
"Forget it...Anyway, I can recover by myself..." After the two heads of the Cerberus slammed into the paw prints, Limulu nodded contentedly, feeling a little better at last.

"Okay." Limulu waved his hand, and the black mist that was still eating turned into soft nectar in an instant, and the sarcoma on its left side slowly returned to its original state: "Come with me next, but... "

"You look like this, it's not good..."

"Hiss, brat, don't go too far—"

"Can you be childish? Yes, just cuter...that's right...and smaller."

"Put your paws away for me, the expression, yes, be gentle."

"Emmm, the color is not good either, black and dark red are too unsuitable for girls... Can you become white?"

"Wow, gray and white is fine too... By the way, you can turn pink—"

"Little—ghost—" Hellhound gritted his teeth and looked at him resentfully, those six pairs of pupils seemed to burst into flames, wishing to kill him ten thousand times, but unfortunately, after the other party had become so cute , the other party's appearance not only didn't make Limuru feel its anger, but it made people feel a bit more...well, the appearance of wanting to bully.

To be honest, Limuru was also a little curious at this time. He originally thought that the other party would definitely hate him, so he didn't cooperate very much, but now it seems... The other party's character is not as tough as the other party's performance...

Well, to put it bluntly, it is easy to bully.

Legend has it that all Cerberus dogs are male and female, without gender... um... So... this Cerberus dog might still be soft... ah bah.

Limulu walked in front slowly, and the Cerberus reluctantly looked at the fairy land behind him, then lowered his head and followed.

He didn't know what mood the Cerberus was in at this time, but his mood was actually far less calm than it appeared on the surface.

The reason why he changed his mind and didn't intend to kill the other party, and he suddenly thought of Elaire, was not because of a sudden whim, but because the great sage suddenly reminded him after analyzing the other party.

[I have upgraded. 】

In just four words, Limulu gradually turned from being confused to being shocked——

The great sage has been upgraded, or in other words, the slime's template has been upgraded inexplicably.

According to the great sage, it seems that after absorbing the dragon eye, the great sage has already noticed the strengthening of the template's ability, and this strengthening, after absorbing and analyzing the divinity and mystery of the hellhound Hit the top!

It directly raises the entire template to a higher level.

Just like the predator evolved into a glutton in the original book, but compared to the level of the predator in the original book, it is more like a direct evolution into the king of gluttony. His devouring ability has been terribly strengthened, and he even has food The ability of chains - and the same is true for the great sage, inexplicably acquired the ability of multi-core and wisdom king, but to some extent it seems not as strong as in the original book.

While these inexplicable improvements made Limulu puzzled, they didn't shock him much. It just made him suspect that his own template might not have crossed by accident, and it was as simple as obtaining a golden finger, which was not enough to make him feel at ease Shock and change your mind.

What really made him feel uneasy... After the great sage has been upgraded, he has been able to obtain the authority and essence of the root by analyzing the connection between magic and the root.

What does this mean?

It means that Limuru can not only try to start to analyze the root cause, but also means...he can leave this world.

Yes, the great sage told him that after evolution, the world's mysterious barrier to him has been further weakened, and he has been able to find the barriers of the world and open them.

Get out of this world...

Limuru has been preparing for so many years, and this is actually what he has been pursuing so hard.

But... when he thought it might take another five or six years, the great sage suddenly gave him such an unpleasant surprise.

He didn't intend to leave immediately, but anyway, since he got a way to leave, then this must be put on the agenda as a plan.

And Limuru also thought about another question.

That is, since this template can evolve for the first time, why can't it evolve for the second time?

This time, although I don't know what the reason is, it probably has something to do with gaining the power of a dragon, so... next time?

Chapter 093, will leave

When Limuru returned with the dejected gray and white three-headed puppy, the monarchs headed by Bathmelo had changed from shock to numbness. After all, just as Limuru can see the outside from the inside Similarly, in this place where the two worlds meet, the line of sight will not be cut off. Although the sound cannot be transmitted so far, they watched Limulu pin the opponent to the ground and beat him, and then begged for mercy.

Therefore, when Limuru turned into a human again, and Hei Mist turned into a black windbreaker and walked back, Lidal almost excitedly hugged it directly in front of everyone.

However, when she was halfway through the rush, she suddenly realized that... Limulu seemed to be in a strange mood.


"It's okay." Limulu gently pinched the face of Lidelle who came up to her, and smiled slightly, then raised her head and said, "It seems that my performance didn't disappoint you, did it?"

Limuru tilted his head, glanced at Urifis with gloomy eyes, lifted the Cerberus in his hand, and said with a sneer, "Don't look, Urifis, this trophy is not your share."

"It will be a gift for my apprentice, a pet with unlimited potential..."

"Limuru...you have to think about it, if you give it to Gaius Ling, maybe you can breed it..." On the side, Solonia said persuasively, but when he saw Limuru healed When the eyes became colder and colder, he closed his mouth wisely...

