
Hiss, Limulu resisted the urge to rush up to help him change rooms, took off the headset, and began to check the record.

This is not information about Kihara Kagun, and there is no news about Kihara Kagun until now, which also makes Rimuru very strange.

However, this information is much more important than Kihara Kagun's. It is the result of the investigation on Rimuru's first mission.

Yes, during this time, after selectively remembering the Hummingbird channel, Limuru began to secretly investigate this matter, and got rid of V.

The files blocked by the library are actually the easiest way to understand the relationship between missions and other dark operations, but the authority and encryption level of the library are not something that V can crack, but Limuru can, but this will expose him as a Super Advanced Hacking Facts.

He can only rely on the clues left by V in the huge academic city network of Academic City to pursue other information similar to this mission, such as the actions launched at the same time, the residual information of similar research institutes, and the information contained in some networks. The existence of similar keywords in the information.

In short, this is a rather huge task, but what the other party puts in front of Limulu now is the completed version of the information that has been sorted out.

Limulu first opened the link of the mission release source, and the interface changed instantly, and a huge research institute appeared on the screen from a bird's-eye view.

"The affiliated hospital of Yamashita University..." Limuru looked at the campus, and quickly locked on to one of the white research buildings: "Is the real identity actually the Seventh Pharmaceutical Research Center of Higuchi Pharmaceutical Group?"

"Huh? The experiment of treating muscle atrophy with electrical stimulation... was ordered to terminate before July [-]?"

That is half a month before I came to this world——

"Then, this should be Misaka Mikoto's research institute." Limuru raised her eyebrows slightly: "The atlas was lost here, and the mission was released here. Could it be that it wasn't arranged by Aleister?"

"Huh? Higuchi Pharmaceutical...is actually a group under Director Chaoan? Tsk..."

Director Chaoan is the existence of Academy City in charge of the military industry department. Whether it is the armor of the security guards or the giant robot in Academy City, it is basically manufactured and tested by the group under Director Chaoan. Not only In this way, almost 80.00% of the international military industry orders will go through the hands of this director.

If you don't consider how much Aleister has promoted behind the scenes, then Director Chaoan can actually be regarded as the most powerful existence of all the directors.

But if Higuchi Pharmaceutical is originally a group of Director Chaoan, then of course it will be directly used for military industry. Limuru is not surprised, then the problem will come, and the person who wants to steal the DNA map behind the scenes will be who?

"The last associated mission intelligence was more than a month ago."

"Well, that means the plan should not have started yet..." Limulu closed the computer and smiled, "Is there still time...?"

"Hey, so what do you want to do?" V's voice came from upstairs, and he poked his head out from the railing on the second floor: "Don't mess around, I'm not saying that you care about things Have you lost Kihara's forces? And it's that terrifying Kihara Gensei in the dark..."

"The research and projects he gets involved with probably won't do much good."

"? You actually came out of the room on your own initiative?!" Limulu was shocked.

"You can't hear me even if you don't wear a headset." V was thinking a little bit, pulled his hood helplessly and said, "You really don't want to trouble the Muyuan clan, do you? And that Muhara Jiaqun...you bastard..."

"Don't mess around."

"...I didn't say I was going to trouble them, did I?" Limulu looked at his worried look and said amusedly: "On the contrary, I want to cooperate with them?!"

"Huh?!! You're crazy."

V tilted his head in bewilderment: "You? Going to cooperate with Mu Yuan? Then you might as well go and trouble them!"

Leaving aside the fact that cooperating with the Kihara Clan is easy to be tricked, generally Kihara’s collaborators don’t end well. More importantly, the dark side of Academy City is so chaotic now. Responsibility, but at least it can be counted as half of the reason.

You must know that at least one-third of the commissions related to science are related to Kihara. Even if it has nothing to do with this surname, it must have something to do with its research.

"Allah~" Limulu waved his hand, turned around, stood up and moved his body: "I'm going to go out for some exercise, so you can stay on standby and call you when I need you."


"V, do you want to be unknown or famous?"

"Huh?!" V was slightly confused, and saw Limulu chuckle: "Well, just kidding, the main reason is that your code name is too happy."

"But, V..." Limuru checked the identity card, villa identification card and other things on his body, and then turned his head to look at the boy who was huddled in the long clothes and hood : "Kihara is actually not that scary. The reason why there is chaos in the darkness is because the people inside have never seen a more terrifying existence."

