"So, you understand." Gan Yu stood beside her, chuckling meaningfully.

"I just can't say it." Yelan sighed.

"Ningguang is not just a spy like you, but you are different. You are too capable, so I can't let you reveal too much." Gan Yu said, "Mr. Liang's matter is not only about Liyue Qixing, he is more involved in the actions of the immortal family. You can say what you say, but please keep it secret if you shouldn’t.”

"How do I define what to say and what not to say?"

"Miss Yelan is a smart person."

Ye Lan suddenly realized, but she still hesitated, "Then Miss Gan Yu, you revealed so much information about Mr. Shen Liang to me today... don't you worry that I would rather die and report it?"

"Am I a dangerous person?" Gan Yu asked without answering.

"of course not."

"Where is Mr. Liang?"

"At present, the risk is very high, but it is not dangerous for Liyue."

"Miss Yelan's heart, does she serve Ningguang or Liyue?" Gan Yu asked last.

Ye Lan understood what she meant, gestured for understanding, then disappeared into the water, and left quickly.

Gan Yu stared at her back, finally sighed softly, and looked down at the ground of the rooftop, "I can only help you here, Mr. Liang, if you interfere, it may interfere with the progress of time."

She resisted the desire to tell everything, stood there for a long time, and took out an old sky lantern from the eyes of God, even the red paper had faded to yellow.

Many years ago, when the long black-haired boy was setting off the sky lantern, she quietly transformed into a unicorn at midnight and entered the night, and found that one among countless sky lanterns.

She took out a note from the lantern, and it was written in Chinese, so crooked that no one in Tewat could understand it. Shen Liang thought the same way at that time, but Gan Yu was an exception.

For 500 years, Gan Yu has already explored it, and she knows what is written on it.

"Sister Gan Yu is my wife!"

Gan Yu laughed silently.

She hugged Xiao Deng to her chest, closed her eyes and listened to the night breeze in Liyue Harbor, separated from Shen Liang by a thin floor.

"See, I like you so much, too."

PS: Gan Yu!forever wife!I spent a whole chapter sticking to you!Even the title of the chapter is yours!

Volume 289: The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 22 Chapter [-] Sister Xilin, you will fail

[She's gone, it's a woman. 】Tora Chiyo said in a low voice.

【How can you determine her gender?What if it's a man? 】Shen Liang asked, 【Didn't you say there is optical camouflage? 】

【She did hide it very well, and even wiped off her body fragrance with potions, leaving no trace.But I'm a ghost after all, I can determine the location when I hear the heartbeat, and it's easy to determine the location. 】

【What to do? 】

【I just got started, how should I put it, it feels very good. 】Tora Chiyo recalled the latent agent, smacked his lips, 【Becoming a Heroic Spirit is so convenient, she can't even notice that I do anything, even if it hurts, she just thinks it's her own problem.Well, this is really interesting, I thought of many interesting things. 】

Shen Liang hesitated for a second, he didn't want to continue to think about what Tora Chiyo did to the guest outside the door, and he didn't want to think about what game Tora Chiyo suddenly understood.

The previous casual guest couldn't hide it from him at all - or couldn't hide Hu Qiandai's eyes at all, no matter how proficient Ye Lan was in concealment, she still underestimated Shen Liang.When she thought that there was no one around, her concealment was also relaxed a lot, and she even made some small movements of relaxation after the optical camouflage.

Of course, these actions are not a problem for Shen Liang in the house, but there are no people outside the house. Hu Chiyo doesn't like the crowded house, so he has been blowing cool breeze outside, and she found the "optical camouflage" easily.

"We are going to build a new Qunyu Pavilion!" The first girl who cheered immediately ignited the emotions of the others, and then cheered together.

"A base floating in the sky! Then I want a separate bedroom! The one with a bathroom!"

"Master Ryoko, you are simply a genius!"

"Of course I also want to learn from Tianquan Star and build such a magnificent building by tricks." Shen Liang said with a smile, "But it's not easy, everyone."

"It's all sisters." Someone immediately became dissatisfied.

