Chapter 69 The Legend of the Heroes of Tewat

After Yu Fischel explained, Lin Mo handed over the book in his hand to him.

Although Fischel still had an expression of disbelief, Fischel happily read the new novel after getting it.

One of them was taken away by Fischer, and Lin Mo took a break for a while to stretch.

"Okay, after finishing a copy, let's deal with other tasks."

"Other jobs?" Paimon asked suspiciously.

Lin Mo smiled: "Do you still remember the thing in the book where the protagonist collects information?"

"Bulletin board?" Ying answered after thinking about the plot in the book.

The plot setting in the book is that there is a bulletin board in the city specially for recording information, all of which are prayers and information written by residents.The protagonist likes to look at the bulletin board while collecting information, which creates many branches.

"That's right, that bulletin board, we're going to bring it into reality."

"Moving into reality? How to move? What kind of spell?"

Lin Mo smiled without saying a word, and led the way out of the hotel.

Bringing a few people to a square in Mond, Lin Mo pointed to the wooden display board in the center and said, "This is it. From now on, he will be the bulletin board in the story."

Ying was the first to understand what it meant: "So that's it, is it a holy land pilgrimage?"

"That's right." Lin Mo snapped his fingers: "You still understand me, dear."

"This is a prop similar to imitating the scene. My idea is to turn this place into a real place to provide information for the heroes of the night."

The square Lin Mo chose happened to be the place he would pass by when he went to the angel's gift, so it would be much more convenient for Diluc to come here to check the information.After the book is officially published, there should be many people here.

It happened that Lin Mo glanced from the corner of his eye and saw Di Luke.

"Master, master, come quickly!" Lin Mo waved his hand.

Di Luke looked at the big board lightly, but still walked over.

Lin Mo immediately proudly explained to him the role of the panel, and Diluc nodded.

Although this thing is of little use to him, it is someone else's wish anyway.

"What are you doing? Confession wall?" Suddenly a familiar voice sounded from behind.

Several people looked back, it was Kaiya.

"It's an information board! What kind of confession wall?" Paimon retorted with his arms akimbo.

"Information board?" Kaiya raised her eyebrows and asked with interest.

Paimon explained a thing or two.

"That is to say, if you provide the information to Lord Night Hero, you can get the other party to help you, right?"

Kaiya unceremoniously took out a large stack of papers from his pocket and directly nailed them to the bulletin board.

Several people looked closer curiously, and on the paper were written the location information of various treasure robbers, habitual criminals, and robbers, and at the signature of the list was also written [Information Provider - Enthusiastic Citizen of Mond] typeface.

"This way I don't have to do it myself, perfect." Kaia applauded her wit.

Di Luke complained with a look of disgust: "You're just too lazy to do it."

"Haha, don't say that, I'm also providing information for Mond's Night Heroes."

Although the conversation at that time was like a joke, according to what Lin Mo knew a few days later, most of the people on this list were cleared.

Maybe this is some kind of tacit agreement?Who knows.


The author of the Holy Grail series has released a new book, and the news is heating up rapidly after being released by the Adventurers Association.

The popularity of the Holy Grail series can be understood just from the order volume at Liyue Port, even ordinary people will chat about it after dinner.

The final title of the book is "Legend of the Heroes of Tevat - Heroes of the Night"

This made Liyue's storytellers very interested.

The ancient ones have been talked about a lot, but the modern ones have not been talked about.What do you usually say?The Emperor of the Rock made Mora, and the power of heaven made Mora, these are the stories that every storyteller will tell.

Although this story belongs to Mond, it doesn't stop Liyue storyteller from planning to take it for a read.If it's a good story, they're going to put it on stage.

But there was one person who beat them all.

Late at night, in Angel's Gift Tavern...

Wendy pushed open the door of the tavern and came to the counter.

A few old drinkers on the side recognized Wendy. As a long-term poor troubadour, Wendy would come here for a drink after she had enough money to drink.

"Hey, poor poet, are you here to drink again? Whose drink is it today? Lin Mo again?" A drinking buddy on the side joked.

Lin Mo often comes here, and these people know each other, while Wendy often finds Lin Mo for drinks.

Wendy didn't care about the teasing, and took a sip of her wine.He came prepared today. If the plan is successful, he won't have to drink in the future.

Wendy walked slowly to the middle of the tavern hall, which is usually the place where the tavern's resident troubadour performed.

The troubadour, who was planning to continue playing the story of the Holy Grail, was taken aback. Why did a young man with a green hat take his place?This person doesn't talk about art and morality.

He was about to go forward to argue with the other party, when Charles, the bartender, stopped him with his hand.

"This is a performance ordered by Master Diluc, you just wait." Charles said.

The bard was a little dazed, but he didn't panic.The Holy Grail Story is currently the most popular performance, and the other party will not shake his status if he plays one.

Thinking of this, he found a seat and sat down, ordered a glass of dandelion wine and drank it.

"I will perform for you at this time today, please take care of me." Wendy bowed slightly.

"Today's performance, we sing the story of the night hero of Mond."

"Pfft!" The wine of the poet-in-residence sprayed out.

Wendy snapped her fingers, the surrounding lights dimmed, and a beam of light shone on him.

Then Wendy began to sing.

