Almost no longer human.

"It's... a monster!" Smith was thrown from the broken window on the third floor by Rosalia, but he just stared at Shen Liang in horror, "You are not a are a monster! You are a monster! "

Volume 126 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 120 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] A child taught by the KGB

Anna finally understood why Sirin wanted to cooperate with him. This ability, as a man, has this ability. Let alone the secrets of the Shaniat family...any force wants to study it!

This kind of healing ability simply crushes all the genetic engineering in the world. If this ability works for other people, it will work for Lady Cecilia too!

Or... What about the Valkyrie, what about those Valkyrie who were eroded because the Houkai energy did not match the physical endurance limit?

Houkai energy is like nuclear energy, no matter how powerful it is, it is an erosive force after all.Every year on the extraordinary side, people are eroded to death by the Honkai energy, and every year there are people who yearn for the Honkai energy and become obsessed.Does that just need to clear the corroded torso?Modern technology can't regenerate a certain torso. If it can be done, small-scale erosion is nothing to worry about.

Anna became excited.

As for Smith, when he saw Shen Liangxin's arm, he felt as if he had met a devil.

Although the mercenaries don't believe in God, they believe in the devil, and disregard human lives on the battlefield every day. They must have some awe in their hearts to survive.If you believe in Jesus, you will go to hell after death, so if you don't believe in it, they believe in the widespread Satanism.

But believing in Satan also has disadvantages. For example, in the doctrine, anyone who can make bones grow flesh is a demagogic devil, who uses this method to lure mortals to trade with them and sell their souls.The rebirth of a broken arm is the most classic devil routine, and the painting style nourished by flesh and blood is like a breeding ground for hell and evil spirits.

However, Shen Liang is still very good-looking. Satanism has said that angels will scare away devils with a terrifying appearance, and only devils can bewitch mortals with their beautiful appearance.

Smith initially thought it was Satanism's way to make them unbelieve in Christ and whitewash the devil, but now it seems that the teaching didn't lie to him.

"Hello, Major Smith." Shen Liang said gently, and then he stuffed the barrel of the gun that was almost hot and red from the shooting just now into his mouth, "I heard that you met my two younger sisters."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Smith screamed as he was scalded by the lava-like gun barrel.

"Don't understand Chinese? Translate." Shen Liang frowned, "Anna."

"I think he was just screaming. He probably didn't hear what you were talking about." Anna sighed, and now she would not be surprised by Shen Liang's methods, "You killed so many people and are still alive." He regained his arm in front of him, he should have been frightened by you."

"Am I scary?" Shen Liang took out his phone to take a picture of himself, and frowned, "Although I don't like to admit it, I should be quite handsome."

Anna looked away as the barrel cooled in Smith's mouth.

"Don't talk about that, just ask him how he met these two little girls." Shen Liang took out the photo.

Anna felt that she was doing something for a tiger, but when she thought about it carefully, if the Shaniat family was almost caught and insulted by mercenaries, the methods of the Shaniat family might not be much more benevolent than Shen Liang... This world is In this way, "fairness" is often not fair.

An ordinary person caught and humiliated by mercenaries may just let it go, and no one can find any "justice".And once a person with a strong and powerful person behind him is threatened, he will be "justified" by the real iron fist.

In Anna's soft-spoken translation, Major Smith, who was full of flesh and blood, was obviously more frightened. Compared with being caught by a group of savage and strong soldiers, being caught by this group of beautiful but vicious girls seems to be more terrifying.The former would die, while the latter could not imagine what they would do.He spat out the barrel of the gun with great effort, and spoke some French in a confused way.

"He said he didn't know him..." Anna didn't bother to translate, and turned her back, "Let's figure it out."

Then she heard the sound of the chainsaw, Shen Liang's calm "Don't look at it, turn around" and the sound of Rosalia sticking out her tongue, followed by the sound of cutting and something being roasted on the fire There was a sizzle of oil, followed by Smith's desperate wail.

Anna covered her ears.

"Although you don't understand, I still want to say, I've only read about this kind of thing in books, put it on your head." Shen Liang said calmly, "Maybe it's a little tight, you can't put it on, put your hand on it." Just cut it off."

