
"Are you back?" Kuonji Yuzu, who was reading a book, seemed to have sensed something, raised her head slightly, and saw the space transfer technique in the hall lit up, and the figures of Rimuru's people were looming, her eyes swept slightly, For a moment, he stayed on the sleeping Sasha, his dark and clear eyes flashed slightly: "It seems that something terrible happened..."

"Ah...it's a long story." Limulu shook his head to dispel the dizziness caused by the space transfer, opened his eyes and glanced casually for a week, then was slightly taken aback, and immediately found the little girl next to Youzhu. The holy grail, the little holy grail at this time is already about to be full, and it looks a little illusory and extremely unstable.

"What did you do?" Limulu was a little curious. He knew that Youzhu would never do something unfounded, and the realization of the Little Holy Grail in advance must have done something and had a corresponding reason.

"The original mechanism of the Holy Grail ceremony is that when the Holy Grail is full, it will be forcibly revealed, and will be summoned to the corresponding location by the summoning mechanism of the Great Holy Grail." Hearing this, Kuenji Youzhu said softly.

The appearance of the Lesser Holy Grail does have fixed locations, which are the places with the most abundant spiritual veins in the four places of Fuyuki City. The purpose is naturally to facilitate the smooth progress of the first step in the Holy Grail ceremony, that is, the drilling. The summoning circle connected to the Great Holy Grail, not only that, the time of summoning is not random, but according to the holding of the Holy Grail War, the summoning location is selected once and summoned in turn, ensuring that the location selected each time is the location with the most abundant spiritual veins .

And if I remember correctly, the place where the Fourth Holy Grail War was summoned was the Great Hall of the People in Fuyuki City.

"In order to facilitate your actions, I modified some of the rules and changed the destination of this manifestation to Liudong Temple."

"Eh?!" Limulu was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Youzhu to be so capable, and to be able to do this? !

"However, the words of Liudong Temple..."

"It's already been discussed." Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu said quietly: "The host and the monks' association have temporarily left Liudong Temple, so where will become our natural magic position."

"...Amazing! Youzhu!" Limulu was stunned for a while before realizing: "Well, thank you for your hard work..."

He understood that during this period of guarding the house, Youzhu probably spent a lot of energy to complete these arrangements, the purpose...maybe just to make him more relaxed.

"It's actually quite easy..." Hearing this, Kuonji Yuzu nodded lightly, and said: "The Holy Grail ceremony is very subtle except for the use of heroic spirits. There is a high probability that Gem Unzelrich guided or personally helped to complete it." Other than that, the other systems are a bit rough, and there are even many obvious loopholes.”

"Well, it's probably on purpose." Kuyuanji Youzhu looked down at his book again disapprovingly, and suddenly asked, "And, when are you going to hold Sasha in your arms?"

"...Eh?! Cough cough." Hearing this, Limulu realized that he was still holding Sasha up until now, and quickly put her on the sofa, and changed the subject with a little embarrassment: "Speaking of which, in addition Where are the two?"

"Lydel left about 10 minutes ago to find trouble with Emiya Kiritsugu. You should have time to go now... Lidel is going to kill him by name." Kuonji Yuzu paused slightly, thinking for a while Hui said: "If Qingzi is speaking, where should he play?"

"Huh? Didn't Tokiomi come? I met Gilgamesh on the battlefield." Limuru raised his eyebrows, feeling a little bad.

"Oh...then the one playing with Qingzi might be Patriarch Tosaka." Jiuyuanji Youzhu raised his head, and a hint of amusement flashed in his cold eyes: "Which one are you going to rescue first?"

"...It's terrible... Qingzi should know the severity of the strike, right?!" Limulu rubbed his head with a headache: "Anyway, he is also a descendant of the old man's apprentice, so give the old man some face... I didn't expect the old man to come to me at that time. The office blocked me."

Gem Wengzelrich, that guy, has nothing to say about being shameless. This guy really fully demonstrated what it means to be a magician, that is, he can be unscrupulous.

He can stand on the side of the Magic Association to put pressure on the dead disciples today, and he may complain for the dead disciples tomorrow.


"Ah!" Aoko Aozaki suddenly sneezed, she blinked her eyes, and looked at her arm blankly... Hey, do magicians catch colds too? !

