Lin Mo gave Kaya a white look, as expected, this guy gave it to him on purpose.

It must be to ask him to help with white jobs, investigate the treasure robbers and fools.Don't even think about it!It's not to pick up the task, why do you have to run errands?

Lin Mo didn't bother to pay attention to Kaiya, who was smiling and silent, and called Ying to go to the wine table, intending to listen to the gossip about Mond's strongest.

At present, the supporters of Captain Qin and the supporters of Heroes of the Night are evenly matched, and there is almost no difference in votes between the two sides.Although the voting is still going on, the votes of the two sides are closely related to each other.

Lin Mo lost interest, so what's the difference between the two?And there is another urban legend.

Suddenly he found a different person, who seemed to be a bard.

"I said that I really saw it, why don't you believe it? The little girl in the red dress must be Mond's strongest combat power. I swear in the name of Lord Wind God Barbatos."

Wendy, who drank too much juice, burped, not sure if it was an acknowledgment of the oath.

"The little girl in the red dress?" Lin Mo and Ying looked at each other, and they both saw the answer in each other's eyes.

"Friend, tell me carefully?" Lin Mo moved a stool and sat next to the bard, and asked curiously.

When the other party heard that someone believed him, he also spoke very excitedly.

"That was actually the day I went to Wangfeng Mountain to find inspiration. As a result, a strong man directly changed the landscape of that area. The destructive power was the strongest I have ever seen in my life. I saw it in the bushes A little girl in a red dress ran over, she must be the strong man, there was no one else present!"

"She must have some kind of treasure that can exert this kind of power. Maybe it will be the strongest treasure in all of Mond! This is my bard's intuition!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo has basically confirmed that it refers to Keli.

They had already seen the power of Keli's bomb in Xingluo Lake.

But this story was too appalling, almost no one in the audience believed it.

Lin Mo tilted his chin and thought for a while.

"Excuse me, when will this bet end?" Lin Mo stepped forward and asked the people at the wine table who were taunting each other.

"It's over? Probably tomorrow night, whoever has the most votes will win."

"Okay, time is enough." Lin Mo smiled when he heard this.

"What do you want to do?" Ying asked curiously.

Lin Mo shook the voting paper on his hand, on which was written the name of [Ke Li].

"It's almost to give some surprises to the people of Mond. After all, since we have a plan, it's okay to make it bigger?" Lin Mo separated his fingers a little bit, indicating that it was really only a little bit.

Ying revealed a suspicious look.


Outside the tavern, an abyss mage lurking in the dark seemed to be using some kind of magic to eavesdrop on the conversation in the tavern.

As if he heard the information he wanted, he let out a strange laugh.

"Is it Mond's strongest treasure? This seems to be another artifact."

"Abyss Mage Sauce, who is easy to listen to rumors, is in action"

1. Newcomers and new books, please collect and complain

2. I was watching TV last night when suddenly the editor contacted me and asked if I would be on the shelves.I was almost scared to death at the time, and then I chatted with the editor for a while and probably decided to put it on the shelves on Friday.Therefore, there may only be one update today, so I'm sorry, I have to check it out.

3. Although the grades in this book are not particularly good, but since the time comes, you can still get it, and if you don’t get it, you won’t be able to get other recommended seats.Thank you for the support of the readers who are still there. Although it is estimated that many readers will be lost after being put on the shelves, thank you for supporting me as a newcomer.

Let’s leave the comments on the shelf for details


I have already got the news that it will be on the shelves around 10 o'clock on Friday.

Thank you readers for your support. Although I have an old book on the shelf once, I don’t know how to write a testimonial.

From playing the game Yuanshin and falling in love with Ying, to opening the book by myself, the number of favorites has exceeded 4000.

Although it belongs to the level of stepping stones among the original god authors in the same period, but without pushing Krypton Qing, Fisher, and Ningguang, it is basically beyond my expectation to get this result.

After all, in my short career as a writer, I only know that it is the right way to write popular female characters who open a harem and incorporate other popular elements such as Beng San and Ark. (So ​​I'm not a human anymore)

But I am still better at purer, ordinary leisurely and funny daily life.I am also often complained about, and it is also because I sit in front of the computer and write out the jokes of each chapter by myself, so I usually feel more like seeing happy feedback from readers than asking for votes.

Not much else to say, it’s all 300 words, it’s too watery.

Thanks to the readers who have been following here. If you are interested in this story, I hope you can support it in the first order.The first order is a turning point that determines the fate of a book, and it is related to subsequent recommendations.

Here, thank you again.

I hope that here, even if you leave the Tivat continent, you can still find the touch of traveling to that continent here.

Cough cough, explosive updates...I will do my best, at least 4 to 5 updates (the only point of the whole article)

Thank you.

Chapter 61 Mond's Candy Bomb (4K5, Chapter 1)

【next day】

"Let's do this, this, and this."

Beside the secret treasure of Xingluo Lake, Keli spread out the drawings and explained her design to Lin Mo and Ying.

Neither Lin Mo nor Ying understood much, they both looked at a loss.

In short, the two knew Keli's idea, which was to make a firework that could launch candies.A show bomb that doesn't kill.

Ke Li quickly finished explaining her design, and then looked at Lin Mo and the two of them.

