And now she understood that the Valkyries of Destiny never let their prey go unnoticed.They followed her scent like hunting dogs, and locked her from all directions with murderous intent.Obviously, this is the execution method of the Valkyrie, everyone was evacuated beforehand, this alley is where she was arrested, or where she was executed.

But Townsley was not going to end her resistance just like that. She unloaded the drunk man and threw it aside. If anyone was around at this moment, she would be horrified to find that the man was not drunk and needed her support. , because his eyes were actually open, and his expression was full of fear.

Townsley put a muscle relaxant in his drink, so he was taken by her like a lustful drinker.If it is a man who takes away an unconscious woman, the bar staff will come to inquire just in case, but if it is a beautiful woman who takes away an unconscious man, most of the others will only show envy. There is no doubt about him.

This is also the method that Townsley has repeatedly succeeded.

She lowered her head, flexed her muscles, and then whispered to the darkness: "Come out."

The sound of alloy high heels stepping on the concrete slab gradually became clearer. There was the only street light at this intersection, so a girl wearing a black lady's windbreaker and a high ponytail appeared in the light.Townsley expected her to be a beauty, but he didn't expect her to be this beautiful. She was tall and slender, but her delicate body inside the windbreaker was still wearing a high school uniform, and her slender legs under the school uniform skirt were wrapped in pure black thin Over the knee socks, small leather boots with five centimeter high heels.So her temperament is between mature and girly, and it is hard to tell whether she is a working woman or a student.

And the only thing that makes the girl look not so childish, but chilling, is the Japanese sword she holds in her right hand. Townsley saw that the scabbard was full of technology with extraordinary eyesight, and the coexistence of rivets and stamping technology did not seem to be the same. Antique knives look more like those futuristic swords in sci-fi style games.

The girl stood about 15 meters away from her, held the handle of the knife, and watched her across the alley: "Ms. Townsley, do you know why I came to you today?"

Townsley didn't bother to answer, she bent down slightly, and asked hoarsely, "Who are you?"

Maybe both of them are talking to themselves, and the girl did not reply, but continued to elaborate: "Townsley Smith, graduated from the University of Liverpool with a major in Anatomy and Physiology, worked as a forensic doctor in the Orkney Islands of Scotland since 2009, Later, you were dismissed because you were suspected of insulting corpses many times. After that, you began to sneak into the black market in Europe to trade organs. You did not sell evil, but because you had pica, you bought a large number of illegal human organs for consumption.”

The girl methodically chanted something that shocked Townsley.

"In 2011 you ran out of funds, and with a badly stained resume you couldn't find a high-paying job, so you started to commit vicious crimes to satisfy your appetite. You fled to various countries in Europe, committed crimes everywhere, and lured ordinary people to your residence Rape and eat. The most serious French Interpol has targeted you, even found your photo, and then you killed him in his home. You raped him in front of his wife and daughter and dug Out of his liver, if the Valkyrie hadn't arrived, the three members of the family would have been eaten by you."

The girl finally frowned deeply, and then looked at her, "We judge that you have severe mania."

Townsley smiled, and the silver eye shadowed eyes trembled under the reflection of the light.

"You know me so well? Now that you know me so well, you dare to come here alone? Aren't you afraid of death?" She finally let go of her guard, because after so long, she didn't hear any other sounds around her, which meant that this girl dared to be alone Come and capture her!

Maybe Tianming misjudged her strength, or maybe this girl didn't tell her colleagues because she wanted to claim credit alone, but no matter what the situation was, Townsley was very happy.

Too underestimated!Valkyries!Regardless of whether this girl has a backup player or not, Townsley is very clear that he has found a way out. He only needs to defeat her and turn her into a hostage, so he can escape even if there is a siege outside!Although there are many Valkyries of Destiny, there are very few who can kill her. Ever since she indulged her desires, she has collapsed and feels that she has the strength of an A-level Valkyrie!

A grade!

There can't be one A-level Valkyrie out of a thousand Valkyries, and the British government's facade Valkyrie is only A-level, but will that kind of existence condescend to kill her?

"I'm afraid, but you're not enough to scare me." The girl said, "You can still live to this day for being able to commit these crimes. The affairs of the superhuman should always be resolved within the superhuman. You have the ability and can completely use it." You have the ability to earn money that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime, so why break the law."

"You also know that I am an extraordinary person. I am already 'extraordinary'. Why should I be restricted by ordinary people's ordinary laws? Have you ever seen a butcher obey the group rules set by pigs and cows?" Townsley rubbed his feet on the ground. The man smiled wildly, "They are not the same species anymore, miss, we are superior human beings, or we are the only human beings. Isn't it natural for human beings to eat low-level creatures?"

