"Woooooo!" Shen Liang was pressed against Mei's silky thigh, feeling uncomfortable and wanting to retch, dancing with hands and feet.

"The tongue coating is normal, and there are no special symptoms of fever." Mei calmly took a photo and posted it in the group chat.

"Ah woo woo woo woo!"

"Don't move, the next thing is the heartbeat, let me stick the detector on it. OK... Then the blood activity level test, don't struggle, stick your butt up, I'm going to get an injection."

One after another, the photos were posted to the group chat of the "Beautiful Support Group of the No. [-] Cute Doll in Chasing Fire", there was a brief silence, and then all kinds of excited speeches flooded in instantly.

For example, in this photo, Mei indifferently cornered the black-haired boy into a corner, then pried his mouth open, and observed his tooth replacement while holding his glasses.In the next picture, Mei pressed her legs against the boy's chest and pressed him on the bed, ignoring his struggle, and then listened to his heartbeat.

Miss Pink Fairy?: Uh huh, sure enough, giving the doll a physical examination is still so frivolous, it's really hard work.

Sakura: It seems that Doll and Dr. Mei have a good relationship. Last time when I was here, he even bit me to escape.

Su: That's because he knows that you are a fusion fighter, and you are not afraid of being bitten.But Mei is just an ordinary human being, and Eve will pay attention to her proportions even if she struggles.

VV: Great, great!The doll looks like a furry cat but has to submit to force is so cute!I didn't expect the doll to have some muscles, um, this kind of masculinity in cuteness is awesome!I really want to lick the doll's collarbone!But Mei, have you changed into new clothes?I've never seen you wear this dress before.

Mei (reply to VV): Occasionally wear it outside of working hours.

can!Put down my can! : It turns out that sister Mei, you have such a good figure!Hehehe, I didn't think so before, I really underestimated Sister Mei.But the doll is still as cute as ever, holding Sister Mei with her eyes closed and afraid of waiting for the injection, she looks like a koala!Speaking of which, the doll is also a big child, can Sister Mei still be able to hug her?

Mei (Respond to the can! Put down my can!): Don’t underestimate people, the doll only weighs forty kilograms, and I’m also a member of Flaming Moth.

Miss Pink Fairy?: Seeing that Mei and Wawa still love each other like this, I'm really envious. I'm so envious!Ahhh, I really want to hug the doll and tease him while checking him up. It's so fun to see him look at me and get angry because he can't do anything with me!But why every time I do this, the doll treats me so roughly~

can!Put down my can! : Sister Ellie, how did the doll treat you?

Miss Pink Fairy?: Oh, what secret did you accidentally reveal~

(Miss Pink Goblin? Retracted a message)

Sakura: Maybe it's just Alicia that you are too enthusiastic. Doll's character is not very suitable for dealing with people who are too enthusiastic, so he usually doesn't bother to deal with it.But the doll also likes you very much, so he will only choose to express his liking in a more direct way, you understand.

Mei (replying to Sakura): Enough, some topics are not suitable for talking in the group.

Su: Are you discussing the education of dolls in the group?Well, what do you mean by a more direct way?

Mebius: Huh.

Miss Pink Fairy?: Hehe.

Sakura: Huh.

VV: Men don't need to know so much, and you don't need to ask about the education of dolls.

Su: ...you're even more curious when you say that.

Mei: Why don’t you share some work for me when you’re free? Su, how about helping me with tomorrow’s proposal?Seeing how leisurely you look, I'm too busy today!

Su: I can feel Mei's resentment... I'll shut up, I'll really hide it this time.

The group chats were still hot, and as Mei sent out today's physical examination report and photos, all kinds of comments about licking photos came one after another.Because there are only three boys among the fourteen people in the group, the group chats are always dominated by girls, and girls like to discuss Eve.

Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and she let go of some secrets that were only tacitly shared among girls in fusion fighters.Su almost noticed something just now, but Mei was not worried.

——Even with Su's ingenuity, he would never have thought that the secrets kept by the girls in the Fire Chasing Base would be so absurd.

Even if this secret is exposed, it will have no effect. Most of the people in the fire-chasing base have long ignored the delusions of men and women. This is a base for the survival of human beings. The choice is also justifiable in May's view.After all, living and working here is too stressful, and the pursuit of a certain degree of physical pleasure is not a moral decline.

It's just that once this secret is exposed, it will not be a good thing after all, and may even cause a certain degree of instability in people's hearts. Mei does not want this to happen.She knows very well that human beings are creatures that are easily overwhelmed by jealousy, anger, and possessiveness.But Eve doesn't understand human feelings, he doesn't even understand what he has done, and it's really unfair for him to meet some people's malice without knowing it.

