Yes, the Great Holy Grail is the system of the entire Holy Grail ceremony, swallowing it, Limuru will thoroughly learn the functions of the entire Holy Grail ceremony - before that, he had relied on one-sided analysis to give priority to learning the spirit descending system, so that he could call in advance Out of Saber, and now, it's time to complete other things.

Limuru's black mist instantly covered all the surrounding systems and spell engravings, and there was a wave of magic power in the entire underground cave - this is the protective device left by the magician named Justesa, but In Limulu's eyes, this is useless.

At the same time, Limulu once again followed the magic power of the Great Holy Grail, launched the so-called spiritual seance ceremony, and connected the Hall of Valor.

Only this time, he obviously didn't want to summon someone, but...

【Why not accept its wish? 】

In the dark, a consciousness seemed to pass through thousands of creatures, causing waves in the calm sea of ​​silver.

It's Alaya.

"Because it can't give me what I want." Limuru slowly closed his eyes while standing in the spiritual séance ceremony, and seriously accelerated his thoughts to the limit, immersing himself in the sea of ​​consciousness, and replied: "Or he What you give is not worth the price.”

Limulu didn't know why he already had the stigmata of the Alaya consciousness in his body, and her agent couldn't contact her in time.

Until now, he had to rely on such a huge amount of magic power to actively communicate with the other party for the first time.

Originally, he thought that Alaya Consciousness was testing him or avoiding him, but now it seems that he has another guess instead.

That is the usual operation of alaya consciousness, still unconscious, like a huge, never-ending system—

Only when something related to her happens, can its remaining consciousness be awakened from the huge movement of the heavens, and thus treat him as a god.

[You can choose strength, I feel the fear of Xiao Hei, it dare not distort your will. 】

Xiao Hei?The corner of Limulu's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, Alayashi couldn't be talking about...the evil in this world, right?

But for this, Limuru retorted as a matter of course: "The power I need does not need it to give."

【...It's really strange. ] Alaya's voice was like a gust of spring breeze, and the milky white light covered the surroundings with the devouring of the Great Holy Grail. When Limuru opened his eyes again, the barefooted and weak girl in white skirt stood quietly in front of her. before his eyes.

It is still blue sky and white clouds, still looming below, there is a blue and deep sea.

It's just that the barefoot girl now has a little more curiosity on her face: "Your origin must be very special..."

She actually has a little understanding of Limuru's ability. After all, Limuru once secretly ate her power. She originally thought that it should belong to the ability to plunder or devour, but later found that the other party was more inclined to eat her power. learn this...

"So, why did you come to me this time?"

Compared with the cold girl last time, this time Alaya seems to be a lot smarter, which makes Limulu realize that she is not the only one who is constantly growing. , to the gods.

"Obviously the Holy Grail is right in front of you, but you came to me first and let me guess... Are you worried about the side effects of the third method on you?"

"...Are you guessing?" Limulu sighed, and said speechlessly, "Do you think I don't know that if you think about it, you can read any thoughts in my mind?"

Alaya consciousness is the restraining power of human beings, or a collection of consciousness. The huge power of the mind allows her to clearly know the thoughts deep in Limulu's heart, just like the great sage. Of course, it is limited to idea.

But it is precisely because of its restraint, it understands all kinds of human nature and small things, and it never cares about the arrangement in Limulu's heart——

"Hmm...Of course it's a guess." Who knows, Alaya raised the corners of his mouth slightly, turned around and said, "After all, if you are a human being, you definitely don't want others to look at your heart at will."

"...Well, if you said you didn't watch it, then you didn't watch it." Limulu ground her teeth speechlessly, followed up and said, "I wanted to ask a lot of questions last time..."

"En." Hearing this, Alayashi just responded lightly.

Seeing this, Limulu also sank down, thinking about how to organize the language.

As Alaya said, the reason why he came to her when the Holy Grail was at his fingertips, apart from his own or his own, was that he needed to know in advance whether the influence of this magic on him could be controlled.

Embracing powerful power will bring unknown risks. Although it is reasonable to say that he has a slime template, he can digest all powers, but this is a dangerous and colorful mysterious side, and it is always best to be careful.

After all, no matter how long you chat with Alaya when you come to the sea of ​​consciousness, it is just a moment of thinking when you go out.

He doesn't have to worry about any changes outside, night long dreams and so on.

But what did he want to ask?What he wants to ask most is how to go home, how to leave this world, what is outside the world...

However, when he was silent for a long time and blurted out the question he wanted to ask, it became: "What is the third method?"

"Ah?" Hearing this, Alaya showed a hint of surprise: "Don't you know?"

"The cup of the sky, the materialization of the soul is the name given to him by the magicians."

"You know that's not what I'm talking about..." Limuru frowned, and seemed to be singing: "The first one changed everything."

