Then he nodded, facing the guests, his tone remained unchanged, "I'll go find Anna, she may have overslept."

He ended up without any trouble, and took the elevator to leave.

Qiyana was already pale with fright.

——how could this be!

——After knowing the secret relationship between her and Anna, how could this man still say "I do"? !

--Is he crazy?He doesn't care about himself at all. Is this feeling just wishful thinking?

——Hasn't he ever thought that he is the third party involved!

Qiyana immediately called Anna. The plan had changed. It seemed that all the methods in the gutter didn't work anymore. Ye Xiao didn't care about tearing his face. Now Anna could only use the means of refusing in person.

Even if it directly caused embarrassment to the two big organizations of the World Snake and the Shaniat family, it would be ignored!


On the other side, Night Owl and Raven were going up the elevator.

Ye Xiao was expressionless, and Raven sighed.

"People have already refused to this point, your marriage has failed." Raven tested whether there is a recording device in the elevator, and then whispered, "Do you really think this engagement can go on?"

"I don't believe it." Ye Xiao said coldly.

"What don't you believe? Do you not believe that she is a lily?" Raven said angrily, "Ye Xiao, your insistence on going your own way has already made our plan go wrong. Regardless of whether she is a real lover or not, her attitude has proved that People don't like you! It's impossible to marry you honestly!"

"Shut up!" Ye Xiao shouted, "Don't try to figure out Anna with your nasty thoughts, Anna is not such a person, this is misleading by the second Miss Shaniat! She already likes women, and she wants to use this method to persuade her Just retreat from me, if you fall into her tricks, you will really succeed!"

Raven was dumbfounded.

She felt that Ye Xiao had fallen into madness.

But after thinking about it for a while, she instantly realized that Ye Xiao had only one choice.

If this engagement doesn't go ahead, it's not Ye Xiao's problem at all, but Anna!No matter what Anna thinks, he must let Anna admit the engagement, and must let Anna leave with him!Otherwise, he might not be able to protect Anna from World Snake's tough tactics.

Compared with whether Anna's sexual orientation is a girl, Ye Xiao is more concerned about taking Anna away now!Take her away even if it goes against her will!

In order to take Anna away peacefully, this engagement must be completed!

At 14:42, Angelia anxiously waited for the newcomers from both sides to enter the field.

At 14:45, Ye Xiao and Raven watched the elevator show that they were going up to the second floor.

At 14:46, Maria sat in the stands on the second floor and silently watched the engagement ceremony, pouring herself a strong cocktail.

Then, the time is called back.


13:15, bedroom.

Shen Liang was stunned.

"Anna is not...a weak person who doesn't know how to refuse." She said softly, "Anna's plan is here."

The ice rose, and the room temperature quickly dropped to close to zero. Before Shen Liang could react, he felt a faint layer of frost condensed on his body.

The ice layer rose along the ankles of Shen Liang and Anna, locking both of their feet on the sofa. The crystal ice formed beautiful fetters, and neither of them could escape from the sofa.

"Finally," Anna said softly, "I caught Pandora."

In an instant, Shen Liang understood what her plan was.

His pupils dilated.

"My lord Maria is right. You can't count on any plan to be linked together. You can count on the person being calculated to follow the path we want." Anna stroked the boy's face, "Ye Xiao really loves him." Anna, if this is the case, he might still desire me irrationally...but if—"

Her voice was a little hoarse after being drunk, "If Anna... really belongs to another man, he will be completely disappointed... Give up on Anna completely and find a new happiness, right?"

She has it all planned!

She didn't expect that the flirting with Qiyana could fool Ye Xiao, or if Qiyana's idea didn't work out, she had further, more cruel plans!

Shen Liang almost wanted to gasp.

Can a girl be so cruel for a boy she doesn't like?


"Does Pandora know what a girl can do for the boy she likes?"

The ice layer swept the entire bedroom into a beautiful blue. In this piece of cleanliness, Shen Liang could not feel the biting cold, only the gentle gaze of the girl under him.

He had always vaguely felt that Anna treated him differently, but today he finally got her own admission.

It turned out that this girl who didn't know how to refuse and was always passive was the only time she took the initiative to calculate others and used it on him.

Shen Liang let out a long breath, bent down and stared at her, "Sister Anna, you plot against me."

Anna wrapped her small arms around his thin but strong waist, unbuttoned his coat, and smiled softly.

"Pandora, don't refuse."

"So it's for this place?" Shen Liang smiled helplessly.

He wanted to say something like "Sister Anna, you are drunk", "Sister Anna, you are not rational at all" "Let's talk about our affairs after you sober up" and other delaying words, but looking at the girl's flushed face, he suddenly didn't want to. so.

It's too...disgusting.

"Then... Sister Anna will have to pay the price." He responded softly.

"If Pandora feels unhappy, take Anna... Let Pandora be happy to the fullest." Anna whispered softly next to his ear, closed her eyes under thick eyelashes, straightened her neck like a swan, Gritting his teeth, tears of joy fell.

The weeping voice made the best promises.

"Anna... is something that belongs to Pandora."

PS: 4/8 of the reward has been returned.

Volume 232 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 220 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Green Tea Bitch Pandora

14: 44.

"Whoa, whoa-"

The sound of the water from the shower was all in one piece, and the clouds and rain stopped in the bathroom, and white mist rose.


Shen Liang lay on the edge of the elegant ceramic bathtub, immersed in the warm pool water, feeling the cosiness of the stretched body, and let out a long and comfortable sigh.

His high ponytail had already spread out, and his long, straight black hair was messily attached to his white jade-like back, or floating on the water.Anna knelt in the pool water behind him, filled her hands with shampoo bubbles, and then meticulously reached into his hair and rubbed vigorously.

