"Let's have a showdown, Berserker."

"... Huh, yes, Saber." Hearing this, Diarmuid finally smiled, and said, "The only thing that can soothe my restless heart is your pure fighting spirit." I'm sorry, Saber..."


In the empty night, sparks of weapons collided, and Limulu watched this scene quietly from above the tall buildings in the distance.

"It's actually here, Saber."

Limulu pondered for a while, then lifted Robin on his shoulders, and let him fly: "Have you remembered who you want to protect? Be careful, I don't want you to be wiped clean after you are discovered." Ass, little Robin."

After finishing speaking, he stretched, sat down slowly, and reached the edge of the roof of this tall building, dangling his calves, and rested his chin comfortably.

"You always feel that following me is the darkness that cannot see the dawn."

"As everyone knows, others will only be more cruel than me, Sarah, are you ready?"



When a gentleman fights, go to the end, because they are gentlemen, their attacks will not be indiscriminate, they will not focus on the enemy's weaknesses, and they will not mislead the enemy.

This will lead to the fact that gentlemen's battles are often evenly matched, you come and go, rather than fighting, Limuru prefers to evaluate it as...flirting.

The fight between saber and Diarmuid isn't that bad, but it's about the same.

However, Limulu's attention was not on these two people. Compared with these two people who seemed to be fierce but actually fought with knights like playing tricks, the secret life and death was much more interesting than this.

Rimuru's line of sight gradually leaned in, as if he had directly passed through countless walls and barriers, and saw Emiya Kiritsugu who was pointing a gun at Solau and forcing Kenneth behind it.

When Kenneth saw Emiya Kiritsugu, the other party pointed a gun at Solau, and made a silent motion to him.

"Shh." Emiya Kiritsugu didn't approach rashly, but just threw a piece of parchment towards him from a distance.

That is something called self-enforcing proof, of course, in other worlds, or a lazy magician like Rimuru, they would often call it another name.


"This is……?!"

Kenneth's pupils widened in an instant, and they only shrank after seeing the above content!

The oath, the fifth generation heir of the Emiya family, Kiritsugu, the son of Yoshiken...

To Kenneth El-Melloi Archibald...

And the two of Solau Nuasare Sofiari...

There shall never be any intention or act of killing or harming two people, provided that...

Use the command spell...to make the berserker...suicide! ? !

Indeed, the self-enforcing affidavit is a binding oath made on the premise of the magic seal. Once established, it cannot be broken no matter what. Even after the death of the magician, the soul will be bound by the absolute contract of the contract.

But... But once this condition is implemented, there is no doubt that my fighting will stop... Is it possible that I will give up my only chance to recover and the glory of the Archibald family?

Kenneth stared blankly at the contract conditions in front of him, and suddenly, with a bang, a wrist with two Command Seals on it was thrown in front of him by Emiya Kiritsugu with a blank expression.

As soon as he looked up in astonishment, he saw that Emiya Kiritsugu had already ignited one eye, and with a click, the gun was loaded.

"Sorau..." Kenneth slowly stretched out his hand, trembling, towards the Command Seal on the ground.

A tear fell down his chin unknowingly, Kenneth understood for the first time what hell Limuru was talking about...but...but...

He had no choice... The hand he picked up the Command Seal trembled several times, and finally, in desperation, he chanted the words to transfer the psychic.

Seeing that the Command Seal on the severed hand slowly disappeared and covered the back of Kenneth's hand again, Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help clenching the hand holding the gun—he was gambling.

Although he is 90.00% sure that the opponent will choose Solau, he is still betting, because there is at least a [-]% chance that the opponent will disregard Solaw's safety and directly after regaining the Command Seal, Ordered to attack him.

But judging by his appearance, he...bet right.


The battle between the knights finally came to an end. Accompanied by the sound of swords entering his body, Diarmuid was finally pierced through the heart by...his own spear.

Limulu looked at this scene indifferently, stood up slightly, and disappeared in place.

And Saber looked at the scene in astonishment, and froze in place.

"Huh?" Diarmuid also showed a trace of doubt, staring blankly at the spear on his body, but the next moment, blood filled his eyes, gushing out from the corners of his eyes and mouth.

"Use the command spell to make Berserker commit suicide." Emiya Kiritsugu walked out of the corner lightly, and said, "It seems that the condition has indeed been fulfilled."

