"Isn't there an accident on the road, did it delay a little time!" Limulu quickly moved away, with a bang, a burst of violent dust flew up, Sasha stepped back speechlessly, and coughed twice .

"Oh? What's the accident, tell me?" Aoko Cangzaki narrowed his eyes, hugging his chest resolutely.

"... Roughly speaking, I'm lost on the road of life..." Before Limuru finished speaking, he saw Ao Qiqing directly hugging a tree——quickly raised his hands and said: "Well , I admit my mistake, I apologize, I am guilty, I will treat you to supper later—"

Seeing Aoko Cangzaki wrinkled her nose and put down the tree, Rimuru sighed: "Really, when will you be a lady..."

"Qi—I want you to take care of it." Cang Qi Qingzi rolled his eyes at Rimuru very dissatisfied, and then looked at the silent and guarded people beside him and said: "Sir, finish your plan quickly, I have stayed here enough long time."

Hearing this, Saber quickly stood in front of Irisviel and Hisau Maiya, clenching her teeth with swords in both hands.

This time, she wasn't questioning Limuru, or she had given up on questioning, she just kept telling herself silently that she must stop the other party——

But it is a pity that sometimes the reality is not that your belief is enough, and it can change for you.

After hearing Aozaki Aoko's complaint, Rimuru smiled helplessly, and when she nodded, four or five streams of clear water immediately formed tentacles, quickly passed Saber, entangled and dragged her over in an instant.

Saber wants to cut off the tentacles immediately, but the most basic advantage of water magic is that if there is no magic power blocking effect, or if the magic formula itself is directly broken, most water attribute magic is immune to physical blows.

Saber hurriedly wanted to release her magic power and chased after her, but the next moment Sasha blocked Saber as usual.

Hisau Maiya raised the gun and fired a few shots. When the bullets hit at high speed, a layer of faint ripples appeared instantly, blocking all the bullets.

Limuru raised his head, and the five tentacles wrapped around the opponent's limbs and waist respectively, completely highlighting the opponent's delicate and slender figure. Not to mention, the scene also made Limuru couldn't help but ignite a low-level vicious taste, Alice Fei I was wearing a purple dress with a short skirt, and because of the autumn weather, underneath was a pair of delicate white knee-high boots and black tight leggings.

Seeing this, Limulu put his hand on the other's tight thigh without hesitation, and slowly stroked it upwards.

He knew that Emiya Kiritsugu was behind——

Seeing this scene, Aoko Cangsaki was startled for a moment, and blushed in a dazed moment: "Hey, Limuru, you, you, you...you don't know..."

"What are you thinking about?" Rimuru rolled his eyes, seeing that his hands had passed over the hem of his wife's skirt, almost to the bottom, Emiya Kiritsugu hadn't come out yet, Rimuru couldn't help but admire It's really bearable, under the murderous eyes of Saber and everyone, he withdrew his hand boredly.

"Tsk, I'm becoming more and more proficient at being a villain!" Limulu sighed lightly, and raised his hand, and it was like a flash of lightning in an instant, with a puff!

Stabbed into Irisviel's abdomen!

Irisviel was still struggling, but suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, which made her pupils shrink, and when tears appeared instantly, a wisp of blood slowly flowed from the corner of her mouth!

"Ai Li!!!" Saber angrily forced Sasha back with a sword, and wanted to rush up to stop Limuru, when he suddenly saw a ray of golden light flashing across Irisviel's abdomen.

"Saber, I told you... Irisviel's body stores your scabbard, I didn't lie to you."

Limuru raised the corner of her mouth, let the blood flow down her arm, and Irisviel moaned in pain, and slowly pulled out her arm, forcefully removing the concept formed by the scabbard from the opponent's The body was dug out, and the mist was reshaped in the outside world, slowly forming the appearance of Avalon.

But in exchange for...

But with a thud, Irisviel fell to the ground, lost consciousness, with a pitiless appearance of not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

"Aili!" Saber ignored Limuru's words, she rushed up to support Irisviel immediately, her angry voice echoed in the night: "Limuru...I will never spare you—"

"Don't worry, I deliberately avoided the deadly place, she won't die." Limuru sighed, and handed the scabbard to Sasha who walked behind: "By the way, let me tell you a secret, Saber."

This time Sasha did not stop Saber, but glanced at her indifferently, and calmly walked back behind Limuru.

Aoko Aozaki couldn't bear it, she turned her head and didn't look at the scene, but after hearing Rimuru's words, she turned her head curiously——

"Even if I don't kill her, Irisviel won't live long."

"What do you mean!" Hearing this, Saber's pupils shrank—suddenly realized a problem.

"Good... so light."

"Yes, after all, the weight of an artificial human is often only a quarter of that of a human being. What's more, Miss Irisviel is not a complete artificial human..."

