The other party said that they had to wait in place for 5 minutes, that is, they really did not move, standing like a statue for 5 minutes.

"It seems that he is just an ordinary magician." The looming voice was transmitted, mixed with the sound of electric current like an unstable signal, and it was transmitted to Aleister's sound-receiving machine: "But this period , an accidental magician is not good news."

Hearing this, Aleister just slowly closed his eyes: "It's not surprising."

Yes, this is not a surprise.

At the beginning of the establishment of Academy City, the magic world has already started some activities on the science side.

It's just that Aleister's identity has gone through too many disguises, even if he chats face to face, the existence of the magic world cannot recognize him. For this, Aleister has absolute confidence.

Therefore, the activities on the magic side, to put it bluntly, are aware that the rise of the science side will bring them a certain threat.

In this case, with the growth of Academy City, sooner or later, further actions on the magic side will be ushered in——

Invade, probe, spy, even defect.

For example, Tsuchimikado Yuanharu in the original work, such as Oreos in the Golden School.

For these visitors, Aleister had already made plans in his mind on how to use them—it’s just that Limuru, a magician who appeared suddenly, was different from the actions of the British Puritanism or the Roman Orthodox Church in his judgment. , He is not part of these forces, and there is no trace of him.

Not only that, Aleister also specially observed Rimuru's magic.

After all, this is the meaning of letting the other party make a move, but unfortunately...not only did he fail to see the other party's magic school, he couldn't even feel a shadow of the gold system.

The other party does not seem to be a magician of the gold system...

The other party seemed to appear out of thin air, revealing mystery from top to bottom. When the other party's actions and observations of the structure of Academy City, he did not feel the slightest malice, which was very interesting.

Aleister closed his eyes.

He knows that his life is destined not to develop peacefully in the direction he expected. No matter what the road ahead is, it will definitely be accompanied by unexpected changes in the direction. This is his characteristic, so he can only plan one level. Layers are continuously branched, and countless alternative plans are created through countless possible evolutions, so that the general direction of the situation will be under control.

But he did not expect that this first variable would come so fast and so early.

"The first batch of seeds that can bear fruit have all passed the quality judgment of the dendrogram. Next, let's concentrate on promoting the resources of the major directors and research institutes."

Aleister calmly made a judgment, and issued a further push order.

"As for the magician, maybe..."

"Not a bad thing."

Chapter 007, Anbu, the person in charge and... Accelerator

Aleister said 5 minutes, so the delivery time must be less than 5 minutes.

This was the first thought that came to Limulu's mind when he saw a speeding motorcycle rushing straight towards him.

Limulu subconsciously looked at the time provided by the great sage, and when it showed that it was about to reach 5 minutes in ten seconds, the opponent's motorcycle also stopped abruptly, and it was placed in front of Limulu abruptly. , The violent wind blew past Limulu's face, ruffling his blue hair and making him squint his eyes.

The next moment, a briefcase was thrown out by the owner of the car. Limulu caught it subconsciously and looked up.

"Phew, it's a good thing you're not late, right?"

Accompanied by a slightly rough and neutral voice——

What catches the eye is a pair of long legs in tight leather pants, and a pair of white corsets with exposed belly buttons. Look at the black vest that hangs down to the waist, showing the perfect figure Exquisite and exquisite.

If there is only a fly in the ointment, it is probably that under the other party's heroic red short hair, a scar that runs from the corner of the eye directly slides straight from the right ear to the corner of the mouth. The beauty is also completely destroyed.

"Tsk, another brat..." When Limulu was looking at her, she was also looking at Limulu, and of course she noticed that Limulu seemed to be staring at her scar: "Huh? Why? I Does your face disappoint you?"

She made a smile, took out the lighter and lit a cigarette, then turned her body and raised her legs and said, "Actually, it's the same when you turn off the light, but it's a pity, you are too young..."

"Hey, brat, I saw that you didn't even blink when I almost ran into you just now... You must be the type of fighting?"

