PS: No prize quiz, what kind of relationship is Gracie and Ryoko?

Volume 363·Fire-chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 22 Chapter [-] I really don't know what dolls like about you!

April fifteen.

In late spring and early summer, boundless storms swept across the continent. The observation station on the ground reported that the sea level of the East Asian plate had risen by more than 25 meters. The continuous precipitation for half a month seemed to be preparing to clean the world.

It also announces the arrival of the No. 12 Herrschers.

Sakura stood on the elevated road covered in heavy rain, looking down at the mountain that almost became a lake.This is the surface part of the fire-chasing base, but after half a month of earthquakes, the subsidence is about to be impacted into a lake by the torrential rain.The stagnant water from the elevated road also overflowed her feet, and she was completely soaked, but white steam was steaming from her body.

The Honkai Beast gene in the fusion fighter is jumping, and the hot rain on the skin will be evaporated. At this moment, if Sakura runs at full speed, she can easily surpass the Mach [-] missile. She is the fastest one among the fusion fighters. Even Kevin All beyond reach.

But as a defender of the city, she cannot run away, she must respond to the enemy.

Sakura looked at the dilapidated road, the distance sign standing on the side of the road had been smashed by lightning for half a month, and the front checkpoint was full of the wreckage of various vehicles that had been intercepted.The city in the distance should be colorful, but in the evening Sakura can't see any light, and the silence seems to have died.

Perhaps it was indeed dead.

The last few refuge cities on the East Asian plate have been lost for a long time. The fire-chasing base once went to this nearest city to transfer the victims, but in the end it only transferred a few thousand people, and most of them have been flooded by the flood of Houkai beasts. And the rising waters swallowed.The fire-chasing base does not have enough size to rescue, and the security forces of those cities are vulnerable to the gradual flood of collapse.

How sad.

Looking at the mountains and floods, maybe the world has already perished.

Sakura caressed her hot arm muscles and smiled slightly, "If I get so excited when Baby is with me, he will be burned."

No one responded.

But in the darkness of the elevated road, slender figures of women approached slowly with gestures of crying, laughing or moaning. They were pale-skinned, with black nails, holding cold weapons, and staring at Sakura with dull eyes.

dead man.

"The number of dead men is increasing. You destroyed the city opposite and transformed all the women, right?" Sakura said lightly, and pulled out the long knife from behind. It was a flash of lightning. His weapon, God's Key·Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sins.

She wasn't afraid. Cleaning up the dead was already a daily task for fusion fighters.Although the number of dead soldiers has increased over and over again, they have now begun to infiltrate the fire-chasing base, and the original patrol has also become a clean-up.It is very simple, human beings are dying more and more, and every person who dies will turn into a force of collapse.

Even ordinary people who are completely impossible to pass the fusion warrior surgery can still turn into powerful dead warriors after being corroded.That is not the stupid corpse in zombie movies, but a monster with extremely fast speed and great strength, which can even retain the fighting skills of a human being.The transformed dead soldiers even have the strength to threaten ordinary fusion fighters, and many dead soldiers are no less than small Honkai beasts.

It's just that for Sakura, no matter how many dead men she faces, it's a task, and the task must be completed.Sakura is from an island country in Asia. Apart from sword skills, she has learned art since she was a child. The art of the island country pays attention to Zen and tolerance, so Sakura has always been diligent and hardworking, and she can bear any bad situation, so she is also the fastest to accept it. Shen Liang's all kinds of girls with fantastic ideas are simply bullies.

"You were attracted by the No.12 Herrscher, right." Sakura looked at the dead warriors, "Because she has not awakened for a long time, the collapsed will can't sit still, and is going to attack? The pollution from the outside is suppressing Ling with the consciousness of a lawyer?"

Dead men don't speak.

"But it's not enough to just rely on the dead. You can't even break through with me, let alone meet Ling. Ling is different from you. She has the belief of human beings in her heart, loves the world, and the world loves her, so She won't collapse, she won't be afraid, and she won't become a ghost." Sakura put the long knife horizontally, facing the dead men who gradually covered the elevated road, "I guess if one Herrscher doesn't wake up, the next Herrscher will be very fast." Difficult to be born? So you are in such a hurry? But I am sorry that you must be disappointed, I must protect my sister, I am her wall, as long as I am not dead, I will protect the morality of the world for her."

