"Oh?" Limuru froze for a moment, then looked at Tohsaka Tokiomi in a little astonishment and said, "Why?"

"Could it be that I said something wrong?"

"No, what Your Excellency Limuru has said so far is very correct, at least in theory, it is not half different from what I know."


"But Lord Rimuru, since the beginning of the Holy Grail War, so far, there has never been a successful ceremony." Tosaka Tokiomi said solemnly: "Although the records show that the hole will be fixed, so far Not yet confirmed."

"So?" Limulu frowned slightly, and said, "But your ancestors pursued the completion of the third law, didn't they believe that the hole would be opened?"

"Not really."


"Your Excellency Rimuru may have misunderstood something." Tokiomi Tohsaka seemed to have gradually adapted to Rimuru's aura and began to take the initiative: "The main purpose of the Tohsaka family and my ancestors in pursuing the third law is not It is the hole, or in other words, reaching the root through the hole is just a last resort.”

"Lord Rimuru should also understand that no matter what kind of magic, in the final analysis, it is just a way to the root, right?"

"..." Limulu raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words, and suddenly understood something.

No matter what kind of magic it is, it is the way to the root, or the end of magic is the root. This is very similar to the similar statements in other worlds that "the end of magic and science is truth", The root is the result to which all magic finally arrives.

Regardless of whether it is the materialization of the soul of the third law, or the time and destruction of Aozi Aoko, or the interference of the parallel world of the jeweler.

After all, it is a by-product of magic, a link leading to the root.

So... so to speak...

"That's right, whether it's the ancestors of the past generations or me, if you can have the opportunity to pass through magic, and reach the root through completing magic in a dignified way-then, you must not be interested in holes, right?" Tohsaka Tokiomi raised his head, sipped his coffee with a light smile and said, "So, I'm very sorry, Lord Rimuru."

"our aim……"

"Probably the same."

Chapter 051, Kenneth's reminder, Limuru's shame

Tohsaka Tokiomi's performance made Rimuru slightly shocked or stunned, until now, for the first time, he paid attention to Tohsaka Tokiomi's consideration——

"So, your coming this time is completely different from what I imagined to find a way out..."

Limulu raised his head, stared at the other party with a smile and said, "Are you here to declare war instead?"

"Why, Your Excellency was joking." Tosaka Tokiomi immediately staggered his eyes and said humbly, "I'm just answering your inquiry."

"However, your Excellency is right in saying one thing. This presumptuous visit does have the meaning of taking a risky game because you don't know what you are thinking. Now, after knowing that your Excellency is bound to win , but let me breathe a sigh of relief."

"Relieved?" Limulu raised his eyebrows, and suddenly said: "Patriarch Tohsaka, you were determined to win this Holy Grail War before, right?"

"And as far as I know, when Ling Qianjin Tohsaka Rin was only five years old, I heard that he has already determined the opportunity to go to the Clock Tower to practice in the future through whatever means...?"

"..." Tosaka Tokiomi was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately replied: "After all, the Tosaka family is also an honorary and famous family certified by the Magic Association. It should be considered normal to have entered the clock tower for cultivation throughout the ages, right?"

"That being said, it's too early." Rimuru shook his head and said, "Let's be honest, Tohsaka Tokiomi."

"My qualification to participate in the Holy Grail War comes from the Matou family, and Matou Kariya's command spell appeared two years ago, and at that time, it happened to be the time when you started to prepare all this."

Don't look at Tohsaka Tokiomi as just a landowner in a remote village, but in fact, Fuyuki City, as a place where dragons once lived, has a huge amount of spiritual veins, not just any family can occupy it.

The ancestor of the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Nagato, is the disciple of Gem Onzelrich after all. In this capacity, the surname Tohsaka is enough to enjoy a lot in the magic world.

In fact, Tohsaka Tokiomi's status in the Magic Association is really not low-not to mention the honorary manager of the Association, his classmates and friends at the same time have now become the pillars of the magic world.

