In other words, whose gene was extracted by Maria.

"Aunt Qiluo?" Shen Liang resisted the desire to complain, endured her gentle touch, and whispered, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Are you the child of Maria and whom?" Shi Yuqiluo withdrew her hand and looked at him carefully. The more she looked, the more jealous the color in her eyes became, and her voice gradually became gloomy, "I am blue-haired, She is maroon, and it is unlikely that our two children will have an Asian-looking look, not to mention that two women can only produce females, which is determined by chromosomes."

What are you asking!Shen Liang is a little bit broken, didn't you break up with my mother long ago?What are you doing to me now?

"Cough," Rita realized that something was wrong at this time, and interjected with a light cough, "Master Qiluo, the Shaniat family has always been accustomed to using sperm banks, and the Shaniat family itself cannot conceive males." .Mr. Pandora should have undergone genetic adjustment."

"Gene adjustment? No wonder there is a face that is more beautiful than Shaniat's daughters." Shi Yuqiluo whispered, "But this gene does not come from me, you are not the same as me at all... Not your mother."

Nonsense!Not even Maria is my biological mother!Why do you still want to be my gene source?I still have to be like you?The two girls are all X chromosomes, even with genetic technology, they can't give birth to boys!I don't want to be Shaniat's third lady!

"You don't...don't use my genes!" Shi Yuqiluo bit her lips, and finally couldn't hold back the grief and indignation in her heart, and said through gritted teeth, "Traitor! will only love me if you agreed? How about we do test tubes for each other and each have a daughter? It was agreed... that they will come and marry me!"

Hiss——Shen Liang gasped.As expected of my mother, I miss you even after breaking up.However, Shen Liang really couldn't imagine how two beautiful girls hugged each other and talked to each other every day, and they actually had beautiful wishes to start a family?

Should it be said that technology really changes life?Three years ago, Shen Liang, who was an ignorant and healthy young man, had never thought of the possibility of same-sex reproduction in this world. What kind of technological gap is this?Your destiny apologizes to those scientists in the world who are still struggling with cloning technology!

"Oh, as expected, just talk about it as always, those vows at school are all lies! It's just to show my body..."

"Although I also think that what Mother has done to you may be too much for you to remember for so long..."

"It's grudges! Who misses your mother!"

"Okay, bear the grudge." Shen Liang scratched his head, "But you two are girls, it seems that there is no such thing as one plotting the other's body, because popular public opinion believes that the relationship between a man and a woman is paid by the woman, and the man is the one who takes advantage. But If two women fall in love, Aunt Qiluo, with all due respect, I don’t quite understand why my mother takes advantage and you suffer.”

Shi Yuqiluo who was weeping was slightly taken aback, and gave him a complicated look.At the same time, Rita and Raiden Mei also had very complicated expressions—should they ask such a very logical question at this time?Why do guys always try to reason with a girl when she's venting?

"Forget it." Shi Yu Qiluo suddenly stopped crying, looked at Shen Liang again, and just sighed softly, "You are right, things have passed for so long, Maria has let go, she can't let go It's just Qiluo alone."

Shen Liang was very entangled, Maria must still have some feelings for Shi Yu Qiluo, but it was obvious that his existence made Maria unable to argue.After all, no one would believe that his wife had given birth to someone else's son, and would miss himself.

Although the two of them seem to be each other's wives.

"My mother still... cares about Aunt Qiluo very much." Shen Liang tried his best to save Maria's reputation.

"Enough, stop talking, you..." Shi Yuqiluo leaned down, looked him in the eyes, and then smiled, "You are a good boy, I shouldn't take the resentment towards your mother on you Take a closer look, even though you don’t look like me at all, you are worthy of being the son of ‘Witch Maria’. You are as beautiful as her, as powerful as her, and as young as her, you have a bad spirit.”

Shen Liang said in his heart that then you should not read carefully.

"The women in Shaniat's family are always single mothers. It would be hard for Pandora to be born with such a mother who is always busy with work and rarely takes care of the family." Shi Yuqiluo said to herself, "Speaking of... ...Since you are her son, it's not too much to call me little mom."