In front of her, there were broken giant trees everywhere, the ground full of potholes and cracks, and Tosaka Tokiomi, who was not getting enough air out, was in tatters.

One can imagine how fierce and... one-sided the battle between the two was.

But Aozaki Aoko looked at Tosaka Tokiomi on the ground with disgust, and kicked the stone on the ground in boredom... With a bang, a big tree split in response, she pouted and sighed in dissatisfaction tone.

"It's too careless."

These words made Tohsaka Tokiomi on the ground a pain in the ass, took a sharp breath, and didn't dare to speak.

Today he finally saw how the legendary Magic Qing's fighting style is... rough.

She didn't even use magic, nor did she use any advanced magic.

After she simply released her magic power to form an arm... she rushed up like a gangster, punching and kicking like a fucking bastard.

Taijutsu style, this is Aozaki Aoko's favorite way to strike!

Tohsaka Tokiomi did not deny the flow rate of the opponent's magic power comparable to a torrent, nor did he dare to underestimate the opponent's fist strength comparable to a magic cannon—but the problem is...

This is really too inconsistent with the elegance and calmness of a magician! !

Chapter 069, News

Aoko Aozaki doesn't like to kill people, um... Although Tosaka Tokiomi may be beaten out of the psychological shadow... But considering that the furious Gilgamesh may blame Aoko, or Tosaka Tokiomi summoned Gil Regarding the possibility of Gamesh, Limuru let Karna send it out again.

Karna brand firefighters, whoever uses it will know, nice!

As for Limuru herself, of course, she went to find Lidal... um... keep someone under the knife!

I hope Emiya Kiritsugu is not dead yet, Rimuru walked out of the room, sighed, closed her eyes and sensed Lidel's direction, and slowly turned into a Reiko.

At this time, in a certain forest, Emiya Kiritsugu was running away in a panic—if he was confident in continuing to fight against Lidel 5 minutes ago, then when the feeling of Saber's death came from the command spell, he The only thing left in my heart is despair.

I don't know why, but it might be because of Limuru. Since the appearance of the magician named Lidal, he has never resisted his attack head-on. No matter if it is a normal bullet or a grenade, the opponent is trying to dodge it with all his strength. Defend, then launch deadly attacks without mercy!

This made Emiya Kiritsugu realize that the other party obviously knew about the existence of the Genesis Bullet, and was fully prepared for it!

Suddenly, a faint golden light flashed in front of him, Emiya Kiritsugu slammed on the brakes and hid behind the tree, panting and holding down his left waist that was still bleeding—damn it, it was Rimuru!

His pupils were constricted, and he looked at Limuru who was condensed with closed eyes, only to see him slowly open them and look in his direction.

At the same time, the fiery breath behind him was still approaching, and Lidal pursued it step by step.

It is impossible to escape!

Emiya Kiritsugu closed his eyes in despair. He knew very well that Rimuru was a magician who was proficient in perception. Whether it was in the clock tower or in Einzbern, he tried all kinds of methods but couldn't avoid Rimuru. Lu's investigation, the other party seems to have opened the full map and perspective plug-in, and is proficient in the movements of everyone in the entire range——

This kind of magician made Emiya Kiritsugu feel suffocated.

Is this the end?

Emiya Kiritsugu raised his head, his body was a little weak... After giving up everything, could he just stop here in the end?

Heh, if nothing else, this guy won the Holy Grail War, right?Karna...if I summoned this type of Heroic Spirit...

It's a pity that there is no if in the world...

Emiya Kiritsugu closed his eyes in despair, listening to Rimuru's approaching footsteps, he raised the magic dress in his hand - the capacity of the original bullet pistol is only one round, if you die hard...

"Rimru?" Suddenly, a surprised female voice came from in front of him, and Emiya Kiritsugu opened his eyes abruptly—only Lidel had appeared in front of him, separated by a distance of less than ten meters , ignoring him looking in the direction behind him in surprise.

So fast!

His movement of holding the pistol froze for a moment, and the last hope in his heart was completely lost, because all the curse engravings on Lidel's back were aimed at him, and he believed that as long as he made a slight movement, the other party would be able to blast him Kill them all, and even if you are lucky enough to hit one of them, the remaining people will not be able to give yourself a chance to fill the second origin bomb...


