And above, Limulu watched all this indifferently.

To be honest, the biggest influence on Accelerator is probably not Misaka Mikoto's appearance, or the absurdity of the Absolutely Powerful plan itself.

It's the distorted values ​​of these sisters.

Yifang Accelerator also said similar and exaggerated things in Misaka Mikoto later, such as garbage that can be produced for a mere 1 yuan, but what is even more terrifying is that these ideas are all these Misaka sisters. It was forcibly implanted by Accelerator again and again.

Saying over and over again that the meaning of oneself is to die, and dying in front of Accelerator over and over again, the purpose is not so much to make Accelerator stronger, but rather to completely collapse and distort the kindness that Accelerator once had. , into darkness.

If you don't want to go crazy, you can only accept these concepts to make yourself feel better, such as admitting that the other party is a bunch of garbage, and not treating the other party as a human being, then killing... naturally it will not be so uncomfortable.

Are the Misaka sisters victims?No, in Rimuru's view, the Misaka sisters who did not have their own will are really just a group of tools, and Accelerator is the victim, but... let's say that again, poor people must have something to hate .

Accelerator's faith was shaken, and it was indeed his own fault that he fell into the darkness in the end. It is also an impeccable fact that his heart is not strong enough. After all, if you replaced Touma with Jojo, he would probably go for this Misaka sister. Oppose the entire people involved in the plan, and would rather die than change the belief of that good old man.

Hmm... Maybe geniuses are always extreme.

Limuru sighed lightly, but finally didn't bother with this issue anymore.

"Can we continue the experiment? Do...Misaka 00002 looked at the silent experiment target in front of him, and asked cautiously."

Accelerator, who was silent on the other side, was awakened by the other party's words. He looked at Misaka sister in front of him complicatedly, and withdrew his hand fiercely, and the moment the other party fell, he stepped on the other party's legs!

With a click, sister Misaka's legs were directly bent in a twisted posture, and they were fractured abruptly.

After Accelerator finished these indifferently, he turned his head and walked towards the distance: "Your mission is completed, you have already been defeated."

However, sister Misaka struggled on the ground for a long time, watching Accelerator who was getting further and further away, and slowly took out a pistol from behind her.

"Bang!" At a close distance of less than ten meters, Accelerator suddenly turned his head at the moment of the gunshot, and at the same time, the bullet bounced back instantly, hitting Misaka precisely sister's body.

Pfft, blood bloomed, Accelerator opened his eyes wide, his pupils constricted——

"What are you thinking about now?" As Misaka's sister's aura gradually weakened, Rimuru's faint voice sounded from not far away: "I don't want to kill people... It's just that the other party wants to kill me and has no choice but to fight back... it's not murder..."

"Or... this kind of guy who wants to die, will die if he dies?"


Fang Accelerator raised his head, his veins bulged, and looked angrily at the indifferent figure standing under the moonlight, and was suddenly disappointed: "Is this also your fault?"

"What do I care?" Limulu pouted, and said indifferently: "If you really want to blame it, it's because you don't know anything about the laboratory, so it's the problem that you just plunged into it, right?"

"Accelerator, you have agreed to carry out the experiment and signed those documents..." Limulu sighed, and said softly: "The experiment has already started, no matter what you think in the future, the group of guys above will not stop, you I don't even have the ability to resist the darkness of Academy City, do I?"

"There will be more experimental subjects coming to you in the future, so be mentally prepared."

"Before you..." Yifang Accelerator stared at Limulu, and asked word by word: "Do you know the content of this plan?"

"I know." Hearing this, Limulu did not deceive Accelerator, but admitted decisively: "But the choice is yours, isn't it?"

"I'm directly under Anbu, and obeying orders is my duty and the code of survival." Limuru took a deep breath helplessly, and raised a ball of blisters behind her: "Why do you think I appear here?"

"It's not that this experiment requires me to supervise, or force that Misaka to say or do that."

"It's simply that when you get angry afterwards, there is a clear target to vent, and... the suppressor."

"..." Accelerator was slightly taken aback, and even the anger on his face dissipated a bit: "You, suppress me?"

"Well, maybe the suppression is not the right way... to calm down?"

"Actually, Accelerator, you should be very clear that the Muyuan clan is a bunch of cowards. Kihara Shudo is afraid of you, so he dare not face it in person."

"That's why I'm needed for this mission, isn't it?"

"Don't you want to challenge me?" Limulu tilted his head, showing a helpless smile: "This is actually an opportunity, isn't it?"

No matter what Limulu's strength is, it doesn't matter whether he can suppress it or not. It doesn't matter if he gets beaten, as long as his anger is smoothed out in the end, the task will be considered complete, and there is no problem in logic.

"So, you want to tell me that you are also being used..." Yifang Accelerator understood what Limulu meant, and he squinted his eyes, but he didn't doubt it.

In his impression, Limuru was really strong, but that was only four years ago.

