"Well, relaxation is to pursue appetite, and inheritance is to preserve the culture of one's former world." Mu Feng said, teasing with a bitter smile: "However, there are also some people who hate Walking between life and death, but have been huddled here and have nothing to do, so I will choose to do some similar business to maintain a basic livelihood."

Speaking of this, Mu Feng seemed to realize something, and took the initiative to explain: "Actually, most of the existences that can become discarded are considered strong in the original world. Destruction, therefore, the necessity of common food to us is not particularly high."

In the final analysis, the main function of food is to provide energy for the individual, and when the level of life reaches a certain level, it can have a variety of ways to absorb energy. Eating is the slowest way of efficiency. At this point, different races There are often different opinions, some will completely abandon it, while others will keep it, thinking it is a kind of spiritual pleasure.

As a result, what really worries the existence in the void is often not the lack of resources, but the pressure to survive in the perilous void.

Of course, it also refers to ordinary food here.

Limulu nodded, watching all kinds of abandoned people coming and going, communicating with each other warily, looking at him, and from time to time, some people gave him unkind eyes and whispered to the surrounding companions.

He understood that although it looked orderly here, it was actually just an illusion.

Perhaps the founders of the first generation used their own prestige and strength to make this gathering place prosperous, but they only covered this small area with a peaceful disguise.

In fact, Limulu is very clear that the reason why most local snakes can suppress the homeless people below is not because of force, but because they control the channel, and Mu Feng also mentioned that the material basis here is So it can be regarded as excellent, and the most important thing is that the current leader of the first generation of abandoned people has the ability to trade with other big forces.

After all, as long as life needs energy, even if it does not need to eat, different races need different things.

It's like human beings are indeed weak beings, they need energy to maintain temperature and food to maintain energy, but don't other races need it?Maybe the eternal gods really don't need it, but at least Limuru knows... low-level demons need to absorb magic power to survive, and high-level elves also need vitality and natural energy to survive.

Powerful derelicts may become hunters like Mu Feng, hunting void beasts like hunters and selling them for a good price, but most derelicts, to put it bluntly, are scavenger hunts... They are not even qualified to talk to merchants bargain.

Therefore, in this case, the forces that can satisfy the protection of the rights and interests of most of the discarders, and even get some good goods and second-hand equipment from time to time, will accumulate a lot of prestige.

The so-called abandoned people are the sad people who struggle in the cruel gap of the void, constantly wanting to live——

For the world, there has never been any humanitarian spirit, and most of the world definitely does not accept the invasion of outsiders, let alone all kinds of refugees.

The only thing they can enter at will is the dead or broken world.

And their strength is not enough to allow them to break into other worlds to face the rejection of the gods and the world, they can only live in a more cruel and indifferent void, and most of the final ending is reduced to the rations of the void.

Seeing this, Limuru also has a preliminary understanding of the most basic and lowest level of existence in the void. Frankly speaking, he doesn't have much pity and empathy. After all, any world, no matter what dimension, always needs to be There are some existences to form the lowest layer... This is an eternal social law.

But on the contrary, he more or less knows what level he belongs to. Well, at present, it seems to be a relatively weak part of high-level life, and his strength is just like what Mu Feng said, belonging to the level of ordinary demon gods.

Hmm... advanced thugs.

Among the big forces, Limulu can barely be a high-level thug...

This made Limulu feel a little too much and distressed. One thing to say, he thought that he was only one step away from God, but when he arrived in the void, he realized, oh... so far away! ?

"Miss Mufeng, please wait here with Mianxia for a while, let's report..." The two guides did not dare to look up at Limulu, let alone ask Mianxia to wait, so they could only follow in a panic. After Mu Feng said a few words, he hurriedly left here——

After a while, a dazzling light suddenly came out from the suspension device not far away. An old man with slightly purple skin and eyes like sapphires walked down from above at a rapid pace, a little panicked but also He greeted him with a quick step and half-kneeled down to show his respect: "Imperial Domain 78 Exotic Coordinates belongs to the Incomplete World Gathering Area of ​​Mengsi Area. Haweka has seen Your Majesty here. I am very sorry that I didn't greet you immediately... ..."

As soon as the other party met, a large number of prefix titles burst out, which was not really anything special, but the area to which the world coordinates belonged, and the title of the empire was just mentioned by the way. This made Limulu feel a little funny, but at the same time he didn’t What are you struggling with? After all, the demon god who can easily destroy this gathering area by himself suddenly descends, and it is human nature for the other party to be nervous.

