The girl in the photo is almost [-]% similar to Qiyana, with the same snow-white hair as her and Kiyana, grinning loudly while holding Siegfried's tie and riding on his back. The father carried the memory of Sirin The smile that Li had never seen before caused the white-haired girl to ride him and run around.

But Sirin has never had the memory of Siegfried, it would be better to say that neither she nor Kiyana sisters have, and only know Siegfried's appearance in a daze.Cecilia said that Siegfried also raised them from a young age, but unfortunately he died too early so the two of you have no memory. After all, people don't remember most things before the age of ten.

But in the photo is a small cottage, the layout seems to be in Nordic, Scandinavian style decoration.Sirin never knew that she had lived in such a humble place. As the eldest lady of a top-notch wealthy family, she lived in a palace or a castle, but this hut seemed to be about [-] square meters. Next to the big bed was The child's crib is separate from the bedroom and living room, and the TV is placed opposite the bed. It is conceivable that the family usually has to lie on the bed and cross their legs to watch TV.


Very warm, the little girl in the photo, the handsome father and the beautiful mother don't think there is any problem in such a small room.There was a half-eaten pizza on the floor. Xilin rarely saw such junk food, but in the photo they seemed to be eating happily.

"That's Urandale. The photo was taken in 1999. Urandale was five years old. At that time, Cecilia was not the head of the family, but the trump card of the Shaniat family. This is her in the Nordic branch, that is, In Sweden, I lived in a dormitory.” Karen said, “The relationship between Siegfried and Cecilia was not very good after five years, maybe he didn’t know how to cherish it when he got it, but he still returned to the nature of a prodigal son after all. But he often I will come to visit my daughter, and that time is a rare time for the family to have dinner together."

Xilin stared blankly at the white-haired little girl in the photo. She was more noble than millions of people, but at this moment she was suddenly jealous that the little girl was not her.

"She is... Cecilia's daughter? What about us?" Sirin whispered.

"Of course you are too, but in a different order." Kallen reassured, and then whispered, "But Ulandal is completely different from you. Have such a big grudge.”

"Hate?" Sirin flipped through the pages.

There is more information about Ulandale in the archives. Before the millennium, as the twin-blood heir of the Kaslana family and the Shaniat family, Ulandale participated in many destiny human experiments.

Sirin knows that human experimentation is not really big news, and there is no need to talk about it in destiny, just like the holy blood of the Shaniat family is essentially just a genetic sample accidentally researched by Otto during the Black Death. The maturity of destiny for human experiments has long been verified.

And Youlandelle's bloodline is very good, and she is even held high by the destiny. It is only natural to participate in the experiment, and no one dares to have any plans for the daughter of the saint.At that time, the largest research facility for Houkai energy in the world was the Babylonian laboratory in the permafrost region of Siberia, commonly known as the Tower of Babylon. There were not only the researchers of Destiny, but also the deputies of the United Nations, and many studies on the Valkyrie gene were carried out there. Qualified experiment.

"When Yolandelle was recuperating in the Tower of Babylon, she never thought that the Herrscher of the Void was gradually conceived by her side." Kallen's tone gradually sank, "The researchers of the Tower of Babylon began to touch some different things. Things that should be touched, they tried to steal the power of the Houkai God, and they didn't have the slightest awe of how the pre-civilization perished. At that time, Destiny was in a period of rapid development, with strong strength and stable civilization. Instead of stopping it, I hope they can have some real research results."

"The power you can't use is not your own power, how stupid." Shen Liang commented.

"But at that time, the Destiny was determined to forge ahead. They were very confident and felt that it was necessary to explore the Herrscher. At that time, people thought that the Herrscher would have to face it sooner or later as civilization continued to progress. It was not necessary to see what level the Herrscher was... And there may be no better time than this for the strongest Valkyrie in the past. You think they are stupid, but the destiny at that time thought they were right." Karen said lightly.

There are records about the clues of that incident in the file.

"We were surprised to find that subject No. 52 showed extremely high resistance to Houkai energy, and was able to absorb and neutralize energy. The reason for this phenomenon is not clear, but this is probably what we are looking for In addition, the laboratory urgently needs more experimental subjects, please provide relevant support. —— 2000.01.12 Tower of Babylon Research Report (Summary)”

Sirin suddenly had a headache. Subject No. 52... The name made her feel disgusted. She suddenly seemed to see something, but she didn't want to see it. She could only turn around and lay down in Shen Liang's arms, burying her head on his chest .