"I forgot that you have a serious mental illness." The girl said lightly.

"Yes, in your eyes, people like me are mentally ill, thugs whose minds have been eroded by the Houkai. I understand, and I also know that you won't listen to me. After all, I was once a normal Valkyrie I came here too." Townsley said loudly, "But I still have to say that human beings are creatures that can evolve, isn't that how nature is? The first fish that evolved mandibles quickly removed the filter-feeding The early fishes ate nothing and ruled the sea, so would the new fishes at that time regard the backward fishes as their own kind?"

"Have you lowered your dignity as a human being to the level of animals that don't even know themselves?" the girl said softly.

"It doesn't matter if I kill people or eat people, what does it have to do with you? Do you have to come to die? Aren't you fucking superhumans like me? You are not pigs eaten by me! If you are willing to go away now I can let you live, you are still young, I am afraid those Valkyries have not told you about my horror! Why do you think I have been able to escape under the eyes of destiny for so long!"

"That is to say, you never regret it."

"Of course, I don't regret killing those people!" Townsley's voice gradually became crazy, "The first time the Valkyrie of Destiny came to my house, she said that I had been gradually eroded by Honkai, and that my moral standard had dropped to one. Heinous. Guess how I answered, I begged her to believe my sister, believe that I was just insane for a while, let her comfort me for a few days, I will take the initiative to surrender to mental health care. She believed, I know her I had a crush on me, so I raped her on the spot that day. She cried and said that as long as I was willing to receive treatment, she would accept it, but when I took out the knife next, she was scared, and she crawled towards the door desperately. Threatened me to call the police."

Townsley said in a low voice: "Look, you say you like me, but in fact it's just to satisfy your carnal desires. What kind of love is it if you refuse to satisfy your lover's appetite? Later, I made her into fifteen servings and used half Only after eating for a month can she prove that she loves me...Only in those fifteen days did I know how people should live, and God used her to tell me how to pursue the greatest happiness."

The girl was not surprised by Townsley's words.In the investigative report of Destiny, she was already hopeless, and Honkai's ability to corrode her had already distorted her into a demon.This is why Tianming has opened so many educational institutions. Honkai can erode not only the body and cause harm, but also the mind, and the latter is often more and more terrifying than the former.

Only a Valkyrie with a rock-solid heart can be indifferent to the erosion of Honkai, but not everyone is rock-solid.Those mental tests are just tests after all, and if someone has a hidden mentality, there is no way to find out, and it may be too late when they find out.

This is how the Valkyries of Honkai should be. They already belong to the "Honkai side", are enemies of civilization, and completely ignore human ethics and laws.

"I have no problem." The girl said, and then pressed her fingers on the scabbard, and her fingerprints vibrated on the handle to unlock it.

"You haven't said who you are yet. I don't have the habit of not asking your name before." Townsley laughed wildly. "You are such a beauty. Make me jealous. I will make you my nourishment!"

The girl is still calm, "Graduated intern of St. Freya Academy, head of Destiny London's Soho district, Raiden Mei. Announces to you the verdict of the King's Bench Court in London, England. The defendant Townsley Smith's criminal methods are cruel and the consequences of the crime are serious. , the society is extremely harmful, the subjective malignancy is extremely deep, and he should bear the corresponding criminal responsibility for the crimes of intentional homicide, robbery, kidnapping, rape, etc. Multiple crimes should be punished together, and the death penalty should be imposed immediately. No appeal or defense will be accepted in this case.”

PS: The daily life of intern Mei Raiden

Volume 296 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 29 Chapter [-] Mrs. Himeko Longing for a Man

Townsley suddenly understood that the girl in front of him was not here to "hunt" her, but to "notify" her.Although it seemed to be just a gap in writing, Townsley suddenly felt a chill.

What are you kidding?fear?Will I be afraid of destiny, will I be afraid of a girl who graduated from high school?She's even wearing her school uniform!

"It's a pity that we didn't find out when you needed help the most, but not every criminal should be forgiven. Countless Valkyries in this world can restrain their dark side and will not allow the darkness in their hearts to degenerate endlessly. I will not let my own darkness turn into practical actions. The evil of most people is confined, surrounded by goodness and justice, and exists in the same heart."

Leiden Mei said softly.

So what can't be done is no longer a human being.

At this time, it seems that the fragrance of cherry blossoms is blowing towards my face, as gentle and kind as blowing snow.Townsley lost her mind for a brief moment, and the scent made her feel refreshed, as if suddenly traveling from London to Japan, laying a picnic cloth under the cherry trees in a certain square, eating wagashi and sake, the sky was high The clouds were light and the wind was light, and then suddenly thunder broke out.


