Two tear streaks scratched her makeup, she swallowed the sobs in her throat, and waved to Paduo: "Pado, can you take Gracio for a stroll first, and buy two drinks on the way?"

"But I'm wearing a wedding dress." Patuo said.


"Okay." Pado didn't care. She took off the veil and threw away the pannier. The wedding dress looked like a very gorgeous dress. She led Gracie around to the gate of the park.

Blanca looked back, opened the car door and stepped in, then looked at him, "Come in and talk."

Shen Liang also walked into the car, looking at the old Lincoln that he just bought, the old guy who used it as a wedding car, for some reason, he felt resentment in his heart.

He knew what he was not willing to part with.

But he still opened the door silently and sat in the passenger seat.

Blanca was sitting in the driver's seat, and she had sorted out her emotions at the moment. She was wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress, her eyes were tired and calm, and she held a slender lady's cigarette in her hand.

"I've always thought that you shouldn't be able to guess the doll." Branca said, "I didn't expect that I was lucky after all."

"Blanca doesn't smoke, she has a congenital heart disease." Shen Liang didn't get into the topic directly, but brought up smoking instead, "You're not pretending correctly."

"Pretending?" Blanca smiled softly, "No, I know Blanca doesn't smoke, but it's not a mistake to pretend. In fact, I smoked in the seventh year of this dream, because that year Padu There are signs of pregnancy but I am not. I am very worried, so I smoke to relieve boredom, and gradually develop a habit. I just avoid you so that you don’t know. After all, you will definitely not allow me to smoke. Don’t worry, I am also a doctor anyway. There is no nicotine in the cigarette."

Shen Liang was a little dazed, he didn't expect that this "Blanca" would take over his topic smoothly, and talk about these meaningless, gossip about parents in the past ten years.

The ten-year dream is a long time, but, as the creator of the dream, "Blanca" should not care about it.

"Of course, I did a few more checks later and found out that Paduo just wanted a daughter and went crazy and had a false pregnancy. To be honest, I was really relieved when I knew that Padoo was not ahead of me...It's embarrassing. , Pado regards me as a sister, but I hope that I will have your child first. This sense of meaningless competition is probably because I am not Pado after all, and Gracie is not your daughter after all..."

"There's no need to say these things." Shen Liang finally couldn't listen anymore and interrupted.

"People who don't want to continue acting, don't even want to listen to what they say? Yes, it's like this after tearing their faces apart. What one person really wants to say, the other doesn't want to hear." Blanca blew out a smoke ring and continued said, "How did you find out?"

"It should be said that I have never fallen into a dream before." Shen Liang said.

"is it?"

"The Commandments."

"The commandment...the commandment." Blanca said lightly, "So it is the 'discipline' that restrains me the most in terms of ability. Whether it is the real world or here, it is the same, the commandment of Alponia can make people Maintain sobriety and fighting spirit to the maximum extent, not to be lost in dreams, like Kevin... But when did you accept the precepts? I used half of the power to maintain your dreams. In theory, even a thought stamp of the precepts can Can't break through?"

"Alponia...maybe only used once for other people, but it's different for me." Shen Liang looked at her.

"I don't know much about the Son of Man Project, what is it?"

"Before I was born, Aponia spent ten months engraving the precepts for me." Shen Liang said, "Three thousand, every sound of the precepts can make me break free from your dream, and remember that this is not the world. .”

PS: How beautiful this dream is, the life of Eve of ordinary people, and the harem of married couples and girls

Volume 385 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 43 Chapter [-] The Herrscher's Gentleness and Beauty Are Not Pretending

On the wedding car decorated with white gauze balls, there is a distance of [-] centimeters between the well-dressed boy and the woman in the wedding dress.

"Three thousand precepts, Alponia... I really care about you."

"Shouldn't it be vicious?" Shen Liang waved her hand to disperse her smoke ring.