It was the first time for Shen Liang to feel that Sirin was so dependent on him suddenly, and he was a little surprised, but when he lowered his head, he saw Sirin's tired eyes, and the light from those beautiful and majestic golden eyes was even a little weak.

"It's so cold..." Sirin said softly, "It's all because you drive too fast, the wind is too strong, hug me."

Without hesitation, Shen Liang opened the windbreaker and hugged her in, and then wrapped her in the windbreaker. The little queen straddled him and hugged his neck. After being warm for a while, she exhaled, her voice was still not as weak as hers. ,"go on."

PS: My little queen... This chapter has more words than the two chapters in the previous few days combined

Volume 335: The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 65 Chapter [-] This entire chapter Ryoko hugs the little queen

Karen's eyes were rather weird, and then she glanced at Gan Yu who was sitting next to her in the passenger seat, her eyes seemed to say, "He really has a girlfriend named Qiyana?"

Gan Yu smiled and said nothing, she didn't really understand what AI meant, in her eyes Kalian was just another girl who got close to Youjun.As a mount and a pet, Gan Yu thinks it's best not to get involved in Shen Liang's emotional turmoil.

Just quietly be a well-loved coconut sheep.

Karen observed Sirin's state and was a little suspicious, but she continued to read aloud.It is recorded in detail in the archives that the collapse of the Tower of Babylon can reveal the whole incident.

At the beginning of the millennium, subject No. 52 of the Babylonian laboratory, a girl named K423-1, was injected with excessive Honkai energy in human experiments, resulting in an incomplete Herrscher.The experimenters were inexplicably excited, but due to the anti-human nature of the experiment itself, many experimenters joined forces with the staff of Mandate of Heaven to conceal the records from the United Nations.

At the end of January, K423-1 escaped from supervision and went to the Houkai reactor area of ​​the Tower of Babylon, destroying the reactor to absorb a large amount of Houkai energy.


On February 2, Bishop Otto sent people to the Tower of Babylon to investigate the disappearance.On the same day, Cecilia, the S-rank Valkyrie, led the snow wolf team to Siberia, and at the same time rescued her daughter in the nursing home.

On the evening of February 2, Cecilia discovered the experimental girl imprisoned in the human body department, and finally discovered the anti-human Herrscher experiment that was acquiesced by destiny.The Shaniat family and the Kaslana family were outraged, and international public opinion was raging.

On February 2rd, K3-423, which was hiding and absorbing the Houkai energy, was completely transformed into the Herrscher of the Sky, and summoned the judgment-level dragon-type Houkai Berenas that accompanied it, forming an army covering from the northern part of the Eurasian continent to the Arctic Circle. The EMP shields the battlefield and confronts human forces head-on.

The war lasted for a long time, and the human forces abandoned their prejudices and united unprecedentedly in this battle.The North American branch that has long betrayed the destiny has provided countless mechs based on purely mechanical signals that can ignore EMP; the United Nations has provided absolutely unconditional logistical support, including four land-based intercontinental nuclear ballistic missiles; the destiny is responsible for the frontal battlefield, sacrificing the number of Valkyries over a thousand.

On February 2, Destiny, who believed that he could not win by manpower, used nuclear weapons to release the Honkai energy fission bomb, completely killing the Herrscher of the Sky, without notifying the Valkyries on the battlefield to evacuate in advance.Caslana Patriarch Siegfried restrained Herrscher, and finally died in battle together.Cecilia took her daughter and other test subject girls to escape the nuclear bomb area by helicopter, but was eventually shot down by the shock wave.

"Hiss..." Shen Liang said in a low voice, "This is disgusting."

"Yeah, what a disgusting ending." Karen also said in a low voice, "The ugly experiments in the Babylonian laboratory require the sacrifice of many innocent girls. Cecilia can't let these survivors continue to suffer. So with her At such a speed, she could have escaped directly with her daughter, but she still had to use a helicopter to evacuate. This planted the seeds of tragedy."

Kallen didn't tell the following story, but Shen Liang and Xilin watched it together, only to find that Ulandal's resentment was not without reason.

When the helicopter was destroyed by the shock wave of the Honkai fission bomb, Ulandal was hit in the brain by armor fragments, and she fainted on the spot and fell from the hole torn apart by the plane.And all this was seen by Cecilia.

But she didn't go to the rescue.

The gentle and loving saint chose to give up her daughter at that critical moment. She will use the few Houkai to fight against the shock wave of the nuclear bomb, stabilize the helicopter balance, and continue to fly to the city with the 61 girls on the plane .

She just watched her daughter fall from the sky.

"Damn it," Sirin said softly, "that stupid woman is really stupid."