Townsley woke up suddenly, but Mei Lei's figure was no longer in front of him!She pulled out the pistol from her back almost instantly. Although she is also a Valkyrie, she doesn't have any exclusive weapons. Cold weapons are too conspicuous to be taken away legally, so the pistol is easier to hide and has great power.

But at the same time, it was as if a thunderbolt had descended into the world.

Townsley raised her head, almost stunned, a purple arc enveloped her, Leiden Mei was already close to her body at the moment she lost her mind, the scent of cherry blossoms she smelled was Leiden Mei's perfume.At this moment, the girl's Taidao slashed down on her head, and the blade lingering in blue and purple lightning shone on her face as cold as ice, like an impermanent ghost who came to break your life.

A grade!

Townsley raised his hands that had mutated into claws to meet them, and pinched Leiden Mei's blade, and the metal and iron clashed, causing sparks to explode!

She was so frightened that she was going crazy, Grade A!This is true Grade A!Mastering the power of thunder and lightning to the point where even the body becomes super fast, at least A-level can do it!This young girl with a slightly immature face is already an existence of this level!

"I shouldn't have come! I shouldn't have come to London!" She roared and attacked, venting the fear and anger in her heart, "I knew that the place where the headquarters of Destiny is located is full of experts! I shouldn't have come! Why should I Come! It's all your fault! Why do you want to hunt and kill Valkyrie! Are you qualified!"

Leiden Mei backhanded, vibrated the knife, and violently burst out the alloy sword with lightning for cutting, and cut off all four fingers of her right paw!Then he let go of the handle of the knife, and the whole person flew up, and the knee wrapped in black silk stockings fiercely pressed against Townsley's chin, pushing her back five meters away who had begun to transform into a dead warrior!

"You have been eroded to the point of becoming a creature on the Honkai side," Leiden Mei caught the flying sword and walked towards Townsley who hit the wall step by step, "The Valkyrie will turn into a dead warrior if she is eroded , At that time, you may not even be able to keep your human form, you will grow minions, your hands and feet may turn into swords, and your body will also be reduced to a silicon-based creation, no different from Houkai Beast. You see, you forget The gun was used."

"It's up to you! The great Houkai God has blessed me with happiness! I can live a more valuable life without you! No, I should live longer, and I shouldn't come to death! No, only by killing the Valkyrie can I achieve greatness Dream! No, no, no, I'm too stupid, I want to stay away from you! I have enough for people to eat!"

Townsley spoke frantically what no one could understand, as if two consciousnesses were fighting crazily in her brain.Raiden Mei knew why, it was the Honkai consciousness trying to manipulate the eroded target, while her instinct was trying to survive.

Honkai regards civilization as the enemy, and the Valkyries are the enemy.The final destination of all Valkyries who have been bewitched and eroded is to kill other Valkyries, but Townsley is very clear that she does not have this ability, and her current psychology of survival and killing conflicts.

So this is also the reason why Valkyries can be controlled once they are eroded, because no matter what, the Valkyries who are eroded in the end will always choose to attack and kill other Valkyries. They can't hide themselves, so they can still be eliminated in the end, nothing more than It is the size of the disaster created before the eradication.

Townsley smashed into the cement wall and was covered with scars, but before Leiden Mei came to the front, she jumped up again, and her pitch-black claws went straight to Leiden Mei's head.She didn't defend at all, because she had already lost her mind in the erosion of chaos, and the battle with the Valkyrie accelerated the collapse of her thinking.

Leiden Mei's small face was still calm, the Taidao was placed horizontally against her left claw, and she continued to back away. Then the thunder appeared behind her, and penetrated Townsley's body along the edge of her blade. The high fever made her scream instantly, and her hair was completely destroyed .

Leiden Mei picked up the gun and fired continuously, and Townsley, who was almost meaty from being burned, still had the strength to escape. After dodging the bullets, she hung upside down under the eaves like a bat, staring at Leiden Mei with vicious eyes.

"Magnetic Storm Zhan! That's the latest pulse knife! The one developed by the ME headquarters for her daughter! There's only one in the world! You're that Raiden Mei!" Townsley roared, "I know your address , I know your relatives! I will kill them all, I will eat them one by one!"

"So your logical ability will indeed regress a lot after being eroded. I said that my name is Raiden Mei. Most people who know about Japan know my father Raiden Ryoma." Raiden Mei said lightly, "You can't kill Of them, I am the only one left outside Lei Dian's family, and if you follow the news, you will know that they are all in prison."

