But... Limuru curiously poked the chains that bound her tightly, and suddenly turned a dead eye, turned into a puddle of liquid and flowed to the side, then stood up again expressionless.

Sure enough... this broken chain does not have the attribute of sealing demons...

Then I'm still afraid of a fart? ! !

He looked up at Gilgamesh, only to see that the other party had frowned slightly.

Limuru struggled for a while, but after thinking about it, he still didn't provoke the other party, such as saying what are you worried about...

He was afraid that the other party would really be with him forever.

When Limuru stretched out his hand, ready to expose and summon Karna, Karna's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"Master, are you planning to summon me?"

"Karna? Are you nearby?" Limuru was taken aback for a moment, and withdrew his arm.

"Yes, Miss Lidelle felt that you needed help, so she sent me to help you fight, but... I think she seems to be worrying too much."

"...Then why didn't you make a move?!" Limulu was a little dazed.

"Because you have been in a favorable position, I noticed that you don't seem to want others to intervene..."

"...Where do you see that I don't want to...?!"

"..." Karna was silent. Could it be that his ability to see the poor is fake?Why does every master like to refute him after he tells the truth.

This is because Karna misunderstood Limuru, but Limuru himself didn't realize it. At that time, he was indeed enjoying the battle.

In other words, in the above situation, after the anger temporarily overwhelmed the rationality, the evil taste of being a devil also showed up, such as the mood of cats playing with mice when chasing and killing Saber, such as with Dilumu When fighting more, the pride when knocking the opponent back!

Rimuru didn't pay attention, but he was enjoying it.

Enjoy fighting, it's an instinct called blood.

It was also at that time that Karna made the judgment that the other party did not want to be disturbed.

"Hey, you guy..." Gilgamesh's voice interrupted the communication between Limuru and Karna's mind and consciousness in the distance. I saw that he had retracted the sky lock, and he looked very strange at this moment. Looking at Limuru, the scarlet eyes seemed to find something interesting.

"It's interesting." He raised the corners of his mouth and said lightly: "How about surrendering to this king... In this case, this king can forgive you for your previous disrespect."

In order to avoid the shackles of the sky lock, Limulu showed her original shape just now.

The secret technique of turning oneself into a fluid may be very common in other worlds, but in Xingyue, almost all those who dare to do so are lunatics.

The essence of magic is distortion. In the final analysis, it is to use magic and ideal power to distort things, so magicians can turn stones into gold and fire into water, but few people directly distort themselves.

What if it doesn't come back?

But it’s not that they didn’t treat themselves as objects of distortion. For example, Aoqi Chengzi made herself into a puppet, and another example, Old Chongzi, turned herself into a bug...

But these people all have one thing in common, that is, they succeeded. Not only did they succeed, but once they succeeded, they would be recorded in the annals of history, and even be designated as seals.

And the vast majority of those who studied themselves... died in the research.

Limuru's fluid form is not a secret, after all, the slime bloodline... just leave everything to the phantasmagoria,

If someone wants to learn it, just tell him, sorry, you can't learn it from your ancestors.

In the final analysis, it is the mystery that Limuru presents almost everywhere, which has deeply attracted Gilgamesh's boring heart these days.

This gave Limulu a chill: "I'm not interested in you at all, King of Heroes."

"Let's leave your favor to Saber over there."

"Oh? Lancer." Gilgamesh hugged his chest and said, "If you dare to refuse this king's gift, you will be guilty of a higher crime."

"Well, don't call me lancer." Hearing this, Limuru didn't care much, turned around as if defenseless, and said indifferently: "The Saber over there has already called my name twice."

"Hey, Saber." After turning around, Limuru faced Saber who was standing on guard not far away.

"Huh?" Saber immediately clenched her sword: "Limuru, what the hell are you trying to do?"

"It's not that I'm trying to do something wrong. By now, you don't even understand the most basic situation." Limuru shook his head indifferently and said, "Look around, Saber, all the Masters are here , but there is no master of berserker alone."

Since you dare to ignore this king?

Gilgamesh, who was behind him, was still dissatisfied and wanted to talk, but after seeing this scene, he suddenly gave up this idea with great interest and watched the show.

Saber: "!"

"Understood? I said that your Master is in danger. I'm not joking. Saber, when you are still here insisting on protecting Berserker, have you ever thought that your Master is being hunted down by Kenneth?"

