Such a ferocious steel beast is as high as six meters, with a square outline, straight glass, rough wipers, and rough lines, it is almost impossible to pass through the western main entrance of Liyue Port.

Just the majesty of driving over is enough to make the Qianyan army nervous. More Liyue citizens have gathered around, and the people on the pier have also noticed this place. The tires look like they could roll over and kill someone!

At this time, those who cared saw dozens of unkempt young girls sitting cross-legged on top of the carriage filled with marble and sandstone.

Kamisato Ayaka was holding the front of the truck to blow the cold evening wind, and behind her there were a lot of girls who looked tired but looked energetic.Everyone is sitting in the pile of dirt and gravel, their faces are covered with dust, their clothes are dirty, and they are talking eagerly about something.

"What's going on here? How can such a beautiful and delicate girl look like this?" Someone from the crowd immediately asked loudly.

It's no wonder, it's so weird, there are a lot of delicate and expensive girls sitting on a dirty but ferocious alchemy vehicle, it's like a human trafficker abducting girls.

Ayaka Kamisato burst into a smile.

They also know that they are too strange now. They go out dressed up beautifully, but when they come back, they are dusty and their skirt sleeves are torn.

But no one complained, and no one felt so uncomfortable.Ayaka Kamisato has observed it. In fact, not only do everyone not resist such a dirty job, but they are even very unsatisfied!They followed Shen Liang to try to learn all kinds of mechanical equipment at the Dunyuling construction site. The more they learned, the more excited they became, and the more they learned, the more eager they were to try.

At that time, someone even suggested that we should sleep in the barracks in Dun Yuling first and play all night, but Shen Liang resolutely rejected it on the grounds that the construction at night was too dangerous.

Kamisato Linghua can understand the girls, after all, no matter how spoiled and ignorant they are, they are still young ladies trained by major families, and their vision is still outstanding.Shen Liang's mechanical equipment represents the industrial technology that the earth's humans have crushed on Tivat, and it is a practical, useful and easy-to-use technology!

Isn't it for these noble daughters who abandon their superior life and follow Shen Liang!

They didn't even want to take those carriages, but sat in the carriages and bumped all the way, even if they were accompanied by rocks and dust, they still wanted to experience the beauty of these heavy machinery... It would be better to say that the beauty of these technologies is as attractive as Shen Liang force!

Then two familiar figures appeared, Ke Qing and Shen He stood at the pier together, looking at the huge trucks that occupied at least half of the commercial road.

Shen He's expression still didn't change, but Ke Qing was waiting for Shen Liang to come back with her arms around her chest, but now her mouth was so shocked that she couldn't close it.

Immediately afterwards, all the onlookers saw the car door open, and a boy wearing a white helmet jumped out, then took off the hat and shook his long black hair to let it flow away.

Although there are still traces of dirt on the small face, the contrast between the sudden beauty and the dirty appearance will still make people amazed for a moment, and those who are worried about some drivers abducting girls are instantly relieved.There is no way, humans are such visual animals, Shen Liang's appearance really cannot make ordinary people feel dangerous.

"This is the new change you want to bring to Liyue?" Ke Qing stared at him, and then at the big truck.

To a certain extent, Keqing is also a civil engineering major. She could tell at a glance that this truck was just a simple vehicle, but she instantly realized the importance of this capacity.A load of [-] tons, and Liyue's usual load of three horses and three tons of cargo is the limit.

The most important thing is that Shen Liang's car can pull three to five hundred tons.

"The German Lauster MF 60 is transformed into a super truck for pulling goods. It has two engines with [-] cylinders, a load capacity of [-] tons, and a maximum speed of [-] kilometers per hour. It can be equipped with tracks and can pass through most wild terrains." Shen Liang leaned on the car door, took off his soiled coat and threw it into the car, then turned his head and looked at Yu Hengxing, who was wearing a delicate short skirt and black silk pants, "I still have three cars like this."

He has been busy on the construction site for a day, and the expensive handmade shirts can no longer be worn at this time. They are luxury goods of the Chaniat family, and they cannot be washed clean if they are stained with engine oil.In fact, most of the Shaniat family's clothes that are just for looking good are not of good quality, especially the so-called handmade clothes in famous stores. This kind of clothes are often just for wearing for a day, and they basically don't think about what to do if they get dirty.

For the time being, Shen Liang was only forced to adapt to the lifestyle of this top European wealthy family. He was often a petty bourgeoisie, but the Shaniat family was not petty bourgeoisie, they were downright bold.Even the Bavarian state government has to thank you every year for the kind of generosity that your daily expenses make our GDP rise gratifyingly.