Now, he is already Lv5, but he couldn't find the other party's name among the seven, so...he actually believed that Limuru's strength should be someone with great ability of Lv4.

"It's not enough to be used..."

Chapter 022, the plot begins

"Willingly, it's not a use at all." Limulu shook his head: "I just want to say that the reason you reject this experiment so much is because you feel that you have been deceived and forced, but you forgot to agree to it." You are the one who did this experiment, and you are the one who wants to become stronger..."

"Let me ask you a question, Accelerator."

"For the sake of helping you four years ago, you look into your heart and tell me sincerely."

"Are you really angry because you killed someone? Isn't your feeling of displeasure now directed at Kihara Shuta, at me, at us for hiding you and deceiving you?"

"Look, this guy obviously died in your hands. After you killed him with your own ability, you still hate yourself?"

Limulu's words fell into Accelerator's ears sentence by sentence, making him more irritable.

Because he was horrified to find out that the other party had hit the mark.

From just now to now, his more anger was indeed aimed at Academy City, and even after Limulu explained just now, he even planned to accept this explanation...turned his head and left.

Seeing that the other party fell into silence, Limulu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, although Accelerator has a high IQ, he has not been polished by the darkness, and his mind is pure. Chairman of Resta.

Yes, bewitch--

Limulu knew very well in her heart that what he said seemed reasonable, but in fact it was a typical deceitful talk.

Leaving aside that as a human being, Accelerator would avoid the problems he faced, and why Accelerator would turn his attention to the darkness of Academy City, wasn't it also Limuru who guided him there with words?

Fang Accelerator sensed something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong... He frowned coldly and asked directly, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"I just want to persuade you to cooperate with the experiment." Hearing this, Limulu stretched out her hand and slightly tilted her head to show her innocence.


As the person in charge, Limulu actually needs nothing more than to ensure the success of the plan.

He is very fortunate that this task is actually very simple in nature. The only rare thing is that Accelerator may be difficult to deal with, and he happens to be good at negotiating, or good at sophistry. Thus, orthodox negotiation and debate aim at persuasion, and so does sophistry.

Generalization, subversion of concepts, ambiguity, circular argumentation... He is good at using these situations to forcibly distort the original theory to convince the other party, believe his words, and produce a very reasonable feeling.

From this point of view, whether the world admits it or not, this is a negotiation technique.

Even if he is negotiating for the purpose of turning black and white.

In fact, Aleister agreed to Accelerator's request, probably because he just happened to be his default candidate. Rimuru is a magician, and Accelerator cannot reflect magic.

So no matter what Limulu's strength is, he can restrain Accelerator, even if he is not very strong, he can suppress Accelerator with strange magic without touching Accelerator.

But Limulu is not stupid. He didn't know that after he abused Accelerator, he would only make himself a tool to stimulate the other party, which would not only deepen the antagonism with Accelerator, but also make the other party constantly test his own strength ——Besides, since labor and management are the most talked about in the world, and there is no defeat, why can BB do it? !

Well, so far, it's not without failure, at least he failed to convince Saber...

Limulu's mood relaxed a little, but Accelerator frowned tightly, looking at the young boy who tilted his head and pretended to be cute, he couldn't help saying: "Why? This experiment is not good for you... even if you accept this plan because I……"

He hoarsely said with some incomprehension: "Are you really indifferent to that guy's tragedy?"

"How should I put it, I'm sorry." Hearing Accelerator's question, Limulu was silent for a second, and after hesitating for a moment between lies and truth, he finally said: "But this is my job."

After hearing this, Accelerator will understand.

Yes, no matter how reasonable what the other party said earlier, it was just for the ultimate purpose.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to entangle and talk nonsense anymore, he turned his head neatly, put his hands in his pockets and walked away.

"Hey, Accelerator."

Seeing this, Limulu showed a hint of helplessness, took a step forward, and suddenly said: "The weak are not qualified to talk about salvation."

Accelerator paused for a moment, turned his head and sneered ferociously, turned his head and disappeared into the night.

[In this case, it will be somewhat pushed back to the track of the original work, but you have sped up the progress a little...]

[Why didn't it be like this from the beginning. 】

"I want to try." Limulu looked at the disappearing back of Yifang Accelerator, and fell into deep thought: "The essence of Yifang Accelerator contains the power of angels. In the end, it is almost impossible to destroy magic unless he is willing to leave this world with us. Those who are destined to stand against us."

"If that's the case, don't you think it's a pity?"


Rimuru had had thoughts about Accelerator and Misaka Mikoto as early as the first year, but he was too tightly guarded in the open and secret fight with Aleister, and the Moon World couldn't influence the protagonist. With the lessons learned from the past, Limulu set his sights on some more valuable supporting roles——

But although we know that the chance of changing the protagonist is very low, but if we try it, we won't lose a piece of meat, so why not do it?

Maybe just plant a seed casually, and it will turn into a towering giant tree in the future.