"Aunt Qiluo, you are too close..." Shen Liang felt that her expression gradually changed, and she was getting closer and closer, so she could only continue to lean back and shrink into the sofa.

"So afraid of what Qiluo is doing? Is Qiluo not good-looking? Or is she not as gentle as your mother? Am I not as good as Maria?" Shiyu Qiluo lowered her pressure, and Rita next to her held her forehead, her face full Speechless.

The love story between Kira Shigure and Maria is a bad debt, and the Valkyrie knows it well.From the beginning, Rita was very worried that Shi Yuqiluo would come and have some trouble with Shen Liang after smelling the smell, but now it seems that she really had no precautions, and the abandoned woman has extremely deep resentment.

Just when Shen Liang was forced into a corner by Shi Yu Qiluo, the sky blue long-haired girl suddenly pushed him down, pressed her whole body, and then lowered her head abruptly.Shen Liang's eyes widened, only to see his mother's horse hugging him with an evil smile.

"Wait!" Leiden Mei hadn't reacted to this sudden turning point, but she was already so frightened that she jumped up.

"Master Qiluo!" Rita's tone was also unsteady because of panic, what the hell is going on, Shigure Qiluo, are you crazy?You don't even spare Maria's son?How come you were abandoned by Maria and you took her son?You are so vicious, are you worthy of your innocent and beautiful girl's face!

And Shen Liang was just about to resist the hooligan behavior of this strange big sister, but suddenly froze, allowing Shi Yuqiluo to kiss his forehead.

"Be careful of all the Valkyries in the headquarters, Pandora, all of them." From the A-level Valkyrie's personal voice transmission into the secret.

Sound transmission is a very basic fighting skill that all Valkyries know.And it is said that Shi Yu Qiluo is a Valkyrie of the supernatural power system, and even the direction of the supernatural power is related to the rhythm of the sound. Her attainments in "sound" are even stronger than the S-rank Valkyrie.Even if Rita was by her side, it would be difficult to detect the fluctuations of the Houkai energy she concealed.

Shen Liang's expression remained panicked, and he tried his best to suppress his heartbeat that was about to speed up almost instantly.He knew very well that his heartbeat could be easily felt in front of the S-rank Valkyrie.

Only then did Shigure Qiluo let go of him, stood up calmly, brushed back her long sky-blue hair, and casually looked at the angry Raiden Mei and the twitching Rita, "Just kiss your forehead to see if you are anxious, don't worry." , Qi Luo will not compete with you for Little Pandora, but it is just the intimacy of the elders with the younger ones."

"Miss Qiluo, don't make this kind of joke anymore!" Leiden Mei had a gloomy expression, "Miss Maria is Miriam, and Pandora is Pandora. Please don't vent your negative feelings on Pandora unscrupulously!"

"Qi Luo likes little Pandora very much, how can it be called negative feelings?" Shi Yu Qi Luo curled her lips, "Okay, I will not play with you children as an adult, let's go first, let's all be happy. Oh, by the way, Ms. Mei, in order to make up for the mental loss of molesting Pandora in front of you, the bar fee is covered today, bye~"

Shi Yu Qiluo whistled, leaned on the wall and staggered out the door.

Shen Liang calmed down his shock. He couldn't ignore Shi Yu Qiluo's information, but he couldn't trust it completely now.He also couldn't guarantee Shi Yuqiluo's purpose for coming, and besides, the AOE range of the sentence "be careful of all the Valkyrie" is too large, and he doesn't know where to start.

So it's more normal to keep it as it is now.

Then Shen Liang found that because of Shigure Qiluo's last words, Leiden Mei had broken the goblet while keeping her face expressionless, and she was covering the cut with her fingers to pretend that she didn't care.

"Miss Qiluo is too playful." Rita decided to start the topic first to avoid embarrassment.