Two years ago... Tohsaka Tokiomi sighed slightly, he was also the Command Seal that surfaced two years ago, that is to say, he and Kotomine Kirei might have been targeted by Rimuru as early as that time...

Terrible guy... Tohsaka Tokiomi remained silent, while Rimuru continued: "The relationship has been cleared up in advance to confirm that the other Yuan has obtained the training qualification of the Clock Tower, frequent letters and correspondences with various lawyers, and please ask the excavation department. The director will help you secretly transport the holy relic."

Rimuru looked at the silent Tohsaka Tokiomi, and sighed: "Originally, I could easily stop these, but I didn't."

"Tokiomi Tohsaka, that's precisely because I don't think our goals actually conflict. In my judgment, you are harmless."

"But now..." Rimuru didn't speak, but Tosaka Tokiomi understood what he meant.

The other party is threatening him.

It is true that he has already silently prepared everything for this Holy Grail War, and those actions that seem to be preparing for the funeral are not unconfident, but because he has already won the victory, knowing that he will go to the root cause, he is worried about himself. It can't be arranged like the ancestor Tosaka Yongren can't come back.

But these things were all seen by Limulu.

Not only that, the most terrifying thing is that this guy has the ability to easily destroy all his arrangements.

No matter how strong his contacts, qualifications, and abilities are, they are not as strong as the... Tempest faction that is now in full swing in the clock tower.

Tohsaka Tokiomi remained silent, which seemed to underestimate Rimuru's shamelessness, or in other words, underestimated the sensitivity of the clock tower monarchs to using various means to limit each other's performance.

On the other side, Wei Bo, who was dizzy and drank tea from the beginning, finally understood a little bit...

Professor Rimuru seems to be trying to overwhelm others with power? !

"Patriarch Tohsaka." Just when the atmosphere began to become tense, Lidel, who had been watching this scene quietly, suddenly said, "Don't you think that you can still be like yourself when we end up here?" As you thought at the beginning, you can win, right?"

"Of course not." Tokiomi Tohsaka suddenly chuckled and sighed, "However, everyone, to tell you the truth, the reason why I say I'm relieved is because what I'm most worried about is not whether I can get victory."

"It's about whether the ceremony can be completed in the end."

"Completing the third method, obtaining the victory of the Holy Grail, and finally reaching the root is the long-cherished wish of the Tohsaka family. For this reason, even if everything is exhausted." Tokiomi Tohsaka stood up and said lightly: "Rimru I will seriously consider your proposal."

"But if in the future, Rin will be confused because of my decision today, I think, as the Tohsaka family, she must be able to understand."

"Your Majesty's purpose has been achieved, let's stop here for today's visit. If you have no other questions, I will leave for now."

After finishing speaking, Tohsaka Tokiomi lifted the scepter, bowed gracefully to Rimuru and the others, then turned and left - although the other party did not give Rimuru a clear answer, Rimuru still narrowed his eyes slightly , did not lie back until Sasha sent the other party out the door: "Qi, sure enough..."

"Well, it's expected that threats won't work for this kind of person." Lidal took a sip of her tea and seemed a little dissatisfied: "It's just that I just started talking, and he just ignored me and left. , Are you a little rude?"

"Rather than saying it's rude, it's better to say that you're retreating when you know it's irresistible." Kuenji Youzhu said indifferently, looked at Rimuru and said, "It's strange, you didn't intend to form an alliance with the other party from the beginning ?"

"The other party has come to visit, but I just want to try it out of nowhere." Limuru spread out on the sofa like a salty fish, and put his head into Lidale's arms: "We will fight against the caster later, Lidai You can help me go to Karna."

"Eh? What are you planning to do?" Aoko Aozaki, who was bored, suddenly became interested, and said, "Shall I go with you?"

"Pull it down..." Limuru gave Cang Qi Qingzi a sideways glance, and said, "You..."