Another scream.

"You are like a tire man now, yes, the type of Michelin logo, but unfortunately I can't find white tires."

"No! Don't! What's this? Gasoline? Don't...don't come over, don't light the fire!"

Then Ana heard the sound of rubber cracking, something rolling on the ground again, fire and oil crackling and rolling around, mixed with Smith's fading begging for mercy.

Then there was a gunshot, like the sound of a tire bursting, and another basin of water was poured down.Smith wailed in pain, as if he had just breathed a sigh of relief, then Shen Liang stepped forward, and for some reason, his wailing gradually subsided.

After a while, the cool and cold voice sounded again: "Anna, don't look back, just translate."

Anna nodded desperately.

"Tell him that if you don't say anything else, I will let him experience more interesting gameplay. The books I read in Siberia are textbooks compiled by agents after the disintegration of the KGB. They have damage bonuses to enemies of old capitalist countries."

Anna racked her brains to translate the stalk to Smith.

"It was an order from above to arrest them! Someone recognized them as agents from Siberia! The above said that we cannot let other countries discover our existence, but they know our plan!"

Shen Liang frowned, this is different from what the soldiers said before... This major obviously knows more things, that's right, even mercenaries are not so disorganized and undisciplined.Bronya and Xier have registered permanent residence in Siberia, so it is really unreasonable for a group of mercenaries to dare to attack the citizens of Wuchang!

"what's the plan?"

"I don't know, I don't know what the plan is! Really, we are just a small team of the vulture brigade. There are more than 300 people in our mercenary army, and I am just a small team leader! We don't know what the boss has planned. , we only know that we are here to help the Tallinn Reform Party riots, the boss didn't tell us anything else!"

No wonder the Reform Party was able to fight the government army very hard. It turned out that they really hired mercenaries.The fighting power of this mercenary army is probably much stronger than Aisha's army. Although there are only 300 people, 300 people are enough to destroy the regime in this country.

"Help?" Shen Liang said coldly, "Aisha is a peaceful country. You come to help an opposition party start a war and hurt innocent people. A group of war hyenas are also called help? Who is your boss? You mercenaries And who paid for it?"



A bullet lightly exploded Smith's head.

Shen Liang suddenly turned around, and saw on the top of a tall tower building about 200 meters away, a gray-blonde short-haired woman wearing a white lady's mask and a rose maid costume gently blew the smoke from the muzzle of a sniper rifle, and saw With Shen Liang's vigilant expression, she smiled slightly and raised her skirt to salute.

"Grab her!" Shen Liang gestured to Rosalia.

But the speed of the maid disguised as a woman was faster than Rosalia who was a Valkyrie. She just jumped for tens of meters in a flash, rising and falling lightly on the rooftops of various buildings, and soon disappeared from Shen Liang's sight.

Great review! .jpg

PS: Strictly speaking, there is no real villain on Earth, so you don’t have to worry about temporary hostility or what will happen to your opponent. Anyway, in the end, it’s just a...

Volume 127 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 120 Chapter [-] [-] Why do you have shoulder-length hair even though you are a boy


Shen Liang did not expect that there would be a Valkyrie in this battle.

This time things got complicated. I thought that Bronya and Seele were just involved in the war, but now it seems that the reason why Bronya and Seele have been missing is probably not only because they couldn't leave, but also because they found out what.

And they are Valkyries, things that can make them stop... may also attract the attention of other Valkyries, and the attention of Chaofan.

And in this war, the rebels hired mercenaries on the one hand, and behind the mercenaries there were extraordinary forces...

It's getting more and more headache.

"But she can snipe Smith, so she can snipe us, why..." Shen Liang was a little suspicious.

It was obvious that she was a very strong Valkyrie, and she could hide her killing intent. Rosalia didn't even react after the sniper rifle was fired.

But such a Valkyrie only chose to keep her mouth shut, but did not kill him.

Could it be because he was afraid of Anna?Anna is an A-level Valkyrie. In a real fight, Anna will join the battle to protect herself. She is not confident that she can beat Anna?

It's not reasonable... The sniper rifle can even kill Shen Liang and Smith together, and Anna can't catch it if he runs away after killing.