"So what, does it matter?" Limulu finally shifted his attention from the slightly ferocious scarred face of the other party to the other party's words. Frankly speaking, he just asked the great sage to simulate the situation when the other party had no scars. The appearance, um... I have to say, it seems to be quite good-looking.

The main reason is that she has a good figure... Limuru tried to raise her head, the opponent was already a little tall, and now she was sitting on a motorcycle, so Limuru almost had to raise her head to meet the opponent's gaze.

"It doesn't matter, nothing can be changed anyway." Hearing this, the other party chuckled, nodded his chin and said: "But if you are a fighting type, I will be happier."

"After all, at least this first task may be easier for you."

As she spoke, she raised her chin and tapped the file bag in Limulu's hand, and said calmly: "The specific task information and other things are in the file bag, and your identity card and library permissions should have been updated, see you Seems like a novice, just contact me if you have any questions."

"I will be your future person in charge and tester. In other words, if you complete this task, you will be my direct subordinate in future actions." The other party did not hide anything, took a puff of cigarette, He blew out a few smoke rings and said indifferently: "But that being said, unless there is some mission, I won't bother with you. Don't cause trouble for me. Then you can be on time during the mission and just wait for the order." .”

"Interesting..." After hearing the other party explain the matter neatly, when Limulu looked up, the other party had already stepped on the motorcycle again and was looking at Limulu with his head tilted: "Then, what questions do you have?" Is it? Brat."

"There are a few questions." Limulu chuckled after hearing this: "What is our identity? Anbu?"

"Tsk..." The other party let out a light tut for some unknown reason.

Sure enough, a novice...A new experimenter?

Thinking of this, the woman on the motorcycle sighed insignificantly. This kind of personnel who have not even done the task, and even have no clear identity, are often directly recruited directly from the backup for the purpose of filling cannon fodder. selected from the experimenters on the list.

"It's Anbu, the name [Mercy], the main responsibility..."

The woman took a deep breath, glanced at Limulu lightly, and said, "I'll wait until you finish this task for the specific information, kid, if you fail, I don't want to waste my words with a dead man."

"Okay..." Limulu shrugged. In fact, as long as one name is known, it is enough for a great sage to invade the library to obtain enough information, but the only difference is that if there is no authority, it is very possible to directly invade the library. Just be noticed by Aleister.

Mercy... It's a name I haven't heard in the original book, I'm afraid it's not some cannon fodder Anbu...

Seeing that Limuru fell silent, the woman held the handlebar with both hands, then turned her head lightly and said, "Well, for the sake of your appearance, kid, do you have any more convenient weapons or weapons? Equipped?"

She tilted her head slightly: "I can't get the high-end ones, but the ordinary ones are fine."

"Equipment..." Limulu glanced at the pistol pinned to the other's waist, smiled lightly and shook his head, that's right, the other party's age looks at least 25, and he doesn't look like he belongs to Academy City The person with superpowers: "No need, I am a person with superpowers."

"Heh... the little white mice in the laboratory?" However, the other party didn't take it seriously when he heard the words. After all, it is not the time when Lv5 already exists in the future. Among the current superpowers, although there are already a few Lv4 and Lv3 people who are judged by their literacy , but most of them are still weak chickens of Lv1 and 2. To be honest, she doesn't know how many test subjects she has killed, and she doesn't know how many superpowers she has seen die in the hands of the enemy: "Then, your superpower What level of ability can you reach? Can you charge your phone or bathe yourself?"

Limulu was not angry at the other party's contempt. He could see that no matter how exaggerated the other party's words were, in the end he still didn't want him to fail the mission.

Limulu didn't explain, he thought it might be better to prove it with actions than to explain.

So, he looked around, and suddenly saw the group of security guards who had been ignored for a long time clean up a collapsed teaching building, then raised his finger to point there, and said lightly, "Look over there."

As he spoke, he gathered his magical power at will, and manipulated the water flow with a "boom", pushing away the huge ruins that made a group of security guards helplessly apply for cranes and excavation machines. The surging water flow was like a waterfall rushing straight into the sky. Then it turned into a pool of water and enveloped the surrounding area, buffering the impact of countless boulders, allowing them to land safely.

