All I can say is "speed up the exploration process" all day long!Shen Liangkuai was forced to laugh at this broken system that didn't give any preconditions!

It's like playing a game without a main mission!Even if this system didn't do anything to harm him, the mystery behind it is so clear, if it's hidden, it's still hooking you, and it's going to make your mentality collapse.

But since the system refused to reveal it, Shen Liang could only think for himself.

Obviously, Raiden from 500 years ago has already communicated with her biphasic memory. She has obviously obtained information from 500 years later, and even knows the result of the Carrian War.

But she has found variables through hard work, for example, the blue and white space capsule.

Although Shen Liang couldn't remember the appearance of the woman in the Japanese room, he still had an impression of the space capsule in the yard. Although it looked advanced, it was clearly a product of technology at a glance. That stuff just doesn't match.

But history has never recorded that there was a big event of landing a space capsule 500 years ago in Daozuma.

That's what Raiden really hides behind history.

As for the woman in the Japanese room, her dress is obviously not the style of Tivat. The texture of the fabric is definitely not something that can be produced in the farming era, and the nun-style long skirt is definitely only possible for the civilization of the earth.

500 years ago, humans with earth civilization...arrived in Tivat?

Shen Liang suddenly grasped a detail.

Although I can't remember the woman's name, the woman sang a lullaby to the baby in the cradle and called the baby...


It was cold and horrifying.

He had a good memory, and instantly recalled Tallinn who was born in Heiyuan Baihua, the seductive snake-like young girl named Mebius, who was mastered by the judge-level Honkai Beast Shazun.

When the snake loli asked his name, she smiled and said, "I still like the name I gave you before, Eve."

The exact same there really no connection?

Shen Liang didn't know if he was suspicious, because obviously the child in the cradle was a baby, and although he didn't remember what happened before he was ten years old, it was unlikely that he was a five-hundred-year-old monster... because he grew up The speed is no different from that of ordinary people. Although it has become smaller now, it has not become faster or slower from the age of 15 to 16.

And his memory is unbroken, he is very clear about everything from the time he entered the orphanage at the age of ten to the age of 22 now.

Besides, the name "Eve" is used by many people. Because it comes from the Bible, many literary works will pinch him. The ascetic nun with long hair reaching the floor is extremely tall and always closes her eyes. At first glance, she looks like a Western race, or a religion. People, religious people named children Eve... It should be very common.

Shen Liang scratched her messy hair, her thoughts were a little distracted.

——Speaking of which, the nun is quite similar to his mother. Maria is also a Westerner, and Maria is also a nun. Maria is also very beautiful and has a good figure. Maria is still an arrogant squint who doesn't like to open her eyes to look at people.

At this time, someone opened the door and came in. Seeing Shen Liang sitting up, his tone suddenly became lighter.

"It's good to wake up, I made you Qingxin brewed chicken soup, do you want some?"

Shen Liang looked up and saw a pair of slender black silk legs, and the girl's delicate and fleshy stockings were embroidered with light gold dark patterns, so she subconsciously said, "Cat cat?"

"Don't call me Maomao in front of outsiders." The second person also stepped into the room, and was a little mad when he heard it, "And how do you know it's mine before I come in!"

Shen Liang's brain went down for a short while before he could react, and then realized that the skirts matched by these beautiful thighs were not purple but blue and white, and the embroidered shoes were not Keqing's small stiletto heels.

Looking up, the inhuman girl with blue hair and long horns was holding the soup bowl and blowing it gently.

"It's strange, how did you recognize me?" Ke Qing came in furiously from behind, and she frowned at this moment, looking at the boy who seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, "What's the matter with your body... suddenly He fell down in no time, and his mouth and nose were bleeding, which frightened people."

Shen Liangxin said how did I recognize you?I didn't recognize you, I just mistook the stockings.But he didn't dare to say that, it's really... too embarrassing for a girl to know that he recognizes people by thigh stockings.