"Vicious? No, you don't understand Aponia." Blanca looked at her, and there seemed to be inexplicable emotions flashing in her beautiful eyes, "It's like you don't understand me. You have matured a lot in the past ten years , but you still can’t understand people’s hearts... No, even human beings often can’t understand people’s hearts. Aponia loves you more deeply than us, but you probably will never understand.”


"Because of you, baby, you can never have selfishness." Blanca said, "You are a child of the fire-chasing civilization, you are the hope of all mankind, and you should treat everyone, every inch of land, and every species fairly. Strength. You can’t have selfishness, what you carry doesn’t allow you to have selfishness.”

"What a surprise, I actually heard from a Herrscher that I should save the world."

Blanca smiled, "Then said, yes, let's get back to the topic, since you haven't fallen into a dream from the beginning, why didn't you poke it?"

"In fact, from the time you saw me at the airport, the first sentence you said was 'Flame Chasing Moth', I knew that I was already in the dream of the Eighth Herrscher, after all, you couldn't erase my sense of autonomy. However, I also know that if I am pulled into the dream outside the base, it is only possible that the Herrscher has shifted his position. In other words, the Herrscher is by my side.

"Then what I have to do is not to escape, but to find who is the abnormal point in the dream, in other words, who is the one who controls the dream.

"In fact, I have seen more than one spiritual fusion fighter. The so-called dream creation must rely on the dreamer's consciousness to construct, and because the disordered consciousness is too grotesque, grotesque dreams are easy to wake up, so there must be a dream maker to give the dream The logic of operation. This requires that the consciousness of the dreamer also enters the dream, and usually, specifically incarnates as someone in the dream.

"And since I am valued by the dream maker, although I don't understand the reason, I guess she will try to contact me, so I lock it as someone close to me.

"In the beginning, I didn't target you and Patuo, because you are too familiar to me, it's hard to pretend, a little bit of similarity may make the dreamer subconsciously perceive that something is wrong, and there is a risk of realizing that he is dreaming. And in fact, you have no flaws, you behave exactly the same as Blanca in my memory, I thought at the time that even if you could see my memory, you would not be so similar."

Blanca stroked the blue hair hanging from his shoulders, and smiled calmly: "If this is the case, then when you just entered the dream state for two months, you pressed me on the sofa when Pa Duo went out for a big purchase, and you were observing me. Your reaction? After all, the Herrscher might also be a shy little girl who hasn't been seen before, and Branca already had an unknown intimate relationship with you when Chasing the Flame Moth?"

"You performed perfectly."

"You're saying that I showed both the joy of showing my love to you, the baby, and the guilt of being with you while I was still fighting inside the base?" Blanca looked at him quietly.

"It's hard to control this kind of complicated emotions. I don't believe that a lawyer can do it, so I believe you."

"No, in fact, women are very unfeeling creatures. The day you said you liked me, I even drafted a divorce agreement with Hen. Yes, that was when Hen worked the night shift, so I beg you to watch it with me." One night movie, when you watched and suddenly said that you learned to kiss from Ellie and wanted to try it with me."

She smiled, "It's really inexplicable. When I saw the heroine and heroine kissing on TV, I wanted to try it with me... Baby, you were always so ignorant and cute back then, but... I am not ignorant."

"I know that the liking you said is actually just getting the taste from Ellie and Eden, but what you don't know is that I lived with you in the infinite laboratory for three years, watching you grow up and watching you grow more and more The more lovable you are, I can't live without you for three years. In order to prevent this, I deliberately stayed away from you and found a trace to build a healthy family. But the moment you said you liked me, I knew I was finished. I can’t remember what family, child, or future... Baby, you are the source of all evil. As long as you look at me, my life will completely collapse. I’m like a mistletoe that can only live by relying on you. Why did God give birth to a demon like you, beloved son of the devil."

