Mei and Eden looked at each other and smiled slightly, "Aren't you going?"

Eden took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, Miss Eden is much more stable, she's not the same as those girls." Mei smiled, "It's useless to go to the ward at this time, Dan Zhu Cangxuan can't let them in, at least until the afternoon to do the aseptic treatment Only then can visitation be opened.”

"No." Eden whispered.


"It's torn apart..." Eden whispered, "Sitting all this time, I got up too fast just now, I tore the towel apart... If I run out now, I can't cover it at all."

In the afternoon, the intensive care unit was full of people.

"It's really a boy, Mebius, how did you do the experiment?"

Qian Jie carefully held the baby in the swaddle, opened the pink towel and took a look, and turned pale with shock, "Didn't it mean that it is completely dependent on your genes? I don't have much education and I know that the xx chromosome can be multiplied by [-] times." Can't dye a y!"

"Thousands of calamities!" Kevin chased after him and snapped, "Is that your attitude towards the baby? Put the baby down!"

"This kid will call me uncle in the future! Don't mind our business!" Qian Jie choked back, but he didn't dare to run while holding the baby, so he could only block Kevin with one hand and hold Shen Liang with the other. Leave it to Sakura.

The killer girl with long pink hair looked down at the sleeping child, countless emotions flashed in her beautiful eyes, and finally she gently touched the child's thin and soft hair, "Is this... our Eve?"

"Let me see, let me see!" Pa Duo squeezed back and forth in the crowd, and finally squeezed to the front, blinking and looking at Shen Liang, "This little face is wrinkled, why is it so ugly?"

"This is always the case for children before they grow up. It takes at least three to five months to feel cute." Su explained with a smile.

"No, no, even though it's ugly, I think it's still very cute!" Pa Duo touched the tip of Shen Liang's nose very carefully, "As expected of me..."

"What's yours?" Mebius joked.

Under the mocking eyes of a group of people, Pa Duo blushed, but still couldn't say that sentence, so he could only speak angrily.

"My brother! Can't my brother do it?"

"Of course, he will be the youngest little brother of our Flaming Moth~"

Alicia hopped around for a long time and found that no one made room for her, so she could only take the babble unhappily, "It's Pado, you have to be careful, this is the little superman carefully cultivated by Dr. Mei and Dr. Mebius. He grows up It’s much faster than the average person, it’s about two or three years before he’s a teenager, you have to be careful, he’ll be as tall as you soon~”

"Grow when you see the wind? Nezha?" Hua suddenly answered strangely.

No one responded to these words, and three seconds later, Eden covered his mouth, trying not to let himself laugh out loud.

"Two or three years? How to educate them so fast?" Someone asked.

"Human beings need time. We can't wait for the dolls to grow up step by step. This may be a way to encourage growth, but it is also necessary. We must see results as much as possible. For example, the stigmata plan relying on dolls must be implemented within five years." Mei pushed her eyes, After being silent for a while, he said softly, "I'm sorry for the baby, but...forgive me, I will try my best to make up for the growth of the baby, and let him establish a normal personality as much as possible."

"I don't blame you, this is the plan of all mankind." Kevin comforted, Mei bit her lip, didn't look at him, just stared deeply at her creation.

The newborn child was passed around by the girls like some precious display item, and every girl who held the baby couldn't help pinching his face or touching other places, until it was Eden's last turn.

The world-renowned queen bowed her head and kissed Shen Liang's forehead.

"In the name of Eden, I grant you 'no worries', and may you have the wealth to live a carefree life at any moment."

The girls were taken aback by her actions.

This scene is like in a fairy tale, the princess of the kingdom was born, and the witches came to congratulate the princess and give blessings.

Alicia was the first to react, and she immediately stepped forward, bent down and kissed Shen Liang's face, "In the name of Alicia, I bestow you with 'sweetness', may you always be beautiful, forever She is the most beautiful child in the world, and will always make everyone feel sweet and lovely!"

"Hey, is this a blessing for boys?" Kevin couldn't help it.

"Are only girls good-looking? My expectation for dolls is that they are the most beautiful in the world. Of course, as long as they are a little bit worse than me, yes, they only need to be a little bit worse...well, they are as good-looking as me. It's not impossible~"

With ups and downs of laughter, Mei also stepped forward and kissed his lips.

"In the name of Mei, I bestow on you 'being loved'. May you be loved anytime, baby, and never despair."

This is Mei's biggest worry and best hope. She is well aware of human prejudice against others.And if the kid ends up being led astray by those prejudices, it will be her incompetence.

Mei looked at him and suddenly had a feeling.She had spent her whole life overcoming difficulties for "human beings", and this child seemed to condense her "self", and she would definitely not let this child lose the feeling of "being loved".

Even if you sacrifice everything for it.