Ragged, evil ghosts who have long since died and become silicon-based creatures drive the Honkai Beast to hunt them down!Those dead soldiers and Honkai beasts formed a cavalry-like fighting style, and their long knives drew sharp sparks on the elevated road.Sakura knew that it was because the dead soldiers would also be taught how to fight. They were not as majestic and majestic as the ancient cavalry, because they had no momentum at all. They simply coveted human flesh and blood. The impulse should be nothing but appetite.

Sakura can't hear the heartbeat of the dead, but it doesn't matter, listening to the heartbeat is to deal with powerful and flexible opponents... The dead are not worthy!

There are seven purple rings flashing on the hilt of the Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sin, which are the seven shooting ports. The Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sin is not only a cold weapon, but its appearance can be changed in essence. Now it is a sword that can wield seven swords. The knife type micro punch.

The beam of light shot out with the swing of the knife, and the barrage washed away towards the rushing dead soldiers!

The dead immediately raise their shields!The silicon-based shield strengthened by Honkai can be hard enough in theory, and in fact it is, Sakura doesn't add too much power to the attack because she needs to preserve her physical strength for long-term battles.But the shield was still defeated!

The Seven Thunders of Cleansing Sin come from the core of the Herrscher of Thunder, with the power to disintegrate matter from the atomic level!After the light beam hit the shield, it broke through easily and freely like a red-hot iron rod inserted into the ice layer, burning the follow-up dead soldiers out of the big hole in the chest and back.

However, the dead soldiers didn't know what fear was, and still rushed forward one after another. Sakura sighed, her figure dissipated instantly, and then went around behind a cavalryman and pierced it fiercely!The special effects of Purging Seven Thunders instantly disintegrated it into sand!Sakura flickered again, walking through the army of dead soldiers like a ghost.

"Contact Patuo, this is Sakura, I have more than [-] dead soldiers and more than [-] Honkai Beasts here."

"Compared to the siege three days ago, the number has doubled, Sakura, can you hold it?"

"There is the baby's judgment key to harvest, I just need to maintain the physical strength to dodge. Don't worry about safety, these things can't do anything to me... It may not be able to kill me until tomorrow morning, what about you?" Sakura even had Kong chatted with Patuo.

"I don't have the God's Key, so I can only say that I came out with the boss to fool around with my military exploits. The boss is in front of me every second, so I hide and videotape him."


"Boss Kevin wants me to record his heroic fighting posture... Although the boss is a lot colder now, he seems to be a college student in essence, and he still wants to edit his majestic moments and send them to Sister Mei to show off... ..." Pa Duo lowered his voice, "Boss doesn't even know that Sister Mei has made an AI plug-in to filter his emails. If there is no important information, Sister Mei's mailbox will not receive his messages..."

"Actually, I think it's time for Mei to refuse in person."

"I don't think Boss is stupid. Boss also feels that Sister Mei is unfamiliar to him. He just can't figure it out and doesn't want to think about it. After all, he likes Sister Mei so much, and it's unacceptable for him to give up."

Sakura was silent for a while, "The baby is really sinful."

"Sister Sakura, what about you?"


"Sister Ying, don't tell me that you can't see that someone treats you differently from others?" Paduo giggled, "Our flame-chasing boys are all serious on the surface but shy except for dolls. It's the type that doesn't work."

Sakura thought about it, but was still puzzled, "Who?"

"Sister Ying, you really didn't notice it!" Pa Duo exclaimed.

"I don't pay attention to these things. Taking care of Ling and Wawa has left me with no leisure to pay attention to other people's minutiae." Sakura was a little helpless, "It's better for the children to relax. We are killing the dead outside, and Ling and Wawa are in the base... Since the adults are not here, I hope they can have a good exchange of feelings, at least the feelings between peers are much more sincere than those of us ugly adults."

