"It's a new monster!" Paimon pointed and shouted.

Lin Mo was also aroused interest. Looking carefully, the brown creature seemed to be a lizard half the height of a person.

There are a large number of rock-like crystal blocks covering the monster's body surface, and it can be distinguished at a glance that it is a substance composed of rock elements.

The lizard seemed to have noticed Lin Mo's gaze, stopped what he was doing and raised his head.

At this time, Lin Mo had already drawn out his weapon, and planned to beat the opponent to the ground before talking.

The lizard stared at Lin Mo very vigilantly, and then started to dig the soil vigorously with both hands, and sneaked into the ground in just a moment.

"I'm going, why are you still digging holes? Pokémon?"

Lin Mo stepped forward a few steps, and glanced at the hole dug by the other party, it was bottomless.

Just when he thought the other party was a gopher and ran away by digging the ground, a head appeared not far away.

The lizard came out of the hole and shook the dirt off its body.Glancing contemptuously at Lin Mo, he curled up into a ball and rolled away very quickly, faster than an ordinary carriage.

Lin Mo was instantly furious: "Don't run away! I'm going to boil you into soup!"

Then he chased after him.

Ying looked up from the treasure chest strangely, blinked, and then plunged into the treasure chest again.


In the end, Lin Mo still lost.

As if chasing a happy husky for dozens of kilometers, Lin Mo was almost tired and collapsed.That stinky lizard was like 86 possessed, and disappeared without a trace along the way.

In desperation, the two found a tea stall on the side of the road and sat down, planning to take a rest for a while.

There are many such tea stalls on the roadside in the Liyue area, providing tourists with a resting place.

But after sitting for a while, Lin Mo suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be paying attention to him. Normally, the boss or shop assistant would come to entertain him.

Looking around curiously, I found the stall owner.

The stall owner is a man and a woman.At this time, the man was recording something under a tree, while the woman was covering her mouth and coughing lightly.

Lin Mo's habit of accepting tasks turned over, and he leaned over and asked, "What's wrong? Do you need any help?"

Only then did the two notice the two of them, and the woman suddenly showed an embarrassed expression.

"I'm very sorry. I'm the shopkeeper here, and this is my husband. As you can see, ahem... I'm a little sick, so my husband is worrying about helping me gather medicine, and I didn't notice you two."

Lin Mo nodded to express his understanding, and then asked the hostess if he needed their help in collecting herbs as usual.

However, the male owner refused on the grounds that his daughter-in-law needed to take care of himself, and went up the mountain to collect medicine by himself.

"Hey... What a good husband." Paimon said as he looked at the man going away.

"Indeed, the two are very affectionate." Lin Mo nodded in agreement.

Ying thoughtfully, moved the stool and came to Lin Mo's side.

"Lin Mo, if I'm sick, will you help me gather medicine?"

When Lin Mo heard this, his eyelids twitched.

Isn't this a death quiz?

It's like having a conversation with a pink knight, once the other party says "I'm just a passing Kamen Rider", the next sentence will definitely kill you, and if you make a wrong call, you will hit the street.

"Of course." Lin Mo replied decisively.

Don't worry so much, just agree first.

"Then Lin Mo, would you like to stay with me by the bed?" Ying asked.

"Of course, it is the leader's responsibility to protect the members."

Looking at Lin Mo who answered fluently, at this time Ying showed a dark smile and asked again:

"Then are you willing to accept the task of helping to wipe the body?"

"Of course...uh."

Lin Mo choked for a moment, how could he suddenly drift while chatting well, this is not about Che's morality.

1. When a newcomer puts a new book on the shelf, ask for support, attention, subscription, votes, and most importantly, complaints.

2. There is a bridge on the way from Shimen to the inn, and there is a treasure chest under the bridge.Show your hand and let me see how many other travelers don't know.

3. The schedule has been a little out of order these two days, hiccup.Good night

Chapter 2 Wangshu Inn

"This is Liyue's statue of the Seven Heavens." Paimon pointed to a statue in front of him.

This is a statue very similar to the statue of the seven gods of Mond. The lower part is the base, and the sculpture corresponding to the god is on the top.

Different from the image of the goddess holding something in the hand of the wind god, the image of the rock god Morax is a man sitting on the throne, holding something like a Rubik's cube in his hand.

"Is this the statue of the Rock God?" Ying put her hands on it and closed her eyes.

The moment Ying touched the statue, the square in the statue's hand suddenly lit up, and the green fluorescent decoration on Ying's chest also lit up.

Orange energy gushed out of the cube and entered Ying's body.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Lin Mo who was on the side was taken aback.

Paimon explained: "Don't worry, this is Ying's way of resonating with the idol, so that she will be able to obtain the power of the rock element."

Lin Mo opened his mouth wide, can he still do this?

After waiting for a while, the abnormality completely disappeared, and Ying slowly opened her eyes.

"Okay, I got the rock element." Ying clenched her fist, and the bracelet on her wrist and the green part on her chest had turned orange.

"It's that simple?" Lin Mo asked with a question mark.

He spent so long with Fengshen in Mond, and only after paying a lot of Fengshen pupils did he get the elemental power from Fengshen.In the end, kiss her, just touch her?

The gap between people is really bigger than between people and dogs.