What's more, there is no such thing as kneeling in the realm of the empire. Even the two abandoners who were afraid of Limuru just bowed their heads when they saw Limuru. Kneel down.

But even so, after the other party saw him, he still knelt down without hesitation, and his posture was quite standard.

This undoubtedly showed the attitude of the other party, as well as the insight of the other party-obviously, the other party judged from his form and the words and phrases of the guards at a glance, and made a way of expression that better catered to his ideas.

"It's okay, let's get up." Limulu was not polite. The moment the opponent appeared, Limulu locked on the opponent's breath and quickly sensed it through perception. Although he didn't know which race the opponent belonged to, there was What ability, but if there is too much difference in strength, he can still easily detect it.

The other party has extremely depressed body and magic reserves behind him, and he seems to be an old mage.

Its strength is probably at the level of Caster Medea.

This actually made Limuru a little speechless. The strength of the heroic spirit Medea, in addition to being able to use the law, can be said to be the existence of the ceiling under the gods. Such a person is just a gathering of discarded people in the void. District manager?

If this is the case, then it seems that he, the so-called demon god, has nothing worth fighting for.

The meaning of the demon god is the god of magic, and it is the name of the void for those who break through the limits of magic and touch the truth, and the so-called truth naturally means various laws. Lines, touch the law, that is, when miracles, this stage is called a demigod on the technology side, and a demon god on the mysterious side.

However, although the opponent's strength made Limulu feel a little jealous, he didn't pay attention to it—whether he can master the law is the difference between heaven and earth.

Haweka seems to be an extremely intelligent old man. He seems to have seen some doubts in Limulu, so after getting permission, he stood up like lightning flashed in his eyes, and explained with a smile: "I used to be a void mercenary. I was injured a long time ago because of participating in a war in the void. In order to avoid the enemy, I hid among the abandoned people and established this place."

"As your Majesty has seen, thanks to previous experience, it is now a shame..." He led the way, and respectfully invited Limulu and Mufeng into the room, while using a low voice, politely and politely. Without losing respect, he said: "I don't know if Your Majesty came to such a place suddenly... Is there anything we need to do?"

"Master Haweka...Your Majesty Limulu saved me..." On the side, Mu Feng seemed to want to speak, but was interrupted by Haweka with a chuckle: "Ah...I know... So if Your Majesty has any orders, please feel free to mention them... We can't guarantee that we will do it, but we will try our best."

What he said was called a clang, Limulu smiled helplessly, but felt a little funny.

By the way, are you trying your best?

So Limulu simply smiled and didn't deny it, just nodded in response and said:

"That would trouble Your Excellency Havica."

Sure enough, when Limulu said these words, he could keenly feel the spirit of Havica in front of him was shaken, the magic power in his body was almost uncontrollable, and his breath was a bit disordered.

Hiss, are all demon gods so shameless now?

Havica regretted a bit, but when he thought about it in a blink of an eye, it seemed that even if he didn't say this, they seemed to be unable to disobey the demon god's idea, and he suddenly felt a little relieved.

It doesn't matter, since he can't resist, he might as well enjoy it and take advantage of this time to think about how to build a good relationship with this demon god... Maximizing the benefits... is what he needs to think about most now.

"So what is the purpose of Your Majesty's visit this time...?" Haweka cautiously opened his mouth to test, but Limulu smiled and shook his head: "I'm not in a hurry, but this is the first time I've been to the Wastelander." Site, do you mind if I stay here for a few days?"

"Hiss...no...don't mind, of course I don't mind." Haweka smiled stiffly and said, "You can stay for a few days if you want, um... look at the staff who serve you... let Mu Feng Come on, how about it?"

"Very good." Limulu nodded, and the magic power erupted in an instant. When a cloud of black mist enveloped the surroundings, Limulu suddenly asked, "Your Majesty Haweka said that he used to be a mercenary?"

"...ah... that's all in the past."

"To tell you the truth, the place where I rescued Mu Feng was in the turbulence of the void. The armor on her body doesn't look like a low-level product. I heard from Mu Feng that this is the second-generation product that was eliminated by the empire... ..."

"..." Havica stared at him immediately, and cast a speechless glance at Mu Feng, who immediately bowed his head guilty.

You damn girl, you really talk about everything? !

Suddenly, he felt that it was a mistake to ask this girl to serve this demon god... Guess how long they have been together, and if Mu Feng continues to serve her, might she be able to expose everything here to the bottom?