"Heh..." However, Limulu chuckled and said softly: "Your Excellency Solonia, I can understand that you are thinking about the Clock Tower in everything, but most of the interests of the monarchs are involved." They are based on their respective families, am I right about this?"

Among the Twelve Monarchs, Solonia and Brisisan are recognized as the deans.

Brisisan belonged to an old monster left over from the same period as the dean, and even his family is rare in the world. Magic related to demons is a veritable taboo family.

As for Solonia, it has been collected and scattered all over the world for the clock tower in the past dynasties. Because of all kinds of geniuses who accidentally came into contact with magic, as well as the scarce holy relics, everything in itself is not so much for the dean, but rather for their faction itself It has been dedicated to the clock tower.

"I can give it to Gaius Ling, but the question is, what can Gaius Ling give to me?" Limulu said Gaius Ling, but when the owner of Gaius Ling was not present At the scene, Limulu's eyes were fixed on Barthemelo: "The same."

Seeing that Barthemelo had no plans for himself, Limu continued, "I can also give it to Urifis, so what can Urifis give me?"

"You can't give it to me." Limulu lowered her eyes lightly, and said with a chuckle, "At the beginning, you were not among the monarchs who supported me."

"And now, I don't need you either."

As he said that, he showed the magic engraving of the Meastea family in his hand, and said lightly: "Now, I am not the one who is on the verge of collapse, on the contrary, El-Melloi and Meastea are bound to have one will be abandoned."

"What's interesting is... now that the engraving of Meastea is in my hands, I can either return the engraving, get the gratitude of the Meastea faction, and fully support the other party in defeating El-Mello, or I can read it in In Kenneth’s old relationship, he used the return of the engraving as a request, demanding that the Meastya faction completely give up their coveting of the monarch and the twelve families.”

"Urifis...or Gaius Ling." Limuru glanced playfully across Urifis's face, and finally landed on Barthemelo's face, and said with a soft smile: "Is the Clock Tower Can maintain the situation you want, now..."

"It's my turn to decide, isn't it?"

Limuru's words were tantamount to declaring war on Barthemelo, but in fact, Rimuru was sure that Barthemelo would not do anything to him.

The reason is very simple. Bathmelo is a ruthless court assistant who is absolutely fair and will not mix personal feelings. All her decisions and judgments are to put the clock tower first. At this time, Lim Even if Lu is being disrespectful to her, she doesn't care.

The first is because the Clock Tower has now fallen into a situation where it needs to be completely silent and cultivated due to repeated turmoil. If the monarch continues to fight among himself, it will only make the Clock Tower fall into the same situation as the church is now.

The second is that as I said before, although the twelve monarchs will fight for their own interests, and factional struggles are becoming more and more serious in the tomb, in essence, they all have a common interest, which is to maintain the rule of the interest group of the twelve monarchs. In such a situation where interests are the same, no one will really tear their faces and kick other families out desperately.

Limulu initiated the challenge and others ignored it, because he was qualified and belonged to the descendants of the former twelve monarchs.

If someone else tried to challenge the authority of the Twelve Monarchs in vain, let alone the person being challenged, the other eleven Monarchs would be able to crush each other to death with a little effort!

The important thing to emphasize again is that the Twelve Monarchs have absolute authority in the Clock Tower!As long as the principle of the clock tower is not violated, and the future of magic and mankind is not harmed, even if the monarch slaughters the people of a city without authorization, Barthumello will not say anything.

It's like why some hospitals know that their doctors have prescribed the wrong medicine and misdiagnosed symptoms, and some schools know that their teachers are not good, but they still insist that they are right even if they have no background. authority, not the person.

Once the authority is broken, then the authority will never exist again.

Limulu is very aware of this. Of course, he also wants to show a tough attitude - after all, he will leave in two years at most.

He intends to completely consolidate the Tempest family faction during this period of time.

And the next generation of patriarchs will naturally be the little guy Eilair who was originally regarded as the successor by the Archelot family.

Although Achelot's family has not agreed yet, Limulu thinks this is not a problem. As long as he goes back and proposes to Achelot, it is estimated that the witch will happily choose to let him go.

At that time, the head of the Achelot family will be Limuru's wife, and the head of the Tempest family will be of the blood of the Achelot family.

The relationship between the two parties will only become closer, and there will be no harm at all.

Limuru stared at Bathmelo, waiting patiently for her to speak, but the latter just lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Although the monarch of the clock tower does not mean that the strength is absolutely invincible, such as the later Weber, and Animsfia... But she also has to admit that Limuru's current strength and status as a magician have given him With her, even the qualifications of the three nobles to challenge.

This might not be a bad thing for the future of the Clock Tower, but for other monarchs... Barthumello sighed incredulously, feeling that the Clock Tower might never be peaceful again in the future.

But after thinking about it, as a court assistant, she still has to speak after all.

So, she looked at Limulu calmly, and said bluntly: "Mr. Tempest, are you angry at the result of this operation?"