Saber looked back at Diarmuid fiercely, but the latter could only smile wryly: "Saber, although I really don't want to admit it, but with my master's style... Lancer's guess is very likely to be true."

"See? Instead of protecting your Master, you are here to protect your enemies."

"Even so, it was a despicable thing done by the Master of Berserker, and it has nothing to do with Berserker."

"Berserker's assistance to me is always in my heart. As a knight, how can I ignore it?"

Saber slightly turned the blade of the sword, clenched it tightly and said, "Limuru, you don't want to step over me."

"I don't deny your statement, but..." Limulu spread his hands and said lightly: "As a qualified servant, your first reaction when you meet him is not why he is here, his What is the purpose, what is his master doing."

"And it turned out that he saved me, I should repay him..."

Limulu shook his head as if hating iron and steel, and said in extreme disappointment: "Saber, that's why I said you were naive."

"Based on this alone, your ending is doomed—"

"What you said is a bit unreasonable, lancer." Gilgamesh leaned on the tree, mockingly said: "Then what about your master? It seems that he didn't come here either?"

However, as soon as the words fell, he suddenly felt a killing intent attacking from behind!

The scarlet eyes shrank tightly, and the ripples of the king's treasure appeared instantly!


A golden blade blocked a hot spear point.

Chapter 038, Emiya Kiritsugu

"Damn reptiles, dare to attack this king..." Subconsciously, the King of Heroes spread out a large golden ripple angrily, shot towards the back, and at the same time turned around for a moment, "Huh?"

I saw Karna easily turning the burning spear, and when he blocked all the treasures, even if the treasure exploded, he couldn't hurt it at all. It was an extremely indifferent and pale face, like a falcon. There was a flame burning in the sharp eyes, and there was a little spark in the swaying pale hair.

The crimson armor shone with a golden luster, and in just a split second, the King of Heroes felt the threat coming from the opponent.


Then...Gilgamesh lowered his face and looked at Rimuru who was beside him—that guy...

"Really..." Limulu patted her clothes lightly, and sighed, "That's why I said you followers are too selfish."

"Obviously Saber has called my name so many times, but as long as I report to my Master, or ask, my identity can't be hidden for long at all."

"But you all just regard me as a hero you have never heard of, even if the master is by your side, you don't want to ask more questions."

Limuru raised his head indifferently, met the hero king's scarlet and dangerous eyes, and smiled slightly: "Well, let's go here first this time, Gilgamesh."

"It can be regarded as a tribute to the oldest king. This time, for your sake, I will let them go."

"But, that doesn't mean I'm afraid of you, Street Lamp King."

After finishing speaking, Rimuru herself gradually turned into a spirit child, and when she was about to disappear——

"What are you going to do, Limuru!!" Saber on the side suddenly asked. She didn't forget that Limuru sent his men to chase after Ai Li. If the other party wanted to harm Ai Li, So no matter what he said, he couldn't let the other party go.

"Do you think I'm the same as you, Saber?" Rimuru replied as a matter of course: "Of course I went to save Emiya Kiritsugu."


"Did I say that? I helped you find the Master of your participation in the Holy Grail War, so of course...Emiya Kiritsugu is also one of my pawns." Limuru scratched his head with a headache : "He may not be able to die now. The most important thing is, who made you, a servant, so stretched that I had to help him?"

Killing and punishing, Limuru did not forget to continue to taunt Saber before leaving.

However, when Limuru was still taunting Saber, there were a few clashes of weapons in the distance.

It turned out that when Gilgamesh was dissatisfied with throwing weapons at Rimuru, Karna blocked them all.

"You bastard... has this king allowed you to leave?"

"I have offended the king again and again, and now I have committed the crime of deception."

"Lancer, or the master of lancer...you are not small." When Gilgamesh finished speaking, the golden light completely enveloped the entire forest. At a glance, endless golden ripples formed a sky, densely packed The Noble Phantasm stuck out its sharp blade and pointed it at Rimuru.

"Karna, stop them for me." Limulu only ordered softly when she saw this scene.

"Understood—you have to order, and it will be done."

Karna flicked his spear, and his fiery breath danced in the forest again.

"You guy... Do you want Lancer to deal with our servants alone?" Diarmuid, who had been under confinement, said in astonishment: "No matter how shameless you are, you should at least take some responsibility, right?"


"A magician who can fight against you and is comparable to you. What kind of monster do you think the summoned servant will be?"