"Do you have three?" Kemaomao's ears trembled, and then he stared at him with wide eyes, and before he could respond with a smile, he said, "I want two! I'll pay for it! I'll pay for other equipment as well." Also, trust me, I can afford it!"

Shen Liang sighed.

"To be honest, Miss Keqing, you don't seem like a businessman with foresight and foresight when you make a direct bid like this. This is equivalent to directly revealing your urgent needs, and it will only make your opponent know and bid a high price."

"If you don't make a decisive decision on the business, it will be snatched away by Ningguang, and." Ke Qing flicked her skirt, and said openly, "I've set the starting price."

"But you have such a straightforward way of communication, the starting price can't afford to be paid the highest price every time." Shen Liang laughed.

"No, Mr. Xiaolong, you're wrong." Keqing had been looking at the truck eagerly, but now she turned her head and said seriously, "I'm Keqing, Yuheng, one of the seven stars of Liyue. I can afford the price you want. Because I regard you as a friend, I will not refute a friend's asking price, and I believe you will not kill me here."

Shen Liang leaned against the car door with a strange smile, "You still pay attention to friends when you do business?"

"I can accept any friend to kill me, because I have the ability to bear the loss." Ke Qing proudly raised her cat-like face, but her tone became much tougher afterwards.

"But all businessmen have to weigh it. If they dare to kill me, they don't regard me as a friend anymore, right? In Liyue Port, don't you want to be friends with Liyue Seven Stars?"

This made Shen Liang look at Ke Qing with scrutiny for the first time. This young girl who became Yuheng Xing is really not a good person. This sentence is so heroic!

It is worthy of being the Liyue Seven Stars, and it is worthy of being a leader!Keqing has enough strength to look at those emerging, incomprehensible, and difficult-to-control things with ease, and she has this strength to stand up to being friends with Shen Liang!

"Of course we are friends." Shen Liang showed his trademark harmless smile.

Ke Qing was overjoyed, but immediately heard Shen Liang say: "But I don't want Mo La, and you can't give me the conditions I want, um, or in other words, the conditions that can only be met if you Liyue Qixing agree together."

Keqing pouted subconsciously, but she quickly felt that this action was too girly and quickly returned to normal.To be honest, she was not very satisfied. What Shen Liang meant was obviously that his condition had to be agreed by all of the Liyue Seven Stars... Although I don't know what the condition was, but if all the Liyue Seven Stars agreed, then she wouldn't have bought it in advance. right to break.

The other merchants of Liyue Seven Stars are all ghost spirits, especially Ningguang who is the most profitable!At that time, everyone will be able to see the value of Shen Liang's things... Then it will be difficult to do business.

But she can't help it. In business, one is willing to fight and one is willing to suffer.She can't buy and sell by force now.

"Since that's the case, you can find me anytime, and I'll take you to Yujing Terrace." Ke Qing quickly let go of this, and looked at the busy girls behind Shen Liang, feeling a little surprised.

In fact, Keqing thought at the beginning that Shen Liang's Emmanuel Group might only need beautiful young ladies to show their faces, and there must be a group of people who are used to work.But she didn't expect that Shen Liang would directly drag these young ladies out to work. She had done manual labor before, and knew how heavy physical labor was on the construction site... It turned out that there were really no men in his team!

Co-authored Is the Emmanuel Group really a Women's Army?

Then Keqing expressed her doubts without hesitation.

"Because Daozuma's boys don't like the clothing industry very much." Shen Liang, who has always had opinions on this matter, shrugged innocently.

"It's good to call a few dock workers, but let girls do this kind of physical work?" Ke Qing was still very puzzled, she saw that many girls' clothes and skirts were torn, and they couldn't get out of the car.

"Because everyone has to start studying and start working, so we can't just sit around all the time." Kanli Ayaka smiled and said, "Miss Keqing, you seem to have a prejudice against what women can do, so women can't do physical labor ?"

"That's right, I also agree that women's employment positions should not be restricted." Ke Qing nodded, but still hesitated, "But I think you don't seem to be able to do it with your delicate appearance..."

"Hey! Miss who I don't know, who are you calling cute!" Some girls immediately became upset.

"I can drive a tower crane, you know that!"

"Gender discrimination is prohibited! And Mr. Ryoko is not as tall as I am. Of course I can do better what he can do! At least I can step on the brakes!"

Shen Liang took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and stepped forward: "You see, the girls I lead are basically at least very violent. There are not many soft girls who are soft and weak. You can rest assured."