"Wait a minute, let me try it too." Lin Mo hurried forward, crazy like a pan god.

"Brother Rock God! Give some rock elements! The child is dying of poverty!"

Ying and Paimon couldn't help but hold their foreheads while watching.

Although Lin Mo didn't get alms from the Rock God, Ying did get a brand new elemental power, which made Lin Mo envious.

Lin Mo glanced at the element logo on Ying's chest several times, it's so big...ahem, what a big element logo.

Ying didn't pay much attention to Lin Mo's eyes, but played with the condensed rock element in her palm very happily.

Now that you have a new skill, you have to try it out first.

Speaking of experiments, how can we let go of the most common miscellaneous fish in Teyvat.

On the grassland, a tribe of Qiuqiu people was still lighting a fire and cooking. The Qiuqiu people who had just gone out had captured some wild boars, and they were going to grill some meat today.

The whole tribe enjoyed themselves happily, unaware that the danger had already reached the gate.

"The community sends warmth!" There was a loud bang, and a kick kicked open the simple gate of the tribe.

All the people in Qiuqiu turned their heads to look, and there was a man, a woman and a food.

Lin Mo looked around: "There are no advanced arms, so you can experiment directly."

When the Qiuqiu people saw someone intruding into their tribe, they picked up their sticks and rushed up one after another. One of them even put his stick on the fire and roasted it into a fire stick.

Ying watched Qiuqiu's people gather and raised her arm to control the condensation of rock elements.

"Desolate star!" Ying shouted loudly, and something like a wooden barrel condensed in the air and then fell down.

A huge rock as tall as a person fell down, and the Qiuqiu people who rushed in front of them instantly enjoyed the treatment of a certain Wuzhishan reform-through-labour prisoner.

"Oh! It's powerful." Lin Mo praised.

The god's eye of the rock element is quite rare, and I haven't seen many people holding it in Mond.Noelle's use of elements is a very simple and crude enchantment, so this is the first time Lin Mo has seen the power of rock elements.

When a rock of that size fell down, the impact would probably be enough to knock a Qiuqiu mob into the air.

Ying looked at the produced rock, and suddenly looked at her hand with some doubts.

Lin Mo thought that there was a problem with the operation of the elements, and came over worried: "What's wrong? Is there any problem with the new power?"

"No." Ying shook her head: "It just feels a little...fun?"


Lin Mo was stunned.

At this time, the Qiuqiu people on the ground gradually got up, and their eyes lit up.

"Desolate Star!"

A huge rock fell down again, and the unlucky Qiuqiu people were sent flying again.

Ying showed an innocent smile.

But in the eyes of the Qiuqiu people on the ground, this is the devil's smile.

"Desolate Star!"

Lin Mo and Paimon watched this evil deed, but Ying played more and more happily.

"I didn't expect Ying to have such a hobby." Paimeng raised his forehead speechlessly.

Lin Mo nodded: "Well, it seems that I have to work hard to make money."

"Huh? What does this have to do with working hard to make money?"

"Nonsense." Lin Mo rolled his eyes: "If I don't work hard to make money, can I support you as a foodie and your wife as a housebreaker?"

"Well, it's true." Paimon was powerless to refute.

This small camp of Qiuqiu people was wiped out soon, and Ying clapped her hands very satisfied, as if she was having a good time.

It was getting dark after so long in the ink, and at Lin Mo's suggestion, a few people went to the largest inn nearby marked on the map.

【Wangshu Inn】

According to the surrounding vendors, it is a building like a miracle, and it can be called a scenery of Liyue.

Originally, Lin Mo didn't believe it. As a modern person, what new things had he never seen?But after coming here, he was shocked.

"Is this the Wangshu Inn?" Lin Mo looked up in surprise.

This inn is bigger than I imagined.

Yes, grandiose.

It was an inn built around a huge rock, and a long wooden staircase spiraled up to the inn on the top of the mountain.

The whole is made of wood, with dragons and phoenixes carved on the edges, just like an inn in a martial arts movie, giving Lin Mo the feeling that he has traveled back.

Just when Lin Mo was in shock, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared beside him, and Belia Dusk appeared again by himself.

"Ha, this inn is really interesting, I can feel that there is an aura worth cutting." Beria said, looking at the highest point of the inn with dusk eyes.

Lin Mo didn't care about this: "Maybe it's a local master, just like my master."

As the owner of the winery but also one of Mond's strongest fighters, Diluc left a deep impression on Lin Mo, and staying in Liyue, a place full of heavenly wind, Lin Mo subconsciously The word [Xia Ke] came to mind.

In the Chinese martial arts TV series, there will be such a plot, where an ordinary person in the inn turns out to be a peerless master or something.

"It doesn't matter, let's go up and kill him!" Beria didn't care so much, his eyes gleamed and he just wanted to kill someone.

Lin Mo quickly clenched the handle of the knife: "Hey, don't be impulsive! It's not appropriate to start a feud just after you come to Liyue!"

In order to prevent the other party from causing trouble, Lin Mo quickly put Belia Dusk away again.

At the same time, the top of the inn.

A young man with green hair seemed to have noticed something, and looked towards the door of the inn from a height.

Seeing Lin Mo and Ying talking and laughing at the door made him frown slightly.

"It seems that there is a very evil breath just now, is it an illusion?"

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