But he can't do anything about it, it's not that his mind is full of the beautiful body of a girl, but because of his height, his first reaction when looking at people is to look up from his thighs... You must know The natural line of sight of some men is not parallel but downward, which is a physiological habit developed from searching for prey and fruits in ancient times.

Therefore, most men always look at people from the chest up, but Shen Liang can only look up from the thighs.

This habit probably has to wait for him to grow to 1.8 meters before it can be resolved.

[So you are so keen to buy over-the-knee socks for Princess Bailu to wear?Because you look at the thighs most of the time? 】

【I don't! 】Shen Liang retorted with a guilty conscience.

Then go back to the conversation.

"Heatstroke." Shen Liang casually found an excuse.

"Heatstroke definitely won't cause bleeding from the two orifices. Hmph, forget it if you don't want to talk about it. Anyway, the doctor has seen it, and there is nothing wrong with your body at all." Ke Qing snorted, "I don't care about any hidden diseases you have."

"I really don't have a hidden disease!"

At this time, Gan Yu sat on the edge of the bed, scooped up a spoon and handed it over, "Drink?"

"You are?" Shen Liang was taken aback.

Then he keenly noticed that Gan Yu's eyes flickered slightly, as if he was a little surprised, but then he was relieved and chuckled: "As expected, your Shen Liang, yes, your name is Shen Liang."

Shen Liang vaguely felt that the atmosphere was a little... confused.

"That's right, it's the first time you've seen me, but I've been abrupt." Gan Yu meekly put down the soup bowl, shook the black animal horns on her head, and stared at the sick boy on the bed.It can be seen that she actually wants to appear soft and quiet, without any mood swings.

But she couldn't help smiling when she looked at it, her smile was like a water basin left in the courtyard at night, occasionally reflecting the bright moon.

"What's wrong with you?" Shen Liang looked at the half-celestial girl who suddenly laughed with a guilty conscience.

"Long time no see, Liang." Gan Yu said with a smile.

Shen Liang was even more puzzled, but he made a strange mistake, after all, he still didn't ask, but nodded, "Yeah."

Kemaomao at the side said: "So you two knew each other before?"

"I don't know." Shen Liang replied decisively, "Please introduce me, Miss Cat."

"It's getting too much!" Ke Qing patted the bed angrily, but she decided to let him go because Shen Liang was a sick patient. With an expression on her face, she still dutifully said, "This is Miss Gan Yu from Yuehai Pavilion. I am here to visit you on behalf of Liyue Qixing."

"Aren't you right here and need a representative?"

"Liyue Seven Stars and Liyue Seven Stars represent two different meanings, don't you understand?" Ke Qing said angrily, "Do you want to drink chicken soup? And let Ms. Gan Yu feed it herself, you are so majestic!"

As she spoke, she was about to reach out to take Gan Yu's soup bowl, but it was empty.Turning her head to look, the blue-haired half-celestial lady removed the bowl as if she hadn't noticed her.She went to get it again, and Gan Yu turned away calmly.

Kemaomao was stunned.

Gan Yu didn't show any deliberate expression, as if nothing had happened just now, and said softly: "Miss Keqing is serious, it's okay, it's also the negligence of the general affairs department to let the guests suffer from heat stroke. Mr. Liang, this is the inn's office. The old hen in Qiaoyingzhuang is combined with the chicken soup stewed in the mountains, which is very nourishing. You see, I specifically told you to stew it for a longer time, so that patients can absorb it more easily.”

Shen Liang looked at the clear yellow soup in her spoon, was silent for a while, and then said: "In fact, the longer the soup is boiled, the more fat will be separated out, and the top layer is all pure fat."

"Ah? It's...really?" Gan Yu was a little flustered, and hurriedly skimmed some oil.