"Please wait a moment," Kanli Linghua responded to Keqing first, then turned to look at Shen Liang, with a half-smile, "Liangzi, isn't the current Linghua still a soft girl?"

"A real soft girl wouldn't talk to me like this..." Shen Liang muttered softly.

Then at this moment, Shen Liang and the others finally noticed Shen He who had been silent behind Ke Qing for a long time.

The girls of the Emmanuel Group didn't know Shen He yet, but the keen girls still figured it out.

In other words, it's not an analysis. Girls basically only look at people in the same way, that is, whether they are beautiful or not. If they are beautiful, Shen Liang probably knows them.After so many days of getting along, the girls in the Emmanuel Group probably knew about their boss's luck, and he met pretty girls almost everywhere he went.

"Oh, Ms. Shen He couldn't find a place to live. She slept under a tree in Huyan Square for one night, and I found out." Ke Qing said helplessly, "This...I didn't expect Miss Shen He to live at all. The shop doesn't understand."

"No, I know how to vote for an inn," Shen He interrupted at this time, and said seriously, "Master taught me how to find an inn when I was out, and also gave me the map of Liyuegang Inn. I just don't understand why I was under the tree Sleeping, those Qianyan soldiers must wake me up and not allow me to rest there. Are the moonlight and grass in Liyue Port also the property of Seven Stars? Forbidden?"

Speaking of this, her tone was even a little excited, and she clenched her fists tightly.

"When I found her, she was about to draw a gun with the Qianyan army. It would be difficult if we really did it... Sigh." Ke Qing was angry and funny, "We separated like this at the time, who would have thought of her?" You don't even understand this?"

"It was you Liyuegang who bullied others." Shen He frowned.

Keqing's headache was even worse.

"Is that so? Then Sister Shen He, you can just follow me. We are all new to Liyue Port. How about I take care of you?" Shen Liang thought that Baiju Nilv was not bad for this room anyway, so he helped Ke Qing solve the problem. A circle.

"I don't need to take care of you." The cold Xian family denied it.

"Oh, then come and take care of me. I really need a strong talent like Sister Shen He." Shen Liang changed his words without blinking.

Shen He gave him a serious look.

"Okay," Shen He immediately agreed, "It just so happens that I have nothing to do."

Shen Liang didn't realize what was wrong, but the girls behind her stared at Shen He for a moment and started whispering.Kanli Linghua glanced at Shen He's extremely proud mountain, then at her tall figure of more than 1.7 meters, and finally at her divine eyes.

Little Egret felt a lot of pressure after coming to Liyue.

However, at this moment, Qing also realized that Shen Liang seemed to have a bad reputation in the intelligence collection work, and Ke Qing said loudly: "No, no, Miss Shen He is a child of the Xian family. Zhao took care of her food and daily life."

Shen He snorted impatiently, "I said that I have taken care of myself for many years, and I don't need others to take care of me at all."

"I don't need to take care of you... that's right, but you really can't go to Mr. Xiaolong's place, come to the General Affairs Department to take care of Xiao Zhao." Ke Qing was quick to think, "Xiao Zhao needs to be taken care of!"

"Why should I take care of someone I don't know?" Shen He frowned.

Ke Qingxin said, then why did you agree when you heard that you were going to take care of Shen Liang?Hey, hey, hey, you're an adult sister Yu, why are you so impressed by a little wolf dog from another world?Oh, I also hate the domineering combination of the older sister Nian Shang and the little wolf dog Nian Xia. What the hell was I thinking? Ke Qing, Ke Qing, are you out of your mind!

Shen Liang is not happy anymore, why can't he come to me, what's wrong with me, can I eat Shen He?

He simply joined the battlefield, "Don't even think about it. He is a child of the Immortal family. How could he go to a place like the General Affairs Department where there are many people coming and going? Would it be nice to be the lobby manager for you? To attract investment for Liyue Port, right?"

"What is a lobby manager... what is eye-catching! You just want someone to make you eye-catching, right?"

"I'm such an honest and civilized man, I don't have these fancy intestines."

"You are prejudiced against civil engineering!"

While Shen Liang and Ke Qing were arguing, Shen He looked at them suspiciously, and then asked Shenli Linghua in a low voice: "Why does Shen Liang want me to come to him?"

Kamisato Linghua stared at her for a while, then shook her head.

"Do you really want to know?"

Shen He nodded.

"Because he's very possessive," Kamisato Linghua replied without hesitation, "and it's the kind where, although he knows he's very possessive, he never thinks about how possessive he really is. powerful."