"Okay, let's divide the work and work together, and try to finish it before the evening." Lin Mo nodded. Although he didn't understand the principle, it would be good if he knew how to do it.

"For our plan, for the title of Mond's strongest."

Lin Mo's plan couldn't be simpler. Let this firework rise into the sky in the urban area to show Keli's bomb talent and the power of the explosion.Although this plan may not necessarily help them win the title of Mond's strongest, at least it can fulfill Keli's dream of making a candy bomb.

Everyone worked together.Keli began to prepare the potions needed for the fireworks, and then input wind elemental power into some parts, while Paimon and Lin Mo...

"Come on, Paimon, you're welcome to eat it directly. Remember to leave the gel, don't eat it!" Lin Mo handed the slime he caught from the forest to Paimon.

"Okay, who do you think I am?" Paimon proudly puffed out his chest, and gnawed on the slime unceremoniously.

After the slime dies, a slime gel will drop, which is exactly what Lin Mo and others need.

Everyone performed their duties and got busy.The sun flew from the east to the west, and almost a day had passed.


Putting the final parts in place, Keli's hairs stood on end in excitement.

In front of him is a bomb the size of half a Keli. Although the shape still adopts the previous rabbit ear doll design, the inside is completely different.

Lin Mo also took out his mobile phone and scanned it, and got a bunch of information after identification.

[Candy Bomb (100% completion)]

"It's done!" Lin Mo showed a happy expression.

After a whole day of work, it's done.

Lin Mo gestured an "OK" gesture to Ying, which made Ying also heave a sigh of relief.

"Everyone is doing well, let's go eat something first, and then return to Mond City."


The nervous heart suddenly let go, and everyone felt their stomach growling.I didn't have time to eat at noon today and have been rushing to work.

A few people talked and laughed and walked towards Xingluo Lake, planning to eat some grilled fish to fill their stomachs.

But what no one noticed was that a figure in the dark was watching them, showing a smirk from time to time,


After eating and drinking enough, Lin Mo and others returned to the treasure house.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the scene, Lin Mo was stunned.

"Hey? I cut black, no, where is my bomb?"

The bombs I made before, and the works I threw together for Keli to see were all gone.

"Lin Mo, quickly use the elemental vision!" Ying suddenly reminded.

Lin Mo heard that the element vision was activated, and all the objects that caught his eye turned gray, only the traces of the elements remained in color.

On the side of the pothole, the red traces stretched into the distance.

"Fire element? It shouldn't be a fire slime, then..." Lin Mo's eyelids twitched, and the direction that this trace extends is Mond City.

The conclusion is obvious, it is the abyss mage.

"Didn't this group of abyssal mages say they wanted to destroy human beings? Why do they steal things every day besides robbing novels? Is this plausible?" Lin Mo was a little speechless. Are these abyssal mages really so free?

"Let's go, hurry up and catch up." Ying took the lead in running and followed her footsteps.

"If that bomb is accidentally activated, we don't have time to make another one."

Lin Mo naturally understood this, picked up Keli and followed.

Several people rushed at full speed, and finally saw a familiar figure in front of them.A short figure in a red robe floated in the air, a layer of red magic cover protected his body, and the two spherical objects, one large and one small, in his hand were the lost bombs.

The abyss mage obviously also noticed the person chasing behind him, and was taken aback.

"Hey! Put your things down for me! You guy from the novel cult!" Lin Mo shouted loudly.

"Stop it if you say stop, I don't feel ashamed! Who else is the novel sect!"

The abyss mage accelerated instantly. Although he was floating, his speed was not slow.

Seeing the abyss mage running away, Lin Mo and Ying exchanged a look.

Ying nodded, the elements condensed on her feet and kicked out directly.

"Go with the wind!"

A tornado formed and attacked the abyss mage.

Lin Mo also added an attack: "Holy call for water!"

The waterspout took shape directly and crashed into the abyss mage.

The tornado hit the protective cover, directly dimming the entire protective cover, and it was about to shatter.

This is also the reason why the two of them kept their hands a little in order not to hurt the bomb.

"Don't bully people too much!" The abyss mage turned around holding two bombs angrily.

"As long as you put your things down, we will let you go." Lin Mo also stopped.

He was afraid that the other party would drop the bomb on the ground under excitement, and all the hard work today would be in vain.

The abyss mage raised his head in disdain and said, "We abyss mages will not listen to you humans."

Lin Mo directly took out a copy of "The Strange Tale of the Holy Grail of the Imperial Capital" that he kept from his backpack.

"How about we exchange? Give you this signed book, and give me what's in your hand."

The abyss mage suddenly paused and began to think.

"Didn't this guy say he won't obey humans?" Paimon whispered in Ying's ear.

Ying shook her head: "Because the book is beautiful, so it doesn't matter."

Pymon was shocked.

The abyss mage looked at the "City Destruction Weapon" in his hand, read the signed novel, and fell into a tangle for a while.

"The abyss mage is...not because of this kind of thing..."

"Volume 3 is out and I can get it right away."


The abyss mage pondered for a long time. Considering that he was a villain, he still gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "Impossible, I will not give this thing to you."

"Obviously you were too shaken just now." Lin Mo retorted with a twitching corner of his mouth.

The abyss mage pretended not to hear, and picked up a black sphere.

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