The pink goblin lady stood on her tiptoes with a smile, and jokingly said in her ear: "Alponia, my dear Alponia, don't forget, you are the most special one among us, and you still have to live with the doll." A long, long time... life."

Alponia's beautiful blue eyes trembled slightly.

She stared at Miss Pink Fairy, and after a long time, her chest heaved and she sighed softly.

"You know, I don't need it, the doll likes me." Her tone returned to her normal gentleness, and she smiled softly, "The things we bestowed on him are all different, so only I, as long as Watching him from a distance is good enough."

"It's not fair to you, Alponia!" Alicia pouted unhappily.

Sakura also hesitated for a while, and said, "Aponia, you will be with him for many, many years. Look at you now, staying in the deepest place, with some sinners and prisoners, and Gracie looking at you, but this is still torment. Once the human race really fails and the plan starts... You know, then without the company of the doll, you will have to live in darkness and loneliness for perhaps thousands of years!"

"I've come to my senses," said Alponia.

"It has nothing to do with whether you are enlightened or not, my dear." Alicia rubbed her head, feeling a little helpless, "Even if it is for the completion probability of the Son of Man Project, I think that a person who is lonely for thousands of years must It will be blackened. I always feel that such a plan is not sure whether it will be successful, Su’s plan can at least observe different worlds to satisfy boredom, how about you?"

Aponia was silent.

"Aponia, you are a nun, I know you tend to be absolutely good in your heart, but do you think about it, even if morality is good, it changes with the environment." Sakura looked at him with some worry , "The doll doesn't hate you, can actually try to respond to his love."

"Today's dolls have no love, only lust." Aponia said softly, "He doesn't know what love is, so I can't indulge my lust."

Alicia pulled her face in annoyance, "Dear A~ Bo~ Ni~ Ya~ Are you saying that everyone who chases the fire moth uses dolls as toys? We are obviously pampering him with love. , it’s not an indulgence, it’s a good memory!”

Albania still shook her head.

"Maybe thousands of years of loneliness, Aponia, you can't bear it, no one can bear it." Sakura said softly, "When human beings are about to perish, it is inevitable that some bases use corpses as food reserves , Aponia, you can even understand the intentions of those people, because the morality there should be like this. And now, you should understand yourself. After thousands of years, only dolls will be with you, in the cold darkness In the world, only dolls can embrace you. You will only be left with each other, Alponia, you need dolls and redemption far more than we...

Aponia folded her arms over her chest, and said no more, but prayed silently.

This gesture meant that she had nothing to say, and she couldn't listen to Sakura and Alicia's admonitions, and she didn't dare to listen.

As a psychic fusion fighter, she was very scared, because she was slightly shaken by Sakura and Alicia's persuasion—or, in fact, she has always been shaken, even she would be afraid.There are only two most important members of the Ten Thousand Years' Sons Project, and Eve can experience countless times, but she can only wait in silence alone.


So scary.

But she... Facing Eve's pure face, the guilt and moral torment in her heart made her unable to do anything. She definitely couldn't get this beautiful boy without any worries like others.

Then they were already at the door.


Jump back in time to the moment when Ling received the text message.

It may be because Ling, who was terrified, twisted like a spring roll, and Shen Liang, who was sleeping soundly while hugging her, was also woken up. He pressed Ling's shoulders and pressed her on the bed, and continued to lie down. His voice was sleepy but commanded. tone, "Don't move."

"Hey, hey, now is not the time for you to continue domineering the president. I don't want to move, but there will be guests later!" Ling was so frightened that she wanted to struggle, but how could she have the strength to wrestle with Shen Liang? Second only to fusion fighters in the base.

" doesn't matter." What Shen Liang said made Ling subconsciously want to complain, but I have something to say, I'm not Sakura, so it doesn't matter if I wait for Sakura? What kind of life do you guys usually lead?

"Ling, relax your muscles, you are too tense to be a pillow."

"Still picking and choosing! Then let me go!" Ling just realized something after shouting, and her face suddenly turned ugly, "You... you called me..."