"I want to eat up all your relatives and friends! Eat up! Hahahahaha, let me eat up!" Townsley yelled crazily.

Leiden Mei couldn't communicate, and watched Townsley whose body gradually turned pale, which was a sign of transformation from carbon-based to silicon-based.

"Eat! Light! Light!"

Townsley let out an extremely weird neigh that was completely incomprehensible to humans.Then she crouched, ready to pounce and claw like a cheetah.She has completely lost the consciousness of "seeking to survive", immersed in the carnival brought about by Honkai's control, leaving only endless violence and desire.

Leiden Mei took out the phone from her pocket, looked at the time, still expressionless.


The pub was full of hustle and bustle, and British law stipulated that the band could only play those color songs with some borderline meanings after twelve o'clock.The young men and women on the dance floor are dancing indulgently. Both men and women are dressed sexy and cool. The nightclub after midnight is such a place full of hormones.

On the bar counter, a mature beauty dressed in a standard nightclub style is holding a glass of cocktail, drunk, and chatting with the handsome strike-up guy.

"Would you like to try the special 'Golden Dragon's Claw' of this store? I heard that it is made with local agave nectar, elderflower and lime juice, paired with our grapefruit bitters and white wine from London. London can’t be called a wine lover if you don’t drink this glass. And it’s very suitable for Asians, this wine was first invented by Asians in Soho.” The man said courteously.

He looked at this mature and enchanting red-haired beauty with almost greedy eyes, he had never seen such a top quality.She is wearing a red gauze suspender skirt so thin that you can see the beautiful butterfly valley on her back. The fleshy suspender stockings wrap her plump legs, and the black silk high heels are on the toes of the reinforced black silk, gently swaying, full of provocative taste.

Even in a chaotic nightclub, this kind of outfit is already very bold, which shows that women are veterans of nightclubs.The covetousness in the man's eyes was not concealed at all, and he really felt that there was no need to conceal it, because it was obvious that this woman was definitely not a pure and kind person. Everyone is an adult, and they all have the same thoughts when they come to this kind of place. I wish.

Moreover, this woman's face and attire showed that she was not short of money. The experienced man was sure that she couldn't be a waist-cut or a fairy dancer.It's not risky to be with this kind of rich woman, big sister or noble lady who comes to have fun.

Ji Zi glanced at him charmingly, "Tequila is an irritable plant, making wine with this ingredient is spicy enough to make a western cowboy choke. Does this gentleman really want to see the embarrassing side of a lady?"

"How could it be? Miss Himeko's enthusiastic appearance reminds me of the gypsy girls in London a long time ago. Those passionate roses could drink even a lighted cocktail in one gulp."

"It's hot enough, Mr. John has a lot of experience."

"But it's not as hot as Miss Jizi. All the roses I've seen are not as beautiful and bright red as you."

"You are really good at talking, so I can give you a chance to buy me a drink?" Ji Zi gracefully stretched out her right hand wrapped in a black silk glove.

"Very happy, beautiful lady." John looked proudly at the bartender brother who was showing admiration, and raised his eyebrows.In the UK, a lady who is willing to take your drink means that you can go further. Golden Dragon Claw is a famous wine for losing your virginity. Jizi's willingness to drink it must mean that she has acquiesced to spend a good night with him.

The bartender rolled his eyes, expressing his disdain for this lucky man, and then served the mixed spirits, Jizi and the man each had a glass.

"Cheers~" The men and women raised their glasses together and drank it down.

Then John suppressed coughing and tears, and went to see Jizi's appearance. Under normal circumstances, Jizi should be drunk after drinking this cup, or even if she is not drunk, she should be "drunk".Then he settled the bill logically, helped the beauty go out, took a taxi to the hotel, and the rest was indescribable.

But Ji Zi was still in high spirits, even licked her lips charmingly, and said with a light smile, "It's really good, it's really hot."

"Yes... yes." John was a little drunk, but he insisted.

"Dear John, can we continue?" Ji Zi asked expectantly.

Facing the beauty's expectant eyes, John couldn't say no. Although the Golden Dragon Claw was expensive and strong, he still ordered two glasses.


"Two more glasses! Dear John!"


"Wow, are you not drunk? Have two more drinks, what an interesting man!"




While pushing and changing glasses, the noise in the bar became louder and more loud, with laughter, clinking glasses, music, and vomiting complementing each other.

But in the midst of the drunkenness, all the voices suddenly seemed to be cold for a moment. Jizi turned her head subconsciously, and saw the door of the bar was kicked open. Like a knife.