"That's enough, don't talk to me like Blanca." Shen Liang said in a low voice, "You are not Blanca after all, what you said is exactly the reason for my suspicion! Blanca is not obsessed with love or even love. The person who is addicted to me, she is different from you, completely different!"

Blanca actually burst out laughing, Shen Liang didn't understand what she was laughing at, so he had to continue talking.

"In any case, Blanca is a researcher of Flamemoth, an assistant of Mebius, and a person who has dedicated her life to the cause of the survival of human civilization. Love is never the first in her heart, whether it is her husband , or me. Even if Hen dies, even if Firechaser Moth perishes, she will wipe away her tears and actively participate in the construction of Xinzhuhuo, as well as me." Shen Liang said coldly, "I am the experiment of the Son of Man project No matter how much Branca is attached to me, it is impossible to hide me. I am associated with at least four projects of Flame Chasing Moth, and my importance to the UN to rebuild the new Flame Chasing is self-evident."

"So it's because of this that I'm sure I'm a Herrscher." Blanca shook her head.

Shen Liang was originally very firm, but now he suddenly felt a little depressed.He originally thought that he could restrain his pity and sympathy for the Herrscher, telling himself that everything was a dream carefully designed by the Herrscher, but sure enough, facing Blanca's face, he still couldn't harden his heart.

No one can face the sad face of his lover, this woman who has been together day and night for ten years, puts on a wedding dress, and is ready to marry you... woman.

"Although it is in a dream, everything in the real world can be reproduced here." Shen Liang said slowly, "Ten years, if you read my memory, you may ignore my ability, this ability Not reported to the Chasing Fire Council, only a few people know. I can fuse the genes of any life, including the Herrscher. After the fusion, I can even contact the imaginary number space, and use the genetic similarity to deceive Houkai and steal the power of the Herrscher .”

Blanca looked at him in astonishment.

"The Eighth Herrscher who controls dreams and modifies consciousness, the source of your power, the core of the Herrscher, has been dyed my color." Shen Liang stared into his eyes, "You have never guarded against my plundering, you have never been robbed by me for a long time. Ten years. And now, as long as I think, the core of the Herrscher is mine."

Blanca's expression finally changed. She touched her heart first, and then seemed to try something, but finally found that she couldn't do anything.

Her expression changed from panic to horror to shock and finally calmed down slowly, and she regained that tired indifference, and even smiled: "Awesome, you are indeed my little wolf dog. Oh, yes, I have never How can a wife guard against her husband without guarding against you?"

"But why, it doesn't take ten years, right? What's the purpose of staying in the dream for ten years?" Blanca suddenly asked playfully, "For me?"

"It's true that it doesn't take ten years, but as I get to know your power more and more, I find that the time ratio between dreams and reality is different. Mebius said that the brain's working efficiency is amazing when people are in dreams. Usually you can have several months of dreams in an hour, but your dreams are even worse, and the speed ratio is faster. I guess this is because you need to calmly make people age quickly in dreams, and aging people will fall into brain death , manifested as organ failure.

"But it gave me an idea. If there is a large gap between the dream and the reality, I don't need to rush out of the dream. Instead, I learned something here."

"What did you learn?" Blanca stubbed out the cigarette butt and threw it out of the window, and asked with a smile, "A girl's legs can be bent 180 degrees, and they can even be pressed behind the shoulders?"

"Learned how to get along with people, learned what you can't learn in the fire moth, the worldly way." Shen Liang said lightly.

"Although it is a dream, I have never experienced this kind of life of ordinary people. Everyone in Moth Chasing Fire is a warrior with a heart like steel. The three views I accept are not universal at all, but they are different in this dream. .I read, go to school, work, communicate with people, understand the deep meaning of many words, gradually get closer to human beings, and acquire the thinking logic of normal human beings.

"I have to thank you, Blanca, no, Herrscher. Have you read "Dragon Ball"? There is a concept in it called 'spiritual time room'. One day of cultivation in it is equal to one year outside. Although dreams cannot improve strength, but The shaping of the three views gained from communicating with people will not disappear with the disappearance of dreams.