Shen Liang took a deep breath, endured his subordinates off-line, and then talked eloquently: "In fact, as long as you think about it for a while, you will know that it's not that no one can think of pumice stones, and it's not that no one has thought of building Floating buildings, after all, the land price of Liyue Port is the highest in the Seven Kingdoms, and such a whimsical plan should have the former. But the reason why only Ningguang is doing it is why?"

Shenli Linghua was silent for a long time. She is the one who has the most contact with family affairs among this group of young ladies, and she is Shen Liang's girlfriend who teaches by example, so she responded the fastest: "It's power."

"Yes, it's power. It's not because she has such an ingenious idea that the Jade Pavilion can be built, but because she is the star of heaven power." Shen Liang nodded, "I want to make such a movement in Liyue Countless approvals are required, and official documents even have to go straight to Qixing. There are not many people who can handle this kind of thing well, even Qixing himself has a hard time, and only when he has reached the point of concentrating on the light can he be so open-minded and act recklessly."

"So we're sure we can't pass this project?"

"As an outsider, the matter of building a second floating building, at a small scale, is a maverick to the extreme, and at a large scale, it is provoking the prestige of Tianquan Star and even provoking the commercial order of Liyue Port. Not to mention In terms of means, it is impossible for this matter to pass the approval, let alone Qixing, the General Affairs Department will not be able to pass it. Just find any reason to prevent falling objects from heights and it will be dismissed."

"That's too unfair!"

"After all, every inch of land in Liyue Port belongs to the Seven Stars of Liyue. Even if we want to build it, there is no base for building the floating city."

"Then shall we use some means?" Hiiragi Chisato asked unconvinced.

"That will be the next thing," Shen Liang said with a smile, "What do you think we are digging so many rocks for?"

The girls were taken aback.

"Every inch of land in Liyue Port is accounted for, but there is no law that stipulates that the sea area belongs to them." Shen Liang said with a smile, "If we want to avoid the approval of the Liyue Seven Stars, we can completely establish our base on the sea. , from the ocean... release our floating city!"

Everyone finally understands!

It turns out that what Shen Liang wanted to build from the very beginning was not a so-called base, but a pier!

He wants to make land on the coast of Liyue Port. There is no law in Liyue that the ocean area cannot make land!As long as a pier is built enough to transport materials, an offshore platform can be built... and a new floating city, a jade pavilion can be built!

The Liyue people have absolutely no ability to stop them, neither the law nor the system nor any kind of power can stop them!

Even if it is forced to build a floating city!They absolutely make sense too!

"Slightly arrogant." Kanli Linghua said with a smile.

"But Lord Liangzi seems to have always been so arrogant." A girl muttered.

"Liyue has restrained herself a lot. At least she hasn't killed anyone yet. It can be seen that Master Liangzi has worked very hard to integrate into the civilized society. I don't think she is doing things according to the rules of Liyue Port."

"But we followed the rules this time. The Liyue Seven Stars may not be able to bear it. There is no second day. How could the Jade Pavilion covering Liyue Harbor allow a second one?"

"That is to say, they may not follow the rules."

"If you don't behave properly, it depends on who you are facing." Shen Liang rubbed the little face of the cute girl next to him, and said with a smile, "If you don't behave properly to us, even Liyue Qixing must at least weigh it."

He opened the light curtain, turned and left.


The room was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be heard.Although there are many maids and guards living in Qunyu Pavilion, there are usually only three confidant secretaries in the Ningguang bedroom in the center, and the secretary also works as a personal maid.

When Ningguang returned to the dormitory, the three secretaries Baiwen, Baixiao, and Baishi would lower the noise of their work so as not to disturb Ningguang's thoughts, no matter whether she was working or resting.

But today they don't need to be so light-hearted, because in the bedroom downstairs, Yu Hengxing's immature but clear and loud voice has already resounded through Qunyu Pavilion.