But there was nothing embarrassing about it, what happened just now was only discovered by some Valkyries who were paying close attention to Pandora.In fact, most of the girls are drinking too much, and they are getting high with Sirin who is drinking too much. Now they are playing shooting flying saucers. Sirin manipulates the space ability to make flying saucers appear randomly anywhere in the room, and then other Valkyrie Real gun shooting.

Fortunately, although Sirin is quite drunk, she still maintains a basic sense of reason, and she can also manipulate the cracks in the space to swallow the bullets so as not to hit the ceiling full of holes. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Miss Mei to sit here with peace of mind.

"Although it's not good to talk about people behind their backs, Ms. Qiluo really doesn't look like an elder at all." Lei Dianya gently straightened her legs, and sat next to Shen Liang, "But Miss Qiluo is indeed sure about raising her." It's very good, he is already in his 30s, but he looks about the same age as Mei."

"Master Qiluo is also a legend of immortality in the headquarters. Most of the Valkyrie Zhuyan are in their twenties, but Master Qiluo always feels that she is seventeen or eighteen years old, which is enviable." Rita said with a smile , "But it is precisely because the appearance has maintained the standard of the student days, the mood has also become a lot immature."

"The reason why she maintains her appearance at this age is because in her heart, she still has the possibility of being with Miss Maria?" Lei Dian Mei suddenly found that her legs wrapped in black stockings touched Shen Liang's calves unconsciously , icy and cold, she was a little shy for some reason, she glanced at Shen Liang secretly, and found that the latter didn't care at all.

She was thankful and also a little bit dissatisfied, and quietly raised her tight calf to gently rub against the boy.Shen Liang turned his head to look at her inexplicably, Miss Yayi blushed to the tip of her nose, and hurriedly continued: "Maybe Miss Qiluo subconsciously feels that as long as the appearance does not change, that feeling will remain constant at that moment? It's like Nothing has changed?"

"Cross a boat and ask for a sword?" Shen Liang sighed.

"Rita always feels that it's a bit sad to say that." After Rita joined the conversation, she naturally sat down on Shen Liang's right side.In this way, Shen Liang's left and right sides were unknowingly replaced by two familiar Valkyries, while the other crowds on the sofa were pushed out by the two girls.

However, Shen Liang didn't pay attention to the angry eyes of other girls. Compared with Mei and Rita, they are both trustworthy people, and he can find a little bit in this bar where little she-wolves with green eyes are shining everywhere and want to eat meat. sense of security.

"But then again, regardless of Ms. Qiluo for the time being, Ms. Yalvette has really put in a lot of effort." Leiden Mei glanced at Rita, her mood slightly gloomy.Originally, I hoped that I could sit on the sofa with Ryoko after dissuading other people. Although it is not a world of two people, I can talk a lot of things that I can't talk about in the past few months, chat about Qiyana and so on.But this maid who couldn't read the atmosphere always appeared suddenly when she was getting ready, and always turned the chat group of two people into three people!

This lingering spirit!Too much deception!

So she stabbed Rita lukewarmly, "I don't know what kind of man-slaying skills are usually talked about in the Undying Blade group?"

The maid blinked, "Oh? What does Miss Mei mean?"

"Miss Yalvette usually doesn't dress up, but tonight she is wearing double ponytails, Balenciaga gradient stockings, Valentino's [-]cm high heels, and even the wine she's serving is served with ice." Lei Dian Mei said lightly, "It's really proficient, even those Taimei who have been in nightclubs for many years in Japan's Yakuza are no more than that."

The maid was stunned.

She knew that Leiden Mei wanted to be angry because of dissatisfaction, but for a while she really didn't understand what Leiden Mei's yin and yang were.

No wonder she doesn't understand, although being a maid requires you to learn a lot of unorthodox knowledge, from cooking, making tea, housework, bodyguards to pantyhose, throwing missiles under the skirt with flying knives, everything is good, including how to serve the hostess Li Tower has learned from the book even if there is a high probability that it will not be used in a lifetime.But she is just an ordinary maid after all, no matter how much she dabbles in, there is a limit, and no matter how much she studies, she is unlikely to learn the secret art of beheading men passed down by Asian women.