"So it took me ten years to gradually understand the will of human beings. This is very important to me. It is what Mei, Alicia, Eden and many other people expect me to learn." Shen Liang finished speaking and looked at her, "Now that I have completed my practice, everything should be over. Herrscher, I don't actually hate you, but I need to move forward. I can't be trapped in this dream by you. I'm going to the real world. I I never liked you, but the real Blanca."

Shen Liang was already full of determination.

But Blanca didn't answer, but said to herself: "When I became a Herrscher, I was full of hatred for human beings."


Blanca suddenly turned over to the driver's seat, pressed on him, and pressed his forehead against his forehead, and said coldly: "Honkai will change the will of human beings. I once expected that all human beings would die for me. I even thought about it." Find a way to escape from the fire-chasing base, go to those big cities to sleep and launch a nuclear bomb to kill a few hundred thousand people and then finish it off. I can't think of any other way to create a major disaster. I just feel angry with you These guys are just garbage among garbage."

Shen Liang frowned.

"But I'm pregnant with Gracie." The topic changed.

Shen Liang suddenly realized what he thought was wrong all along!

"I am full of hatred for human beings, but I have a human baby in my body, but I don't have any thoughts of cutting my belly open. As a Herrscher, my body has strong resilience. As an intellectual, I can give I used anesthesia to do the surgery myself, but I didn’t have this idea... One of the few expectations I have for the world is to let this child be born, I want her to live, I think the name Gracie sounds nice.” Blanca whispered.

"And I want to build a home for Grace. As a lawyer, I still have the idea of ​​looking forward to a family. It's unbelievable, but I suddenly want to save my own life. I suddenly find that I have someone I like. I want I came to find you, I hope to find you, I suddenly found that I have hope. What is hope? I have my own house in Hokkaido, I have a beautiful, handsome husband who loves me, and a daughter. This is The hope I suddenly had, seems to be something tangible, although I am a Herrscher, I also have a future."

At this moment, Shen Liang no longer hesitated, he stared at the woman in front of him, and suddenly kissed her.

Genes blend with each other!

Shen Liang reached out and pulled out the core of the Herrscher from the body of the Herrscher in front of him!

In a blink of an eye, the carriage melted, the sky outside the window collapsed, the sky within the field of vision was cracked, and the outside was a pitch-black universe.The violent sense of abnormality made Shen Liang close his eyes subconsciously, but bit Herrscher's lips even harder. The two kissed in the ruined world, biting each other's pain and blood.

Suddenly, the seat leaning against her back lightened, and Shen Liang suddenly woke up as if she was weightless, just like many people fall from a building in a dream, suddenly there is a solid support behind her, making people realize that it is now The real real world.

came back.

But Shen Liang didn't dare to open his eyes, his body was extremely heavy, the pain in his lips was still clear and vivid, and there was a familiar fragrance on his body.

He dared not open his eyes.

He knows what's on him.

"You said it yourself, it's time to wake up from the dream." The person on the body said slowly, "I have lost all my future, please open your eyes."

Shen Liang was silent.

"Don't dare to open your eyes to look at me?" She smiled, "Don't even dare to look at me, and still say so unfeeling? Is this your unfeeling, husband."

Shen Liang finally understood everything. He finally knew why the Eighth Herrscher still liked to chat with him about those family affairs even though his identity was revealed, why the Eighth Herrscher pretended to be so similar, and why the Eighth Herrscher didn't follow him. In his memory, he has the ability to "integrate Herrscher Gene"...

There is only one answer to all this, the eighth Herrscher, the Herrscher of Consciousness, the Miss Herrscher who controls dreams.

She has never had the ability to analyze other people's memories. The reason why she pretends to be flawless is because she is Blanca.

Shen Liang was very angry for no reason, he was extremely angry and sad, sad that he didn't even have the courage to open his eyes to confirm this fact.