It wasn't her indifference that made the audience quiet for a while, but her beauty.She was wrapped in a pure black leather windbreaker for women, like a dashing policewoman in a German drama who came to investigate the case. Even though her slender waist was locked with a belt, her front and back could still be seen. The hem of the windbreaker revealed a pair of matte stockings Li's slender legs, holding a white umbrella in his hand.

"Wow, Miss, where are you an agent?" Someone drunk shouted directly at Mei Lei, "You're still wearing a windbreaker in summer, you don't have a Glock and a Thompson submachine gun inside, do you? Hahaha! "

The men and women who danced wildly laughed.

Lei Dian Mei ignored it, but said coldly: "Get out, business is closed today."

"You said the business was closed..." The drunk young man hadn't reacted yet, and the five-year-old security thug in sunglasses immediately stepped forward with a baton and waved away people, "I'm sorry, everyone, the business is closed today. If everyone If you don’t leave quickly, we will help everyone get out, please cooperate for the sake of batons.”

"I want to sue you for chasing customers! You are breaking the law! You don't do business with white people!" Someone saw that Leiden Mei was an Asian, and immediately began to make a big fuss.

Lei Dian Mei turned to look at him, he was stared at by that cold gaze, and instantly felt an extremely fierce aura.

He suddenly realized that this is a Japanese, and yakuza is legal in Japan, and this store seems to have a yakuza background, it seems to be... ME company?

"This is Chinatown, the territory of Asians." Mei Lei tilted his head and stared at him, "The store is mine. I am in a bad mood today and I don't want to receive you. Go ahead and complain. I don't want to be beaten before that." If so, get out of here."

Domineering, incomprehensible, confident!

Leiden Mei really has this confidence. She has already gone through both black and white in opening a store here. Although ME Club is not a world-class extraordinary force, it is not weak after all.It is impossible for the City of London to oppose her for a store, and she is not seeking money to open a store here, but just as a base.

So she can do whatever she wants to the guests... But what bothers Raiden Mei is that although it is not the first time that she has been so aggressive with the guests, there are still an endless stream of guests at the Chunshan Bar.The guests just now were even whispering things like "Wow, that's true", "The lady at the Chunshan Bar is so cool", "My brother didn't lie to me to come here, and I will really be scolded by the proprietress JK!"

She is a little tired.

At this time, the bar was finally emptied by the security guards. Mei Lei stepped on high heels and walked to the counter, and glanced at the bartender. The bartender was peeking at the amazing beauty of his boss, and when he saw her gaze, he was terrified and rushed to the counter. leave.Only Himeko, Raiden Mei, and John, who was drunk and fell asleep on the ground, were left in the big bar.

"Why are you opening a bar like this? Sooner or later, all the customers will go away." Ji Zi poured himself another glass and said slowly.

"Teacher Jizi, you know that Mei doesn't like this kind of place where the lights are high, and if it's not for Qing Bar, it won't be able to open in London... Heh, the smell in the air makes Mei feel sick." Lei Dian Mei hugged against the bar counter next to her With her chest on her chest, her tone was cold and a little helpless, "If Mei came late this time, teacher, you might be tricked by some man."

"This is the bar you opened by yourself, but you don't come here even once? Is there anyone like you who is the eldest lady?" Ji Zi curled her lips, "And what is cheating, I am willing, I am very active and enthusiastic I really want to find a man to take me away!"

Mei Lei's expression twitched.

"But why... why every time! It's like this every time! Someone always comes to disturb me when I'm only one step away! Leiden Mei!" Jizi broke out in anger, and stood up holding the goblet, " There is Teresa in Santa Freya, and you at the headquarters of Destiny! I just want to find a man. Why is it so difficult? Do you know how old I am? I am different from you young and energetic little girls. Children my age are five years old! I am still a virgin, do you know the concept of being a virgin!"

"Many Valkyries are virgins until they die, so you don't need to exaggerate." Lei Dian Mei said lightly.

"That's because they are lilies! I, Wuliangta Himeko, I am a simple woman with a pure sexual orientation! Do you know how many people think that Teresa and I are a couple in St. Freya Academy these years? Are you saying that Lily is infinitely good, but it just so happens that she has a poor body shape, who wants to make a pair with that Wannian loli?" Ji Zi slapped the table and gritted her teeth, "I want to find a man to marry, even the most ordinary man It doesn't matter, as long as it's a man! Now I finally have some time for myself, and I can go to bars every day, but I'm dressed like this, why is there still no man who can take me away!"

Mei glanced at the drunk John on the ground.

"Am I not sexy enough? Am I ugly?" Ji Zi stared at her student.

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