Ling's resistance stopped, her eyes flustered, "Baby... you recognized me."

"Although I don't know why Ling pretended to be, I really didn't recognize it at first." Shen Liang said lightly, "But the feeling and reaction are wrong, I'm not a fool."

Ling Xiao blushed deeply, she thought that Shen Liang looked ignorant and maybe didn't know much about men and women, so she didn't pay attention, but as expected, the fledgling and the veteran couldn't be compared, Shen Liang had already seen through her.

However, her heart suddenly became clear, and she was even a little happy.

Since it was obvious early in the morning, from the beginning to the end, the object of possession in this beautiful young man's heart was "Ling" instead of "Sakura". He purposely didn't talk about teasing her, but in fact he was still thinking about her!

Sure enough, my charm is not weaker than Sakura-nee-san!

She subconsciously ignored the fact that for this little wolf dog, he would take a bite of any flesh in his mouth, and as long as it fit his aesthetics, he would not refuse anyone.

Shen Liang had almost woken up at this time, seeing Ling nervously and giggling subconsciously for a while, she blinked her red eyes in doubt.

In fact, he doesn't quite understand the thinking habits of the girls who chased the fire moth. He read a lot of romance novels recommended by Alicia and Patuo. There will always be all kinds of bad endings, and even if you cheat, you will end up just continuing one-on-one with the person you cheated on.

They were so moved when they read these books, as if it is common for a couple to live together, and they often force Shen Liang to make this kind of choice, such as "Which sister do you want to marry", "If you can only choose one, who do you choose" and so on. The problem.Shen Liang would choose one at first, but later found that they had bad expressions every time, and even the one who was selected would be embarrassed, and would make smiles and say sorry.

Shen Liang didn't understand that since they didn't allow him to like only one person and be loyal, why would he read such a book?

And it's not just Sakura and the others who are closest to him, some fusion warriors of Moth Chasing Fire even have boyfriends and husbands, and they will come to him quietly.When Shen Liang was young and ignorant and asked the other party if he was cheating by doing this, the other party would just grab his face in embarrassment and say something like, "Baby, if you take advantage of it, don't poke someone's wound".

Shen Liang didn't know what he was taking advantage of, he just continued to be a ruthless gene module copying machine with these confusions.

PS: One of the daily teasing questions of Moth Chasing Fire "If your sister and aunt get divorced, do you live with your sister or with your aunt?"

Volume 352·Fire-chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 11 Chapter [-] It's embarrassing not to have a girlfriend, what's the matter with a doll pretending to be a girlfriend!

The chat was almost over here. Ling poked her head out of the window and saw that in the air tunnel not far away, three women headed by her sister had come out chatting.

"They will reach the stairs in 3 minutes at most, and they will reach the door of our bedroom in 5 minutes at the slowest!"

Ling exploded with amazing willpower, jumped out of the warm embrace of the beautiful boy, hurriedly lifted the socks, and by the way kicked Sakura's private clothes with lace hollow suspenders under the bed.

"Are you in a hurry?" Shen Liang was puzzled holding the pillow.

Ling grabbed her spare school uniform from the box and put it on her head, seeing Shen Liang's indifferent appearance, she couldn't help but get angry.

"Damn it! Sister said you don't have common sense, but you can't go to this point, or do you want to see me unlucky?" Ling shouted at Shen Liang who was extremely calm, "Please, my old sister is coming back soon! You I don’t mean to cover up my appearance at all, okay! Can I have a little nervousness at the very least!”

Shen Liang straightened her messy long black hair, her face was still indifferent, "Why should I be nervous?"

It was only then that Ling realized that the "no common sense" that Sakura told her might be even more serious... He probably didn't really think there was any problem, and maybe he didn't have the habit of covering it up because of this kind of thing at all.

Eve, who is doted on by countless female fusion fighters, might be like this in her daily life!You can even think about it a bit too much, he is so calm because he is used to it!Could it be said that when there are still many fusion warrior girls in the fire-chasing base, the doll is a harbor for the fusion of the soul and body of the warrior girls. He has no skills at the same time, so he must...