"Anyone would think that Ulandale was already dead at that time, her head was almost cut open by flying debris, and she fell from a thousand meters above the sky. Cecilia's choice may be the most reasonable, but for a mother It's unreasonable to say..." Kallen closed her eyes, "Later she was picked up by Otto's Ragnar, and she had been buried in the snow for a year at that time, Kaslana's family was like a monster. Her bloodline awakened and saved her life. When she woke up, she would never recognize the name Qiyana again. There was a fire-like resentment hidden in her heart, which was ignited when she met her mother. If you think about it carefully, you will know...that is her The most trusting mother, which daughter would feel that the most important thing in the mother's eyes is not herself? But Cecilia personally gave her the greatest despair."

Shen Liang didn't know how to understand this story.

Youlandelle may regret that she survived, because the more painful thing about your mother not saving you is that she could save you, but she couldn't save you. This means that in her eyes, there is something more important than her daughter to protect, no matter what Whether it is justice or innocent people or more lives—but daughters should not be placed on the balance. Daughters should be an infinite weight in the hearts of parents.

This is the greatest cruelty to Ulandal, far more cruel than death.

"And Sirin, you and Kiyana are the two most special among the many girls who were rescued." Karen's tone was tinged with anger, "You are the ones who are used to replace Ulandal. , because it is impossible to use Ulandal for human experiments, so the Tower of Babel extracted the paternal and maternal genes in Ulandal without approval, and created two artificial humans, which are clones in general. You also flow Qi Ge Fei and Cecilia's blood, so of course she became Cecilia's daughter.

"The older sister was named Sirin, and the younger sister inherited the name 'Qiana' and changed her surname to 'Shaniat'. So Kiyana is two years younger than you but looks exactly like you, because you are the same A mod, Ulandal's mod."

"An artificial human?" Sirin suddenly smiled.

Shen Liang hurriedly hugged her tightly. He actually has no dislike for artificial people. After all, he is not a member of the Shaniat tribe, but the little queen is so fragile, so don't be blackened by Karen's words!The guy who co-authored Karen said that he was here to help, but in fact he was Otto's assistant, and he was here to solve his team!It's just that attacking the city is the bottom line and attacking the mind is the top priority. Let Xilin collapse first and force him to fight on two fronts?

"You are the future head of the Shaniat family. You will have to understand these things sooner or later. I'm sorry for making you sad. But if you don't even have the courage to face the reality, you won't grow up." Karen looked at her, Sighing softly, "However, Cecilia completely regards you as her own daughter, and she has definitely not let you down in this regard."

Sirin raised her head, she was hugging Shen Liang's neck and lying in his arms to keep warm, when she looked up at this moment, she happened to see the tense eyes of the boy frowning, she looked at it for a while, and then grinned.

"Human, put away your pity on me, am I that fragile?"

Shen Liang didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief just yet, Xilin is an arrogant young lady, she might have collapsed to the point of crying, and she was still pretending to be calm.

At this time, you must continue to look at her with compassion.

"If you keep staring at me like this, I'll beat you up. Is this the attitude towards the head of the family?" Sirin stretched in through the left and right slits of Shen Liang's shirt—in fact, Shen Liang didn't know why the tailor of Shaniat's family gave him a hand. There were two empty pockets in the waist of his clothes, and later he found that no matter it was Cecilia, Anna, Kiana, Sirin, including many familiar girls, they all liked to hug him from behind and press their chests to the bottom. On his head, and then the little hand just stretched in from here to directly touch his belly, so that he can be intimate without any restraint and avoid being discovered by outsiders. This made Shen Liang wonder if the tailor aunt knows the little boy so well, should she call the police and arrest him? Get up—in short, Xilin's icy and cold little hands directly touched his waist. When Shen Liang shuddered, she deftly clamped the flesh around Shen Liang's waist with her fingertips. We all know that pinching people with fingertips instead of fingers is especially painful. .

Shen Liang cried out in excitement.

"Whether it is a humanoid clone or not, what does it have to do with me? I am the eldest lady of the Shaniat family, acting as the head of the family. Just a story can make me hide my face and cry, let go of my identity and run away? What do you think of me? Idiot?" Sirin stared at him and sneered, "Human, you don't expect me to run away when I can't bear the blow, and then give up the family to Qiyana. Then you will have sex with Qiyana (crab )) Husband and wife control trillions of wealth? Everything in this family is mine! Do you understand!"

Only then did Shen Liang smile reassuringly, "That's fine, that's fine, as long as you're fine."