Beside him, Kenneth was holding the unconscious Solau in a daze, watching all this with blank eyes.

Seeing this scene, Diarmuid immediately understood everything——

Feeling the pain caused by the heart-piercing lung, he let out a roar in disbelief: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

"Damn bastard!"

He didn't die immediately, because of the inherent skills of the spearman, the battle continued.

But he never expected it.

The ability to give allegiance to the lord at the end and fight back desperately before his death should make him suffer so much at this moment!

He turned around with difficulty, as if he wanted to impress his lord and Emiya Kiritsugu deeply in his eyes: "You...do you want to win that much?"

"I don't hesitate to use this method...to get the Holy Grail...isn't it?"

"Even my only wish...will be trampled on..."

"You bastards... don't you feel ashamed at all?!"

He turned his head abruptly, and looked at Saber, who immediately took a few steps back in disbelief.

"I can't spare you...I can't spare you!"

"I want to curse you!!"

"I will curse you with my blood!! My desire to curse you will be accompanied by disaster!! When you fall into purgatory!"

"You will surely recall the wrath of my Diarmuid!"

Accompanied by Diarmuid's roar, the time for the continuation of the battle gradually ended. Diarmuid's figure turned into a pure spirit and disappeared completely in this world——Saber stared at this scene dully, and her mind was severely shocked. At the time of the blow, Kenneth's voice was suddenly heard.

"In this way, the conditions are fulfilled?"

"Ah, yes, it's established." Emiya Kiritsugu walked aside, and replied flatly, "I can no longer kill you."

Seeing this, for some reason, Saber suddenly had a strong sense of déjà vu.

She remembered that in Moscow a few years ago, Limuru had promised an enemy in the same way.

Limuru never violated his promise, but he still agreed without hesitation to the other party's request that he would not continue to hurt the other party's subordinates and family members. Not only that, but he also promised that he would not kill him.

But the result was that after the other party gave out all the information Limulu wanted, Limulu told the other party mercilessly that the reason why he promised the other party would not kill them all was because the entire scientific research base was originally They have all been cleaned up by Limuru's men, and he is the only one left.

Then, after he left the room without looking back, Sasha blew up the entire base to pieces without hesitation.

She questioned Rimuru, but Rimuru said that the magic could not be leaked at will. Those people saw the magic, and as a monarch, he had to clean up the other party.

Saber said that she didn't care that Limuru killed them. It's normal to fight each other as enemies on the battlefield, but what she cared about was that since Limuru decided to kill the other party, she still had to deceive the other party for her own benefit , to give each other good hope.

She felt that Limulu was treacherous, but Limulu said that she never ordered him to be killed from the beginning to the end, and everything was just Sasha's own opinion.

Strong words, word games... Thinking of these, Saber suddenly came to her senses. She suddenly looked at Kenneth, and when she reached out her hand to remind him, she heard it right next to her ear!


There was a gunshot, and the bullet -- slammed into Kenneth's chest.

At that moment, Saber suddenly realized.

It turned out that he had been in hell all along and had never walked out of this darkness.

Chapter 055, Raccoons of the same feather

Blood spurted from the wheelchair and sprayed on the ground, as if it was filled with silent ridicule towards Saber.

A few more gunshots rang out, and after breaking the astonishment of several people, Kenneth fell from the wheelchair, blood gushing from his whole body, and crawled towards Emiya Kiritsugu——The physical pain and mental humiliation made him He completely lost his will, and he crawled towards the other side with difficulty, just to...

"Kill...kill me!"

"Kill me..."

"Sorry, I can't do it." Emiya Kiritsugu lit the cigarette indifferently, took a deep breath and said, "The contract has been established."

Qi...Saber gritted her teeth when she saw this cruel scene, and couldn't help but stepped forward to raise her sword blade, ready to free her opponent—however, when her sword blade directly slashed down, the clear wave-like water curtain Suddenly it swept up and protected Kenneth.

Saber turned her head away in astonishment, Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes sank, and she saw Rimuru's figure looming on the container not far away in the thick fog.

"Rimru...?" Emiya Kiritsugu extinguished the cigarette in his hand in an instant, raised his gun on guard and said coldly: "What are you doing here?!"

"What are you doing?" Limulu tilted his head in doubt: "Do you still need to ask?"