"I have already said that Shen Liang is the person Gan Yu and I are in charge of contacting. You have sent people to monitor him over and over again. Where do you put Gan Yu and me?!" Caring that this is her bedroom, her eyes are fierce like a little female cat with fried hair.

Ning Guang rubbed her temples, turned over and sat up.

She was only wearing a close-fitting light gold silk underwear that was so thin that it was almost transparent. The style was similar to a tube top or a bellyband. Her long snow-white hair hung behind her, and a strand of uncompressed hair was raised on her forehead.

After casually using a hairpin to fix her calf-length hair, Ning Guang didn't care much about her disheveled clothes. She walked to the desk with bare feet and dipped a handkerchief in the ice bucket in front of her to relieve the heat. , and handed it to the helpless Ye Lan, "Wait?"

Ye Lan took the handkerchief, she came at noon, the sun was shining and the wind was dusty, she simply pressed it on her face.

"Discovered?" Ning Guang asked.

"That's it."

"Is it?"

"I probably didn't find the target, but Miss Gan Yu is following me." Ye Lan shrugged, "And Miss Ke Qing. Sometimes I really wonder if my work ability really needs to be strengthened, just anyone People can know my whereabouts and even find you to ask the teacher, so what is the meaning of my secrets?"

"So it's a loss of long memory." Ning Guang said lightly, "Of course this is also my problem. I have always wondered where Gan Yu's bottom line is. Anyone can chat with her about work, gossip, Talking about fairy anecdotes and even the love between children, she treats everyone with the same gentleness, and nothing seems to make her angry... But I didn't expect that the bottom line is here."

Ye Lan and Ke Qing were taken aback, "Gan Yu's bottom line... what does this mean?"

"Gan Yu should have warned you that there are some things not to be revealed to me." Ning Guang tapped on the table lightly, without answering, but only glanced in Yelan's direction.

Keqing looked over immediately, Yelan just remained silent for a while, then shook her head, "I promised Gan Yu not to say anything, and according to my judgment, there is no need to say anything."

"It seems that Gan Yu's credibility in your heart is no worse than mine." Ning Guang smiled.

"No, strictly speaking, Miss Gan Yu's credibility with me is even higher than yours." Ye Lan said.

"Heh." Ning Guang was noncommittal.

Ke Qing was a little confused, she originally came to question Ning Guang Xingshi, but the conversation at this moment made her feel as if she didn't understand anything, didn't understand anything.It's like a silly white sweet who got into the big boss's business, or a little white rabbit who got into the wolves' meeting!

Are you kidding me, she is Yu Hengxing!One of the Liyue Seven Stars, a girl on the same level as the Tianquan Star!How could she not understand!

"What are you guys talking about, explain it to me!" Ke Qing shouted.

Ningguang showed a troubled expression, "How should I explain to you..."

"Then explain slowly!"

"No, although I can guess nine out of ten, but the explanation is not very good for Miss Gan Yu's image." Ningguang laughed softly, "Let's get back to the topic, Shen Liang tried to imitate me to build a new group of jade Sir, what do you think?"

Keqing really wanted to say angrily, "Why can't it be built?" "They want to make it?" "Should you allow the state officials to set fire and prevent the people from lighting lamps?" But after all, she is not a little girl who can play with her temper at such a time, she frowned. Frowning for a while, Ke Qing said in a deep voice, "No."

"I thought you would agree." Ning Guang lowered her head, "You and Shen Liang are friends, but not necessarily me. I thought you would firmly stand by his side."

She opened the drawer from the bottom of the table. Inside was a slender pipe made of white jade. The bowl was made of black agate stone with a gold ring, which was very luxurious.She rubbed and sprinkled the tobacco into the bowl gently, pressed it firmly with her fingers, then raised her beautiful rose red eyes to look at Keqing with a playful expression.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Keqing knew what she meant, but she couldn't help it, so she could only frown and pick up the match, and light her with an ignition layer.Ning Guang chuckled twice, but put down the pipe again.

"I know you don't like me smoking." Ning Guang said gracefully.

"Then let me give you some!"

"I just like to see you in distress."