Alaya was taken aback for a moment, the smile on her face slowly disappeared, and her original coldness returned. She stood where she was, listening to Limulu's voice quietly.

"The subsequent two agree more."

"The three that took over... showed the future—"

Limulu raised his head and said, "The materialization of the soul is just the effect. What I want to know is the essence of the third method!"

"..." Alaya turned her head and stared lightly at Limulu's golden eyes——suddenly, she smiled softly and asked softly, "Are there any more?"

"...Huh?" Now it was Limuru's turn to be confused.

"Although I don't know where your statement came from, it's quite interesting..."

"You answer me first, and I will tell you the answer."

"...Sly guy." Hearing this, Alaya sighed lightly and said, "You are too cautious, Limulu."

"Magic is the path used by magicians to reach the root in the final analysis. The first method and the fifth method are all abilities obtained after having the path and reaching the root—but Limuru, I remember what I said, the path of silver The sea is also part of the root..."


"Don't imagine magic so deeply. You already have the so-called magic, although it's just an incomplete first method."

"No..." At this moment, Limuru was completely stunned, and he even jumped up suddenly: "Wait a minute, if you say that the spiritual power you gave me is magic, I don't have to deny it, but why? Will it be the first method?!"

"Not only the power of the mind, but also another part of your ability."

"...Besides..." Limulu calmed down, then looked at Alaya cutely showing her little canine teeth, and made a fierce expression, Limulu immediately understood...


"It seems that you are not so stupid." Alaya immediately recovered her cold face, as if the cuteness just now was fake, she glanced at Limulu, sat down and said comfortably: "Creation, no matter what, a Always start from nothing."

"The same goes for the first method."

"Wait... wait, but Alaya, the materialization of fantasy can't create something that doesn't exist in the world?!" Limulu wanted to understand this, took a breath and said with a toothache: "You said The power of your mind can tamper with the consciousness of most people, thereby affecting the world to create fantasy species that do not exist, so I believe it is the first method, but the reason why the realization of fantasy is not called a miracle is not correct Is it because he can only embody what already exists in the world?"

"So, I didn't say that the realization of fantasy is the first method." Alaya didn't continue to explain, but said to himself: "Besides, who told you that the realization of fantasy is the way. Is it over?"

"Eh?" Limulu's pupils shrank, and suddenly thought of something.

To be honest, in Limulu's opinion, the realization of fantasy is already very strong. It can create the existence that the caster wants as it pleases, as long as this thing really exists - including the moon!

But, why can't it be... this is just the beginning stage?Why can't it be that Zhu Yue is too weak and can only develop this ability to this extent?

Limulu has always felt that this ability has the potential to evolve into a miracle, but what he didn't expect was that this is the first method. Hey, I'm cross-channeling. Is there really a follow-up to the realization of fantasy?To the final sequence one?

"Sa, that's right, Limuru, just as the root is the ultimate wisdom, if it is compared to the sea, then magic is the main stream leading to the sea."

"But these main streams also have countless branches, and these branches have countless rivers, lakes, and even intersections."

"Just like the second method and the fifth method can manipulate time, Rimuru, don't use a single concept to describe a certain magic."

You also said that you can't read minds! ! !

Rimuru puffed up her face angrily!

"The first law is called the negation of nothing by human beings, not creation, precisely because they found that creation is not the only thing contained in the first law." Alaya seems to really value it Limulu, he is like a famous teacher, and he patiently taught Limulu: "Whether it's the realization of fantasy, or the power of the mind, these are just the other ends of the rivers. You can say that you can touch it yourself." To the edge, but can't master it anyway, that's magic."

In other words, are these abilities just extensions of the first method? !

So, in order to fully master a magic, how much and how deep is the magic that needs to be mastered? !

The one who really mastered the first method, is he really not driven crazy by this terrifying knowledge, the so-called truth?

"It's true to say so, but not all magicians must master complete magic." Alaya said indifferently.

"You still said you didn't read minds!!" Limulu couldn't take it anymore!

"Don't pay attention to the details, listen carefully." Alaya looked up and ignored Limuru's angry face, and continued: "One of your beauties, Aozaki Aoko, just mastered the incomplete fifth method, right? ?"

According to Aoko Aozaki, the inheritance is actually complete, but because of Aoko Aozaki's lack of quality as a magician, she was unable to master the complete fifth method.

"And the successors of the third law were wiped out not because the third law was incomplete, but because they couldn't even grasp the incomplete third law."

"Actually, human beings... the top magicians have more or less touched the edge of magic, but because of this, they can no longer go any further." Alaya sighed softly, and then said softly: "But as long as you go through beyond the edge, to the truth."

"Then even if it's a little bit, it's incomplete... It's a miracle that humans can't accomplish."

Limulu listened to these words quietly, and fell into silence, until finally he subconsciously realized that after staying here for a long time, he suddenly thought: "Oh, that's not right!! I'm here to ask what the third method is Ah?! In the end, you talked about the first method with me for a long time?!"