"Ordinary discarders might not even see the equipment related to the empire?" Limulu said with a light smile, "Your Excellency Haweka, I do have a favor, and I want you to help me."

Chapter 007, Accepted commission from another world

· "Help... Your Majesty is really good at joking, if you have any orders, just say it."

"Huh? Then I'll just say it straight." Limulu didn't bother to argue with the other party, and said directly: "I want you to introduce a commission for me."

"... Huh?" Hearing this, the old man paused, and turned back with a little astonishment: "Your Majesty, with your strength... it is not difficult to get a commission..."

Although the Demon God has not yet achieved the power of a god to dominate everything, but the Demon God's accomplishments are enough to surpass the world, just like the top talents in modern society, if you really want an offer, then all forces will open their arms welcome.

"But what I want is a commission with relatively unique requirements." However, Limulu shook his head lightly, and said straight to the point: "Let me just say it, Haweka."

Limulu raised his head, staring at Haweka with indifferent eyes, like a giant dragon in the wild, causing a trace of cold sweat to ooze from the other's forehead.

"As you can see, I'm a demon god, and I don't have a piece of technological equipment on me... You don't need to be stupid, you should understand what this means."

This means that Limuru is an existence from a world specialized in magic or a foreign land. He may be a young chick who has just broken the void from the world, or he may be a traveler who has just come to this void from the realm of other void gods. There is also a chance... fugitives who can't get along in other fields.

But no matter what kind it is, Havica dare not offend...he can only bear it silently.

"Don't worry." Limulu saw the nervousness of the other party, and said softly: "I do have my own purpose, so I need to maintain my own right of ownership, so the first requirement of the entrustment I need is that I don't need to join The opponent's power, understand?"

"...the basic requirements of a mercenary are not too harsh." Hearing this, Havica was silent for two seconds, and slowly gave the answer: "However, the word mercenary is a little bit..."

"Oh? Mercenaries? I don't reject this name, but... I have a second requirement, um, and...Although mercenaries don't need to join forces, mercenaries often need themselves or a team The reputation played, mercenaries without such things should also need guarantees, right?"

"Oh...Your Majesty was just joking. After you found out who I am, don't you assume that I will handle this for you?" Haweka smiled wryly, and said helplessly, "However, Your Majesty, you might think highly of me." I'm dead, the void is huge, I'm just a little discarder after all."

"Your Majesty, please tell me about your other requirements." Haweka raised his vicissitudes of face, and there was an electric arc in his deep blue eyes.

"The second request is actually very simple... I need this entrustment, and it is an urgent task."

Limulu looked at Harveka, and said word by word: "The reward itself is not a problem, but I also hope that the commission itself can match the status of my demon god. In other words, the ability of the client itself will not be too high." Difference."

"Do you know what I mean?"

"..." Havica was taken aback for a moment, then nodded clearly, and immediately understood what this majesty was thinking.

Rather than looking for a commission, the other party wanted to get in touch with a higher existence through their own channels.

Also... Haweka sighed. In the eyes of the demon god, these discarded people may not even be of much value to use.

As for Limulu, he is very aware of the consequences of signing a contract of prostitution in front of high-level power. As a person who wants to travel through the endless void and find his own world, and also knows Alaya, Lidal Limuru, who had agreed to go back, was absolutely impossible to sell herself to Void directly without the assurance that she could make her own voice.

This makes it not suitable for him to join a certain force to get help. He can only get help from the void force in another way.

That is to make friends with the high-level officials of certain forces, and use the method of favor replacement to grasp the network resources.

And there is nothing, it is a timely way to solve the urgent need and establish a friendly cooperative relationship faster.

"But Your Majesty, are you sure?" Havica pondered for a long time, and couldn't help but ask: "The existence you want to get acquainted with must be an existence that is not inferior to the demon god. This kind of existence is troublesome. There may even be very high risks for entrustments that are not resolved by anyone.”

"Even so, are you sure you want to contact?"

His tone was a bit complicated, but he still reminded, after all, this was actually an opportunity for him, no, or it was a forced gamble.

As an intermediary, he belongs to the kind of existence that introduces Limuru to the other party. If Limuru really completes the commission and solves the other party's problems, then he and his tribe will inevitably receive more favors from both parties.

But if he messes up, maybe he will also bear the dissatisfaction and even anger of both parties at the same time.

"Huh? Hiss, from your tone, is it possible that you found the right one so quickly?" Limulu was surprised. To be honest, he actually planned to give the other party time to search and think. After all, the impact is not just He is alone.