Even in a dream, but ten years of being together day and night, ten years of love is very special.

He only insisted on returning to the real world relying on the belief that "she is not Blanca, she is just pretending". Men are such stupid creatures. If he does not repeatedly strengthen this belief, he does not even know if he will Fell into the tenderness and beauty of dreams.

But after shattering this sweet dream, he suddenly found out.

Those tenderness and beauty are not in disguise.

PS: If you open your eyes and look at me, I don’t believe your eyes are empty

Volume 386 Fire Chasing Paradise Project: Chapter 44 Chapter [-] Blanca: I am worthy of the emperor by firing two shots into the sky

Shen Liang finally looked at Blanca, and found that the other party was looking at him with a calm expression.

This kind of look is like saying, "Look, you have won, humans have won against Herrscher, and those who hold the future have won against those who have no future."

Shen Liang remembered what she said just now.

Right now, Herrscher of Knowledge, Branca already has the will to die.I'm afraid that if he makes a move, Blanca will not evade at all, and will be killed by him here with a smile.

But he can't win.

No matter whether Shen Liang can kill Herrscher, he can't win, he knows that he is a complete loser.

Because this is not just human beings against Herrschers, but a man betraying a woman who is attached to him.

Shen Liang slowly clenched his palms tightly.

He stared at the light blue long-haired married woman lying on his body, then reached into her long hair and stroked her face, "Why do you have to get married?"

In the dream, he actually felt that Herrscher's behavior was very strange. Blanca was very keen to establish a name with him, and she took Patuo to see the wedding dress every day. The lengthened Lincoln made the wedding car, and it can even be said that Branca was worried about all the steps of the wedding, and Shen Liang was just being dragged by her to change into various dresses.

At first, he thought that wearing a suit would be enough, but Blanca was very unhappy. She only thought that she looked at least 1.8 meters tall in slender high-heeled shoes and a veil, and Shen Liang looked a bit like a flower girl in a small suit.So I took great pains to design a Lolita-style knight dress with high-top riding boots for him, so that it looks very matching.

It's just that the overly delicate dress made Shen Liang look a bit like a little princess in men's clothing. When the makeup photo was taken before the wedding, the photographer probably thought it was a lily wedding and Shen Liang was a child.So let the two girls in wedding dresses stand close to each other, and each of them holds the hand of the boy in the middle. It looks exactly like a lily couple with an impatient little daughter.

But Blanca and Patuo were very satisfied with this wedding photo, and forced it to become Shen Liang's terminal wallpaper, and even posted this photo in the bedroom, making Shen Liang feel that it was not him but this person who was going to get married. two girls.

"Because I like it." Blanca held his hand touching her cheek, tilted her head closer, "I've always liked dolls, even if I became a Herrscher."

"Will the Herrscher pursue a marriage defined by humans?"

"What an idiot," Blanca smiled softly, "I have known Hen for two years, within two years we got married and gave birth to Gracie, because I want to avoid you, so I even rushed to the wedding with Hen." It has never been held before. But which woman would not look forward to the wedding, maybe from the time when I refused to say the wedding, I have vaguely known that no matter how much I escape, I will fall to you sooner or later, I know that I want more in my heart The wedding dress I want you to put on me, I always want you, so you see how despicable I am. Baby, you say you have learned the ways of the world, but you haven’t. Human education is determined at an early age, and you have never been able to understand Other people's filth...such as mine."

Blanca paused:

"Of course I want to lock you, baby, by my side. Marriage is this kind of thing. I was with Chen for two years, and even in those two years, I spent more time with you, baby, and we have been asking each other for 13 years in total. Ah, 13 years of life, I ask for a wedding, is it too much?"

"Is this the wantonness of the lawyer?"

"Well, you can understand it that way, I'm really quite unscrupulous." Blanca said softly, "Do you have any questions?"

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