"Yes, in fact, chicken soup is of little value to patients, and the purine content in the soup is extremely high, which is even harmful to some diseases. The nourishment of chicken soup mainly comes from protein, but the protein content of chicken is dozens of times that of chicken soup. Shen Liang looked at Gan Yu seriously, "As for trace elements such as vitamin A, zinc, calcium, etc., a whole bowl of soup can't compare to a bite of meat."

Both Gan Yu and Ke Qing were a little dizzy. They heard these terms as if they were listening to a scripture.

"Of course I can understand that these problems were discovered by nutrition science in modern times, and it's normal for Tevat people to not understand." Shen Liang said, "And for resource-poor areas, the excess purines and fats in chicken soup are also extremely important nutrients. "

Two beautiful girls in black pantyhose looked at each other.

"Mr. Xiaolong, you know...eating?" Ke Qing said in a daze.

"Oh, I'm just trying to pretend to be tough." Shen Liang finally couldn't stand it anymore, and got out of bed with a smirk, "It's alright, alright, I'm not a sick person, don't surround me, so many people mess with me It’s as if I’m seriously ill.”

Gan Yu looked at the soup bowl she was holding, feeling a little lonely.

But Shen Liang immediately sat down at the table, picked up the spoon, curled his lips, "What's the point of drinking soup, I might as well eat some meat when I have that time, I just happened to be hungry all day."

Gan Yu became happy again in an instant.

Then she couldn't help laughing, Gan Yu, Gan Yu, after so many years, you are still so easy to be controlled by others.

So many years have passed, someone's inadvertent every move can still make you cry or laugh, you haven't changed at all...

He hasn't changed at all.

A pot of old hen was served for dinner, Shen Liang washed his face, bid farewell to Gan Yu, and left the General Affairs Department with Ke Qing.

"I always feel...Miss Gan Yu has something wrong today." Ke Mao Mao frowned, turned around and saw Gan Yu standing at the door looking at this side, saw Ke Qing and left quickly.

"Indeed, even though it's the first time we meet, he looks quite familiar." Shen Liang also felt.

"Gan Yu is not the kind of character who is familiar with you. It's better to say... She actually has very few friends." Ke Qing said, "It's so strange that she still stays here to take care of you... The General Affairs Department is busy with work. She usually doesn't waste time on such things."

Shen Liang clenched his fists, and said seriously: "Maybe Liyue Qixing decided to please me, the lone star of Heavenly Evil."

"As the Seven Stars of Liyue, why don't I know?" Ke Qing gave him a blank look.

The two walked to the gate of Bai Ju Ni Lu, ready to say goodbye.At this moment, Keqing hesitated for a while, and finally said the question that she had been thinking about for a long time.

"Well, you come to Dao Wife, how are you going to start?"

"Everything first buys land."

"Buying land? Buying a house, I have some preferential policies that I can offer you." Ke Qing said habitually, and then realized that it was unusual for her to keep showing favor, and quickly added:

"I'm not saying it's only for you, because you're an outsider with a great reputation. I know you're a troublemaker in Dao Wife! I don't want you to be a troublemaker every day in Liyue. Liyue doesn't have any wars to bear." Think of your big Buddha! If you want to buy a piece of land, just contact me and I will give you the best price, so don't grab it!"

"Am I the kind of person who would use such mindless violence?"

"You hijacked the goddess and maiden, and called yourself the Regent, occupied the Coral Palace and commanded Haizhi Island."

"Do you still believe in this gossip?"

"I'd rather believe it." Ke Qing brushed back her long hair and smiled slightly, "But after seeing you, I feel that if it were you, it would not take violence to hold the present God Witch hostage and occupy the Coral Palace."

"I just thought you were praising me for being handsome." Shen Liang pretended not to see the teasing in her eyes, lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then said, "But if you want to help me, there is something you can do to help me .”


"Let me ask, you don't have any forest laws here, right? It's not illegal to mine unowned mines, sandstone, soil, water resources, and forest trees, right?"