At this time, he noticed that Anna had a strange expression on her face.

"what happened?"

"That Valkyrie...she looks familiar to me." Anna frowned her pretty eyebrows and fell into thought, "I know a Valkyrie who also likes to wear maid outfits, and she's very strong...but it's unlikely, why would she intervene? This kind of war of ordinary people? Impossible, impossible."

But Shen Liang pondered for a while, sorting out the clues, feeling as if she had forgotten some details.

Since these people are not Aisha people, but mercenaries, it means that the Aisha Reform Party is actually not very strong, and mercenaries are needed to maintain the balance of combat power.

A mercenary army of 300 men...

It's fine if Aisha can't beat her, but...

Shen Liang had a flash of inspiration, and he remembered the brief mention of the Shaniat family's information before.

"The UK has sent peacekeeping troops, but the problem has not been resolved."

Shen Liang understood where the sense of disobedience was!

Great Britain!

As one of the five permanent members, Yingjili, his combat power is not only comparable to that of Aisha and mercenaries?According to the United Nations Convention, peacekeeping forces cannot conduct direct firefights between rebels and government forces, and focus on "peacekeeping".

But the mercenaries hired by the Reform Party are different. The mercenaries are a group of hyenas, a group of bandits who have no bottom line, no literacy, and no legal protection!The British peacekeeping force does not need to be soft on the mercenaries at all. It can even be said that with the combat effectiveness of the British troops, 300 mercenaries are enough to sprinkle water.

They can directly wipe out this mercenary army and provide greater help to the government forces.What is peacekeeping, you mercenaries come to do things, and it is your responsibility to clean up the peacekeeping!

But where are they?

Shen Liang's thoughts were like lightning. His IQ test in the orphanage was equal to Bronya's. Based on these conclusions, he quickly discovered more suspicious points that he hadn't noticed before.

Why did the British peacekeeping force come so quickly?

According to normal logic, if a violent coup occurs in a country, it may take several days of war, and the UN peacekeeping force will not be activated until there is a significant threat to civilians.But Daying went too fast, and before Siberia, which was the closest to Aisha, had any support, he had already dispatched troops in a hurry.

Great Britain took the lead in sending troops, but Siberia was too lazy to do it. As for the other five permanent members, they only expressed their concerns verbally.This kind of small country that hardly participates in international politics has problems. Generally speaking, the peacekeeping forces save as much as they can, and the British dispatch is in line with the wishes of other countries.

But why did Daying rush out?Why are you in a hurry to go out and join the battle?

Shen Liang only felt that the situation in front of him was complicated and confusing, with more and more factors such as mercenaries, Valkyrie, Chaofan, and Great Britain confusing his vision.But he only understands one thing, that is, behind the chaos in the small country of Aisha, Yingjili, one of the five permanent members, is peeping at something.

And he is likely to have some friction with this behemoth.

Shen Liang exhaled lightly, facing such an incomprehensible and incomprehensible black mist, he was not afraid.

Are you kidding me, Wuchang?Can Wuchang cast his gaze on an unknown mortal like him?All he needs to do is to find Bronya and Seele and take them away without causing disputes with other people... Theoretically.

Even... But he has even done facing the gods, so what's the point of facing the British swords and guns?

As the sky was getting darker, the four of Shen Liang found a small building that looked relatively safe in the old city complex that had been bombed into ruins, covered the curtains and raised the fireplace.

In fact, there is no need to worry that the bonfire will be discovered by the rioting army. The coup in Tallinn was too sudden. There are still many citizens in the city who have not evacuated. After the power outage, there are candles or fireplaces or bonfires in many buildings, everywhere. The chimney that raises smoke, whether to draw the curtains is mainly for psychological comfort.

Shen Liang took out a cold meat platter from the light curtain, and took out two viola melons and baked them in the ashes of the fireplace. These were the food provided by the passenger ship on the other side of the light curtain.Shen Liang took out three more cans of eight-treasure porridge, put the whole large piece of roast chicken on the grill above the fire and spun it, and smeared chopped onion and sweet flowers on it by the way.

Anna was staring at the flames in a daze, and in a blink of an eye, she saw Shen Liang busy with a lot of work, her beautiful eyes widened, "What are you eating tonight?"