Limuru tilted her head, watching the magic engraved in Irisviel's body automatically activate, and after quickly repairing the opponent's body, she slowly regained consciousness. When she raised her head, her eyes narrowed: "Well, anyway Pity."

"Emiya Kiritsugu, if you had returned Avalon to Saber from the very beginning, maybe Saber might really be invincible in this Holy Grail War."

There was silence in the forest, and Emiya Kiritsugu did not reply.

Limulu's perception locked on him hiding behind a certain big tree—hesitated for a moment, sneered, and ignored him: "Well, coward...forget it, since my things have been retrieved, then I bid farewell."

"I hope you can go a little further in this ritual—"

"Wait!" Saber suddenly raised her head while hugging Irisviel, staring at Limulu and said, "What did you mean just now...?"

"It seems that you really don't know." Hearing this, Limulu slowly opened the corners of his mouth, dragging a long tone in a strange way: "It's really pitiful, sa...ber—"

He turned his head, looked at Saber's sad appearance, and raised his eyebrows after a long time: "Forget it."

"Irisviel is the Little Holy Grail of this Holy Grail War, so her body will inevitably weaken with the death of the heroic spirit, and finally the death will appear as the Holy Grail."

"So, of course I won't do anything to the Little Holy Grail, let alone kill her, understand?"

Limulu took the scabbard on the side, and explained lightly: "With the suppression of the scabbard, her weakness may be slower, but without the scabbard...after measuring about three heroic spirits, she will Lose consciousness."

Rimuru explained lightly, but Saber's face became more and more ugly.

"You seem to care about her, right? But, if you continue to fight for the Holy Grail War, then you must continue to kill other servants, that is to say..."

"You have to kill her yourself, Saber, that's all I said, think about it for yourself." Rimuru stretched out his hand and turned away from Aoko Aozaki, who was curious about poking his head to check the structure of the android, speechless took her arm and walked out...

Suddenly, he turned his head and smiled.

"It's interesting, isn't it? Saber."

"At the beginning you chose to abandon me, but in the end it was me who was willing to tell you everything."

"..." Saber was speechless, it seemed that her reaction and mental fluctuations had reached the limit——

"Have a good dream, Saber!"

Seeing this, Limulu had no choice but to give up her plan to continue provoking Saber, stretched out her hand and shook it, a water curtain wrapped the three of them, and disappeared into the water curtain.


It wasn't until this time that Emiya Kiritsugu ran out, and anxiously pushed Saber aside to check on Irisviel's situation.

"Kiritsugu..." Ari weakly held Emiya Kiritsugu's hand: "You're fine...that's great."

"Ai Li, you need to talk less now, let me see... your body has recovered, and there is nothing serious, you just need to rest properly..."

"Emiya Kiritsugu..." On the side, Saber gritted her teeth and looked at the other party who suddenly appeared: "How much... are you hiding from me?"

"..." Hearing this, Emiya Kiritsugu's movements paused, but there was no fluctuation. After a moment of silence, he asked back: "Isn't Saber also... Didn't know about Lancer's Master?" tell me?"

"!" Saber was speechless for a moment, couldn't help but clenched her fists, and exploded: "I was worried about you..."

worry about what?Worried that Kiritsugu, who didn't trust him in the first place, didn't trust him even more?

In the middle of Saber's speech, she suddenly fell silent and lost her voice.

Saber didn't speak, and Emiya Kiritsugu didn't question him, after all, he wasn't in the mood to attack or question Saber, and he didn't think it was necessary.

But the more Saber thinks about it, the more it doesn't matter, especially the scene where Emiya Kiritsugu ran out at the end... She couldn't agree with it at all, she stood up and took the initiative to carry Irisviel on her back——

"You were around from the beginning, Kiritsugu." Saber took a deep breath: "But you only came out now... I have to say, you really made me subvert how bad I can be to a person." What level of cognition."

Having said that, she paused, as if she wanted to wait for Kiritsugu's explanation, but the latter...

"..." But he just stood up silently and lit a cigarette.

"You are... a scum!" Saber really didn't want to see each other for a second, she decisively left here with Irisvier on her back, and wanted to bring Irisvier back to another safe place as soon as possible stronghold.

Hisau Maiya, who watched this scene, did not speak until the two people's backs disappeared, she stepped forward, looked at Emiya Kiritsugu's trembling hand, slowly held it, hugged each other, tenderly Said: "Are you afraid that you will come out early and can't help but do something to that person?"

"I think it would be better if you explain it to Saber."

"There's no need to explain." Emiya Kiritsugu took the last puff of smoke and inhaled into his lungs. After exhaling, he seemed to have calmed down a lot: "Even if we communicate, we can't understand, and there will only be more useless quarrels. Then, there is no need to explain." gone."

"For me, the moment I decided to join the war, I gave up everything."

Emiya Kiritsugu raised his head and looked at the night sky.