Thinking, Mei lowered her head and looked at the displeased boy who was still enjoying the knee pillow on her lap.

"What a little wolf dog." Mei shook her head helplessly.

At this time, Mei heard Shen Liang's stomach growling.


Shen Liang nodded, he had inexplicably traveled to the fire-chasing base, he hadn't eaten a bite of food yet, somehow he brought the feeling of hunger here.

Mei got up and took the terminal to order food, and the kitchen staff of Zhuhuo base provided food delivery service at any time.However, it took a long time to make an appointment for delivery, so Mei took some nutritional supplements and compressed biscuits from the bedside table.

Shen Liang showed an obvious expression of disgust.

"Usually I eat this when I stay up late and work overtime. It tastes good. Let me pad my stomach first." Mei pulled out a chair in front of the dining table and sat down. The breasts, the small buttocks sat on the silky stockings under the sweater skirt, rubbed against the woman's chin, and opened her mouth.

He was already proficient at this, and it was obvious that this woman was also proficient.Shen Liang didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his posture of waiting to be fed like a child, because he seemed to be like this all the time in front of this woman, and he was always the child who was unconditionally pampered in front of Mei.

Hey Mei, Shen Liang will eat it.

In this way, the woman carried the little boy in her arms, and carried out the task of feeding on the dining chair.This should have been very ambiguous and intimate, but it was so normal. The body of the black-haired woman was close to the black-haired boy with almost no gaps. The soft and fragrant sensory stimulation made Shen Liang feel refreshed.

Until he was [-]% full, Shen Liang stretched his waist, then moved his body on the chair and turned around, facing Mei.

Mei thought he was full and wanted to act coquettish or something, but Shen Liang just reached behind her and hugged her through the hollow of the backless sweater dress, wantonly feeling the wonderful touch of the woman's waist skin, and then He looked up at Mei innocently.

Mei didn't understand why she looked at him.

Shen Liang opened his mouth and bit the long hair on the side of Mei's cheek, and gently pulled it.

This action made Mei slightly silent.

She had communicated with Wei Wei, and she probably knew what Eve meant when she made this gesture.Eve may not quite understand that this request cannot be made to anyone. The education he received in a place like the Fire Chasing Base has always deviated greatly from normal people.


Mei clicked on the terminal and chatted with Alicia in private.

"Seriously, what have you guys taught Eve?"

"If you ask this question, could it be that the doll bit your hair?" The other person replied quite quickly, and he couldn't wait.

Megan could imagine the mood of the pink-haired goblin Alicia at this moment, she must be covering her mouth and laughing wildly, maybe it wasn't secret joy but laughing wildly!She participated in Eve's education the most. If Eve becomes like this, it is very likely that she will not escape her relationship.

"He is looking at me expectantly now, what should I do? Ellie, you taught it, and you have to be responsible."

"Well, under normal circumstances, Eve with low energy has only two states. One is hungry, and the other is hungry on the other side. Now that his stomach is full, the other side's hunger has become a matter to be solved! Mei, you know that too."


"But look at the eyes of the doll in your arms, so pitiful, so expectant, so cute...Wow, do you have the heart to let him down? Can you bear it? Can you bear it? I like the begging eyes of the doll the most at this time. , that kind of look is simply saying that you are the most beautiful and attractive person in the world, I simply... can't refuse it at all!"


Mei was too lazy to talk to this pink goblin who was full of trains, so she turned off the communication, glanced at him helplessly, suddenly put her legs together and clamped them tightly together, then looked at the boy whose expression instantly twisted, and said lightly: "Eve, you sure?"

"Alicia said that about my gene survival experiment, there is still a lack of sample data of an ordinary human being." Shen Liang endured the pain that a man could not bear, bit Mei's long hair, and said vaguely.

Mei was silent for a while, then burst out laughing.

"This kind of excuse... you can't think of such an excuse, Ellie, you are such a bastard."

Shen Liang looked up at her, her beautiful bright red eyes showed anticipation, "Isn't Mei willing?"

"It's not that you don't want to, well, there are so many sisters who like you in the base, can't you find them for the experimental data?"

"No plum...beautiful."


What a frank and undisguised child, worthy of the name "Eve", and worthy of being taught by that Alicia!Say one thing and never cheat, if you are beautiful, you are beautiful!Mei didn't even know what expression to use to face him.