For a moment, this huge force even attracted everyone's attention, including Accelerator who was being checked by the researchers.

This sudden performance made the woman slightly startled, showing a little bit of astonishment, but then she regained her composure and looked at Limuru playfully, raising her eyebrows: "Cool, not bad, brat."

"A person with great ability?"

"Maybe, the specific information can't be told until the first task is completed, isn't it?"

Rimuru shrugged.

"Tsk..." The woman licked the corners of her lips, and was left speechless by Limulu's answer, but she quickly smiled and said, "It's not bad, to be honest, I'm looking forward to you joining us. Got a funny little guy, God knows what kind of geniuses I've been filling in before—"

"Hearing what you said, you, Anbu, have a very high sacrifice rate?" Limulu heard the meaning behind the other person's words, raised his eyebrows and said, "Is there anyone else alive besides you?"

"Haha, there is one more." The woman smiled softly, turned around and said, "Well, I can't say any more, and if I say it again, it will be a leak of secrets... Then this powerful man, Mr. Little Ghost."

She turned the handle of the motorcycle, stepped on the accelerator to make the engine roar, and then tilted her head and said, "I hope I can see you again soon."

When the sound fell, the other party's roar turned into the sound of tires gripping the ground, and the other party made a cool tail-wagging U-turn and rushed straight away.

Limulu silently called out a water curtain that covered the opponent's water curtain in disgust, and quietly watched the opponent's back disappear until it disappeared.

There is one more, in other words, is it just a three-member Anbu team with him? Limuru raised his eyebrows and opened the file bag in his hand.

Logically speaking, the Anbu of Academy City would be configured with at least four people—less than four people would be forced to be supplemented by personnel, usually promoted from the Anbu's spare personnel, or simply airborne directly.

Mercy... Merc... It seems that it should be similar to the meaning of mercenary, tsk, when you hear this kind of name, it is naked cannon fodder.

There are not many things in the file bag, one looks quite high-tech, a communication phone like a modern smart phone, in which there are two numbers in the address book, one is a stranger without a note and the other is the number of the person in charge .

In addition, there is a bank card that represents an ID card—there is no ID card in Academy City. Although there are public bank cards without information, as long as it is a certified bank card, it is the owner of the ID card. effect.

A piece of cousin similar to a file, which records his library authority and other messy authority levels. There are also a few pieces full of information, up to more than ten pages of information. After seeing this, Limulu realized that it was He misunderstood Aleister. The other party didn't tell him anything, but consolidated the information and threw it all in the file.

This information sheet records all the information about Mercy in detail, even the dead members.

Obviously, this Anbu is not very important. It belongs to the temporary Anbu organization among countless secondary operations Anbu. To put it bluntly, just like its name, it is a mercenary-like organization. Not only that, it even explains why Limuru The reason for being sent to this Anbu seems to be very simple. It is nothing more than that this Anbu just applied for talent dispatch after losing two members...

By the way, [Talent Dispatch] is also the code name of a person who is responsible for providing personnel supplementary services to all Anbu in Academy City.

This person belongs to a certain director on the surface, but he is also directly under the control of Aleister, which leads to a certain sense, no matter whether it is the Anbu directly under Aleister, he can insert people at will. .

Just like this Mercy, this kind of temporary dark department similar to mercenaries belongs to the governing council and not directly under Aleister. Any director who cannot handle or is inconvenient to handle in his own dark department will appoint this kind of dark department to handle it. Dealing with it, and because of this, Mercy is like a real mercenary, neither has its main object of allegiance, and besides the woman who is the captain, Limulu glanced at the records, basically there are not many other members Can successfully survive to complete four or five tasks.

However, it seems that this cannot be blamed on the captain. Although it was only a short-term communication, Limulu felt that the woman should not care about the consumption of the team members and would use the team members as consumables and cannon fodder—then it can only Say……

This Anbu itself is indeed a cannon fodder Anbu!

Well, that's fine, if it's an Anbu with a system, it's not easy to control - this kind of Anbu with a high turnover of personnel, although its strength is very average, and there are no backup personnel under its banner, but the benefits are not without it.