He scolded himself angrily, and slowly squatted down with his whole body limp—if he had been more careful, if he had ordered Saber to resolutely give up on Irisviel...if...

"Hmm... Is it over with you?" Lidel aimed at Emiya Kiritsugu, and at the same time felt a little guilty. Rimuru's presence here means that he knows his little Jiujiu, although she Knowing that Limuru would definitely not blame her, but she suddenly didn't know whether to do it or not... A slight miss killed him.

"Well, it's over." Limulu looked at Lidelle, whose face was full of entanglements, dumbfounded, and said unhurriedly: "Sasha defeated Saber."

"Eh?" Lidal was slightly taken aback, and in a moment of surprise, Emiya Kiritsugu, who originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, sank, and didn't dare to make any changes—"How is that possible."

"I also find it unbelievable." Rimuru heard Emiya Kiritsugu's extremely small shock, and said lightly: "However, although a foreign object called Avalon was used, the condition for victory in the end is that she relies on Sacrificing one's own vitality forcefully defeated the opponent, it seems that the magician is not invincible to the servant, is it?"

"Well, Emiya Kiritsugu, don't you give up yet? If I were you, I would obediently put down the origin bomb..."

"Rimru!" Lidal ignored Emiya Kiritsugu who was on the side. When she heard that Sasha was consuming her life, she interrupted Rimuru anxiously, ran directly to Rimuru and asked nervously. Said: "Where is Sasha? Is Sasha okay?!"

"It's nothing, it's nothing..." Limulu looked at the nervous Lidal, and suddenly a drop of cold sweat dripped from the back of his head. If I remember correctly, Sasha was absolutely against it when I taught him those forbidden magic tricks. , and even said that if something happened to Sasha, she would never be able to forgive herself... Hiss!

Limuru had a rare feeling of fear for a while, but he definitely couldn't be fooled. Lidel is not some trash magician, but a monarch of the same level as himself... So, he could only organize his words, and said cautiously : "That's... part of the vitality may be... due to overdraft..."

"How much was lost..." Seeing Limulu's appearance, Lidel suddenly understood, and a distressed look flashed in her eyes, and she asked directly.

"... About one-half of the remaining." Limulu gave up resistance: "I have tried my best to treat her, but at present, if there is no accident, her life expectancy is only 20 years at most. Yes, so..."

hiss! ! !

A burst of severe pain came from his waist, Limulu couldn't help but lower his head, watching the tender flesh of his waist being directly spiraled by 360° without dead ends, Limulu resisted the tears secreted by the lacrimal glands because of the pain, feeling aggrieved Said: "Life is not a problem! Lidal!"

"I know it's not a problem!" Lidal turned around angrily, and said in a slightly complicated way: "But I can imagine how much Sasha has gone through for you..."

"...Uh..." Limuru was really powerless to refute this.

"You will get the Holy Grail, right? Rimuru." Sasha took a deep breath, glanced at the decadent Emiya Kiritsugu on the other side, and finally gave up the idea of ​​killing him, she just wanted to go back and have a look Sasha: "You're bound to get the third act, right?"

"Ah... I promise this, don't worry."

"That's good..." Lidal took a deep breath, and walked towards the Gemini Mansion while leaving, "I don't want my dear maid to become a dead disciple, anyway, if you can't, you Just kneel on the durian for the rest of your life!"

...so ruthless...

Limulu looked at Lidal's hasty pace, and suddenly shuddered, Lidal didn't look like she was joking.

After Lidel left, suddenly only Rimuru and Emiya Kiritsugu were left blank-eyed because of a shattered dream in the entire forest.

Having lost Saber, Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly understood, even if he could leave safely today... What is the difference between him who has no destiny with the Holy Grail and death?

"You look like a stray dog."

"..." Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head blankly and stiffly, and slowly glanced at Rimuru...

"Saber... is really..."

"Ah... Sasha sent it away with her own hands." Limuru tilted her head, and said lightly, "There's nothing I can't believe. When she was fighting Saber, I was still fighting Rider... Ah yes, Rider was sent away by me, do you understand what that means?"

"Seven groups of servants have been sent away and five groups have been sent away, and the Little Holy Grail is almost full, so... Irisviel has already..."