This is a need for him, but it is also a reward and an opportunity for this abandoned territory. It depends on whether the old man dares to accept it.

If he didn't dare, he would naturally come to plead guilty in a few days, and told himself very sorry that he couldn't find the entrustment he needed.

In that case, Limuru won't be angry, after all, he is not an evil slime!

However, the facts surprised him.

"It's not that I found anything..." Haweka sighed and said, "It's just a coincidence that there is indeed such a commission. The other party once came to ask me, but I rejected it."

"If you don't mind, I can invite him to come over in a few days and talk to you about this—"

"Hmm... so do you know what kind of commission that is?"

"It is the most unexpected request for the revision of the unknown world. Not only that, but the client is also a reviewer under the current empire. It is a private commission from the empire's military. Once something goes wrong, the responsibility is great. Therefore, this commission has not been confirmed until now. So far no one has dared to take it."

Speaking of this, Havica took a deep breath and said: "The content of the commission is actually very simple. The empire and Omega discovered this nascent world tens of thousands of years ago, and left it alone because it was too barren. It just changed the tone of the world. Modified part of it, made it a hotbed of technology, and put today's censors in charge."

"But I don't know why, something went wrong in this world. Not only is technology progressing very slowly, but magic is rampant."

"Oh~ ho?" Limulu became interested, even Mu Feng who was at the side was slightly taken aback, and leaned forward quietly with bright eyes.

"If I remember correctly, Omega hates magic."

"Because of this, if it is only the empire's own world, they may not care much about the development of this world, but Omega also has a part of the ownership of this world-well, I don't understand the struggle between big powers, just What the censor meant, it seems that this will become a breakthrough that affects the relationship between the two countries, and it is easy to be used as a fuss..."

"Tsk tsk... It seems that we gods are also in dire straits." Limulu couldn't help chuckling, and said, "Okay, let's get straight to the point. What are the entrusted requirements?"

"The first is to be able to enter this world, and the second is to help this world get back on track. Of course, according to the inspector, it is best to be able to eliminate magic..."

"...I am a demon god, you want me to destroy magic?" Limulu was a little speechless, but he was not too angry. After all, as a former modern person, he didn't have much rejection of technology.

"I'm quite curious... First of all, entering the world means... Is it difficult to enter this world?"

"Also, since it is to eliminate magic, wouldn't it be good to directly send powerful technological demigods or gods into the crush?"

Hearing this, Havica was also silent for a while, and raised his head full of apology and said: "Sorry, Your Majesty, you may have to ask the examiner yourself about this, this entrustment..."

"It's quite interesting, so please, Havica."

"...Are you sure." Haweka was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but whispered: "Your Majesty, this is an unknown world that has not been systematically explored, and... I have some guesses about your previous questions. -"

"Since the entrustment requires being able to enter the world as the entrusting condition, then maybe...that world may have already given birth to a demon god...and there may be more than one."

"...In other words, has a god been born?"

The gods of the world and the void gods are two concepts. It is really hard to say which of the two is stronger and weaker. After all, the strength of the former is too different. For example, the gods in the comics and the movies. Like gods, they are completely incomparable existences.

However, in most worlds, being able to grasp the existence of the world's laws, that is, the life posture of hitting half a god is enough to be called a god, which is also the norm.

But no matter whether a god similar to the world consciousness itself was born in it, or a powerful existence became a demon god, it obviously made this world extremely dangerous and full of unknowns, which was why most mercenaries were unwilling to accept it.

It's true that the rewards are generous, but you have to have life flowers to do it.

"That really needs to be considered, but you should ask your 'friend' about the specific situation..." Limulu chuckled, setting the tone for this matter.

In fact, Limuru also has his own considerations. If he really wants to say, even if it is the water magic he is best at, he has not seen the power of the law. His desire to be worshiped as a god, and his arrival will also allow this world to regain the power of water, instead of being unable to cast magic.

What made his life change qualitatively, after all, was the dragon attribute and [soul], the powerful power of law that he devoured.

The laws of many worlds are common. Even if some of them are different, Limuru has a great sage and will not be afraid of these subtle changes. What he needs to consider... is only whether the world is compatible with his power, as well as repression and repulsion. .

Compatibility means that some worlds on the technology side will be purely non-magic worlds, which will make it very difficult for Rimuru to use magic.

But there is no need to worry about this. Since magic was born in that world, Limuru believes that with his own ability, he should be able to adapt quickly.

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