Shen Liang couldn't hold back a chuckle, and Leiden Mei couldn't help laughing when she saw the maid lady's bewildered look.After all, Rita, who has always been elegant and unrestrained in decathlon, rarely shows this kind of confusion.

Even a little contrast cute.

Rita shook Shen Liang's arm lightly, and said softly with some helplessness: "Mr. Pandora, Miss Mei, don't tease Rita, can you explain to Rita?"

Volume 309 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden Family: Chapter 41 Chapter [-] So Rita is the catfish in the school

Shen Liang and Lei Dian Mei looked at each other, sure enough, only Asians understand the weird trends and vanity of Asians.The male beheading techniques that are prevalent in the Internet age are often the same, but the benefit of being the same is that it can hit most people's strike zones.

"For example, the difference between double ponytails and single ponytails is just two cute hairstyles in the eyes of people who don't know how to do it, but Miss Yalvette is obviously a little bit scheming, so she should have studied it online The unspoken rules of catching girls." Leiden Mei said calmly, "For the boys she wants to seduce, this means 'expecting the other party to control'."

"Control?" Rita didn't understand for a moment.

"Do you need to explain too clearly?" Leiden Mei chuckled.

"Rita, think about it carefully, is holding the twin tails similar to the posture of a man riding a horse?" Shen Liang whispered in the ear of the maid lady, "So it actually means 'Ren Jun Caijie', I can only say It’s impolite to say anything here.”

Rita was silent on the sofa for a while, and finally her face turned slightly rosy. She had never recorded these knowledge points from Asia.

"As for Balenciaga's stockings and Valentino's high-heeled shoes, they are all common dating configurations in the Chinese Internet community." Lei Dianmei said, "As for the wine with ice..."

She couldn't help laughing in a low voice.

"Asians have different habits from Europeans. We usually drink hot or warm water, and we specially emphasize 'add ice', which means 'you can eat ice today'." Shen Liang said seriously, "What does this mean, Li Miss Ta must also understand."

Of course Rita understands that women all over the world are the same, she gave Shen Liang a charming look.

"But Ms. Alvette may not understand that although these outfits are very popular in the Chinese Internet community, the public's aesthetics don't have much reference value for juniors." Lei Dianya straightened her long hair and said disapprovingly, " In fact, no matter whether it is Balenciaga or Valentino, the texture is far inferior to the standard clothing of Valkyrie. There is a big gap in terms of comfort, quality, luster and feel.”

"After all, Valkyrie's daily sports are far superior to ordinary people. It is unrealistic to design clothing according to the requirements of ordinary people." Shen Liang has dabbled a lot in the clothing industry recently, and understands that the clothing of extraordinary people is not low-grade.

"So Ylvette is self-defeating, why not dress normally?" Rita chuckled.

"After all, Junior Brother doesn't like those flashy brands."

Shen Liang shrugged, he didn't continue to entangle, in fact, he was not disgusted with the so-called "flashy" trendy brands as Leiden Mei guessed.Because men don't care about the differences between these brands, it doesn't matter to men as long as girls look good in clothes.

Whether it is the Balenciaga that many people bought out of vanity or the expensive silk stockings made by Destiny, he has no prejudice, after all, he is such a fraternal and open boy.In fact, before he got to know Chaofan, he also picked out these so-called big fashion brands when buying clothes for his younger sisters. The little ones were bouncing around and making noise every day, and they had to buy new ones in half a month.

Although these luxuries are IQ tax, poor quality and expensive, Shen Liang doesn't care.Luxury goods themselves have the value of satisfying people's desire for appreciation, just like the stockings and underwear he bought for Anna and Xinhai, it is normal for them to be broken on the day they are bought.

However, it is normal for a young lady like Leiden Mei to disdain certain fashion brands. A truly noble person does not need to use luxury goods to prove his dignity.It doesn't matter whether it's Qiyana or Sirin, Anna and Mei, or even most of the Valkyries of Destiny, they themselves represent the extraordinary and the superior.It would be better to say that most luxury goods need them to wear to prove themselves.