Keqing was a little puzzled by this question, as if she thought it was stupid, but she still responded patiently.

"According to the law of Liyue, collecting these things belongs to personal income, unless you go to a national mine like the stratum abyss to mine privately, that is considered stealing. Therefore, all resources that Huishan Hall has no confirmed development rights can be obtained by ordinary people. Mining—isn’t this a matter of course, is it illegal for ordinary people to go to the mountains to dig some gold or sand?”

The corners of Shen Liang's mouth curled up, and he immediately realized that although Liyue's legal system was famous for its contracts and laws, it still couldn't compare with modern times.

Look, isn't this coming to life?

PS: Full attendance is gone, woo woo woo

Volume 283 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 16 No.[-] Console games for modern people are terrible

On the earth, any forest resources and mineral resources belong to the country.

What few people know is that not only coal mines, oil, shale or precious metals, but even common river sand, loess and even groundwater are minerals.

In modern society, once the exploitation of resources is indulged, the productivity of modern people can easily carry out destructive development of natural resources, thus easily forming a capital monopoly.In the world of Tivat, manpower is not enough to squander resources, so there is no need to legislate specifically for mining rights.

Human civilization in this period did not need to understand the importance of natural resources.

A resource with zero cost.


It was night, and Shen Liang returned to Baiju Nilv.

Sure enough, everyone was still awake, because Shen Liang was sent to the General Affairs Department for emergency treatment, and there were quite a few people waiting here.

It's not that these girls are all anxious about the safety of their bosses, the main reason is that they have only arrived in Liyue for a few days, and if the boss has an accident, there is no need to continue to work hard. Buy some souvenirs and go to Yujing Terrace to take a photo and then go back to Dao Wife There is a difference.

"To be honest, I've always been very surprised, how can there be a boy who looks so beautiful?" Hiiragi Chisato looked suspicious, "And your body is too weak, you don't look like a man, I suspect you Could it be a sister who disguised herself as a man? How could she be fainted by the sun today?"

There was also a girl staring at Shen Liang's face and touching her chin, "Could it be that Mr. Liangzi is not as heroic as we imagined, but actually weak and deceitful just like his appearance? It's just that we have always thought too much of you, boss?"

"You guys forgot that I actually won the Nine Treasures of Sala in front of you." Shen Liang looked at the girl who just spoke up, with a bad expression, "What? You think you overestimate me and want to try it out with me?"

"Think!" The girl immediately said loudly, "It's just that you can change the way of fighting!"

Just as Shen Liang wanted to ask about the fighting method, he immediately understood.

Kanli Linghua has always been very aware that Shen Liang has "Hua Haiyue" by her side, so she is not really worried about Shen Liang's body, and she is also one of the few people who can guess that Shen Liang is probably suffering from a sudden mental breakdown. one.

But hearing Hiiragi Chisato's doubts about "Xu", Kanli Linghua still subconsciously remembered the last farewell between Shen Liang and Shan Shangong Xinhai on the day Daomai was leaving.

She actually didn't sleep well that night.

She knew that there was also "Hua Haiyue" in Xinhai of the Coral Palace, but it was a mournful cry of too much breath and less breath... She really couldn't agree with Shen Liang's weak body.

She doesn't know how to protect herself like Hua Haiyue!

But this time her blushing expression was noticed by other girls.

Hiiragi Chisato let out an "oh", and then smirked: "Miss Linghua is already here. Looking at you, the little wolf dog is still a little wolf dog. But boss, you really need to show more. Be healthy, don't make out with Linghua all day long."

"Yeah, just make out with us." "I can take a bath in cold water first and then cool your body! That way you won't suffer from heat stroke!"

Many girls who are keen to dismantle CP and try to gain access to the house are very unwilling that they have no right to speak, and they all said.But Shen Lianghua, who had long been used to their style, ignored them.

Kamisato Ayaka didn't mind the sisters' completely exposed wolf nature, and stepped back leisurely.

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