From the dark night hero's in-depth organization, to getting the God's Eye in distress, to investigating the traces of abyssal monsters in the city.Wendy's rhythm is perfect, the plot is ups and downs, and the plot is exciting.

After all, it is the Moshen who has been singing for thousands of years, and his foundation is more solid than that of any bard.

"The night hero faced the abyss monster, raised his finger sideways and said, "Let's count your crimes."

When Wendy sang here, she suddenly stopped playing the piano.

The lights were restored, and the performance stopped.But the strange thing is that the light is still hitting him.

"Ahem." Wendy coughed a few times.

On the second floor, Lin Mo, who had pinned the Scarlet Queen to the wooden board to hang the lamp, heard the noise, and quickly reached out to turn off the light.Seeing that Ying who turned on the light came back, Lin Mo handed over another bowl of snacks in his hand.

Wendy said to the puzzled audience: "That's all for today, the next story..."

"Please go to the sales venue tomorrow to snap up the purchases."

The scene was immediately fried.What's next? What kind of devil part are you talking about? The hero of the night is fighting the monster of the abyss for the first time, and it's over just after saying the signature line?

"Keep talking!" The resident poet subconsciously shouted.He was a little angry at being robbed of his business, but now he is a little addicted to listening to this story.

The drinkers around responded and shouted together: "Yes, keep singing! Keep singing!"

"Yeah! Why didn't you sing after singing this far?" There was also a voice from outside the window, but this voice was a bit weird.

Everyone looked at the window, and an abyss mage was leaning against the window and jumping anxiously: "What happened to the abyss monster? Did the night hero win? Tell me quickly."

"Grass! It's the Novel Sect!" Lin Mo sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi: "Catch it!"

The abyss mage suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his behavior, so he turned around and ran away.

1. Newcomers and new books, ask for attention, collection, and complaints

2. After Zhongli is drawn, one or two is applied, so it belongs to the core support of the rock team.My sister was saved.

3. There are still 3 versions to be released in the new city. I feel that the current main line that can be written is really too short.

Chapter 70 The hot sales scene

The response to last night's performance was very enthusiastic.

Blessed by a certain novel sect, [Stories that even the monsters of the abyss can't help but stop after hearing it], this reputation spread in Mond.

The owners of several bookstores in Mond went to the Adventurer's Association to ask for a share.It's not just about wanting to make money, but mainly because a group of readers, like the huskies who have just been released after being locked up for three days, are squatting at the entrances of major bookstores, waiting for the sale to start.

The bookstore owners were very worried. If there was no book in the store, those people would just smash the store for him.

The Adventurers Association is also happy to cooperate with them.The agreement between Lin Mo and them is very simple. The Adventurer's Association provides channels and discusses the sale, and Lin Mo is responsible for authorizing them.At that time, it will cost 37 cents, and Lin Mo will get 7%.

Therefore, selling more is beneficial to everyone, so there is no need to hide it.

In the end, when the sales meeting started, the scene can be said to be extremely hot.

"Wow, it feels like the leader is going to become a rich man." Paimon sighed as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Even the fisherman's toast discount is not such a big scene, Paimon thinks it must be a big profit.

"Well. Even in the past, I rarely saw such a lively scene." Ying nodded and replied, "Congratulations, Lin Mo, I'm afraid you will enter the stage of eating and drinking in the future."

Lin Mo couldn't bring up any feelings about this.It's not that he doesn't love money or has no interest in money.

On the contrary, Lin Mo liked the feeling of having a lot of money on hand, because he could buy whatever he wanted.

However, after broadening my horizons, I can't help but have the idea of ​​"this is it?"

The person who can travel through the world is next to me, the wind god is playing for his own story, and the dragon is the target of this adventure. Thinking about it this way... It seems that it is okay to earn a little Mora.

"Ah, you're here too? What a coincidence." Suddenly a voice came from beside him.

Lin Mo and the others turned their heads and saw that it was Noelle.

"Morning, Noelle." Lin Mo waved his hand in greeting.

The two parties greeted each other, and Lin Mo looked curiously at the things in Noelle's hands.

I saw that Noelle had a frying spoon in his left hand and a hammer in his right hand.

"Are you... copying screws?" Lin Mo asked a little strangely.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to use this set of tools at the same time, right?

Noelle also smiled and explained.

In fact, too many people went to grab the books, which caused a lot of work to stop temporarily.Seeing that these tasks stopped and affected the progress, Noelle took over directly.

But even she is a little busy in this situation.

"Let's help." Ying said, reaching out to take the shovel.

Lin Mo shrugged, saying that he didn't care.

Thanks to Noelle, the three of them entered the daily task mode.


[The headquarters of the Abyss Religion at this time]

The leading abyss mage slapped the map on the table.

"Has the deployment of troops been completed?" he asked sharply.

"The report has been completed. We have sent a small tribe of Qiuqiu people to surround the area from Mond to Qingquan Town. Although the Knights are patrolling around, we have enough distance."

"Good!" Looking at the troops deployed on the map, the leader of the abyss mage praised.

The Qiuqiu army used this time is very large, not only the Ming army but also the dark army.Don't ask for anything else, just be safe.

The leading abyss mage stretched out a hand: "What is our goal?"

"Grab the biography of Tivat with limited autograph!"

"Good! Very energetic!"

The leader of the abyss mage spread his arms and shouted: "For Your Royal Highness!"

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