So at this time, Shen Liang lowered her head to look at the long legs of the two girls on the left and right. It may be because Mei and Rita belong to the kind of tall and slender girls. Their stockings are more mature and can show the shape of their legs. Lightning Mei was wearing small leather boots with a [-]-centimeter stiletto heel, and the maid was also wearing a [-]-centimeter high-heeled shoe.

How should I put it... It seems that in essence, Shen Liang felt that the two of them seemed to have the style of Alvette who studied the art of male beheading in Asia...there was not much difference.

"Junior brother, why are you in a daze?" Lei Dian Mei pushed him.

"I think everyone is mutual." Shen Liang said frankly.

Mei followed his line of sight to see herself, she understood after a little thought, she was angry and funny at the same time, she raised her eyes to see Rita, and found that Rita had also reacted, and the latter smiled brightly.

"It's different." Rita took advantage of the fact that there were no Valkyries around, and quickly pinched Shen Liang's face with her hand, exhaling into his face, really exhaling like blue, "It's completely different, Rita's maid outfit is very different. Designed by the equipment department of Destiny. Although it is just stockings, it is made of high-density molecular materials, which cannot be cut by ordinary knives. It also has heat resistance that can withstand high temperatures of [-] degrees Celsius, and resistance to electrical conduction... "

While talking intimately, the maid lady pulled Shen Liang's right hand without a trace, and pressed it silently on her delicate and tight thigh wrapped in delicate silk stockings.Her voice was already sweet and gentle, but at this moment it was even slightly confusing, "How is it? You are not lying, right? Little Pandora thinks does it feel?"

The feel is really great!

The soft and beautiful silk texture, the smooth and beautiful snow-white skin under the thin black, the soft and firm leg lines, under the palm, all proclaim that this is simply the most attractive in the eyes of men. goddess.

It has a more advanced feel than all the beautiful girls Shen Liang has ever met!Miss Maid is indeed a stunner in the world. Compared with girls like Anna Xinhai, they are just flesh and blood ready to bloom, but Rita is at the most beautiful age of a girl. She is 20 years old and has just fully grown. Between the innocence of a girl and the charm of a woman, it's perfect!

"Very good." Shen Liang couldn't refuse the admiration in his heart, so he nodded in praise.

Rita's smile became more charming, and she sat slightly closer to Shen Liang, so that he could feel according to his own mood.And Shen Liang has never been shy and timid, anyway, he couldn't get away when Rita held his hand forcibly, even if someone saw him, it was Rita's own decision and it didn't affect other people's designs, so he simply relaxed , Kneading and kneading unscrupulously.

"I didn't expect little Pandora's skills to be good." Rita clamped her legs like a puppet cat being stroked by its owner, closed her beautiful eyes, and let out a comfortable humming sound.

And when the boy and the maid were intimately evaluating the texture of the stockings, the expressions of the other Valkyries were as ugly as if they had just eaten the scum of a wine bottle smashed by Sirin.

Yes, although sitting on the sofa, some of the vision could be blocked by the body, but all the Valkyries could see Rita holding Pandora's little hand, just pressing it on her lap!Even if they couldn't see exactly where the immature little hand touched, it didn't prevent them from making up the plot of about [-] words a chapter from Rita's reddish expression.

The girls are almost out of jealousy... out of anger!

Pandora, the son of White Flower, is only 16 years old and looks like a naive and ignorant young lady who is not yet 16 years old, almost like a once-in-a-thousand-year beauty who came out of those female video novels.For the Valkyries who are so picky that they can only be lilies, it is like a sister Lin who fell from the sky, but before she can say "I have seen this sister before", the yellow hair from the Ningguo Mansion next door has already lifted her skirt and started He has done something to sister Lin.

And these "Jia Baoyu" can only watch.

hateful!Rita Rossweisse is really yellow haired!