Ling didn't dare to think about it anymore!

Inexplicably, Shen Liang discovered that Ling, a hot girl from high school, actually showed that "bald middle-aged man who went to the bar and saw a JK beautiful girl go astray, so he was greedy and heartbroken" eyes!

"Okay, let me patiently explain to you, maybe you, the little sea king, are commonplace and even Sakura may be commonplace, but I'm not a fusion fighter on your side, I'm just a newcomer, in my sister's eyes, I'm still the most beautiful and cute A little rebellious sister, do you understand?" Ling was patient, and she felt that it was ridiculous for her to explain.

"Besides, if my sister comes back alone, at most she can apologize and it's over. We can solve it in private. No one said that you can only be shared by the fire-chasing base, right? Besides, I'm also a fire-chasing base now. But there are still guests. I don’t want my sister and you to be seen by others in a fair manner. It doesn’t matter if I lose face, but Sister Sakura’s face can’t be lost! I’m her sister and I can’t let others think that she is a person with low prestige. A person who can't even control his own sister!"

"I can't tell, Ling loves Dai Ying very much." Shen Liang nodded.

"I'm her younger sister. If I don't love her, who will love her? Hey, I'm not an idiot who doesn't know the basics. She won't lose weight when robbing men. I can still tell right from wrong!" Ling said angrily, "Let If Sister Ying loses her in front of others, I will feel very guilty if she doesn’t say anything! What should I do, what should I do? How about you jump off a building with me, you are so powerful, can you hug me and jump off?”

"This bedroom is on the fifth floor of dormitory No. 30. If you jump without a combat uniform, even ordinary fusion fighters will surely die." Shen Liang took out the terminal as if nothing had happened, and opened it. The phone screensavers were Mei, Alicia, Eden stood behind the little him, Mei felt sleepy holding on to his glasses, Eden held his hand with a gentle smile, Alicia hugged his neck and pressed her chest on his head, smiling at the camera A group photo of innocent.

"Boss! Is it time to play terminal now!" Ling pressed Shen Liang's shoulder, "Can't you hear, they will come up in 4 minutes at most!"

"You want to deceive others?" Shen Liang looked up at her.

"Dear baby, you are so dull that I doubt whether our children will inherit you to become a beautiful sloth in the future!"

"It's a lie," Shen Liang said lightly, "If you rely on Ling, you can't do it in 4 minutes. Although it's just a simple housework, the aftermath work always takes no less time than fighting. Fusion fighters' five senses are far superior to ordinary people. Their eyesight It is comparable to a falcon, and its sense of smell is comparable to that of a hound. Even if Ling put everything in other places for camouflage, these traces are as conspicuous as a painting on a white wall."

"That is to say, they will definitely be discovered?" Ling sat down on the bed, her eyes glazed over.

"Ling doesn't know much about the power of fusion fighters, which surpasses ordinary people in every aspect." Shen Liang suddenly smiled faintly, "However, Mei taught me to do my best to help everyone so that they no longer suffer. For example, just now Lovelorn women need to hug me to ease their mood. Fusion fighter couples who are abusing each other need me to come to provide fire support. Girls who don’t have a boyfriend who is ashamed to post on Moments will help pretend to be her boyfriend. Some don’t have women I also want to help pretend to be the girl who my friend posted on Moments..."

Ling's eyes widened. What is this "doing my best to help everyone"?How on earth do you understand?Why do I feel that your help seems to be a little problematic, what is mutual domestic violence?Mutual domestic violence is called mutual assault. You carry arms and develop into a fight, right?Or do you say that you lovers who are chasing fire moths quarrel with each other with guns!

In the latter sentence, a girl who doesn't have a girlfriend is shameful needs a doll to pretend to be a girlfriend and post photos. If the amount of information is inexplicably large, she can't complain.

"So Ling encountered difficulties, I thought about it, and I should help." Shen Liang tilted her head, her clear red eyes were very calm, "Would you like to make a bet, within 4 minutes, I will make this bedroom look brand new , no one will notice what's going on here."