Ayaka Kamisato knew that her words were a bit convoluted.

Shen He also tilted her head, her slightly confused and indifferent eyes could see that she didn't understand what Kanli Ayaka meant at all.

"You mean he is interested in me? Is that so? But he didn't possess me." Shen He asked in a low voice.

Kanli Ayaka's first reaction was to see if anyone around had heard Shen He's explosive lines, and then she sighed.

"Yes, not yet. But it doesn't matter, because at the moment... neither do I."

Shen He couldn't understand, and Shen He was even more confused.

PS: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Volume 287 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 20 Chapter [-] Can't I, Lord Shen Liang, have a Qunyu Pavilion!

The first day of work ended when more than 100 tons of large stones were loaded back.

But the reason why it can only load [-] tons now is that Shen Liang is the only driver. According to Shen Liang's observation, he will be able to pull out an engineering team in a few days, and by that time he can carry [-] to [-] tons a day. Tons of construction material throughput.

Because the girls are very enthusiastic about learning mechanical equipment, Shen Liang found that most of them even treat the electronic mechanical equipment of the earth with the mentality of treating novel toys.In fact, in terms of the difficulty of use, most of the construction site equipment is not difficult, but the difficulty is safe operation.

But this is Tivat.

This is the Tivat where even any adult ordinary person can walk thousands of miles across the country, and most of them live in the suburbs and need to personally deal with the beasts or even monsters near their homes.The average physical quality of human beings here far exceeds that of the earth, and even children can jump three meters high and five meters high.

This is the world view of the lowest martial arts and the highest magic.

These girls don't need to worry about the dangers of many devices at all. As long as they are informed of the dangers, they will hardly be affected.Moreover, Shen Liang wholesaled very high-quality helmets, and insisted that they were not allowed to take them off at any time on the construction site.This actually made them complain a lot, because girls all have long hair, and things like hard hats are simply hot and stuffy.

But Shen Liang just ignored their anger.

On the other side, after parking the truck full of rocks at the freight platform outside Liyue Port, Shen Liang led the team back to Baiju Nilv's hotel, and arranged a room for Shen He by the way.

After dinner, Shen Liang called the girls who had been tired all day and were about to go to bed again, and started the meeting.

It's the kind of meeting that takes up off-duty time, and by the way, I really explain the details of my plan.

About how he wants to gain a foothold in Liyue.

It's nine o'clock at night, all the girls have just had dinner and showers, and everyone's in their pajamas and nightdresses hugging pillows, yawning, or hanging their heads.There are not many seats in the tea room. Some of them are sitting, but more people are simply sitting on the soft carpet. The tea room is basically the meeting room of the Manelli Group, and the floor has long been covered with soft woolen blankets.

Shen Liang looked at his crooked team members, the girl who just came out of the bath with loose hair and wet hair, the royal sister who was wearing an open nightgown showing her big white legs, the female hooligan who hooked her shoulders...

"I'm sorry to disturb the rest of the sisters, but starting tomorrow I have to leave Tewat for a while, so this meeting must be held today."

The girls were quite satisfied with Shen Liang's address as "sisters", but they still complained, "Are you going to leave again?"

"Then what about our project?"

"So let's arrange the follow-up tasks first today." Shen Liang clapped his hands and turned on the projector, on which was a PPT about his plan to start in Liyue.

"You can refer to the teaching video here for learning about construction site equipment. I have prepared [-] tablet computers for you. You can carry them with you and learn how to use your own equipment at any time. If you don't understand the video, you can ask Daochengying Mei, Axing and other maidens, they have learned how to use all the mechanical equipment from me before you." Shen Liang said methodically, "After I leave, you must learn how to use these equipment within five days."

"Five days?" Sure enough, a girl questioned.

"We can't understand the written language, and we need to learn it in five days just by relying on video and sound?"

"Master Ryoko, do you regard us as college students from your Earth?"

"Because you are the first batch of employees, you need to learn these in order to lead other employees in the future." Shen Liang stared at this group of young ladies who were still somewhat immature and disobedient, and then said leisurely, "If you can't learn , downgrade automatically."

"What does automatic downgrade mean?" Kamisato Ayaka didn't quite understand.

"Look, this is a white hard hat, and it's ours." Shen Liang picked up his hard hat, showing a slightly evil smile, and explained the strategies that he and Bronya had thought up in advance.

"White hard hats are for supervisors or Party A, um... You can understand it as the boss, which is what our current group of people wear. But we will not wear white forever. After that, we will introduce red, blue and yellow helmets. .”

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