The Holy Grail does not require the death of six servants to activate it. In fact, the small Holy Grail in the Holy Grail ceremony will slowly accumulate magic power. The process, not only that, the Holy Grail ceremony does require the defeated heroic spirits as a necessary factor for drilling, and the masters need to kill other masters as much as possible before the Holy Grail ceremony starts to increase the chances, so there will be a Holy Grail War .

But now, nearly ten days have passed since the Holy Grail War, the original accumulation of the Holy Grail plus the exit of five servants... The Little Holy Grail is about to be full, and the ceremony will be started tomorrow at the latest—"Ari...is dead ?”

Emiya Kiritsugu was even more stunned, so why on earth did he carry out this operation... just to give it away for nothing?

He underestimated the strength of Limuru's group, no...he has already valued it very much, it's because the other party is too strong, not just him...others, all the Masters have been deceived!

If Rimuru can send Rider away, and Sasha can send Saber away, then at the beginning, Rimuru should be strong enough to crush him, but he...

At this time, he suddenly understood...

"I see... from the very beginning, did you intend to use me?"

Emiya Kiritsugu smiled wryly, raised his head, and the thoughts in his heart completely collapsed: "My wish, my way of action...even my servants...in the end...are you planning it?"

"Your words are flattering me, where did I get such a great ability." Limulu chuckled and said, "Your wish is your wish, and there is nothing wrong with the way you act. "

"I just stole your results, that's all."

If you really want to ask whose fault it is, do you need to say it?

Of course it was Shi Shi's fault.

With a chuckle in his heart, Rimuru looked at Emiya Kiritsugu and said, "However, you don't want to act like this, do you? Emiya Kiritsugu."

"..." Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head and looked at Rimuru suspiciously——

"Didn't I say that? I want to see your despair after you get the Holy Grail."

"What's the meaning."

"It's nothing interesting, but no matter how similar our action styles are, you should also understand that we are two completely hostile people in our bones."

Limuru raised his head, and the rope formed by the water entangled the opponent's body: "Sa, Emiya Kiritsugu, just like you would instinctively hate people like me and think that I should be damned, I would also think that you are ideal." . . . it's just disgusting."

"So, even if it's death, I can't let you die so easily." Limulu said indifferently: "Compared with this, I want to let you witness the disillusionment of your ideals as I said before... Drowning In your ideal!"


The next day, Rimuru and others moved out of the Gemini Western House in Fuyuki City early in the morning, and came to Liudong Temple, above the Great Holy Grail.

The others are fine, but Jiuyuanji Youzhu is a pity. In the past ten years, this mansion has been one of the few comfortable places for her to live in, and the study room is now full of her favorite books.

It's a pity... After today, this farewell, I may never come here again.

It is worth mentioning that yesterday, as Rimuru expected, Gilgamesh appeared and directly took away Tohsaka Tokiomi who was tortured by Aozaki Aoko, but it was not the command spell used by Tohsaka Tokiomi , but he took the initiative to find Tohsaka Tokiomi, which, according to Aoko, seemed to surprise even Tohsaka Tokiomi himself.

This made Limuru feel a little funny.

But this is quite normal. After all, Tosaka Tokiomi didn’t use the Command Spell because he was afraid that Gilgamesh would be completely unable to restrain him after using it. With Gilgamesh’s temperament, if there is no Command Spell, it is estimated that this Holy Grail War It's over.

But Gilgamesh actually took the initiative to save Tokiomi Tohsaka... Maybe it wasn't because he was stimulated by himself.

After all, doing so will not only disgust yourself, but more importantly, no matter how boring Tohsaka Tokiomi is, he is also the best master in the current Holy Grail War.

Hmm... It seems that I am very angry with him.


Liudong Temple is a natural magic place, but because of Rimuru's actions ten years ago, the magic power here is not very abundant, which makes Kuonji Yuju, who pursues perfection, feel a little dissatisfied. For this reason, she even thought about asking Don't collect some magic power like a magician - it's not the kind of caster who kills innocent people indiscriminately. Well, although Youzhu doesn't care about the lives of ordinary people, she won't do the act of revealing magic.

She was referring to applying for or renting the Magic Forge.

However, Limulu rejected it with righteous words. Although eating soft rice is cool, you can't eat it all the time.

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