Looking at his handsome face, Ling's heart beat slightly faster.

Damn what's going on, although it feels like it's a trivial matter, the tone of this child's speech is really... sharp and confident, obviously he is just a gentleman, but he has such a strong aura that makes people feel excited...

"It's only 3 minutes, and our conversation wasted another minute." Ling looked at the time on the terminal, and raised her head to stare at Shen Liang, "How do you bet?"

Shen Liang showed a rare cute smile, "Three minutes, if I lose, there is nothing I can do, but if I win, Ling will have to fight with..."

He said something softly.

Ling Tong's red face burned a lot in an instant, and she raised her head and gave Shen Liang a white look, but then she gritted her teeth and smiled, "I really dare to think about it, baby... Forget it, it's the end of the day, anyway, it's a matter of time, deal!"

"make a deal."

Shen Liang picked up the terminal, "Did you hear that, Wei Wei, two minutes and 40 seconds."

"I've heard it all, baby, you are really...hahahahaha, then, the magic of housekeeping is dedicated to the two of you by the greatest magician Wei Wei~"

PS: It's only half, [-] words, and there are [-] words to be posted later

Volume 353 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 12 Chapter [-] Adding a suffix to the name means... unfamiliar


Ling was a little annoyed that Shen Liang was actually on the phone, and all their communication just now was overheard by Wei Wei!

But I think this woman must have a good relationship with Eve, and she should keep the information for a while.

But now she is most curious about what the so-called magic is. She looks around and waits for changes. After all, it is simply impossible to tidy up a room while Sakura is in the elevator.

There is no super power of fusion fighters born for doing housework, let alone that Wei Wei who comes to help, even if she rushes over, it will take time, it is impossible to rush here in combat uniform to perform housekeeping magic!To put it bluntly, even putting on clothes for Shen Liang would take more than 3 minutes!His handsome and exquisite uniform was specially made by the girls of the Fire Chasing Base. Although it is very comfortable, it takes at least fifty steps to put it on!For the sake of beauty, all kinds of laces and buttons do not consider how dolls who have no self-care ability can wear them by themselves!

Ling knew this because Sakura broke out when she was drunk and communicated with her once!

And magic tricks are all tricks, here is the real workload.

But she only saw Shen Liang get off the bed suddenly, standing aside with his pillow in his arms, expressionless.

In the next moment, Ling watched the ceiling and walls split open neatly like a Transformer, and micro-robots and mechanical arms protruding from the wall came out like octopus roe and octopus whiskers. Started working!

They disassembled Sakura's big bed! After 20 seconds, all the structures were transported back into the wall, and the new big bed was assembled; 30 seconds, they took away the "contaminated" clothes and folded the new clothes that were exactly the same; 1 minute, together with the wardrobe in the All the external furniture inside was removed; at one minute and 30 seconds, the mechanical arm lifted Shen Liang and changed him into new clothes from six directions at the same time, and they changed them in a mess for the sake of reality; at one minute and 1 seconds, the floor tiles were wiped clean and rotated. On the surface, the robots specially waxed; in two minutes and 40 seconds, all household items such as carpets, desk lamps, and TVs were vapor-coated, and Shen Liang and Ling's genetic samples would not be detected even with test strips; two minutes and 20 seconds , The fresh air system exhausts all the remaining smells, and a robot even sprays an air freshener with the smell of cherry blossoms.

There was even an overflow of hands, idle robots lined up in front of Shen Liang and Ling, raised their short robotic arms to salute, walked forward, and some performed a street dance with dazzling lights.

Ling stared blankly at the group of robots returning to the ceiling and walls. In less than 3 minutes, these small robots of a few centimeters dismantled the entire room and replaced it with new ones, just like an ant colony dismantling an animal. Dung beetles are neat and orderly, with a clear division of labor.This is more amazing than magic, magic is fake but it is true!