"The third method... In fact, as long as you have obtained the Holy Grail in the third method, you will naturally understand the full meaning after obtaining it with your ability, but if you want to know in advance..." Now, it was Alaya's turn to smile, She said softly: "Tell me the rest first, and then I will tell you about the third method."

"..." Limuru recalled speechlessly: "...the four who maintain the connection hide themselves."

uh-huh?Alaya didn't speak, which is quite in line with the characteristics of the fourth law...

"So, the fifth ending has long lost its meaning." After Limulu finished speaking, he immediately looked at Alaya.

Her eyes were still cold, she lowered her head without any fluctuation, resting her chin on her knees.

"Has it lost its... meaning?"

Chapter 073, I want to become a god

Will the gods also be lost?

Seeing the appearance of Alayashi, Limulu actually had such a question in his heart reflexively.

But soon, he felt ridiculous and shook his head, throwing the thought away.

For some reason, he had some vague guesses in his mind, but he still had to go back and ask Aoko Aozaki to confirm——

"Since you have told me, I should also fulfill my responsibility." He was brought back to God by Alaya's voice, and when he looked at the other party again, there was only the usual expression on Alaya's face, Cool smile.

"It stands to reason that what magic is is a vague concept that cannot be explained anyway. This kind of concept... the moment you know it all, is naturally the moment you master it."

"For example, the first method just now, I have told you so much, you will definitely work towards the direction of fantasy realization, right? But once you are determined, the first method is the more advanced fantasy realization. If it is not a concept, then on the contrary, you may not be able to touch the real concept of the first method for the rest of your life."

"That's why since ancient times, magic owners have never preached the same definition of their abilities."

"It's not that you can't spread it, but if you spread it... it will only make it more difficult to inherit magic. Even so, do you still want to learn about the third method from me?"

"Ah." Hearing this, Limulu said disapprovingly, "The reason I knew in advance was to understand the risks in advance and to confirm whether this ability is suitable for me."

"As for whether I won't be able to learn it because of a wrong definition after I know it, it's something I don't need to consider."

In the final analysis, Limuru's talent is analysis, which means that, whether it is a law or a concept, as long as any ability exists in this world and can be touched, then Limuru can pass the Great Sage's Analyze to learn——

"Is that so? If so..."

She stood up lightly, and lightly tapped Limulu's forehead, Limulu felt her consciousness spinning for a while!

Immediately afterwards, his line of sight kept pulling up, up... After breaking away from the blue sky and white clouds, he actually began to fall in a trance.

It wasn't until he completely fell from the sky and saw the surrounding environment clearly that he froze there suddenly——his vision seemed to pass through infinite will at this moment, and he saw the distant Fuyuki City.

At this time, above Fuyuki City, a huge and pitch-black hole has been completely opened, and the muddy magic power is flowing-but what really surprised Limuru is not this, but those who are fleeing. At the same time as if he was still, there was a light blue outline in his body.

"In any case, one is a change from nothing, so this existence called three is the most beautiful miracle in the world, because it is closely related to the soul and consciousness."

Alaya's voice slowly resounded in Limulu's ears:

"The third method can completely solidify the soul of a person, so as to achieve eternal life, immortality, not only that, because the soul exists forever, and it will not be consumed anyway. The materialization of the soul itself also represents infinite magic power .”

"The third method can keep the hero's consciousness forever, and create a body through the cornerstone and spirit base of the world, so that they can reproduce without a possession."

"The third method can completely preserve all forms of a consciousness, so that it can be fully displayed in another place, and can also make everything related to it disappear... You can understand it as copying, or erasing the soul."

"The third method can change the posture of a soul. The golden wolf Beo is the manifestation of the third method in this respect. It can change into any posture, even change the gender. As long as it needs, it can transform its essence into any form. , pay attention, it is not to simply change the body, but to completely change one's own essence."

"For example, when it wants to be a person and change into a person, then its soul is a human soul."

"The third method is essentially the same as the state of our conscious existence. It is a shortcut to evolve life into a higher-dimensional life."

"Now, do you understand? Rimuru."

The next moment, the scenery instantly pulled away, and when his consciousness was dragged back to the Sea of ​​Silver again, he sat on the ground in a daze like a ball of paste in his mind.

Alaya stood in front of him lightly, and said softly: "I understand your worry. Once you obtain the materialization of your soul, you will indeed break away from the category of human beings and change yourself. However, this is indeed evolution. A way for higher life."

"A way to abandon the physical body and completely transform one's spiritual body into eternity."

"So... the essence of the third method is actually to control the soul...?"

Limulu tried hard to digest the knowledge in her brain, and said with a complicated expression.

He didn't expect that the third method is really as he guessed, not only can materialize other people's souls, but can even copy and rewrite other people's souls at will, and even change the posture of their souls.

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