"Shut less, you old man, don't be a seven star and you won't live for a few years." Ke Qing curled her lips, and from the corner of her eye, she saw the plump and slender waist under Ning Guang's tube top, her eyes couldn't help but Envious, "Tsk, how on earth do you take care of yourself? At this age, you can still be so...huh!"

Ningguang blinked her beautiful eyes, "Of course it's smoking, drinking, and sleeping more."

"I don't believe it!"

It's no wonder that Ke Qing is envious, even though they all look like first-class beauties, Ke Qing is even more girly and she is a complete royal sister and young woman.But Ningguang's age doesn't match her appearance in her twenties.

Even though the eyes of gods are on the face, the condensed appearance is also outrageous.Ke Qing remembered that when she was young, Ning Guang was already famous, and her ability to become a seven-star from a commoner could be said to be as high as the sky.Up to now, Ningguang's age has probably passed, and all walks of life have to respectfully call "Ningguang her old man" when mentioning Tianquan star.

But Keqing couldn't see even a trace of aging from this woman's firm and fair skin and bright eyes. She maintained herself as delicate as a girl.

Yelan looked at Ningguang and then at Keqing, she always knew that these two people said they were not friends, but they couldn't tell the difference between them.Ordinary people, even if Liyue Qixing wants to see Ningguang, they have to notify Ningguang to make an appointment, like Keqing who comes directly to disturb Qingmeng and has to get up to entertain Ningguang, there is no one else.

"He is a person from another world, a person who does not belong to Liyue. Does it make us too ashamed to build the second Qunyu Pavilion and spread it?" Ke Qing sighed, "He and I are indeed friends, but yours Qunyu Pavilion is not only your residence, but also Liyue's landmark. How can there be two landmarks in the world?"

"But I don't think so." Ning Guang said lightly.

Ke Qing was startled.

"Keqing, my fortune-teller told me that I'm a hard worker and I can't enjoy many years of wealth. I don't believe in fate. I think businessmen have to hold all the lifelines in their hands. It's up to them to decide whether they are rich or not. So After I earn money, food and clothing are all the best." Ning Guang paused, "The Qunyu Pavilion does not represent my status, let alone Li Yue's."


"So as long as the price he offers is large enough, attractive enough, and he abides by our rules enough, I can let him build the base he wants, whether it is the floating city or the new Qunyu Pavilion, I don't care. Ning Guang shrugged, "Outsiders may feel that Li Yue has lost face, but if you can get enough 'inners', why not lose face? Besides... it may not necessarily be lost."

"What does Riko mean?"

"His construction team." Ning Guang narrowed his eyes, "He actually used these things to lure us, and the price he offered must be the same as the construction team... If I'm not mistaken, those equipments are not accessible to ordinary people , he will definitely train his women to learn equipment. And for these people, once these equipments are in our hands, their value is far more than a so-called landmark title.”

"Are you willing?" Ke Qing glanced at her.

This is actually equivalent to exchanging Ning Guang's loss for Li Yue's benefit.

"So I want the big head of the Emmanuel Group." Ning Guang said lightly, "I know you want it too, you are his friend, and I can't compare to you in terms of closeness. But I have losses, so the big head must Here I am."

"Refreshing", the word appeared in Ke Qing's mind.

"But what do you mean, 'not necessarily losing face'?"

"What if I can't keep this Qunyu Pavilion?" Ning Guang raised her head to admire her sky garden, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "If I can't keep it, what reputation can I lose?"

Ke Qing wanted to ask again, the door opened, and the petite and cute guest came in, wrapped in a tight black silk jumpsuit.

"The heartbeat of 'The Demon God of the Whirlpool Oser' has been detected, Miss Ningguang, the recovery time is expected to be advanced again." Gan Yu was not surprised by the three people in the dormitory at this time, but said a little hurriedly, "It is expected The time has been adjusted from three years to one year!"

"Look." Ning Guang turned to look at Ke Qing.

Keqing saw countless reluctance and loneliness in her eyes, as well as categorical determination.

"I said, I can't keep it."

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