disgust, Ying raised her boots and stepped on the opponent's head directly, controlling the opponent.

The battle ended soon after losing the abyss mage, leaving the knights to take care of the scene.

Lin Mo ran back to Ying's side, intending to see if there was anything wrong there.

As a result, everyone who saw the scene was stunned.

At this time, Yingzheng stepped on the head of an abyss mage very domineeringly, and the other party was still smiling for some reason.

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