"If the darkness in Academy City needs such a king who scares the chaos, why can't it be me?"

"You... want to become famous?" V asked blankly.

"No." Limulu walked towards the door and opened it automatically without any hesitation: "If possible, I want to be anonymous."

It's a pity that strength doesn't allow it.

...Well, reality doesn't allow it either.

She pretended to be critical in her heart, but in fact, Limuru was also a little emotional...

Many people laugh at the choices of heroes, but they don't know that if they don't stand up, the times will not change-someone will always be forced to be a hero.

In fact, not all of the great men in the world actively pursue greatness.

The door behind him closed automatically, and Limuru walked directly to the door in the huge yard. At the same time, he dialed Aleister's phone number.

When he had no target before, he planned to wait for Aleister to make the first move, but Aleister was obviously calmer than he imagined.


The call has been dialed, but the other party is still silent. Limulu sneered and didn't care: "Did you not express anything to what I just said?"

"I'm not going to monitor what's going on in your home through the air loop."

"Fart, but you can monitor." Limuru sneered at Aleister's statement, and said directly: "I kept the headset on from the beginning to the end, you must be able to hear clearly."

"...What are you calling this time for?"

The calm tone crossed the topic very naturally, as if he was too lazy to explain, but it could also be understood as acquiescence.

Seeing the other party like this, Li Mulu sneered suddenly in his heart, and sure enough... he knew that this bitch would not honestly let him keep his privacy.

"Mr. Chairman, speaking of which, can we meet?"

"Reason." Aleister, who was hanging upside down in the life support device, suddenly opened his eyes, but soon, he closed them silently.

He has absolute confidence in his disguise. Logically speaking, unless he is at the level of a demon god or an angel, it is almost impossible to see through his disguise——

"Because I want to confirm some things." Limulu said lightly, and he pretended!

"If I don't explain why, I have no reason to need to see you."

"Oh?" Limuru raised his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at the loop in the sky.

"..." Aleister closed his eyes lightly, still unmoved.

Limulu's footsteps stopped slowly. After more than ten seconds of silence, Limulu gave up the temptation, puffed up her face and muttered: "Okay, if you don't see it, don't see it, you are stingy."

"Don't you know my purpose? I have investigated so many things... To be honest, I am very interested in this DNA map and Kihara's side..."

"This can be understood as a threat." The other party's always calm electronic voice finally showed a slight fluctuation.

"My identity in Academy City is not an intruder, right?" Limuru chuckled, "Leaving aside Anbe's identity, as a member of Academy City, it's not too much for me to enjoy basic civil rights, right? Is it possible that I need to report to you for what I want to do?"

"I found a lot of interesting details in the intelligence I collected, especially on the day of my mission, several Anbu, who also belonged to the General Council, were hired, and their combat goal was...to temporarily resist the Hound Force."

"What's interesting is that some faces from those teams... died in my hands."

Limulu continued to walk, and he walked towards the entrance of the subway, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him: "I'm curious, why did our ordinary cannon fodder Anbu, where the intelligence of the other party, become Became the hound unit... tsk"

"When you sent me to clean the bait, did you also use me as a bait?"

Limulu lightly aggravated your tone, and finally said softly: "Since there are doubts, then naturally it needs to be investigated, right?"

"Your strength will not be in danger because of the concealment of the plan." Hearing this, Aleister replied as a matter of course: "All plans are for the ultimate purpose, and the mercenary becoming a bait is also the overall plan part."

"Your task has been completed. If you need it, I can open all library permissions for related tasks."

"...Heh, then, can you also open up to me the final destination of that map and the follow-up plan?"

Limulu scanned the card on the smart panel at the entrance of the subway, and entered the destination—Shanshang University Affiliated Hospital.

"Rimru." Aleister called, "What is your purpose?"

"Didn't I mention the conversation I had with V earlier?" Limuru stood still.

"The direction that people move forward is like a sphere that is pushed by force."

"Turning and moving forward, no matter what, you need an initial force." Aleister didn't accept Limuru's explanation, he said indifferently: "After sending out all the influences exerted in the middle, I just want to know the reason for your initial steps. "


"Then, I want to destroy the magic of this world, for this reason."

"is it okay?"

Chapter 013, Tyrant Rimuru

"Aren't you going to send someone to stop me?"