If there is a third person here, just looking at the back, I'm afraid it's the gentle sister with long chestnut hair who is bathing the black, long, flat-chested sister. It's a scene of family affection between sweet sisters.

But of course that is not the case.

"Pandora's hair is well maintained." Anna's fingers slid down his long hair, stroking the boy's smooth back, her eyes envious, "It's so beautiful..."

The lower half of Shen Liang's face was soaked in the water, spit bubbles aimlessly.

"Pandora really doesn't look like a boy."

"Whether I look like a boy or not, don't you know?" Shen Liang turned her head, a wicked smile appeared on her delicate face.

Anna blushed immediately, turned his head back quickly, and then smiled softly, "I heard from your sisters that you are a born pony, I didn't understand it before... so it is That's what it means."

Shen Liang was startled, then woke up instantly, "Which sister?"

Anna smiled and shook her head.

"These little bastards..." Shen Liang was angry and wanted to laugh. He had obviously never taken a bath with them honestly since he was 14 years old. How did they know...

"Sorry." Anna hugged Shen Liang's neck from behind, and apologized softly.

"Why do you apologize?" Shen Liang closed her eyes and enjoyed the temperature of the water, "If it's because of your calculations, it's unnecessary, I'm very happy. Rather, no man would be unhappy about this kind of thing... Unless he is Liu Xiahui, But I have always been a scumbag in this regard, Sister Anna, you think too well of me."

"No, I know Pandora won't reject me." Anna whispered, "Little Pandora's greed... I've always been aware of it."

Shen Liang was a little embarrassed, he was "greedy"... It was indeed a bit too much for his woman to point it out.

"Then Miss Anna, are you suddenly apologizing?"

"Anna...too weak..." Anna said with difficulty, "I mainly prefer to improve the ice ability, and my physical fitness is not much stronger than ordinary people, so... I'm sorry, I can't satisfy Pandora."

Shen Liang laughed dumbfounded, "It's all right."

"In the future... I will work hard!" Anna whispered, clenching her fists lightly.


Shen Liang wanted to turn around and hug her, his mood was mixed.

She's so cute, he's been in Tivat and Earth for so long, Anna is the most cute girl.Listening to this makes me want to cry.

How many girls around him have such a cute style?No one except Xier!Qiyana and Sirin are off-line and arrogant, and the younger sisters are troublemakers.In Tivat, it is the enemy of the whole world. Xinhai is finally considered gentle, but it has nothing to do with being "well-behaved".

"Such a good boy will arouse a man's desire to conquer." Shen Liang said in a low voice.

"Am I now Pandora's lover?" Anna asked.

Shen Liang did not hesitate, "Of course."

Then he smiled wryly, "However, you have to think about what to do next?"

Anna leaned on his back and smiled softly, "Pandora can do whatever she wants me to do, even if she doesn't say anything, just quietly being a lover... that's fine too. In a family like ours, lovers and the like often happen. Well."

Shen Liang had a headache.

He is used to indulging in Tivat, but not on Earth. He has his own social circle on Earth, and he needs to consider other people's feelings when he behaves in the world—so he doesn't consider others when he does things in Tevat—in general, on Earth. It is very difficult for the earth to be the scumbag Neptune.

To put it more bluntly, the relationship between him and Qiyana is unclear, and both of them feel that they are more than friends than lovers.It's not like talking about a relationship, it's just a friend... The relationship with the elders is almost settled.

He can now be sheltered by Shaniat's family, largely because his relationship with Kiyana is in such a strange situation.

If I ran to the ice cellar and opened my mouth to Cecilia and said, "Hey sister, your daughter and I actually don't have that kind of relationship. I and Anna are the ones who are in love. We've already rolled over the sheets. It's hard to imagine what kind of expression she will show."

It is justifiable to chase him directly from the ice cellar and kill him.

However, he couldn't let go.

Shen Liang looked at Anna's moist eyes, and suddenly remembered a sentence from a novel that she read a long time ago, "I hope someone who drinks wine with twinkling eyes will tell you about romance and love."

He didn't know whether he loved Anna or not.

But anyway.

He just wanted to have him always in Anna's beautiful eyes.

So it must be a headache, there is no way, it is the price that must be paid for the initial establishment of the harem.It's nothing but a headache, maybe you will have to be beaten in the future.

"Speaking of which, Pandora... that," Anna stroked her hair on the side of her face, and said in a low voice embarrassedly, "I misremembered the date, today doesn't seem to be a safe period, just in case..."

Shen Liang was amused, and raised the corners of her mouth: "It's okay, besides, what's the hurry for Sister Anna, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

"I...I was thinking how strong our daughter will be. You see, Pandora, you are a rare male transcendent in human history, and I am a 20-year-old A-level Valkyrie. Both of us are very powerful. In the future, Daughter's S-rank Valkyrie..." Anna looked forward, "Just thinking about it is scary, isn't it? Pandora?"

Shen Liang thought for a while, then was slightly taken aback.

It's really scary, especially when his future child might straddle two realms...

At this time, the phone in the waterproof bag rang, and it was Anna's.Shen Liang took it over and clicked on the text message directly.

Anna hugged his waist behind him and laughed.

This feeling is very strange, because "inspecting" each other's mobile phones is something only couples can do. Anna doesn't mind Shen Liang's small cross-border behavior. Rather, this kind of subconscious cross-border behavior proves the relationship between them. Intimate and seamless.

The text message was sent by Qiyana.

"The plan failed. Ye Xiao still insisted on completing the engagement and has come to you."


Shen Liang couldn't help but admire Anna's thoughtfulness, she had thought of this a long time ago, and her plan was far deeper than what Qiyana thought.Interlocking plans are unrealistic, but when faced with problems, it is better to use a heavy hammer.

Just like now.

Three steady taps.

There was a knock on the suite door.

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