"I don't think so. If I have to say, the little guy Ling has been familiar with us since she joined us. I think her feelings for the doll are not as sincere as Pa Duo... I at least want to be the doll's cat from the bottom of my heart! "

"Pado, you need to learn the difference between being a girlfriend and being a pet."

"What does it matter? He can have many girlfriends, but he can only have one cat!"

Just as both sides were fighting and chatting on the phone, the mountain suddenly shook and made a slight roar, and even the signal was cut off for a moment.

"Base!?" Pa Duo and Sakura both reacted.

There is a problem with the base!


Ling hugged her Dumbbear, while watching the pitch-black Fire Chaser Base outside the window, while listening to the AI ​​reading of a bad romance novel in the headset.

"...So the eternal truth in this world is that the price for a woman to love a man is much higher than that for a man to love a woman. This is determined by genes. Women can easily give everything for a momentary relationship, while men I often think twice, this is also the reason why there are so many allusions about becoming a confidante in a rage, and it is enough to leave a name through the ages, and if you think about it, is it a good thing for a man to become a confidante in a rage? They will only think it is No brains, beauty is a disaster..."

"...and the story of a woman giving everything for a confidante does not even need to be specifically told. I haven't even finished my Haikou..."

"And these girls often have to pay the price of a lifetime for a momentary impulse..."

It's a feminist lecture. Ling has always sneered at this kind of lecture. It's not that this kind of extreme theory is useful, but that in this doomsday world, even ethics and morality are not applicable, let alone gender developed based on normal society. Entitlement?Moths chasing fire, wolves are so much meat and so little that dolls must be divided according to the day. You must know that this is a high-quality talent gathering center where the minimum education is a graduate student. If high-quality talents have this virtue, what social rights are they talking about?

She was sitting in the shadow with the warm teddy bear in her arms, and the dim light of the desk lamp couldn't find her body.

The Moth of Chasing Fire called her existence the "Herrscher Body", which is the container of the messenger chosen by Honkai, and it is a monster.But in Ling's mind, this is actually a bit unfair, because all the fusion warriors of Moth of the Fire Chaser survived by merging the genes of the Honkai Beast, and they are even stronger than the Herrscher.

So in fact, everyone is a monster, and the fire-chasing base is an organization of monsters, and they are not actually human beings.Then the distinction should only be in the heart, some people choose to live like people, and some people choose to be eroded by Houkai.

Then she also wants to live like a human being, but she can't be trusted, so she will be imprisoned and live alone away from the crowd.A swarm animal that is pleasant, and a person far from the swarm, is it still a human being?

Today is the day when Ying goes out to work again, Ling stays alone all day, she feels very lonely, so she dials Shen Liang's number.

Even though Shen Liang was not the only girlfriend to deal with, many times Ling wanted to contact Shen Liang, and those girls who finally took up Shen Liang's time would even hang up for him.This is also human nature, no one wants to answer the phone when he and the black-haired, red-eyed beautiful boy flirt with each other, but Ling doesn't have many friends, she is an ordinary person after all, and she can't get involved in her sister's circle.

The people she often contacts in the fire-chasing base are girls who are not much different in age, such as Shen Liang, Ying, Patuo, and Dan Zhu Cangxuan.

But the phone rang once and she hung up again, sighing and laughing again.

Because Shen Liang should wait for Sakura obediently in the bedroom today. Sakura must be physically and mentally exhausted when she comes back from the field. The doll should be ready, washed clean and put on beautiful clothes, and may even have a candlelight dinner to receive Sakura. .She had better not interfere with the emotions of the two people's world at this time, and let the baby dedicate her tenderness and consideration to Sakura wholeheartedly.

After all... Sakura is her older sister, so if she is the one who has been working hard all day, Sakura will definitely let the doll take good care of her and experience the feeling of being a princess.

It was... what a wonderful future.