With this thought in mind, Limuru hummed a ditty, casually glanced at the body of sister Misaka who had disappeared long ago—well, Accelerator was sorry, but after all, he was just sorry.

In the end, what I care about is only my so-called kindness that has not been wiped out, and in the end... I don't want to see if you are still saved.

Just like the person who accidentally stabbed someone and ran away purely because of guilt and fear, even if he surrendered the next day, even if he was guilty of atonement for the rest of his life... I don't know that at that time, I could look back...

Even if it can't be saved, at least I'll collect a corpse for you.

The green light in his hand turned into pure vitality, repairing the already fragile body of the other party. Miss Misaka is actually completely dead, but the body has not yet cooled down. The soul barely maintains a trace of its stay in this world.

Using too many abilities will attract the attention of the demon god, so Rimuru can only hope that a certain doctor who looks like Guta will be more helpful.

Do your best and obey the fate.

Rimuru smiled helplessly, but sighed again.

In April, Limuru got the news that Jiebiao Danxi had no expression on his face, and that Shirai Kuroko had entered Tokiwadai Middle School.

Now that she has entered Tokiwadai, it means that she will get to know Misaka Mikoto...

The vigorous electromagnetic gun is finally about to start.

However, what made Limuru slightly surprised was not this, but that Yubia Danxi would take the initiative to remind him of some things that obviously had nothing to do with Aleister and belonged to him without Aleister's instructions. channel information.

Regarding this, when Limulu asked her expectantly if she had figured it out, the other party said very straightforwardly: "No, it's just that I think it's good to be a neutral little grass. Before losing, I decided that it would be better to maintain the status quo steadily. But since you have the possibility of becoming my boss, it is necessary to maintain the necessary compliments."

Yubia Danxi's speech made Limuru dumbfounded, but she also readily accepted the other party's overture and said that I understand.

At the beginning of May, Limulu received a sudden task, inexplicably asking him to go to Milan to investigate the details of a stranger-this made him puzzled, and at the same time prevented him from continuing to stare at Accelerator's experiment, Save Misaka sister.

It is worth mentioning here that the initial cycle of the Absolutely Capable Person Project is one year, but this year, not more than 1 younger sisters were designated, but [-].

At the beginning, Limulu didn't think about this, until Limulu persuaded Accelerator, the other party distorted his mind, and decided to become stronger before saving... After the smooth progress of the experiment was guaranteed, this The speed of the experiment... suddenly rose to an unbelievable level for Limuru.

In just five months, Yifang Accelerator has killed more than 8000 Misaka sisters, killing an average of 50 sisters every day...

This kind of speed, Limulu is not a question of whether he can think of it, but he dare not think about it at all, okay? ! !

This made Limuru very helpless to discover one thing - what Yifang Accelerator used to do every day was to eat and sleep to exercise his ability, but now it has become eating and sleeping to kill Misaka.

And it is 24 hours a day, even when sleeping, Accelerator will be attacked by guns and cannons. In the end, in the anger of being disturbed, sister Misaka used her reflexes to deal with herself...

This Nima...

If Limulu hadn't stared at Accelerator 24 hours a day, guarding him, it would be impossible to completely save him! !

And even though Limuru tried her best, except for the mission period and the necessary things to do, she spent all her time on Misaka sister, and the rescued Misaka sister's family even sneaked out to die!If Aleister hadn't intervened, he would have been exposed long ago.

Damn it, I'm tired, destroy it, hurry up!

But that being said, so far, Limulu has not saved many sisters. Compared to the total of [-], he has saved less than a quarter, not even [-]... Although this is the case when nearly half of Misaka sisters will try their best to escape and continue to die, but Rimuru also has to admit... the fact that he has also begun to slack off.

Sister Misaka's own kind of death, the emotional influence that makes you feel very unworthy is really terrible-and the most important thing is that it doesn't matter if Limuru doesn't get any positive feedback, he still can't get results.

This is very rare for Limuru, and she is not used to it!

As a resultant and egoist, he usually acts with clear goals under the premise of specified rewards.

But saving Misaka sister is just a momentary sense of morality and kindness.

What can he get?

Are you going to have sex with Miss Cannon?

Don't be kidding, with Sister Pao's temperament, as long as the tip of the iceberg is exposed in everything Limulu does, she will probably swear to bring Limulu back to the right path, and then Bilibili will discharge crazily, persevering...

It's scary to think about it! !

Speaking of now, on June NO.17, Limuru plans to set off and return to Academy City.

His investigation mission to Ares had long since ended, and it was delayed so late because he had been too bored with Misaka's sister some time ago, so he regarded this mission as a trip.

It is worth mentioning that during this tour, I don’t know whether the hands of fate started to swing the gears, or the gathering of storms will always be towards one point. Rimuru also met Kamijo Touya and Misaka Brigade .

And this also reminded Rimuru, reminding him that June No. 17 was the day Kamijou and Sister Pao met.

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