However, the time when the eyes were tearing didn't last long, Leiden Mei couldn't bear the scene anymore, she put the goblet that had been broken already on the table heavily, and then stretched out her hand to encircle Shen Liang's left arm Pull him back firmly into position.Of course, Rita was not to be outdone, she also did not let go of her strength, and continued to press Shen Liang's hand, smiling subtly.

"Miss Mei, don't use such force, little Pandora can't stand the struggle between an A-rank Valkyrie and an S-rank Valkyrie."

"Since you know, let go! Rita, you are flirting with my junior brother openly!" Lei Dianmei pulled hard, and seeing Shen Liang's painful expression in a blink of an eye, she quickly relaxed a little bit, but still said angrily , "Let go of your hand! My junior brother already has a girlfriend!"

Rita raised the corners of her mouth, and took advantage of Leiden Mei's relaxation time to grab Shen Liang's arm and pull him to her side, "Oh? Stand up for Miss Kiyana, you are here as Miss Kiyana's best friend Teach Rita a lesson?"

"Don't play word games with me, I'm preventing you from playing hooligans on Pandora as Senior Sister Pandora!"

"Miss Mei looks very angry. Just now she took a mouthful of 'Mei' and now it is 'me'. So that's why you call yourself 'Mea' only in front of little Pandora. It's true that the love between sister and brother is so deep." You don’t need to educate Rita in the name of Ms. Kiana~” The maid lady was annoyed, “It’s just that since Ms. Mei doesn’t like it, is she a little meddling?”

"You said I was nosy?"

"Miss Mei, you are at best Pandora's senior sister, and you can even say that this is just your nickname. Pandora did not join Saint Freya, and you are not even senior sisters." Rita narrowed her eyes, "Indeed The relationship between Rita and Pandora may be far deeper than you imagined."

"Rita!" Shen Liang reminded in a low voice.

"Don't worry, Mr. Pandora, Rita won't betray you, this is a communication between women, so please don't say a few words." Rita glanced at him threateningly, and then chuckled, "Otherwise, what Rita gave you The IOU is still valid, why don't I settle it for you today?"

Shen Liang shut up with no promise, although he really wanted to "clear accounts" with Rita, but letting Rita tell these things at this time is undoubtedly breaking ground on his senior sister's head.He didn't dare to let Mei know what would happen if his beloved little brother was a little stallion that even an S-rank Valkyrie tried to taste. Under the fury of Leiden Mei, he might not want to fight with him.

At the same time, Leiden Mei was stunned, and she repeated it with an incredulous expression: "You and Junior Brother... are much deeper than me?"

"This 'deep' should not be taken literally." Shen Liang quickly explained in a low voice, "Rita and I have dealt with the trial-level Honkai Beast together in Aisha, this is a secret information that should not be spread indiscriminately. Sister Mei, you understand, We are comrades-in-arms who live and die together.”

Leiden Mei didn't want to hear what Shen Liang explained.

She just felt a little tired.

Yes, the mere phrase "senior sister" does not seem to have any status value.This relationship is not worthy of any reason to stop Rita.

She is just an ordinary friend, and Rita is his comrade-in-arms who entrusted each other to his juniors in the face of the terrifying Judgment-level Honkai Beast on the battlefield of Aisha.

Let alone rubbing her thighs to play hooliganism, even if she really wants to compete with Kiyana, Rita is not completely unreasonable.It can even be said that because of this friendship, most of the Valkyries at the headquarters must support Rita in seeking her true love and encourage her to fight with the little princess of Shaniat's family.

And Shen Liang is obviously not indifferent to Rita, which boy can be disgusted with a beauty like Rita?Thinking about it this way, she doesn't have eyes anymore. What qualifications does she have to speak for Qiyana?Kiyana really came here and met Rita who robbed people strongly, so she probably wouldn’t feel that she was cheated on, but would happily say yes, okay, Miss Rita will come to my house tonight to discuss how to distribute Liangzi, okay? My house is quite big. , and then Rita needs to seriously consider how to protect herself.

Thinking about it this way, is she just...doing what she wants to do in the name of Kiyana?

Without Qiyana, wouldn't I even dare to express my dissatisfaction?

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