"Whether I am the daughter of that stupid woman, does it matter? It doesn't matter! To me, the only thing that matters is that the family property is in my hands, Yolandelle? How much can she get? She can't get a penny! "Xilin raised her small face arrogantly, and did not look at Shen Liang, "It is too early to rely on this to mess with my Dao heart. Human beings should be less calculating, it is better to please me honestly. Be by my side You have the future and everything you want, this family will always be my decision!"

"Yes, yes, Sister Xilin, you just have to have this aura! She is a fart, Ulandal, let's kill her right now, and you are the most precious child of the Shaniat family!"

"Of course, dare to do something to my mother... Cough! Dare to do something to Shaniat's house, even forcing that woman to do it, this crime is unforgivable!" Sirin gritted her teeth, "Let's go together, brothers and sisters. Save Anna, I want to save that woman, we have a common enemy!"

Shen Liang looked down at the imposing little queen clenched in her arms and waving her small fists. This rare cuteness made him subconsciously hallucinate with Qiyana.

But he has never hugged Kiyana like this before. When he was with Kiyana, it was mainly Kiyana who hugged him. Baimao Tuanzi has never shown much intimacy like a couple, especially kissing. But... In fact, they have never been a couple, it's just that outsiders talked and talked, and even they themselves gradually acquiesced.

Shen Liang suddenly wanted to lower his head and try the taste of Sirin's lips.

But he quickly reacted and quickly dismissed his thoughts.Just kidding, the little queen is not his Kiyana. Given the relationship between him and Kiyana, Kiyana will most likely just babble and say, Junior Brother, you taste pretty good, but I put on lipstick. What does it taste like when you eat it? Tell me about my first kiss? Learn from your experience.But if the little queen is done by him, she will be stunned, then turn pale, then become furious, and then she will have to be punished. Cecilia may not be able to stop him from being dispatched to the North Pole to raise penguins.

He hurriedly raised his head pretending nothing had happened, and glanced at Sirin from the corner of his eye. Sirin's expression remained unchanged, as if she hadn't noticed his impulse to lower her head just now, and he was a little thankful.

Both Gan Yu and Karen on the screen shut their mouths, the former smiled and the latter was speechless, but they both saw, invisible from Shen Liang's angle, the red neck of a certain white-haired little queen, and she just sat subconsciously. He raised his face up straight, as if he was about to welcome something.

"Qiana's sister?" Karen asked Gan Yu with her eyes.

"Where is my sister?" Gan Yu responded with her eyes.

"Is she really my sister?"

"It's a real sister."

"Uh...that's really my sister."

And at this moment, everyone in the car saw the drastic change in the sky in the distance, as well as the expressway stop sign in Bavaria.

"We're almost there, get ready," Sirin whispered.

"I still have some doubts about the Siberian War. For example, how strong is the Herrscher of the Sky you mentioned, and how does it compare with the current Anna?" Shen Liang asked.

"The intelligence of this incident is actually the key point. I shouldn't have informed you of this information. This seriously violates the interests of destiny, and my authority does not allow me to do so." Karen said, "But in the destiny database Within the scope of judgment, the Shaniat family still belongs to the forces of destiny, and the persecution of the Shaniat family can also be regarded as the persecution of the destiny through certain means, so I will tell you as much as possible."

"What?" Shen Liang and Xilin pricked up their ears.

"About Anna's legalization is a joint plan between Destiny and the World Snake Organization. Kevin, the World Snake Master and the owner of the Paradise of the Past, used the experimental data of the Black Abyss White Flower and the Herrscher of Death from the pre-civilization to discuss with Otto. Make a deal, in exchange for the possibility of controlling the Herrscher." Karen looked at Shen Liang's cold face, a little apologetic, "Yes, it's just a possibility. Controlling the Herrscher has always been the ultimate goal of many forces, because the Herrscher The power of everyone can see it. Kevin is implementing a plan from pre-civilization to the present, and the Herrscher can greatly increase the success rate of his plan."

"Who is Kevin? What is the paradise of the past?" Sirin frowned.

"It's a plan left by the pre-civilization era." Without waiting for Karen's introduction, Shen Liang paused, "One of the necessary conditions for the pre-civilization 'Son of Man' plan, the one named Kevin, is to chase the fire. The head of the Thirteen Heroes, one of the few surviving Yingjies recorded in the Fire Chasing Era of Civilization, Sister Xilin is also the ancestor of your Kaslana family."

Karen looked at him in surprise, and said in a shocked tone, "These are not public information!"

Shen Liang didn't answer, because just five seconds ago, the "system interface" that had been kept below all year round disappeared in his field of vision for a split second.