Ling felt that she was a little too sentimental, and she couldn't help laughing. Maybe it was because she was imprisoned for too long, and she was a little bit self-pitying. Thinking about it like this, even she couldn't stand herself.In fact, there is nothing wrong with being imprisoned for a lifetime, the outside world is almost dead, and billions of people would not be able to live a life like her, and even live a good life.

At this time she heard chaotic footsteps.

Ling turned around suspiciously, and saw that the high challenger guarding her, who had been refusing to communicate with her because of her status as a Herrscher, came in.Ling knew that her name was Xima, and she once had a daughter who was studying in Australia and was killed by the disaster of the Herrscher of Fire, so she has always had obvious resistance to Ling.

Originally, Xima, who hated her, would not tell her this information, but Ling learned about it from the gossip on the women's forum on the intranet.After losing her daughter, Sima really wanted to have another child, so she signed up for the volunteer screening of the Son of Man Project without telling her husband. delusions of responsibility.

But Eve didn't even remember who she was, and only then did Ling know why Xima saw her disgust with a little jealousy.

Seema had never stepped into her room before, Ling was a little wary.But before he asked Sima why, he saw that she was wearing fusion fighter armor.

Ling realized that something was wrong, and the footsteps became more and more noisy. More and more fusion fighters stepped into this warm bedroom wearing the armor that should be worn on the battlefield.The hard alloy soles of Sakura's hand-stitched "Open Doors" rugs for her younger sister were worn out, while they held Zhou Bo knives and guns.

Ling looked at these people in fear, and subconsciously pressed the communication button.She was already hesitating whether to contact Shen Liang, but now she turned on the silent call.

"Your sister, Sakura, that human traitor... finally got the fuck out of here." Sima said coldly while hugging her chest, which made Ling's heartbeat stop for a moment.

Such a vulgar opening means that these people are not prepared to respect her at all...not even Sakura, who is one of the leaders of the flame moth.

What do they... want?

Ling looked at the crimson in the eyes of these fusion fighters. She once felt that these people had been corrupted by Honkai, but it was too ridiculous to say that, since she was a Herrscher who hadn't been corrupted yet, how could it be the fusion fighters' turn to have problems?And they are obviously rational and logical, they obviously have their own ideas...then they want to...

Ling immediately knew the purpose of these fusion fighters, and her face turned pale.

"I really don't know what makes Doll fall in love with you. Are you a sex seducer? You're the one who captivates the doll fan... Or the Herrscher who refuses to execute the doll for the first time." A female fusion warrior with jealousy She stepped forward and pinched her chin, grinning, "But someone will always be able to see through you. You use the seductive doll to infiltrate the upper level of the Moth, split us from the inside, and destroy the last hope of mankind... Your plan can be seen at a glance. I understand, I’m really a fan of the authorities...why didn’t the leaders think about it?”

PS: My display has not been shipped yet. I placed an order on, Taobao, and a friend sent the display to the postal service... It was said that the epidemic will be delivered on the 22nd, but the sellers all said that the end of the epidemic in this place is early It's so bad, it can't be shipped, and no one even comes to pick the goods.

Volume 364 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 23 Chapter [-] The Caged Bird

At this moment, in the central control room where Mei was located, the alarm sounded loudly.

The correspondent on duty yelled in horror: "There are excessive Houkai reactions inside the base! My God, this level of Houkai reactions are either top-level fusion fighters or Herrschers! They can't be fusion fighters. The base stipulates that fusion fighters are not allowed to Run the Honkai function! It's the Herrscher! Just like what was said in the tutorial, the Herrscher has awakened!"

Mei stared at the highlighted display of the experimental area. The straight-line distance between that place and the high tower she was in was less than 700 meters.

Ling's confinement room.

She scolded: "Shut up, if Herrscher wakes up, the Honkai sensor device on Ling will have reminded every fusion fighter in office to return to defense, and there is no way for the base's monitor to remind us. This is not Law If the Herrscher really wakes up, we ordinary people would be dead at this distance!"

"That is?"

"How many of the fusion fighters whose strength gradient is in the first sequence are at the base?"