"Vilwei, the chief engineer of Flame Chasing Moth, you will get to know him in the future." Shen Liang looked at the terminal. Weiwei just used words to avoid suspicion, but now that she is fully dressed, she can finally project a video. It was found that she was a young and beautiful girl, with a neat air-inlet hairstyle, her hair color was parted left and right, her beautiful gradient eyes were full of small emotions of complacency, and there was a beautiful diamond-shaped tear mole on the lower eyelash of her right eye.

The most important thing is that although she looks like a girl, her bust, which is taller and more striking than many adult women, looks even more prominent.Ling knew that such a beautiful girl had been in contact with Eve just by looking at her, so it is very likely that Bajiu and her are of the same kind.

"However, how did the baby know that he would come to ask sister Wei Wei when encountering such a thing?" Wei Wei smiled triumphantly, "You actually know that I can help you? Who told you?"

"Weilwei said that you will leave a back door for any creation made by you." Shen Liang said lightly, "This new dormitory was established after you joined Flame Chasing Moth, and you participated in all the planning. The cost of the dormitory building is also several times higher than other buildings. In the end, although you spend most of your time in your own factory, you will occasionally come back to live in it. It is not in your character not to leave a back door here."

"Hey, baby really understands me, yes, that's it, how can the great magician Wei Wei allow the place that has lost her control to exist?" Wei Wei blinked her eyes, her expression was quite charming, "Baby, you owe me a favor, next time I'm on duty to take care of you Zhou, you know what to do, right?"

"Don't worry." Shen Liang gave a thumbs up calmly.

The video closed with Weiwei's satisfied smile, and Ling couldn't hold back her curiosity, "Hey boss, this Weiwei is also the high-level executive of your fire moths, right, you are so good that fusion fighters can call and drink .I thought you were a canary raised by them, but I didn’t expect you to be the apple of their eye, but what does her last sentence mean? How are you going to repay this favor?”

Shen Liang was silent for a while, Ling saw that his little face, which was calm and calm most of the time, was slightly depressed at this moment, and she actually gritted her teeth.

"Vailwei is different from others. She is a patient with multiple personalities. She has six personalities in her daily life. When Weiwei takes care of me on a normal shift, she always picks a personality who has not taken care of me before. " Shen Liang calmed down and said lightly, "Because the six personalities appear together, I can't bear it. But after the Heiyuan Baihua is created, it can repair the body immediately. Weiwei has always wanted to try it, and now I finally owe her a favor."

Ling silently covered her face.

Now that she finally had to admit that the Fire Chaser Base really valued pampering Eve, it was far more than just an experimental product... Is she worthy of calling herself a hot girl in front of this group of unscrupulous sisters!She is immature and pure like a white lotus!

Immediately after the sound of the door being unlocked, Ling was lying on the bed with her feet up and holding the controller to play a stand-alone game on the large projection screen. .

"Hi~ My dearest, favorite, and best doll! Do you miss sister Alicia?" Before the sound came, a warm and fragrant embrace dexterously hugged Shen Liang in her arms like a cat. Love Lisia rubbed her cool and tender face hard with her face, making it difficult for him to breathe, and he could barely look back from Ellie's shoulder.

Then he was slightly taken aback, standing at the door, wearing a corseted nurse's uniform, the tall and mature Sister of Discipline was looking at him with complicated eyes.

The two looked at each other.

"Aponia...Mom." Shen Liang hesitated for a moment, then greeted politely.

Saying this unfamiliar title, Alponia's slightly flickering eyes dimmed again.

Mama Aponia! .jpg

PS: I know Weiwei has eight personalities, so I don’t need to remind me, but there are two that don’t come out often

Volume 354 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 13 Chapter [-] Kiss like no one else

Although most of the girls in Flame Chasing Moth hope that the little wolf dog they take turns to raise can have a sweeter mouth, and call everyone obediently sister, so as to satisfy their personality design eager.

But they also understand very well that the doll is ignorant of human nature by nature, and he can't teach him how to behave like a baby.

For him, people who are close to him will call him by his first name. Only those who don’t know how to be close will politely add "sister", "auntie", and "Aponia mother" with a sense of distance .

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