That is, no one cares, and no matter what happens... it will not attract the attention of the above.

Hmm...Except for Aleister, but since Anbu was sent to me... I have to perform my duties well!

Limulu raised his small hand, and after the invisible flames completely turned the paper into energy and dissipated it, he weighed his phone and walked forward while thinking about the next action——

First of all, he needs a place to live, which is fairly easy for a magician to solve, just a small hint is enough.

Secondly... To destroy magic, it's not enough to do it alone - so I still need to cultivate some power by myself.

But under the eyes of Aleister...

At this moment, Limulu paused slightly, and saw a small figure standing in front of him, which interrupted his thinking.

He raised his eyes and looked at the slightly weak boy in front of him.

Accelerator, after completing the inspection, ran up to him regardless of the researcher's dissuasion—the researcher actually didn't dare to stop him too much, and no one wanted to let the other party go berserk again, or become the next victim.

Accelerator raised his head, looking at Limuru's golden eyes with scarlet eyes, he could clearly see fear and disgust in the eyes of all the people around him, but only the big brother in front of him who looked not much older than himself could not There would be no emotion at all, he was silent for a moment, then raised his head and spoke in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Well... can I know your name?"

There it is... Limulu looked at Accelerator quietly, and suddenly, in the eyes of Accelerator, the young man in front of him showed a bright smile, stretched out his hand and rubbed his head and said, "When we meet next time , let me tell you again."

Chapter 008, Simple Tasks

The task Aleister gave Rimuru is actually not difficult.

The content of the task is to solve a researcher protected by mercenaries in the research institute, and get the core data that the other party has completed.

The mission didn't explain why they had to deal with the other party, and the Anbu staff didn't need a specific reason, and Limuru didn't care about it to be honest.

To tell the truth, Aleister didn't need to go to such great lengths to get back some data. After all, he can freely manipulate the entire Academy City and even the Internet, and getting the data is just a matter of order.

To put it bluntly, the information itself is not important, what is important is that this person is going to die, as for why he is going to die... Limulu thinks that he will know when the time comes, right? !

Generally speaking, this is a very common testing task. Mercenaries test their strength, search data to test their observation and interrogation skills, and ordinary and innocent researchers... test their cruelty and indifference.

Not only that, but the task information given by the other party not only includes the other party's face and armed situation, but also an address of the other party's research institute, as well as an internal map... It really gives people a feeling that they can't find it automatically. Feeling on the way.

So how much does Aleister look down on me?

Limulu raised her eyebrows, and a little dissatisfied, deleted the information on the phone at will, and sat up lazily from the bed.

With a movement of his little hand, the curtains opened automatically, and the sun shone three poles, and when the slightly dazzling sun shone on his face at noon, he looked out of the window a little unaccustomed to it.

In the void, even though he had been through for a few days, due to his tense spirit, he had been digesting all kinds of information, and he still didn't feel anything.

Until this moment, in another familiar world, when he relaxed... only then did he suddenly feel a little lonely and longing.

Well, how long has it been, and I miss them a little bit?

This feeling is quite similar to when I first arrived in Xingyue World... In the end, before I knew it, I got used to it... When I opened my eyes.

It is a new world.

Limulu walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the hovering train speeding past in the distance, and smiled lightly.

It is worth mentioning that the place where he is currently staying is the most expensive hotel that Limulu found after shopping around the entire seventh school district last night.

Perhaps it was to thank him for reducing the loss caused by the out-of-control accident, so his personal information contained hundreds of thousands of yen, which is not too much, but it is enough for daily expenses. Of course, the money must not be affordable. For a hotel of this class.

Therefore, he took advantage of hints to book a presidential suite or something, and Aleister would reimburse him for it.

He actually thought about going to a rich family to occupy the magpie's nest, but in the end he rejected this idea.

Frankly speaking, after entering the world of magic for so many years, Limuru has never even had a King's meal...


Maintaining the human habit of brushing her teeth and washing her face, Limuru walked out of the room after a full half an hour of grooming. The task time showed that the other party would stay in the research institute for two hours, so the time is still plenty.

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