"That..." Wei Bo looked at the happy family of four on the opposite side, and suddenly raised his hand weakly to indicate that he was still there. While paying attention, he said weakly: "Professor Limuru...you don't really want to Use the power of the clock tower to deal with that guy?"

"Huh? Of course not." Hearing this, Limulu said amusedly, "I don't need to give my political opponents a reason for such a small matter."

"You won't be sentenced if you threaten me to kill you verbally, but you can't really kill him, that's the reason." Limulu stretched out a finger and said, "Anyway, the threat won't lose anything." , if you succeed, you will earn nothing, just bet on whether the other party will be afraid."

Of course, it is precisely because of this reason that once you leave a clue to the enemy, you should never have any luck that the other party will not threaten you——

"Unless you're someone like Tohsaka Tokiomi." Lidel suddenly added, the dissatisfaction on her face clearly indicated that she didn't like people like Tohsaka Tokiomi.

In fact, Lidal is indeed the kind of magician who puts more importance on her family and is not particularly traditional. If Tohsaka Tokiomi cares a little bit about Rin, even if it is just for the future of the family, Lidal will Have no opinion of him.

"Hi...Hi!" As soon as Tohsaka Tokiomi left, the pressure immediately came to his side, but fortunately, since the two sides had already formed an alliance, everyone did not pay so much attention and look directly at him , and a few minutes later, Limulu received the news that the banquet of King Karna was about to end, and everyone also started to act.


The thick fog during the day obscured Kenneth's sight, and the sticky feeling made Kenneth judge the ominousness of the thick fog even if he couldn't use his magic power now.

Kenneth was sitting in a wheelchair, spinning the wheels with difficulty, and slid out of the shed of the abandoned factory: "Sorau!"



He wanted to remind the two of them to be careful, because the arrival of the dense fog reminded him of Limulu's signature famous magic - but in this whiteness, no matter how much he shouted, there was no response from the two of them.

Suddenly, he turned the wheelchair as if feeling something, and saw the familiar figure of Limulu again: "I advise you to keep your voice down, after all, there are many people who want to get rid of you right now."

"Limuru... is this dense fog your fault?"

"How could it be?" Limulu tilted his head: "This dense fog is sucking the energy of the entire city, do you think I will do that?"

"...Is that so?" Kenneth frowned slightly: "Why are you here again?"

"I want to confirm your answer again." Limulu smiled slightly: "Are you really not agreeing to my conditions?"

"Are you dreaming? Limuru..." Hearing this, Kennis suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction, "I haven't lost yet, and I'm still the monarch of El-Mello, no matter how I think about it, I can't agree to you." Isn’t this an excessive request?!”

"Could it be that you are also planning to add insult to injury, and you can't get rid of me here?" Kenneth watched Limulu jump down and walk towards him, looking straight at the other party without the slightest fear, and said with a sneer: "Finally planning to show your true face gone?"

"You've been a bit irritable recently, well, but I can understand it." Limulu went directly behind Kenneth, held his pushing hands with both hands and said, "Forget it, I'm sorry for you, I want me to push you Going out for a walk?"

"...What the hell are you planning?" Kenneth turned his head in surprise and suspicion, frowned and asked Limulu.

"Kenneth, do you think that no matter what it is, there must be a reason?" Limulu pushed Kenneth and asked softly.

"Isn't that nonsense?" Kenneth frowned and said, "No matter what happens, there must be a cause and an effect."

"Sogar...is that why you don't trust Berserker?" Limulu nodded understandingly.

Motivation is something that most behaviors should have...but...

"What on earth are you trying to say? Suddenly asking this kind of question."

"It's nothing." Limulu chuckled and said, "I just want to tell you that sometimes people suddenly want to do certain things without reason."

"Oh? Could it be that you want me to believe that there is no reason for you to come here to find me?"

"That's not..." Limulu shook his head lightly: "It's just that I suddenly want to push you to go for a walk. There is no reason."

