"But I feel..."

"Instead of going through so much, I gained this kind of awareness."

"It's better to tell yourself all the time that such a thing can only happen once."

Limulu said indifferently: "I will not let any enemy go, and I also hope that I will not give anyone... the opportunity to be my enemy in the future."


In the middle of the night, the Tohsaka family——

Tohsaka Tokiomi was looking at the slowly dissipating corpses in the study, lost in thought.

"Assassin...is out?"

"What's going on, did something happen at the church?" Tokiomi Tohsaka looked at this scene in shock, and hurried downstairs to the storage room. He had to use a familiar to find out the situation.

But in the corner, Gilgamesh, who was watching all this, was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, narrowing his eyes.

"Qi, I finally found an interesting guy..."

"What a daring bastard, dare to break this king's toys..." Gilgamesh slowly turned into a spirit child and whispered in a low voice: "I hope you are still alive, Kirei."


Suburbs, tombs of strangers—

Emiya Kiritsugu looked behind him strangely: "Let's take a rest first, it's strange, the other party doesn't seem to be following."

"Did you give up?" Maiya Jiuyu said indifferently: "After all, he was the guy who caught up for no reason."

"But that guy saved you once." Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head: "There should be a plan."

"..." After speaking, he looked at the night and the faint mist behind him, and suddenly felt a chill.

"It's cold, Maiya."

"Ah, it seems... Strange, has the temperature dropped?"

"Let's go, we can't rest anymore." Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help but lit a cigarette.

"Just in case, we have to rush back to the castle as soon as possible."

Chapter 030, there must be a commemoration

In the night, Limulu gently took back a few scarlet bats—since Limulu decided to expose his identity, he naturally wouldn't really be unprepared.

When intercepting and killing Kotomine Kirei, he had set up several barriers early on, including the ability that Kotomine Kirei mistakenly thought was the ability to disperse idlers, but in fact it completely covered up all perceptions around him.

This trick also originated from Hei Ji Erte Luqi, the opponent used this enchantment to cover up the real situation in Austria.

Although it will cost a lot of mana, the effect is guaranteed.

After taking back the technique, he didn't even pay attention to Kotomine Kirei's body, and directly led everyone away in the dark, heading for their base camp, the Gemini Mansion in the direction of Xindu.

On the way, several people passed the hotel that was bombed by Emiya Kiritsugu, and saw that on the broken cross-section of the bombed area, only ruins and broken steel and concrete were left bare.

The rescuers were there to direct the operation, but there was no sign that Kenneth had been attacked here.


A happy voice came from one side, and when Limulu turned her head, she saw Lidal dragging Youzhu to the spectators without feeling guilty at all, looking leisurely.

It seemed that the facility next to it that had been razed to the ground and turned into a volcanic crater had nothing to do with her at all.

"Do you know what a big pot you put on Sasha?" Limuru rolled her eyes, and angrily waved away Lidel's hand that pinched his face: "Among all the masters, only Tohsaka Tokiomi and Sasha are fire magicians on the bright side."

"Without exposing you, almost everyone will agree that Sasha did it."

"Hey." Lidal stuck out her tongue, and hurriedly ran to Sasha's side and said, "Anyway, Sasha won't blame me, right?"

"Miss Lidelle..." Sasha Furui's blue eyes flashed helplessness.

"Just blaming me for oppressing Sasha every day!" Limulu turned her head disdainfully when she saw this scene.

On the side, Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu quietly waited for the interaction between the few people, and then suddenly asked softly: "How is the situation?"

"Ah, it's going well." Hearing this, Rimuru no longer played around, but calmed down, with a bit of seriousness in his tone: "Kotomine Kirei has already left the stage, and the assassin I participated in has also been cleaned up. It's clean."

"Will there be no problem with the death of members of the church?" Hearing this, Kuenji Youzhu pondered for a moment, then asked softly.

"Of course there is a problem, and it's a big problem." Limulu explained: "Even if it is located in the far east, if the priest of the church dies as a supervisor, the organizer of this ceremony will naturally be under major pressure."

"But the organizer... currently only the Tosaka family can be contacted, and the church's intervention in the investigation will inevitably cause the suspension of the Holy Grail War, or even the termination of the ceremony... I believe that Tosaka Tokiomi will never risk this risk to proactively report.”

"As for the Church's own reaction... I'm afraid the Holy Grail War is over."

"Yeah." Hearing this, Kuonji Yuzu nodded reassuringly. Like Rimuru, she likes to know everything well.

"What about this side?" Limulu also asked, "Is there any special situation?"

"As you guessed, Kenneth's moon marrow spiritual fluid blocked most of the impact damage from the fall, but the vibration still broke through the limit of the human body. He should be in the stage of serious injury at present, so he used the hint transport personnel to move his The moon marrow liquid was transported away in a spherical state."