"Sarah, the person who fell on the ground over there is my colleague and friend." Limulu smiled lightly and stood up, saying, "Sarah, Kenneth—"

Limulu's protection was not just to block Saber's attack, he also helped Kenneth heal most of his injuries, of course, only limited to gunshot wounds.

"When did you become so stupid, or is Solau really important to you so that you don't even guard against the content of the contract?"

"You know the contract...so..." Saber couldn't help but took a few steps forward: "Have you been here already? Limuru!"


"Then why...why didn't you stop..."

"Huh?" Rimuru was slightly taken aback, and said with a sneer, "Don't be stupid, Saber, the reason why you knew what Emiya Kiritsugu was going to do in advance, isn't it because you have seen a similar situation with me?"

"Could it be that you expect a despicable and shameless crook who is proficient in this way to sympathize with, or even save a fool who will fall into such an obvious trap?!"

"Well, but I do understand what you mean." Limuru walked towards the crowd step by step, and Saber immediately raised her sword and blocked it in front of Irisviel.

"Since it's all about saving people, why not save them earlier, right?"

"But the problem is that creatures like humans often don't understand how precious other people's help is before they go through hell."

Limulu passed Saber's side, walked to Kenneth's side unscrupulously in the fear of everyone, lowered his eyes to look at Kenneth's pair of lifeless eyes, and said softly: "So, Your Excellency Kenneth, now you ...do you still think my request is too much?"

"help me……"

"Do you remember what I said last time?" Limulu gently stretched out his hand, and one of the water curtains that had been healing Kenneth turned into a flying bird, floating and flying into Limulu's palm. Playing with the stream of water, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up and said, "Once you miss an opportunity, the next time you take the initiative to find me, the price will not only be the same as before."

Limuru really felt that he had given Kenneth a chance, and he even gave Kenneth several reminders, such as giving up Solau, understanding Diarmu a bit more, and being careful of Emiya Kiritsugu.

However, even though the Holy Grail War has been messed up by Limuru, things are still going on as before——in this case, Limuru will naturally not be polite.

The condition when they first came to the door was to allow the two factions to form an alliance with Limuru as the mainstay, and to increase Limuru's voice. Although it was not good for Kenneth's pro-mentor faction, it was more or less not Will make El Mello change his last name.

But now.

Rimuru's appetite is not so small.

Near hell, Limulu's ambition was revealed when the other party only agreed to go this way.

What he wanted was not just El-Melloi's defection, but... wanting to swallow the El-Melloi faction completely!

"Don't worry, Kenneth, I will take you back to the Clock Tower." As soon as Limulu stretched out his hand, the pitch-black spear slowly spun around him. A hand floated down and landed on Kenneth.

"As long as you sign it, well, you should be familiar with it, after all, you just signed one copy."

Limulu smiled lightly, like a spring breeze, but it was chilling to the heart.

"Self... self coercion... evidence?"

Kenneth, who was already shocked when he saw this thing, almost spit out another mouthful of blood in anger—seeing the other party's appearance, Limuru also touched his head in embarrassment. To be honest, he was still seeing it. It was only after Emiya Kiritsugu used it that he realized that there was such a useful thing in the magic world, which made him who originally planned to focus on casual conversations change his mind directly.

Robbery is king!

"What is that? Rimuru? Didn't you come to save people?!" Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, feeling some bad feelings in his heart, he vaguely realized that he was very likely to be exploited Mulu took advantage of--

"It doesn't matter to you whether I am here to save people, right? Emiya Kiritsugu." Hearing this, Rimuru raised his head and chuckled, "Anyway, I will guarantee that Lord Kenneth will completely withdraw from this Holy Grail." War, how about you just treat him as dead?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his tone, the surrounding temperature began to drop, and the cold air began to invade the entire factory: "Do you want to have a friendly exchange with me here?"

"I...I sign..." At this moment, Kenneth suddenly made a voice. He had already read the content of the contract-it was to let him return to the clock tower, and he would take all the decision-making power and himself Limuru's words and deeds, including words, are all decided by Limuru.

But even so...

"But I... demand... Limuru... to kill them!" Kenneth stretched out his hand struggling, grabbed the wheelchair that was lying on the ground beside him, stood up fiercely and walked towards Solau's body, and ruthlessly Said: "I want you to kill them!!"


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