After getting off the tram, Limulu quickly turned around and saw a huge campus. Because it was still a holiday period, although there were still students taking part in experiments or self-study in the university, overall it seemed very deserted in twos and threes.

Limulu glanced up at the sky, and said casually.

He had already finished talking with Aleister, but he knew that the other party was watching him and could hear what he said.


After a long time, Limulu couldn't hear Aleister's reply from his headset, so he shrugged his shoulders, secretly said bored, avoided the blind spot of the camera, turned into water and began to swim.

In the windowless building, Aleister quietly looked at Rimuru who was hydrating herself——

"He should be at the level of a top magician... With his current strength, it seems difficult to completely suppress him."


"It is indeed troublesome...but his existence can also make up for the vacancy in Academy City's current combat power."

He was a little confused about what Limuru wanted to do.

As an angel, Aiwass can judge whether the other party's words are lies to a certain extent. Not only that, his own mechanical thinking auxiliary program also has a certain lie detection ability, and when the other party talked about destroying magic before, he was judged For 【truth】.

how is this possible……

How could there be a magician like him?

Aleister fell into deep thought—

In fact, Limuru's idea is very simple. He wants to be qualified to be involved in Aleister's current actions and plans, instead of being sent out as a bait and a scavenger. Aleister must be made to make concessions in certain aspects.

For example, give him some privileges instead of ordinary citizenship and small cannon fodder authority.

Privileges are not something that can only be accomplished through meritorious deeds. In addition to the normal way of helping Aleister complete the plan in exchange for rewards, Limuru has another way, that is, by threatening to destroy the plan. Get what you want.

Why is intelligence often very valuable?That's why.

If you want to complete the plan, you only need to find an executor to meet the needs of the executor, but if the information is leaked, everyone who knows the information can in turn block the plan and kill the executor to obtain the demand. satisfy.

Threats are sometimes the most practical approach.

Now Limuru has learned about the tip of the iceberg of Sister Pao’s plan through the channels she has shown. As long as the investigation continues, the core area of ​​Aleister will be touched sooner or later. At that time, Limuru will gain a greater initiative, And Aleister will inevitably make concessions in this regard—

Aleister might make a move, and Rimuru also thought about this possibility—but it's not a bad thing for Rimuru.

Aleister didn't know his specific strength, and Aleister's trump card, Aiwas, could not come to this world to have an impact without the expansion of the imaginary mathematics area. He was like a man watching in a mirror. The only thing angels in this world can do is to chat with Aleister, even if they can be forced to appear... the arrival of the angel will also cause vibrations on the magic side, so that they can directly discover Aleister's plan. Academy City, what do you use to fight against magic?

And as long as the opponent doesn't know how to use trump cards and doesn't make a move himself, Limulu is still a little confident as a walking demon god.

No matter what level of combat power Aleister sends, as long as he is a little stronger than the opponent, he can show some strength as a bargaining chip.

Even, Limuru wished that the other side could send out the main combat force that could be dispatched so far, so that once Aleister's people were all killed by Limuru...he would have no one to use.

Isn't it the only way to use Limulu?

It's a pity that Aleister seemed to have thought of this, and simply defined Limuru as a top magician - indifferent.

"Limulu, let's get straight to the point." After a long time, Limulu turned into a white coat and walked unscrupulously in the laboratory room. After scanning the doors, just about to open a door, Ares The voice of the tower sounded from the headset.

"What is your purpose for entering Academy City, what do you want, and... what can you do for me."

"..." Limuru paused, smiled lightly and glanced at the glass window at the door, Misaka Mikoto who was sleeping soundly on the bed——

"It's really rare. I have been waiting for you for four months."

Whoever speaks first loses the initiative.

Rimuru still underestimated the importance of Misaka Mikoto in the other party's heart - if I knew it earlier, I should have worked hard in this direction from the beginning.

He didn't dare to show that he knew too much because he was afraid of backfire-instead, it was difficult to start because it aroused the fear of the other party.

It's not that he can't accept joining the magic side to start a storm, but the problem is that activities on the magic side will make Limuru lose a lot of fun, and the audience doesn't like to watch it.

"Master Chairman, since you know magic, what do you think of magic?"

"I have no opinion. I know magic only because the development experience of science will inevitably collide with magic."

"Oh? So do you think science has a chance of defeating magic, or... eradicating magic?"

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