"I sent a familiar, but because Robin was looking for you at the time, I sent only ordinary familiars, but was shot down by Kenneth's magic halfway."

"Oh? Be very cautious, it seems that he stepped on me here..."

"Maybe, but there is one thing. Kenneth's magic workshop is almost completely destroyed. In this way, Kenneth's advantage will no longer exist." Kuenji Youzhu said lightly: "It's a good opportunity."

"Indeed." Hearing this, Limuru nodded and said, "The most important thing is that Kenneth's pride will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, even if he knows that he provoked the other party first, which led to Emiya Kiritsugu's actions... Hehe, the other party should immediately go to trouble Emiya Kiritsugu after recovering, right?"

Limulu chuckled, "Maybe we should remind him where Einzbern's castle is?"

"However, the more important thing should be the turmoil that will be caused tomorrow. Few people will know about the exit of Kotomine Kirei and Assassin, but after the investigation, Tosaka Tokiomi should publicize it soon. And made a series of measures against me."

"If it was an ordinary magician, maybe he would directly ask other combatants to jointly attack Sasha on the grounds of killing the church supervisor without authorization."

The corner of Limuru's mouth curled up into a deep smile, Lidelle beside him was slightly taken aback, and immediately smiled too: "But because of Sasha's status in the Clock Tower, Tohsaka Tokiomi obviously doesn't have the guts to directly challenge Sasha's position .”

"No, he has courage, but he won't be so blatant." Rimuru shook his head lightly: "Since Tohsaka Tokiomi dared to challenge Kenneth, he naturally wouldn't care about the identity of the contestant, otherwise he would just give up the Holy Grail. gone."

"However, compared to the fact that ordinary magicians can be killed directly and indifferently, facing Sasha who also belongs to a wealthy family, he will probably take more cautious measures."

"For example, worrying about other participants, forcing Sasha to give up the competition on the grounds of violating the rules of the Holy Grail War."

"Otherwise, priority will be given to joining forces to eliminate the offenders."

Limulu proposed a good plan, and softly stretched out his finger: "From the previous performance, the combination of Sasha and I has made countless Masters scruples, and most Masters have already regarded me as a Sasha is a real servant."

"Then obviously this proposal is in their interests, at least Kenneth and Emiya Kiritsugu will definitely not object."

"Whether I am Sasha's servant or not, it doesn't matter at this time, because after Sasha is excluded, even if I am really at least Matou Kariya's servant, Matou Kariya will also lose the caster and Sasha. With Xia's help, the strength has been greatly reduced, and there is no harm anyway."

"Sounds bad?" Kuonji Yuzu said calmly, "But we can make Sasha and Caster resist, so...in turn, we can hunt down those followers who hunted them down."

"Good idea!" Limulu stretched out her thumb, and then said with a funny smile, "But by that time, I'm afraid there will be someone who has the same idea as you."

"Emiya Kiritsugu?"

"Yes." Limulu nodded: "I know him too well, just as I know myself, this despicable behavior perfectly fits the definition of our magician."

"That guy will definitely attack the Master while other Masters are chasing Sasha and Caster."

"... Tsk, it's a pity that that guy's servant is not you but Saber." Hearing this, even Lidale couldn't help it: "If it was Saber, she would definitely not do this."

"Yes, so he can only do it himself." Limuru confirmed again, pinching his chin: "However, in any case, these speculations are still too long, because whether it is to investigate or inform other masters , or even a meeting to discuss and exert pressure, after these things are done, it will probably take at least tomorrow night, or even the day after tomorrow.”

"We're not going to let them do nothing against us all this time, are we?"

"Hey... what do you want to do again, Rimuru." Kuonji Youzhu gently raised his eyes, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hmm, sure enough, Youzhu knows me best.

Limulu clapped her hands lightly, turned her head and said with a smile, "Hey, caster!"

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to Joan's castle... how about meeting her?!"


No matter what tricks the other party uses, no matter what actions they take, in the final analysis, it is to weaken Limuru's strength.

That being the case, let Sasha "exit" simply and neatly. Instead of finding a way to deal with or counterattack before the opponent makes countermeasures, it is better to simply maximize the benefits of this card in advance.

However, among the remaining six servants, who will disappear tomorrow night and become the ration of the Holy Grail?

Looking at the bright moon in the night sky, Limulu suddenly felt a long-lost joy.

Sarah, it's like playing a game.


the next day.

During the day, Fuyuki City is quite peaceful, which is especially prominent in front of the Master of the Fourth War.

At least in the fourth battle, except for a few masters who are helpless like Weber who can't control their servants, the other masters will quite tacitly use it as the time to sort out information, unlike five Like the war, they fight directly in the daytime at every turn.