Only by obtaining the Holy Grail can one obtain salvation, so all actions must serve the Holy Grail.

This is... rationality, Saber.

Chapter 044, Caster's Counterattack

Saber knows the truth that Irisviel is the Lesser Grail.

This made her put her hands on the table after putting Aili on the bed in the safe base, and she didn't recover from it for a long time!

At the end, she slammed down the table with a fierce fist, and when she rushed out angrily to discuss with Emiya Kiritsugu how to save Ari, she suddenly heard Irisviel's call.


"Ai Li?!" Saber quickly stepped back, holding her weak hand——

"Saber... don't blame... Kiritsugu..."

Unlike Emiya Kiritsugu who didn't want to communicate with Saber at all, Irisviel understood that the other party was actually a person with lofty wishes just like Kiritsugu during the time she spent with Saber.

"I know, Ellie, just don't talk—I'm going to find Kiritsugu—"

"Saber!" Ari struggled to sit up, showing a weak smile and said, "You must help Kiritsugu win the Holy Grail."

"He's already lost everything and shouldn't lose me."

Here, Irisviel directly referred to herself as the Holy Grail, which made Saber stunned. She froze for a moment: "Irisviel...I want to ask you a question."


"Emiya Kiritsugu...does he know that you belong to the Lesser Holy Grail...?"

"...Saber, winning the Holy Grail War is the long-cherished wish of Einzbern's generations, and I was born for this—compared to my other clansmen, I am already very lucky and contented. In the last time, I met the person I love deeply."

"In other words, Emiya Kiritsugu knew from the very beginning... right?"

"Ah, yes, Saber." Irisviel nodded without denying it.

"Then how can he!!"

"Saber!!" Irisviel chuckled helplessly, held Saber's hand behind her back, and persuaded softly: "That's why I beg you, please help Kiritsugu..."


"He who has strengthened his determination and completely cut off the wavering called [Giving up the world for the one he loves]—has already paid too much for the Holy Grail, and even lost everything." Irisviel looked at Saber, and said softly But he said firmly: "He gave up his life, his whole life, and all his future, and all his services are only firmly locked on the Holy Grail."

"For Kiritsugu to do this, he has also paid a pain that ordinary people can't bear, let alone understand by ordinary people—so, Saber, please..."

"...I...I understand." Saber lowered her eyes, turned her head away in pain, and said seriously: "Eri, even so, I can't agree with Kiritsugu's actions, but I promise you!"

"I will definitely... definitely help the master obtain the Holy Grail!" Saber clenched her fists and made an oath.

"Thank you." Irisviel said with a relieved smile, "Saber, it's really good to meet a knight like you in the end, I think... Kiritsugu must think so too... sa... ..."

As she spoke, her voice became weaker and weaker... she fell into a deep sleep.

"Ai Li?!" Saber quickly supported the other party, and the magic power poured into the other party's body. After a few seconds of investigation, she was relieved, because the other party had just lost consciousness, but even so, Saber quickly became worried again.

Because the other party's body is really weak, not only that, if Rimuru didn't lie to herself, then Irisviel's body will only get weaker and weaker, and finally she can't even maintain the form of an artificial human, completely turning into the Little Holy Grail ——Saber carefully laid his wife down...

She is really light.

Saber looked at Irisviel steadfastly, leaning against the door at some point, Emiya Kiritsugu who was watching this scene indifferently was silent for a moment, then turned around silently, ready to leave.

"...Are you going to leave just like that? Kiritsugu!!"

"..." Emiya Kiritsugu paused slightly, and said indifferently: "Take care of Ari."

After finishing speaking, he raised his footsteps without hesitation - now is not the time to take care of Iris, or to be in grief for Irisviel.

The most important thing for Emiya Kiritsugu now is to pursue the victory! !

"Aren't you going to tell Saber?" At the door, Hisau Maiya looked at Emiya Kiritsugu preparing his weapon single-handedly, and said worriedly: "The other party's berserker..."

"I can't believe Saber's mentality anymore." Hearing this, Emiya Kiritsugu said unabashedly: "At that time, although Saber firmly believed that Berserker would not kill me, he would let him come, but if Berserker failed Saber trust?"

"Maiya, if this is the case...my journey to the Holy Grail is over." He coldly changed the bullet, loaded it, and put in the windbreaker——

"For a person like her, it's better to let her take care of Ai Li than to let her kill enemies in danger."

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Ellie for being able to attract Saber's attention at this time, otherwise..."

It's also possible that Saber will stop his actions.


On the other side, Limuru, who had won a great victory, suddenly became depressed after leaving the Einzbern Castle after enjoying himself all night, and felt a bit depressed instead.

Apart from the fact that Aozaki Aoko didn't notice it and didn't know the reason, Lidale, Sasha and the others silently stayed by his side and didn't mention Saber at all.

If people who don't know see them, they may even think they have lost.

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