"In the name of Mebius, um, I will give you the 'snake slough'," Mebius raised his chin and kissed him, "I am a pragmatic person, since I have integrated my bottom Gene, of course you will not be stingy with this ability. Well, this is also a necessary ability for the implementation of the Son of Man plan."

"In the name of Wei Wei, I bestow 'intelligence' on you. If you have my share, of course you can't be so stupid."

"Is it my turn? Sorry, let me think about it... In the name of Sakura, I will grant you 'Immortal'. May you never lose your awareness of being a human being because of longevity, no matter at any time and in any space. "

PS: I can’t remember which fairy tale is the fairy tale of blessings in turn. I saw it in Grimm’s fairy tales many years ago when I was a child.

Volume 368 · Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 27 Chapter [-] Eden's Concert!The protagonist is a black long straight girl!

Kiss after kiss, blessing after blessing.

"In the name of Hua, I give you a 'Guardian'. I wish that Eve will always be protected by noble people in times of crisis. Likewise, I hope Eve will protect those who love you."

"Hey, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to work on a big project with the bosses of Flaming Moth! Let me see where you all kissed, eh, there is no place to talk... Then kiss here! Epa In the name of Dophelis, I bestow on you a 'childlike innocence', I hope that the doll will always be happy like a child, don't care about anything, just like me!"

Pa Duo was dragged away by the dark-faced Qian Jie, and Eden walked to the bedside holding Shen Liang, who had been woken up by the blessings of countless big sisters, but still kept silent and blinked.On the bed was a mature and beautiful gentle woman, leaning against the head of the bed and silently smiling at the noisy crowd, her face was weak and pale.

Eden handed Shen Liang to her, and said in a low voice, "Aponia, it's your turn."

Aponia smiled and shook his head, and said softly: "No need, I'm different from you, you just need to give him pampering and love, and what I want to give him is three thousand commandments, which are endless. When he grows up, he will only have fear and hatred for me. It’s like the last witch in a fairy tale who bestowed blessings, and what she imposed was nothing more than a curse.”

"You think so?" Eden smiled.

Aponia looked at her inexplicably.

"You really don't need to give him any blessings, because you have already given him the most important thing. After all, we only loved him after he was born, and you have the greatest courage to express your love before he was born. love." Eden stroked Shen Liang's face, slightly unwilling, but also helpless, "My dear Aponia, how could he hate you. If in the name of Aponia, you have given it to him, But the most important thing... ah."


Three years passed easily.

East Asia, the private stage of international diva Eden, the world's largest performing arts center, Golden Garden.

More than half of the lights on the scene were turned off, but the central stage was lit up with fireworks that soared into the sky, shining brilliantly.Bunches of lights hit the mature beauty with dark red long hair on the stage. She was wearing a delicate gold-plated cheongsam that fitted the curves. The black and red skirt was tight and smooth on the peaks and smooth, and beautiful and freehand on the slender parts.

It's so beautiful.

The auditorium erupted into monstrous cheers.

"Eden! Eden!"

"The last diva in the world! The only diva!"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time! Goddess!"

"Eden is still so beautiful. She has been the number one Miss Universe ten years ago, and she is still the same now. Will she not get old?"

"Haha, I heard that Tianhou joined Flaming Moth after she almost had an accident at a concert in Australia, you know, the one who said to accept the super variable factor... The success rate of that kind of operation is very low, but she did it , this is the role of the super-change surgery, right?"

"The Asian cheongsam still tastes good. Eden's dress... Tsk tsk, isn't this the most beautiful costume?"

Although the auditorium was amazingly loud, in fact, there was no real audience in the Golden Garden at this time.

All the audience are enjoying the concert through the live broadcast, and then their cheers and even other opinions are broadcast on the broadcasting unit in the auditorium through the sampling program. In essence, they only have an illusory 3D projection sitting in their seats, but Even the projection, the dancing projection made the concert look extraordinarily lively.

This concert method is because, in today's world environment, it is impossible to organize large-scale population gatherings.

Not long after the Herrscher of Flame incident ended, Australia was turned into a sea of ​​flames, and humans all over the world knew the horror of the Herrscher and the world-destroying power of Honkai.

Nowadays, human bases have shrunk on a large scale, forming hundreds of large and small high-density cities around the world, with their own defense forces to deal with the Honkai invasion.At this moment, it is impossible to talk about entertainment and singers. All cities live according to the wartime system. Which star has the capital to hold a so-called concert?

But Eden is Eden after all.

As the last queen superstar in the global music scene, only Eden can be a little self-willed in this doomsday world and hold his own concert through global live broadcast.

Maybe it’s because even many of the leaders of human beings are fans of Eden, maybe it’s because human beings who have been suppressed for survival in recent years need a literary way to relax and decompress, or maybe it’s other reasons. approved by the leaders.

Although the Golden Garden has only 30 auditorium seats, that is to say, only 30 spectators can wear the VR vision and enjoy the concert up close by projection.But at present, the number of people watching concerts on the Internet has exceeded [-] million, which is close to one-thirtieth of the current human population.