This also caused Limulu to yawn helplessly, was picked up by a few stupid women, and was kicked out of the door early in the morning.

It's not shopping this time.

Instead there are beads of behavior raised.

"It's so rare that Youzhu would want to take the initiative to visit someone?"

Lidel, who was full of energy, was very curious to guess what kind of person the other party was, while Rimuru and Aozaki Aoko had a rare agreement on a certain idea, that is, they both expressed their desire to go back to sleep. .

"Hey, can you two refresh yourself! This is the period of the Holy Grail War, maybe you will meet enemies or something." Seeing Limuru's listless look, Lidel was furious. She didn't win the Limulu card pillow competition last night, because Limulu went to play the game with Qingzi all night.

Her charm has never been as good as games! Hey!

But in the final analysis, it's really not Limulu's fault. Who told them to play the game called "Grand Strategy"?

After Limulu got home last night and had nothing to do, he suddenly remembered this game that shocked the King of Conquerors. As soon as he raised his hand, he went to buy it and planned to play it. Who knows, this game is a bit...


In fact, grand strategy is not a very fun game in essence, but in 94, this advanced RTS was like the oldest red police and Warcraft, which made him feel a little nostalgia and reminiscence for the past world .

Aoko Aozaki might just find it interesting and fun. When she came into contact with the game for the first time, she directly became an addict of the game. On the contrary, Rimuru played with Aoko just because of her feelings.

As a result, a certain fiancée, Lydal, was left out in the cold.

In the face of Lidel's dissatisfaction, Limulu blinked his eyes in confusion. He was obviously too lazy to use his EQ because he was in a daze and just wanted to sleep. Surrounded by barriers on all sides, only the entrance gate can enter and exit..."

"Even if there are enemies, they will definitely guard the mountain gate... Yawn..."

"...You know quite well, Rimuru..." Aoko Aozaki also poked Rimuru's head in a daze.

The person Jiuyuanji Youzhu wants to visit is the host who hosted Rimuru seven years ago at Liudongsi, or...

Liu Dong became his father.

Rimuru didn't have much impression of him, but Kuonji Yuzu often came to Fuyuki City in the past few years because he had to deal with Kariya Matou and what she regarded as his and Rimuru's private property, the Gemini Mansion.

Of course, most of the things are arranged for the servants of the Jiuyuanji Group to do it. The main purpose of her visit every time is to check the Great Holy Grail regularly——

Because Limuru attaches great importance to the Holy Grail War, and knowing that the Great Holy Grail is related to Limuru's strength improvement and future roads, which are extremely important points, she spends a little time every year to check the situation of the Great Holy Grail, and ...

Strengthen the enchantment.

Yes, Youzhu obviously thought that the barrier that could be easily broken by Rimuru was unbelievable, so she added a layer to the barrier left by the ancestors of the Tohsaka family... and then gave the key to Liu Cave Temple hosts.

In this way, a bald man from Liudong Temple helped the ancestors of the Tosaka family and Youzhu to keep the key in a confused situation, and the clever thing is that this monk never asked what it was.

The other party is very wise, and coupled with the annual visit, Kuonji Yuzu can hardly be called a "friend" with the other party, although most of the time spent together is just drinking a cup of tea quietly, this visit is over Bar.

But this was enough to surprise Lidal.

And it just so happened that because of the Holy Grail War, Yuzu didn't visit this year, or...in order to be cautious, she didn't show up when she came to Fuyuki City in advance to prepare.

"Now that I think about it, I just did it together. Let me remind you by the way." Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu said softly: "Even if it is the reward of seven cups of tea in the past seven years."

They went up the mountain and knocked on the gate of the temple. Occasionally, one or two familiars could be found beside the surrounding enchantment, and they were all easily dealt with by Limulu. Among them, Limulu also found a bat with a camera. .

This is Hisu Maiya's familiar. The camera does not transmit in real time. Although the Jidong of 94 is very modern, but the Internet has not yet been fully popularized, the camera naturally uses built-in storage, and it also has a manual shutter as expected.

After Limulu took out the camera, instead of destroying it immediately, he immediately smiled and made everyone stand in a row.

"Come, come, come! Since we just met, we must make a souvenir!"

"You're talking like you're going to leave in the future." Aozaki Aoko thought it was troublesome, so he let go of Rimuru's hand with some disgust, jumped onto Youzhu's back, and wrapped his hands around her neck: "Is that so?"

On the contrary, Lidel and Kuonji Yuzu, who knew a little of the inside story, were slightly taken aback after hearing Aoko Aozaki's words, stopped in unison, and fell into silence.

"Qingzi, you are really an idiot." Limulu looked at Qingzi helplessly, what an atmosphere destroyer!

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