Mei has imagined that this day will come many times, maybe it will be the night of the wedding day, maybe go to the extreme east of Mu mainland for honeymoon with someone, maybe wearing a wedding dress or a local grass skirt on the beach.Of course, it is also possible that with her personality, she will be lonely for the rest of her life. After all, Kevin's personality is very likely to not really confess his love to her until the end.

But I didn't expect this day to come so soon, but the object was a cute little wolf dog, not anyone who had ever considered.

But it doesn't matter, the development of things will always be beyond the expectations of those involved.Since it is the need of the experiment and can make Eve happy, Mei can't find a reason to refuse.

"Not enough. If it's for recording experimental data, it may not be possible." Mei rubbed the boy's waist and said seriously, "Today is my safe period."

"It's okay, I'm very good." The boy with long black hair said stubbornly.

"What does this have to do with being powerful..." Even Mei was amused by the boy, and then she tried her best to stop laughing, lowered her head and kissed the boy's lips, "Understood, my little knight, you are more powerful, then I'll leave it to you when I get down."

Shen Liang threw her down on the table happily.

PS: Yes!Ryoko is super~~~~~ Awesome!

Volume 343 · Fire-chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 3 Chapter [-] "Do dolls need goji berries?" "I will!"

When the first ray of light shone into Mei's bedroom in the early morning, it was [-]:[-] in the morning, Mu mainland time.

When Mei opened her eyes, her first reaction was that it was terrible. Judging by the brightness of the room, she knew that she had overslept. From yesterday evening to now, it may have been more than ten hours.

It is very subtle that Mei usually only needs seven hours of sleep to wake up normally and refreshed.But this time, after sleeping for such a long time, his whole body is soft and weak, and his limbs still have a little pain from overstretched muscles.

Then she found that she was lying on the pillow and fell asleep, and there was an itchy touch around her neck, and it was the cool long black hair hanging down and gently pricking her skin.

Mei turned her head, and the beautiful boy who was less than 1.5 meters was lying on her back, her hands stretched in through the hollow of the backless sweater and hugged her slender waist, her small face was buried in her slender and elegant back groove, breathing evenly at this moment, sleeping soundly Zhengxiang.

Black and black long hair are intertwined. In the morning light, the smoothness of pure black and the large expanse of whiteness outline a beautiful body painting. Mei suddenly couldn't bear to break the tranquility. She admired the boy's sleeping face for a while, Until the terminal on the bedside beeped.

Mei gently withdrew her body from Shen Liang's embrace, looked at the inconspicuous red marks all over her body that had recovered, and laughed dumbfoundedly.

She can probably guess why she overslept today, no, rather than sleep, it would be more appropriate to describe it as fainting.

Opening the terminal, Mei hesitated in a relaxed mood just now.

There are as many as a dozen missed calls, Kevin's, Sakura's, and Alicia's, but these can be put aside for now, since work has been delayed, you have to shoulder the fact of the delay.To Mei's surprise, even Mebius sent a text message. This woman rarely gets involved in other people's affairs. She is almost always obsessed with her own research, even if the Son of Man project is not the focus of her work. .

Mebius: Find me first when you wake up.

Mei finally couldn't keep her indifferent expression. Although she didn't care much about it, it seemed that more than one person in the fire-chasing base had guessed Eve and her situation yesterday.That's right, since Alicia can guess it, why can't other girls?

The black-haired beauty who had grown into a woman glanced at the young boy with black hair reaching to the buttocks, and connected to the terminal: "Dr. Mebius, if you have something to do, you can send a message directly. There is no need to wait for me to get up. Your business is usually more important , I will arrive even if I don’t rest.”

The voice in the microphone is Dr. Mebius, the top researcher of Flaming Moth, but his voice is unusually immature, a voice that is obviously just a loli chuckled and said: "Really? I will call you at night, How bad for the doll's body."

May let out a breath and loosened her clenched fist.

Mebius, a woman who can't spit out ivory, has the most poisonous tongue ability in the base, and she can't fight back when she speaks such obscene words!Not a single dirty word!

"I couldn't finish yesterday's work. I was planning to work overtime, but I still couldn't resist and fell asleep." Mei changed the subject. Of course, she wouldn't explain why she fell asleep because she couldn't resist, but she also Knowing that Mebius would definitely be able to guess it.

"That's it, remember to complete the gene survival report. It is still unknown whether Eve can reproduce offspring. Maybe it is because the aggressiveness of fusion fighter genes is too strong, so the importance of you as a sample of ordinary people is even higher. .” Mebius said frivolously, “Work hard, Mei.”

What are you trying to do!Can you still work hard?

Mei felt ashamed, but it was difficult for her to retaliate when Mebius deliberately asked her in a serious tone.