"Even now, I haven't seen the figure of your disciple..." Barthemelo said indifferently: "For you, this is also a rare failure."

Limuru is just like Kenneth. Since he suddenly awakened, he has gone smoothly as if he had changed himself. Even after overthrowing Meastea, he has never failed or suffered a loss. This is the first time The opponent's actions have had less than ideal results.

"That's right if you want to say that." The other party gave the steps, and Limulu did not hesitate, and continued: "But... this matter is not over for me."

"So that's the case, as long as the result is reached in the end, then of course this failure is not considered a failure..." Barthemelo heard this, his voice was low: "Then if this is the case, the Clock Tower is willing to help you."

"Oh?" Limulu was stunned, and then heard Bathmelo's faint voice: "Mr. Tempest, I admit that your current ability and status are enough to make most people in the world look up to you, and I also admit that you Said, other monarchs can give you nothing."

"However, now that you are also one of the twelve monarchs of the clock tower, then you should understand something."

"Your goal of becoming a monarch has been achieved, so of course there will be the next goal."

"Whether it's affecting the world, or finding your disciple, I think that if the entire Clock Tower participates, you will be much more relaxed."

"The clock tower needs every monarch. Similarly, every monarch cannot do without the clock tower. This is the reason why the clock tower has survived in the magic world so far."

Limuru raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but smacked her lips.

This is the art of leadership speech?It actually made him feel ignited?

But to put it bluntly, no matter how nicely Barthomello said this, what he meant was nothing more than: Do you think you are so awesome that you don’t need a clock tower?Think about your goals, to save mankind, to influence more magicians, to develop modern magic, which one of these ambitions does not require a clock tower?

Since you still need to use the clock tower, then you will do my duty as a monarch.

If it is said that Limuru knew that he could not leave the clock tower before, but still told other monarchs that he was no longer easy to mess with.

Then Barthemelo is euphemistically reminding Limulu that you can be crazy, and you can show your attitude if you want, but don't make trouble for me.

"Okay, I understand."

No, you understand what do you understand? ! !

The little beast dangling in Limulu's hands felt the complexity of human beings for the first time.

There are question marks in the six eyes full of bewilderment.


The matter of Longan came to an end, because it was agreed that Longan merged with Huaye Jiulang and went to the Fairy Realm, but no one thought about it, and no one mentioned the relationship between Limulu Bianlong and Longan.

Or...some monarchs also thought about the two longan eyes, but in this case, no one would foolishly ask this question.

Why Limuru can become a dragon is no longer important to them. The important thing is that Limuru has completely become a tyrant in the clock tower, and has established a position that he cannot be provoked.

This made Urifis very angry... Especially angry, you said that everyone is equally indifferent in playing tricks, and it's okay to have nothing to do with each other, but now, in terms of force, they can't fight, what is this? !

Will it not be long before the leader of this aristocratic faction will be replaced?

It has to be said that this is actually Urifis worrying too much. Although Limuru's current status has begun to rise rapidly, most of it comes from recent performances, that is, the monarch who opposed him was either killed or injured, and he himself With his powerful force, he might be ranked among the top three monarchs... But in terms of prestige, Limuru is far behind Urifis.

The title of the fourth nobleman of Urifis is not for nothing. With thousands of years of accumulation, terrifying connections and favors, how could it be possible that Limuru can catch up in just a few years? !

What's more, although Limuru's modern magicism is supported by the new generation, it is harmful to the old aristocratic system as a whole. Therefore, Limuru has no interest in competing with him for an old-age leader. Cerebral palsy position.

With the rise of the new generation, the old family system will inevitably be replaced sooner or later. It just takes a little longer. Limulu is not worried about the future of the Tempest family in this world at all.

Instead, Limuru was worried about her own family members, such as... Lidal.

"So...you're going to leave eventually?"

After all the monarchs worked so hard to get out of the ground, and finally parted ways, Lidel drove Limulu to her academic city in a car.

She bit her lower lip lightly. Although she was driving a car, she barely saw her face. She kept secretly looking at Limuru, which clearly showed the inner anxiety of the other party.

"Ah, don't worry, it's not immediately..." Limulu raised his head and said with a helpless chuckle: "It will take a while for my ability to open up the world wall, and this time...I think it's enough for me to Most things are arranged."

"That's the case! I think..."

"No." Limulu guessed what the other party wanted to say, shook his head directly and said: "Eilair still needs your care, and...no one knows what is beyond the world, maybe it will be dangerous or not. "

"Lydel, it's not that I won't come back, no, on the contrary, I now feel that I belong to this world."

To be honest, Limuru never told Lidal why she was so obsessed with leaving this world.

He didn't even tell Kuonji Yuzu that they would leave one day.

However, not telling does not mean that this group of people will not notice.

Just like Qingzi's joke of "you said this as if you will leave in the future" caused the audience to be silent, in fact, whether it is Youzhu or Lidel, they all have their own answers in their hearts.

Also prepared.

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