"...Hmph, sympathy is also a reason, Limuru." Kenneth snorted coldly: "And I don't need your sympathy either."

He stuck the wheels with his strenuous hands, making Limulu's pushing movement stagnate, he turned an awkward corner, struggled to face Limulu and said, "Limulu, since you came here just to get an answer, you can now Get out! Get out of here!"

"...Okay." Limulu shrugged helplessly, and said with a soft smile: "Since you don't welcome me, I don't need to continue, but I still sincerely advise you to accept my protection as soon as possible... ..."

Limulu took out a box, put it in front of Kenneth and said, "This is a gift for you."

"Emiya Kiritsugu is trying to find you, I think you may need something for self-defense, you will use him."

After finishing speaking, Limulu slowly disappeared into the mist, and suddenly, she turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, are you curious where your fiancée and Berserker are?"

"You saw the dense fog, so I'll tell you."

"This dense fog is a sacrificial ceremony created by the caster after he went mad. In order to prevent the other party from destroying the entire city, the second crusade has already begun. Berserker and your fiancée took the lead. It's really admirable, isn't it?"

"Admirable?" Kenneth's sharp voice was taken aback for a moment, and he reacted: "Idiot! At this time, expose yourself to the outside world..."

"Well, anyway, take care of yourself, Kenneth." Limulu smiled lightly, turned around and planned to leave.

"Wait, Rimuru."


"I don't know if you sent such a thing to mock me." Kenneth looked indifferently at the box on his lap, the pistol inside was lying there quietly, making him grit his teeth involuntarily, pulling out the veins at the corner of his lower mouth Furious, but he still forcibly suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "But since they are both the monarchs of the clock tower, if both of them fall into the hands of one person, it would be a shame."

"Be careful with the opponent's pistol, Rimuru."

"That guy has a magic dress that makes the magic circuit run amok."

"..." Limulu turned his head, took a deep look at Kenneth, was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "Understood, thank you for reminding me, Lord Kenneth."

The Kenneth in his mouth has become the monarch of Kenneth, which also means that Limulu has temporarily recognized his status as a monarch again.

Kenneth sighed, turned around and said, "Anyway, don't get me wrong, Lord Limuru, this is all to preserve the clock tower's face."

After the words fell, Limuru also waved his back to him, and slowly disappeared, leaving only Kenneth with lowered eyelids, staring deeply at the pistol that Limuru gave him, and raised his hand to throw it away...but In the end, he still took a deep breath, and after hesitating for a moment, he put it on the side of the wheelchair.

Rimuru walked in the thick fog, reflecting on her actions.

To put it bluntly, the matter of giving away the pistol is indeed like a naked mockery and insult. In fact, this is indeed done by Limuru in order to continue to hit the other party's mood, and make the other party completely frustrated and make even more wrong judgments. behavior.

But what Limulu didn't expect was that Kenneth knew this, but still forcibly regarded it as a gift, and even warned him about the origin bomb.

This made him cancel his original plan, and finally told Kenneth that he knew the origin bomb from the beginning, so as to achieve the effect of killing people.

Maybe, Kenneth wasn't that damned, and he shouldn't be that much.

Of course, Limulu knew that it wasn't because Kenneth suddenly wanted to help him or want to reconcile, but simply because he didn't want what happened to him to happen to Limulu.

As he said, if two monarchs of the clock tower were planted here, it would be really laughable, and there would be no glory at all.

"Well, Director Kenneth..." Limulu sighed, "It's a pity."

Please leave, Happy Children's Day!

Please take a leave of absence to climb, turn on the air conditioner and catch a cold. In fact, I caught a cold yesterday, but I didn’t want to lose full attendance on the last day, so I just stayed in a daze. After get off work, I updated with the discomfort...

Well, in fact, it’s not impossible to hold on, but it’s really uncomfortable...

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a manuscript, but I still have to go to work because I have only one social animal...

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