The spotlight shone on Eden, showing her perfect figure in every detail.While everyone knows Eden's stunning beauty, until now, those who tuned in were unable to fully appreciate her figure.

She is the kind of woman who will make men "ashamed" at a glance. Although she is tall, charming and charming, the combination of laziness and wealth exuded from her temperament will give people a sense of "nobility" .

Once the noble temperament is produced, there will be a sense of distance, so although Eden is a very handsome singer, few people comment on her as charming, and most people regard her as a perfect goddess that cannot be violated.

Eden's concert is different from others, she is more inclined to self-expression, because strictly speaking she does not rely on performances for a living, she has already been a strong woman far ahead on the wealth list, her personal property is even stronger than Consolidated income for many countries.

So Eden just came here to sing, because he wanted to sing, so he opened a global live broadcast to sing.If some cities disagree, it doesn't matter to Eden, she essentially only needs to have some audiences.

So Eden adjusted the microphone, didn't make an opening statement, just nodded slightly towards the auditorium.

"This song is dedicated to my dear, sweet doll."

There was a moment of silence at the scene.

Then Eden fiddled with the long skirt, chanted in a low voice, and the melodious classical music accompaniment rose, and Eden's voice was adjusted to be sweet and soft, and one could almost hear the pampering and almost feel the sweetness of honey in it!

Audiences around the world were dumbfounded!Even the backstage staff were stunned, because Eden's style has always been freewheeling. They only knew that Eden had his own playlist, but they never thought that the opening would be so explosive!

The auditorium and the barrage of the global live broadcast are crazy!


Who is the song dedicated to?

Did I hear it right?

In the camera, the dumbfoundedness of the 3D projection in the audience was recorded!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." my goddess already has a child!"

"Hidden marriage! Hidden marriage! Hidden marriage! This is a hidden marriage!"

"Shouldn't the marriage be revealed in person? Empress Eden is clearly not planning to hide it. This is a song dedicated to her children!"

"Who! Who is it!"

"I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be watching the live broadcast, I don't watch the live broadcast, Eden is still the flawless and pure queen Eden, I don't want my idol to graduate and get married!"

"Pink turns black!"

"Is it really turning?"

"If you want to get out, feel like getting out. The goddess doesn't rely on people to set up her business. Everyone comes to listen to her songs. Now it's hard to say who has something in their brains."

"Yeah, Eden is a singer, not a girl group idol. People can't get married and have children? Let me announce here, yes, the baby's father is me!"

Audiences around the world are discussing it hotly. Before a song is finished, the hot search list has been refreshed crazily.

The first hot search was of course "Eden", but from the second one, it gradually became entries such as "Eden's hidden marriage", "Eden's openly having a child", "Tian Hou married", "Tian Hou vigorously washes her powder" and other entries .

It wasn't until the end of the song that Eden opened his eyes from his own immersion, and his beautiful eyes scanned the boiling audience, as if a little surprised.

She sang a gentle song, why did the audience get excited like listening to rock and roll.

At this time, she saw a pink goblin jumping in the background holding up a white sign with something written on it. She glanced at it, and then she understood, and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Then she took the microphone, with a slightly helpless expression, "Can you be angry too, you are really a group of children."

"Wow, oh, the goddess called me a child!"

"I'm so excited to be called that by Eden! I'm so excited! I'm so excited!"

"Super angry! Super angry!"

"The male viewers are listening!"

Eden wiped away the tears from his laughter and said, "I'm sorry, I lost my temper. I didn't explain this song to everyone, which caused some misunderstandings. 'Doll' is a nickname for a cute child of our flame moths. He My name is 'Eve', so you can rest assured that I have no intention of marrying anyone. Of course, I also hope that I can find the person I like when I still have some capital, but I am afraid that in this world It's hard."

This sentence made the audience boil again, but some comments were still eye-catching.

"I don't believe it! Eden is looking for love!"

"Actually, it doesn't matter if Tianhou finds a boyfriend or gets married. Everyone doesn't care about it, but it's too low-level to want to lie when you see the rhythm so obviously."

"Lovely child? It's also called 'Eve'. It looks like Eden, you came up with this name on the spot!"

"I don't believe it! We don't believe it!"

As the only queen in the world who has been deeply involved in the music scene for more than ten years, Eden can easily see the maliciousness and rhythm behind some comments.But she didn't really care about that, after all, even this concert, she just held it casually, the ticket money and the live broadcast money were not even enough for her to ask Wei Wei to repair the Golden Garden a few times.

But Eden also understands that in this world where the doomsday is getting worse and worse, her loyal audience may gradually disappear over time.Her unscrupulous performance may be the last relaxation and happiness for many people.

Eden didn't want to still harbor even the slightest grudge at this moment when human beings could still enjoy happiness.

She leaned on the piano and smiled lazily, "Want evidence?"

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