"Those are the only restrictions. Although you are the eldest lady, I have nothing to offer you. You have to eat if you don't like it, or you will be hungry."

"No, no, I'm just shocked, I thought I was going to starve to death tonight." Anna stared at Shen Liang's skillful posture in surprise, "Are you still a chef?"

"Barely count."

"I can't tell."

"Where can't you see it?"

Anna thought for a while, then leaned back on the single sofa, stretched her slender legs in front of the fireplace to keep warm, her white stockings were covered with a layer of golden red under the flickering fire, she stared at the ceiling in a daze, and said: " Because you look like a noble man who stretches out his clothes and opens his mouth, or a young lady? Besides, you were still using such a cruel method a few hours ago... Sorry, sorry, but you also know that your picture It’s really disillusioning when the face does those things.”

Shen Liang glanced at her, "Are you afraid of me?"

"No, I'm also the Valkyrie of the Shaniat family anyway." Anna said in a low voice, "I just think you may be a little too aggressive, you may not know it yourself, and your expression is very strange when you kill people... you are not That kind of bloodthirsty person is right, that kind of thing is just to extract a confession, but you were very wrong at the time, violent, restless, cruel..."

"Enough." Shen Liang said lightly, "In the end, I'm just in a hurry."

"Are you really just in a hurry?" Anna stared at him, "Mr. Pandora, your face shouldn't be doing so many bloody things, you should be clean. You're not used to killing people, so you might already be a little manic I'm inclined, in layman's terms, this is very similar to post-war PTSD..."

"I've said enough." Shen Liang's tone was obviously impatient, "My mentality is just too impatient. I know it better than you. Let's change the topic. I don't want to continue this topic."

Anna said that he himself had some feelings, but he didn't want to think about it.

Bronya and Xier are still missing, he has no time to study his state of mind now, he is getting more and more irritable, whether it is in Tivat or the earth... But this is caused by environmental factors, as long as they find them and return to a safe place situation, these so-called manias or PTSD can all be resolved.

"Change the subject..." Anna looked at Shen Liang, then at Lilia, who had already fallen asleep because it was past [-]:[-] pm, and Rosalia, who was also in a sleeping bag with her sister because she was bored, "Then tell me about you guys." Well, we've known each other for so many days, and we haven't gotten to know each other yet?"

"Us?" Shen Liang nodded, "Where do you want to know?"

"For example, why do you have shoulder-length hair even though you are a boy?" Anna blinked and smiled, "If you don't want to talk about that topic, don't blame sister Anna for finding an embarrassing topic for you."

Volume 128 · Umiji and Narugami's Little Ancestors! : Chapter 120 Chapter [-] Chapter [-] Night Talk Around the Fireplace

"This topic is not embarrassing." Although Shen Liang didn't like others to talk about his face, he was basically used to it.

"I lived in an orphanage when I was a child. The director of that orphanage adopted many girls. I was the only boy. Now she thinks that I am also a girl because she thought I was a girl. There is a girl named Xier Fleur's little girl, she has the same black hair as me, and my height was not well developed at the time, in the eyes of the dean and many nun teachers, she was almost indistinguishable from me."

Anna said in her heart that you don't seem to have developed much height now, how can there be a boy who is less than 1.6 meters now.

"Miss Xier, it seems to be the case, she is also a very beautiful little girl." Anna said, "So?"

"In order to make it easier to identify the backs of the two of us, the dean forced me to grow my hair at least above my shoulders to make a difference from Xier." Shen Liang said lightly, "For this reason, I learned how to tie a ponytail so that I look At least he looks like a bohemian art boy instead of a black, straight, and beautiful girl."

The corner of Anna's mouth twitched slightly, and she held it back hard.

"Why is it that Xi'er is the girl, but you are the one who wants to grow long hair?"

"Because I'm an older brother." Shen Liang said calmly.

Anna just wanted to ask what this has to do with you being an older brother, but she suddenly understood.It turns out that in an orphanage that favors eccentric girls, being a man is so humble, you have to sacrifice your dignity and even your personality, just because of a flirtatious "you are a brother".

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