"That's enough, let's stop joking. You'd better save some morals for the baby. Now he should think that you are at least a majestic perverted doctor." Mei lowered her head, as if feeling a cold expression Very cute, her original expression softened a bit, she simply knelt down on the bed, letting Shen Liang's head rest on her lap, although the black silk pantyhose wrapped in expensive fabric was already full of rough damage brushed.

At this time, the communication changed from audio to video. Mei opened the projection screen casually, and the coquettish loli with emerald green snake hair poked her head out of the projection screen to look at the messy bed, curled her lips, and said, "Let's get down to business, die!" The Herrscher has been detained in the 'confinement room', and it's time for the doll."

"Confinement room" is not a literal meaning, but another name for a certain laboratory in the fire-chasing base.The laboratory was built of soul steel, which has the power to isolate Herrscher from the Honkai connection, and is often used to store highly polluting items related to Honkai, including Herrscher, of course.

"Do you want Eve to do this again?" Mei's expression darkened when she heard this.

"What are you talking about? Isn't that what Eve was born for? The son of man, the son of man, how can he be called the son of man if he can't absorb the universality of genes?" Mebius said lightly, "Besides, If you don't let Eve take action, you should know how cruel my method of depriving Herrscher's core is."

"I don't care about being cruel to those Herrschers. What I care about is Eve's physical and mental health." Mei retorted, "In fact, I think our education for Eve has gone wrong. He is not a standard ordinary person. He grew up in an environment where he grew up, and his three views were brought to him by fire moths, not a normal child."

"Eve itself is not a normal child. I have to remind you, Mei, that the world's definition of a 'normal child' should at least be that the genes of the father and mother are adjusted to each other and are suitable for developing into an embryo and then into an adult." Green hair The snake-eyed loli sticks out her tongue, which is cute, but if anyone sees her, she will only think that she is as shadowy as a snake spit out a letter, "It's not that there are nine people's underlying genes hidden in the body, which are still going on. A little monster that devours other genetic modules to make up for its own incompleteness."

"Mebius, I don't like your address. The word 'monster' should not be used on an ignorant Eve."

"Hahahaha dear Dr. Mei, who is not a monster here? The entire Fire Chaser Base, all the fusion fighters and all the researchers, you and me, which one is not a monster? Which one is a normal person?" Mebius giggled, "This It’s not a derogatory term, Mei, it’s better to say that I like dolls quite a bit, and it’s only natural for little monsters to be among us big monsters, isn’t it?”


"Don't be so sentimental, Mei, this is not the emotion that a researcher should have. You are right, Doll's three views are not normal because his education is not normal. But it doesn't matter. What the world needs now is not normal people, but normal people." We are monsters and geniuses, and the abnormality of the doll is our hope... If he is not so abnormal, I will not even look at him, understand?" Mebius said coldly, "Mei, everyone In evolution, you are here, I am here, why can't you allow the doll to be here? Or, are you not so confident in the 'Son of Man' plan?"

"I don't have much confidence in all the plans. In fact, I'm a pessimist." Mei also calmed down, and said indifferently, "Not only the 'Sons of Men' project, the 'Stigmata' project, and the 'Ark' project , the 'Hengsha' plan, and the 'Tinder' plan, in my opinion, there are obvious flaws. But I also know that the more plans there are, the higher the chances of victory for human beings."

"Then don't talk nonsense and do it." Shetong Lolita ordered, "I don't care about other plans, but 'Son of Man' is also a project that I intervene in. Don't pester the doll, I'm waiting for the core of the Herrscher of Death. It’s been a week! If you release your nature for the first time and you don’t get what you want, you have to talk about it at night.”

"I didn't pester Eve! Mebius!" Mei finally couldn't help but cursed out.

Who else wants to let go of their nature?Mei felt that she was really being bullied, and it was only the first time I experienced it. Obviously, your "infinity" laboratory is the place where dolls most often stay!

"Bye, my dear Dr. Mei, remember to avoid Kevin when buying a pregnancy test card." Mebius said lightly, and closed the communication.

Mei clutched her forehead, trying to calm down.

Why avoid Kevin!Which girl's bedroom in the fire-chasing base doesn't always have this thing?If you win, you can directly enter the gene survival archive of the Son of Man Project, and you can directly ask her for a third-class merit!

Third class!This is the easiest third-class skill for Moth Chasing Fire!

Although no one has been able to receive it until now...

At this time, the bedroom doorbell was rang, and the sound was loud. Shen Liang opened his eyes in confusion, and saw the black-haired beauty whose sweater, skirt and stockings were ripped loose, obviously unwearable.

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