"..." Limuru glanced at Saber and Diarmuid for the last time, and disappeared completely in place.

"Let me tell you, as the strongest master in this war, the servant I summon must also be the strongest, instead of worrying about my lancer..."

"It's better to pray."

"It's better not to lose your life in the impact of the lancer battle."

And at the moment when Limuru disappeared, the King of Heroes also smashed down the endless king's treasure in a moment of anger, buzz!

With a flash of fire, Karna indifferently appeared in the direction where Limulu was leaving. Looking at the rain of swords that hit the sky, he raised his gun indifferently.


Can Karna beat that group of heroic spirits?Limulu felt that it was still a bit difficult, but it shouldn't be dangerous. After all, as long as Little Sun didn't use the God-killing Spear, then under the protection of the golden armor, most of the abilities would not be able to cause large-scale damage to Karna.

The only ones that can cause damage are Ea, or big moves like curry sticks, but Saber has almost no magic power, and Gilgamesh's big move, compared to Tohsaka Tokiomi, will not be so easy to let He uses it.

On the contrary, once Karna released the Noble Phantasm...

Hmph, Saber, whether you can continue to fight depends on destiny.

Limuru, who left the scene, actually flew upwards first, which led to the fact that when he raised his sight, the first thing he saw was the emperor who was constantly galloping above the sky and was persistently moving towards Saber. giant sea monster.

Obviously, Caster succeeded. He regarded himself as the heart of the furnace, and completely activated the highest level of ritual spells in the Luoyan city textbook.

Limuru looked at the disgusting sea monster. It seemed that within a few minutes, he would arrive at the location of Karna and the others. After thinking about it, he still ignored it. found each other.

The smell of gunpowder between Sasha and Tohsaka Tokiomi is not so strong. Rather, the two are just confronting each other silently, waiting for the other to make the first move, and it has become a tacit understanding of both sides not to make a move.

However, the appearance of Limulu suddenly broke the balance.

Tosaka Tokiomi's calm and unhurried expression suddenly turned colorful black, but Sasha was a little nervous: "Eh? My lord, is it over yet?"

"No, I let Karna take the shot." Rimuru didn't even look at Tohsaka Tokiomi, and directly took Sasha's hand, got up and flew away from the scene, using the convenience of flying to leave Tohsaka Tokiomi Sight.

"Karna...was it exposed?" Hearing this, Sasha immediately worried, "Are you all right, my lord?"

"I'm fine. The reason why Karna was exposed was not because I was in danger. Don't worry." Seeing Sasha's appearance, Limuru couldn't help but relieved her stiff expression, and said with a chuckle: "It's just that Jill Gamesh is following him, and because of time, we have to find a way to escape."

"But anyway, this time it is indeed my problem." Limulu said helplessly: "It can be regarded as a lesson."

"You can't say that, Master Limuru." Hearing this, Sasha retorted immediately: "Plans are never as good as changes. In my opinion, such temporary changes of plans are natural, not to mention, Iskaner Darius and Gilgamesh came much later than we expected."

"Ah, it should be Emiya Kiritsugu." Rimuru said indifferently: "Rydel discovered the familiar sent by the other party at the beginning, but she didn't stop it."

"Well, compared to Qingzi, I guess I'm already impatient with waiting? Unfortunately, I still don't have time to find her first..."

He needs to ensure the smoothness of Emiya Kiritsugu's side first, and this matter cannot be simply handed over to his subordinates, because Sasha and the others don't know the original plot.


On the other side, Tohsaka Tokiomi frowned and looked at "Lancer" and Sasha who left, and looked up at the huge sea monster that could be seen across the forest above his head. After hesitating for a moment, he still turned towards the sea monster. The direction rushed over.

Compared with Lancer, it is obviously more important for him to deal with Caster.

Because this is not only related to the victory of the Holy Grail War, but also related to... his responsibility and glory as the manager of Fuyuki City.


At this time, Emiya Kiritsugu in the castle was hiding behind a wall covered in blood, panting to avoid Kenneth's pursuit, but as long as he was panting more, Kenneth's moon marrow liquid would automatically flow. The ability to find enemies will lock his direction more and more, so that he can attack quickly!


Emiya Kiritsugu rolled over and flashed into another room.

The thread formed by the moon marrow liquid turned into a sharp blade, sweeping across the place where Emiya Kiritsugu was before!

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