Before he could react, the vision in front of him was refreshed immediately, and the system interface was loaded again.

And a line of translucent large characters appeared in the center of his field of vision.

[Stigmata System V2.0 is officially in operation. 】

PS: I don't know how to write the title anymore, so I can just do whatever I want...

Volume 336 The Pearl of the Holy Maiden's Family: Chapter 66 Chapter [-] Liberation of the Herrscher!

Followed by a line of small characters for explanation, the font is the familiar Yahei.

[In view of the fact that the executor has contacted too many Herrschers on the earth, and has obtained the necessary information about the paradise of the past, and has not gone to Tevat for a long time to implement the 'Son of Man' plan.It is specially for the executor to upgrade the content of the earth side, and the executor is asked to speed up the exploration process. 】

[The second version of the system is fully operated by Alicia, the second person of the Moth of the Fire. If there is any fault, please contact the second person. It has nothing to do with Dr. Mebius, Ms. Aponia, and Ms. Eden. 】

[The second version of the system is open to qualified Herrschers, please find the Herrschers as soon as possible, the progress conditions of the Earth Herrschers are the same as those qualified for the Tivat stigmata. 】

[The Herrscher Core Ice has been discovered. 】

[Current Herrscher of Ice: Anna Shaniat]

【Progress: 100%】

[Even if I lose myself, I still want to be your caged bird. 】

When the system displays here, refresh the page again.

[The Herrscher's ability is single, and it exceeds the system's replication limit, so it cannot be extracted. 】

[Every time you capture a Herrscher, you can go to the 'Paradise of the Past' to extract the pheromone of a past historical hero or hero and turn it into your stigmata. The stronger the hero or hero, the harder it is to materialize.Unrealized Heroic Spirits or Heroes will reside in your stigmata space. Although they cannot be your direct comrades-in-arms, they can benefit you. 】

[The existence of Heroic Spirit or Heroic Jie is bound to you, and you will live and die together. Please be kind to the Heroic Spirit or Heroic Jie who is willing to follow you. 】

[Stigmata System V2.0 is about to open the Paradise of the Past for you, please perform double-ended exploration on the earth and Tivat at the same time. 】

[Message: Dear Eve, you must insist on being a cute boy. Luck always favors those who are at least exceptionally good in appearance. 】

Shen Liang finally waited for the opening of the "Paradise of the Past".

He knew from a long time ago that the system buried a hole here, and every time he inquired with the system, he would end up at the level of "Paradise of the Past". The system has been unwilling to let him have access to any information related to Paradise of the Past. .

But there are always accidents in the world, and if the information cannot be found, it will be delivered to your door.

And the system obviously has a certain behavioral logic. This logic is that if he comes into contact with the paradise of the past from other angles, the system will open the authority of the paradise of the past for him.Just like in Tivat, he was not informed of the information about the leylines until he reached the full progress of the Liuge in the Coral Palace.

And he is about to come into contact with the owner of the paradise of the past, Kevin.

Shen Liang was not surprised that he was able to make a contract with Anna. If there was anyone on Earth who could be his qualified person, Anna would definitely be one.Not only the favorability is already too high to be high, but the connection is already the closest one, even closer than girls like Qiyana.The most important thing was that he had indeed seen his stigmata on Anna.

At that time, he had some vague guesses.

And the system's judgment standard is actually the Herrscher.

He currently only knows Anna as a Herrscher, and the last Herrscher that humans came into contact with in this era was probably the Herrscher of Sky during the Siberian War.In this relatively peaceful age, it is impossible for Herrscher to be born unless it is obviously artificially catalyzed like Anna.

He managed to get rid of one of the few Herrschers in this generation. No wonder Anna was so weak but she was able to persevere. With that kind of delicate body, she could play for hours at a time.

You must know that even the Tivat girls whose physical fitness is on average better than the people on Earth, such as the magician sisters and ladies sisters who are fools, often only take ten, twenty or ten minutes.Then he hugged the quilt and rolled aside, tearfully saying that his brain would be broken if he went on.

Possibly in response to Shen Liang's answer, Karen explained: "The Paradise of the Past is a database of pre-civilizations controlled by the World Snake Organization. Obtained countless knowledge of pre-civilization and developed it based on this. However, the World Snake Organization is not the case. Their lords themselves come from pre-civilization and are warriors who have survived to this era, so they are even stronger than Destiny in certain scientific research capabilities. The Paradise of the Dead contains a lot of knowledge of the previous civilization, and Destiny also sent people to the World Snake to do many guest investigations, but nothing was found."

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