"Only Dr. Mebius and the self-proclaimed Miss Alponia in the prison. Recently, a large number of beasts approached outside the base, and powerful fusion fighters are all outside... This is..." The correspondent suddenly woke up, "It just so happens that they are not here? What? Could it be such a coincidence? This is civil strife! There is..."

"Shut up!" Mei yelled, "Don't speculate, send someone to the confinement room in D5 area to see what happened!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a telegram, loudly announcing: "The D5 experimental area is blocked! The self-propelled gimbal has been damaged, and the security personnel on duty cannot enter the D5 area!"

Mei suddenly realized that this was premeditated, that someone was creating turmoil... No matter what the reason for creating turmoil, it must have been considered for a long time.

Ling is not what she is most worried about at this time. For Herrscher, the monitoring of the fire moth is almost perfect. Ling's body is equipped with a sensor device, and as long as she has a reaction to the collapse, it will immediately notify everyone.There is even a miniature anti-matter bomb in her carotid artery. Unless a Herrscher like the Herrscher of Thunder who perfectly controls the current can cancel the operation of the bomb, she will be killed once she becomes a Herrscher.

That is a bomb with a negative trigger mechanism. Only Mei and Sakura can give feedback on time every day to ensure that the bomb does not trigger. Once someone does not give feedback, Ling will definitely die.So this is insurance, even if in the worst case Ling turns into a Herrscher and becomes so strong that she can instantly kill everyone in the Fire Chaser Base, she will still be eliminated.

But Ling still had a Honkai reaction, which meant that something happened to her... But if it wasn't for her, it might have been worse...

"Where are the fusion fighters with the ability to fly? And drones, send them up to see what happened in the experimental area!" Mei ordered decisively, but then she was startled, suddenly realized something, and suddenly pulled up the terminal Shout, "Why do I need to remind you? You should know how to do it yourself! You don't go up on purpose? What's on it!?"

The fusion fighter on the opposite side of the terminal was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"Dr. Mei, is it because Herrscher is your relative and friend that you can choose to give her a way out? This is a betrayal of mankind, Dr. Mei. But I believe you are just a temporary benevolence, so it doesn't matter, it's about cleaning up Let us do it, and then you can settle it however you want, for the future of mankind, we have long ago decided to do whatever it takes."

Mei Xin froze for a bit, this wasn't just one or two people getting out of control, it was considered good, even the fusion fighters on duty for security today... were rioters.

The next moment, Mei felt the ground under her feet vibrate for a moment. She staggered to support the table, and then the communication was cut off suddenly. The screens in the entire central control room suddenly went out, and the emergency lights dimmed.

"What's going on!" May asked immediately.

"It's the power station! Someone cut off the power station in our A1 area! In this way, the fusion fighters in the command center can't go to the Ganaku to get the armor and weapons, and the emergency procedures have started! Every large area has been isolated, and we Fusion fighters can't reach the D5 area!"

Come prepared.

The emergency procedure is an emergency procedure that is automatically activated when the energy system of the fire-chasing base is destroyed, and different partitions are physically isolated to prevent enemies who break into the fire-chasing moth from fleeing to other areas to cause chaos.Because there are still many ordinary people in the fire moth, this system can guarantee the evacuation time of ordinary people as much as possible.

But at this time, this system hindered Mei's command. It was not easy to destroy the partition wall after it was raised. It was a partition wall made with the Fifth God's Key.


A1 area nuclear reactor power station.

A fusion fighter on a security mission suddenly covered his colleague's mouth from behind, and a strong sedative was poured through his nose, and the man fell limply in less than five seconds after struggling.

Then the fusion warrior showed his combat Zhou Bo knife, turned around and entered the safety room of the reactor, and easily pierced the cooler of the power furnace with one knife.

The alarm sounded immediately: "The reactor is overheated, the reactor temperature exceeds the limit and is being dissolved, and the condensate is being prepared. Please do not perform any operations. The reactor is overheated..."


The violent explosion made the entire A1 area start to shake. The fusion fighter who turned off the defensive force field turned his head to look at the ground outside the room. A transparent wall was rising rapidly and covering all the buildings in the A1 area.

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